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How does Trump recover from this mess...



  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club

    Its already collapsed and blown over. Just like all the rest

    Clean some things up and get back out there

    What nobody wants to address is that tripping over some imaginary low bar isn't getting Joe elected

    That guy is not fit to lead and America knows it even if our media leaders won't report it

    And team joe leapt at two more debates

    Fish on

    The people convinced one way or another didn't change based on this debate.

    Worst thing for Joe is that people found it unbearable and tuned out. He needs enthusiasm and not apathy from people not in his base. Lowering to Trump's level doesn't help him with that. He needed to be statesman like and cool and he lost that five minutes in.
    Less viewers than Hilary v Trump 1
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,104 Standard Supporter
    It's Biden that needs to recover. He's still lying and stupid.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club
    'Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue,' Biden said during Tuesday night's debate

  • Bob_CBob_C Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 10,203 Swaye's Wigwam

    'Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue,' Biden said during Tuesday night's debate


    Just go vote now and see what happens.
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,395 Swaye's Wigwam

    Its already collapsed and blown over. Just like all the rest

    Clean some things up and get back out there

    What nobody wants to address is that tripping over some imaginary low bar isn't getting Joe elected

    That guy is not fit to lead and America knows it even if our media leaders won't report it

    And team joe leapt at two more debates

    Fish on

    The people convinced one way or another didn't change based on this debate.

    Worst thing for Joe is that people found it unbearable and tuned out. He needs enthusiasm and not apathy from people not in his base. Lowering to Trump's level doesn't help him with that. He needed to be statesman like and cool and he lost that five minutes in.
    Less viewers than Hilary v Trump 1
    The boy who cried wolf. The left has lambasted Trump as a white supremacist so long that I don't think the flub moved the needle for most. Cringeworthy no doubt but not changing lots of minds on the issue at this point.

    Still a yuge missed opportunity for Trump to bury Biden and did himself no favors. Needed to step on Biden's throat and not relent. Long series to go though.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,958
  • dfleadflea Member Posts: 7,228

    Who won?
    The blue team
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club

    Who won?

  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    So, the UN? Got it, Thanks!
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter
    Trump's positions on everything are abundantly clear, correct and pro-American.

    Too bad he's such a combative, interrupting asshole that he fucks up his own messaging.

    All he needs to do is stick to his talking points and he'll kill Biden in the next debate.

    But Trump being Trump, he'll probably go for the chokehold and shoot his own foot off again.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,958
    edited October 2020
    Swaye said:

    thechatch said:

    I still can’t believe how badly Trump fucked up the condemning hate groups question.

    “I condemn racism and hate groups of all kinds, unlike my opponent, who calls black people street predators, and is worried about white kids having to grow up in a racial jungle. My opponent, who supported race riots for months and encouraged domestic terrorists to attack the police and residents of our cities.”

    That is low hanging fruit, and Trump fucked up royally with the “stand down and stand by” comment. He basically made himself the commanding officer of the Proud Boys.

    We call those unforced errors, imo

    The worst part about it was that the question was SO OBVIOUSLY canned and served up for him as a test. And while he was in the process of failing the test, the moderator kept nudging him and making it clear that this was a statement question and gave him a couple of chances to get it right and he just kept fucking it up. You could tell the gears were spinning and he made a calculated move. He just calculated badly. Very, very, very badly.

    I have a sense for the line on which he is dancing. There are plenty of people, both in and outside of his base, who speak plainly and directly about race relations and have politically incorrect views on race according to the left; but those people are not racists. The Tug, for example, is full of those people. I think perhaps Trump and his advisors don't sufficiently appreciate the difference between those people and people like the Proud Boys. If I'm right about that, then that's on him and his people.

    In any event, whatever the reason, he wasn't good on his feet on that point and he may have really screwed the pooch. I don't think this one just goes away because of our? short attention span. If I'm on the left, I hammer this point until it's done.
    I think you nailed it. There are plenty of good decent folks who see BLM and say "they are the real racists basing everything on skin color, being aggrieved, having huge double standards on black v black vs. white v black violence, and being violent in US cities when not getting their way." To the hardcore left, those people who think like that are racists, but to everyone else with a brain nothing about that comment is racist. It's fact, not feeling. The Proud Boys and other groups are not that though. They range from passively to militantly anti-black.

    The issue with Trump is he is too politically clumsy to court the first group - rational actors who see the huge double standards and issues with cancel culture and a BLM movement based on tearing down America - without clearly denouncing the second group - actual dyed in the wool get to the back of the bus racists. It's not a super difficult task for a deft public speaker with some real political chops, but Trump wasn't hired for his political chops. He's a bull, and bulls don't do bonsai, they break china (lulz).

    Trump blew it hard with that exchange, and it played right into the hands of how the media has been trying to portray him for 4 years. Everyone who isn't a complete brain on fire imbecile knows Trump isn't actually a racist, he is a clumsy politician trying to court a huge rational segment of the electorate with legitimate concerns over issues of race. But, the media has all the ammo they need now to paint him as the Grand Dragon. You have to pitch a perfect game as a GOP candidate in a tight race, when the entire political establishment, ballot fraud, and the media empire is allied against you, and Trump's heater was junk when he needed it most.

    Mark me down for Biden in a closer one than people expected. Only caveat is if there are more debates and we get drooling Joe just once.

    Lolz. He is a fucking Bull. Great post. I think the answer to the question "do you condemn white supremacy groups" was "What the fuck kind of question is that? Of course I do. Next question." Instead, he asked for names, as if to imply, "Depends on which one you're talking about." It was just a mistake. And like I said in an earlier post, he absolutely TROUNCED Biden on substance. Biden brought literally nothing to the debate. He said absolutely nothing. Anyone who votes for that clown better understand that he is going to be a puppet and will do what he's told by the Democratic power lords that operate behind the curtain. He is literally on his way to assisted living.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,958

    Its already collapsed and blown over. Just like all the rest

    Clean some things up and get back out there

    What nobody wants to address is that tripping over some imaginary low bar isn't getting Joe elected

    That guy is not fit to lead and America knows it even if our media leaders won't report it

    And team joe leapt at two more debates

    Fish on

    Disagree. Hasn't collapsed and blown over. Yet.

    Agree with the rest.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,958

    Its already collapsed and blown over. Just like all the rest

    Clean some things up and get back out there

    What nobody wants to address is that tripping over some imaginary low bar isn't getting Joe elected

    That guy is not fit to lead and America knows it even if our media leaders won't report it

    And team joe leapt at two more debates

    Fish on

    The people convinced one way or another didn't change based on this debate.

    Worst thing for Joe is that people found it unbearable and tuned out. He needs enthusiasm and not apathy from people not in his base. Lowering to Trump's level doesn't help him with that. He needed to be statesman like and cool and he lost that five minutes in.
    Agreed. His "come on man" routine is cringeworthy and his "clown" comment was inappropriate. He's the POTUS and calling him a clown in front of the electorate is a low move.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club

    Its already collapsed and blown over. Just like all the rest

    Clean some things up and get back out there

    What nobody wants to address is that tripping over some imaginary low bar isn't getting Joe elected

    That guy is not fit to lead and America knows it even if our media leaders won't report it

    And team joe leapt at two more debates

    Fish on

    Disagree. Hasn't collapsed and blown over. Yet.

    Agree with the rest.
    Of course he has. It just isn't the narrative you hear every day

    Imagine Trump hiding in the basement for 81% of the campaign. Then look at when Joe does appear. Then look at the debate without Trump and Chrissy deflecting attention away from Joe stumbling and closing his eyes and muttering nonsense

    Like most of us agree - the next debate shut up and let Joe be Joe
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,958

    Its already collapsed and blown over. Just like all the rest

    Clean some things up and get back out there

    What nobody wants to address is that tripping over some imaginary low bar isn't getting Joe elected

    That guy is not fit to lead and America knows it even if our media leaders won't report it

    And team joe leapt at two more debates

    Fish on

    Disagree. Hasn't collapsed and blown over. Yet.

    Agree with the rest.
    Of course he has. It just isn't the narrative you hear every day

    Imagine Trump hiding in the basement for 81% of the campaign. Then look at when Joe does appear. Then look at the debate without Trump and Chrissy deflecting attention away from Joe stumbling and closing his eyes and muttering nonsense

    Like most of us agree - the next debate shut up and let Joe be Joe
    By "collapsed", I thought you meant the white supremacy group fumble. They're still talking about it.

    Yes. And in the next debate, when you are served up a meatball on "white supremacy", don't fuck around; swing at it and make contact. Easy answer: "of course I denounce white supremacy. don't you?"

  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,104 Standard Supporter
    edited October 2020
    Biden gets a pass for everything. Doesn't have to answer. Doesn't have to state any position just denounce Trump and call names. Even with his wire he can't do anything. A 5 year could do this with ease. There is a reason Biden's been hidin'
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    Swaye said:

    thechatch said:

    I still can’t believe how badly Trump fucked up the condemning hate groups question.

    “I condemn racism and hate groups of all kinds, unlike my opponent, who calls black people street predators, and is worried about white kids having to grow up in a racial jungle. My opponent, who supported race riots for months and encouraged domestic terrorists to attack the police and residents of our cities.”

    That is low hanging fruit, and Trump fucked up royally with the “stand down and stand by” comment. He basically made himself the commanding officer of the Proud Boys.

    We call those unforced errors, imo

    The worst part about it was that the question was SO OBVIOUSLY canned and served up for him as a test. And while he was in the process of failing the test, the moderator kept nudging him and making it clear that this was a statement question and gave him a couple of chances to get it right and he just kept fucking it up. You could tell the gears were spinning and he made a calculated move. He just calculated badly. Very, very, very badly.

    I have a sense for the line on which he is dancing. There are plenty of people, both in and outside of his base, who speak plainly and directly about race relations and have politically incorrect views on race according to the left; but those people are not racists. The Tug, for example, is full of those people. I think perhaps Trump and his advisors don't sufficiently appreciate the difference between those people and people like the Proud Boys. If I'm right about that, then that's on him and his people.

    In any event, whatever the reason, he wasn't good on his feet on that point and he may have really screwed the pooch. I don't think this one just goes away because of our? short attention span. If I'm on the left, I hammer this point until it's done.
    I think you nailed it. There are plenty of good decent folks who see BLM and say "they are the real racists basing everything on skin color, being aggrieved, having huge double standards on black v black vs. white v black violence, and being violent in US cities when not getting their way." To the hardcore left, those people who think like that are racists, but to everyone else with a brain nothing about that comment is racist. It's fact, not feeling. The Proud Boys and other groups are not that though. They range from passively to militantly anti-black.

    The issue with Trump is he is too politically clumsy to court the first group - rational actors who see the huge double standards and issues with cancel culture and a BLM movement based on tearing down America - without clearly denouncing the second group - actual dyed in the wool get to the back of the bus racists. It's not a super difficult task for a deft public speaker with some real political chops, but Trump wasn't hired for his political chops. He's a bull, and bulls don't do bonsai, they break china (lulz).

    Trump blew it hard with that exchange, and it played right into the hands of how the media has been trying to portray him for 4 years. Everyone who isn't a complete brain on fire imbecile knows Trump isn't actually a racist, he is a clumsy politician trying to court a huge rational segment of the electorate with legitimate concerns over issues of race. But, the media has all the ammo they need now to paint him as the Grand Dragon. You have to pitch a perfect game as a GOP candidate in a tight race, when the entire political establishment, ballot fraud, and the media empire is allied against you, and Trump's heater was junk when he needed it most.

    Mark me down for Biden in a closer one than people expected. Only caveat is if there are more debates and we get drooling Joe just once.

    Lolz. He is a fucking Bull. Great post. I think the answer to the question "do you condemn white supremacy groups" was "What the fuck kind of question is that? Of course I do. Next question." Instead, he asked for names, as if to imply, "Depends on which one you're talking about." It was just a mistake. And like I said in an earlier post, he absolutely TROUNCED Biden on substance. Biden brought literally nothing to the debate. He said absolutely nothing. Anyone who votes for that clown better understand that he is going to be a puppet and will do what he's told by the Democratic power lords that operate behind the curtain. He is literally on his way to assisted living.
    Since Kennedy - Nixon, debates have been primarily about who looks better on TV. If Trump hadn't been so annoying with all his interruptions, he would've looked a lot better. Unfortunately, his defense sucks and his entire game is the Andre Ware led Houston Cougars. All O, No D, and poor execution of both. The rematches will be a hoot.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    Its already collapsed and blown over. Just like all the rest

    Clean some things up and get back out there

    What nobody wants to address is that tripping over some imaginary low bar isn't getting Joe elected

    That guy is not fit to lead and America knows it even if our media leaders won't report it

    And team joe leapt at two more debates

    Fish on

    Disagree. Hasn't collapsed and blown over. Yet.

    Agree with the rest.
    Of course he has. It just isn't the narrative you hear every day

    Imagine Trump hiding in the basement for 81% of the campaign. Then look at when Joe does appear. Then look at the debate without Trump and Chrissy deflecting attention away from Joe stumbling and closing his eyes and muttering nonsense

    Like most of us agree - the next debate shut up and let Joe be Joe
    By "collapsed", I thought you meant the white supremacy group fumble. They're still talking about it.

    Yes. And in the next debate, when you are served up a meatball on "white supremacy", don't fuck around; swing at it and make contact. Easy answer: "of course I denounce white supremacy. don't you?"

    Let 'em talk. It's just more fatty red meat for the libs to chew on. Nobody is going to the polls to vote for or against racism unless they're a brainwashed sap.

    It's about the economy and it will continue to be the economy more and more each day.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club

    “The president has denounced white supremacy, the KKK, hate groups of all forms, he signed a resolution—just last week, he expressed his desire to see the KKK prosecuted as domestic terrorists,” McEnany said.

    “His record on this is unmistakable and it is shameful the media refuses to cover it,” McEnany said.

    McEnany said the president has “continuously condemned” white supremacy.

    “His record is not mixed in the slightest,” McEnany said.

    Fact Check - True

    The questions came after a moment during the first presidential debate when moderator Chris Wallace of "Fox News Sunday" asked the president if he was willing to denounce white supremacists.

    The president responded, “Sure, I’m willing to do that, but I would say almost everything I see is from the left-wing, not the right-wing. I am willing to do anything. I want to see peace.”

    The president’s response sparked an intense moment with the former vice president.

    “Who do you want me to condemn?” Trump said. "What do you want to call them? Give me a name.”

    Biden interrupted and said: "Proud Boys.”

    “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by," Trump said. "But I’ll tell you what, I'll tell you what, somebody has got to do something about Antifa and the left. Because this is not a right-wing problem. This is a left-wing problem.”

    Fact Check - Proud Boys are not white supremacist

    Biden interrupted, calling Antifa “an idea, not an organization.”

    Fact Check - this was the blunder of the night. The actual assholes burning down our cities

    Trump fired back saying, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding.”

    “When a bat hits you over the head that's not an idea,” Trump said. “Antifa is bad.”

    The day after the debate, and amid mounting criticism from the media, the president, again responded to the question from reporters.

    “I don’t know who the Proud Boys are. I mean, you’ll have to give me a definition because I really don’t know who they are,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “I can only say they have to stand down and let law enforcement do their work.”

    As we found out they ain't white man

    Facts not feelings

    Of course he can do better and I bet he will. But let's leave the dishonest reporting to the professionals

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