Trump was I’ll prepared and low energy. That said, every time he began to strike, Wallace would shout out to block his answer and Biden would pile on with something incoherent.
If debates continue, this strategy will get worse becoming more obnoxious. It’s a good strategy. It worked. Trump looked like he hadn’t even considered Jimmy Lakes defense as he kept running short crosses over and over
Trump will do better knowing he's the road team. The next moderator can't be Joe's buttboy again
Fair. But will the new tagline, "stand down but stand by" go away?
Actually thought that was about Trump supporters accepting the results or not going out and declaring victory early and causing a ruckus
Stand by and be ready to fight antifa but stand down until needed
But no the new improved version of Trump is a racist isn't going away. *yawn*
Like I said some of us have felt the real racism and aren't impressed by this malarakey. Many of whom Biden in targeting. President Harris was right - Biden is an actual racist with 47 years of damage under his belt
Are voters smart enough? I am. Fuck the rest of you
I didn't quite get that. Is it a problem or not?
Not really
As I posted Trump spun it pretty good back on Joe
Lot of Americans aren't happy with antifa looting and burning for months on end
Trump needs to slow down and get his reads down. It was sloppy
Trump was I’ll prepared and low energy. That said, every time he began to strike, Wallace would shout out to block his answer and Biden would pile on with something incoherent.
If debates continue, this strategy will get worse becoming more obnoxious. It’s a good strategy. It worked. Trump looked like he hadn’t even considered Jimmy Lakes defense as he kept running short crosses over and over
Trump will do better knowing he's the road team. The next moderator can't be Joe's buttboy again
Fair. But will the new tagline, "stand down but stand by" go away?
Actually thought that was about Trump supporters accepting the results or not going out and declaring victory early and causing a ruckus
Stand by and be ready to fight antifa but stand down until needed
But no the new improved version of Trump is a racist isn't going away. *yawn*
Like I said some of us have felt the real racism and aren't impressed by this malarakey. Many of whom Biden in targeting. President Harris was right - Biden is an actual racist with 47 years of damage under his belt
Are voters smart enough? I am. Fuck the rest of you
Trump fumbled this one badly. I don't think debates matter much but I expected Trump to destroy Biden and that didn't happen at all. Trump was at his worst last night.
Recently watched a documentary on Richard Pryor. Pryor made a comeback after his burning man impression and did a show in LA. He flopped. Nothing clicked. Nobody laughed. It was horrible. He actually apologized to the crowd and said "come back tomorrow night".
Next night he killed it. Absolutely on point. Hilarious as in his cracker/dead honky phase.
It's not over for Trump.
Richard Pryor didn't suck ass before his crappy set like Trump does.
I still can’t believe how badly Trump fucked up the condemning hate groups question.
“I condemn racism and hate groups of all kinds, unlike my opponent, who calls black people street predators, and is worried about white kids having to grow up in a racial jungle. My opponent, who supported race riots for months and encouraged domestic terrorists to attack the police and residents of our cities.”
That is low hanging fruit, and Trump fucked up royally with the “stand down and stand by” comment. He basically made himself the commanding officer of the Proud Boys.
We call those unforced errors, imo
The worst part about it was that the question was SO OBBIOUSLY canned and served up for him as a test. And while he was in the process of failing the test, the moderator kept nudging him and making it clear that this was a statement question and gave him a couple of chances to get it right and he just kept fucking it up. You could tell the gears were spinning and he made a calculated move. He just calculated badly. Very, very, very badly.
I have a sense for the line on which he is dancing. There are plenty of people, both in and outside of his base, who speak plainly and directly about race relations and have politically incorrect views on race according to the left; but those people are not racists. The Tug, for example, is full of those people. I think perhaps Trump and his advisors don't sufficiently appreciate the difference between those people and people like the Proud Boys. If I'm right about that, then that's on him and his people.
In any event, whatever the reason, he wasn't good on his feet on that point and he may have really screwed the pooch. I don't think this one just goes away because of our? short attention span. If I'm on the left, I hammer this point until it's done.
I know very little about the proud boys other than it was founded by former Vice media founder and its now run by a Enrique Tarrio, an AfroCuban guy.
Are they actually a white supremacist group or are they just labeled that by the media at large?
Obviously I'm not an insider and thus can only glean like the rest of us. Ostensibly it's a "be proud to be a man, particularly a man of the Western world," group and so whatever charter they have will likely contain those kinds of founding statements. There is a very strong anti-immigration element to their founding beliefs and a pretty clear current of "white genocide" rhetoric. These are the "I will not be replaced" people in Charlottesville. That will attract racists and most assuredly has. I have a lot of people in Portland, where they exist in large numbers, and the anecdotal information is full of overtly racist incidents, with members who use racist rhetoric, lots of swastika tattoos, etc. etc. So while I'm sure it's not founded as a racist group like, say, the KKK, and while I'm sure they deny they are a racist group, they are a particularly agitated and activated group of people given to violence and among them are plenty of overtly racist people. I'm not in a position to prove that, however. If I had to guess, I'd be at least very confident that there is a strong line of antisemitism amongst its members.
admittedly, a rather unsatisfying answer (not your fault)...
When I searched "Proud Boys speech" this is the video that came up from Seattle;
When I searched "Proud boys unite the right" this is what Wikipedia said; "In June , McInnes disavowed the planned Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. However, Proud Boys were at the August 2017 alt-right event, which was organized by white supremacist Jason Kessler. Kessler had joined the Proud Boys some time before organizing the event. McInnes said he had kicked Kessler out after his views on race had become clear."
Maybe they are retards, Im sure there are some racists in the group but it sure doesnt look like a white supremacist group to me... It seems like they are largely just a weird group of mostly disenfranchised men that enjoy pissing off the weird group of disenfranchised radicals on the left.
The proud boys arent racist and no one really gives a shit if they were. The issues that matter are jobs, the economy, etc. Most people remember things humming along before the chinese virus and dem state excessive lockdowns.
Most people dont like to see riots in big cities with looting and burning buildings and dead cops.
These are the issues that will carry Trump to a big win. Biden has nothing of substance.
Trump was I’ll prepared and low energy. That said, every time he began to strike, Wallace would shout out to block his answer and Biden would pile on with something incoherent.
If debates continue, this strategy will get worse becoming more obnoxious. It’s a good strategy. It worked. Trump looked like he hadn’t even considered Jimmy Lakes defense as he kept running short crosses over and over
Trump will do better knowing he's the road team. The next moderator can't be Joe's buttboy again
Fair. But will the new tagline, "stand down but stand by" go away?
Actually thought that was about Trump supporters accepting the results or not going out and declaring victory early and causing a ruckus
Stand by and be ready to fight antifa but stand down until needed
But no the new improved version of Trump is a racist isn't going away. *yawn*
Like I said some of us have felt the real racism and aren't impressed by this malarakey. Many of whom Biden in targeting. President Harris was right - Biden is an actual racist with 47 years of damage under his belt
Are voters smart enough? I am. Fuck the rest of you
I didn't quite get that. Is it a problem or not?
Not really
As I posted Trump spun it pretty good back on Joe
Lot of Americans aren't happy with antifa looting and burning for months on end
Trump needs to slow down and get his reads down. It was sloppy
Truth in bold. Guar-an-fucking-tee more people know the name "Antifa" than "Proud Boys".
People are sick of the Antifa bullshit. Trump needs to pin Biden to the wall and not give up until he says "Uncle" on Antifa.
If Joe won't do it, so swings the electorate. The TV ads will be relentless.
The proud boys arent racist and no one really gives a shit if they were. The issues that matter are jobs, the economy, etc. Most people remember things humming along before the chinese virus and dem state excessive lockdowns.
Most people dont like to see riots in big cities with looting and burning buildings and dead cops.
These are the issues that will carry Trump to a big win. Biden has nothing of substance.
Not your best work. It's like you want to miss the point.
Trump was I’ll prepared and low energy. That said, every time he began to strike, Wallace would shout out to block his answer and Biden would pile on with something incoherent.
If debates continue, this strategy will get worse becoming more obnoxious. It’s a good strategy. It worked. Trump looked like he hadn’t even considered Jimmy Lakes defense as he kept running short crosses over and over
Agree he wasn't "on", but if you cut through the noise, which wasn't easy to do, he obliterated Biden on substance. Biden has NOTHING. And speaking of "on", that slobbering geriatric (sorry @RaceBannon ) has no "on" days left in his lifetim. What you saw last night is Biden at his best. He'll never be better.
Trump did fumble the race discussions last night. The Proud Boys gaffe is almost historically bad, and the answer on sensitivity training was not super great either.
I am at once concerned about the damage the Proud Boys comment will do to his electability and legitimately and pleasantly surprised to see the Tug come out and acknowledge it was a bad move. The POTUS simply cannot lend any level of legitimacy to a group like that, and he did. And "but buts" are useless.
I fear my taxes may go up now, and that I will have to acknowledge that the chatch called this right a few weeks ago. Still, my $$ is on Trump, in more ways than one.
Worse than calling Nazis "fine people" - which more than half the brainwashed country still believes he did?
Trump gets a much larger margin of error because he's gotten a lot of shit done that Slow Joe wouldn't touch. I think he stunk up the room last night, but I don't think it's going to hurt him that much in the long run. The proud boys have a tiny profile compared to Antifa, and most on the right will automatically embrace them for standing in opposition to Antifa despite some of their offensive rhetoric.
See my response to @HoustonHusky . I don't operate in that crowd. Too low brow for a big-time corporate lawyer who fills his days filling his briefs with filler information and then hitting the links.
Maybe they are only antisemitic. I don't really know. Or maybe they're pretty enlightened and welcome all members. I kind of doubt that. The group in Portland has a pretty bad rep and has attracted some skinhead peel offs from what I've read / heard. To be fair, I've also read/heard that the group tries to limit that particular element.
I'm guessing that if you ran with that bunch you'd probably encounter more than a few racist people, but then that can be said about a lot of groups.
I know one thing: Cubans can be pretty racist. It never occurred to me that black-Cubans could be racist against themselves. Damn.
Here's my serious guess: the people who started the group's organization were pleasantly surprised to learn that there are black Hispanics who are REALLY FUCKING CONSERVATIVE and were like, "we hit the jackpot! bring those guys in!"
As I posted Trump spun it pretty good back on Joe
Lot of Americans aren't happy with antifa looting and burning for months on end
Trump needs to slow down and get his reads down. It was sloppy
He corrected it.
"Stand down . . but, but, but the problem is the left!" Equivocating motherfucker.
I know Race, real racism is knowing what the "N-word" stands for.
Joe Biden said my kids aren't good enough to go to school with his kids in the jungle
No one in our house is confused as to the racist is
Take your white bread racist ass and go fuck yourself
Tuff liberal lawyer must be ashamed.
Now I did have to threaten a condo in Democrat Seattle when they tried to renege on a rental agreement when they saw the family
Probably some cracker like you
Your continuing defense of racism is noted
When I searched "Proud Boys speech" this is the video that came up from Seattle;
When I searched "Enrique Tarrio speech" this is the CNN interview that came up;
When I searched "Proud boys unite the right" this is what Wikipedia said; "In June , McInnes disavowed the planned Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. However, Proud Boys were at the August 2017 alt-right event, which was organized by white supremacist Jason Kessler. Kessler had joined the Proud Boys some time before organizing the event. McInnes said he had kicked Kessler out after his views on race had become clear."
When I searched for "Proud Boys Manifesto" I got this article;
When I go to twitter these are the tweets they are retweeting/liking;
Maybe they are retards, Im sure there are some racists in the group but it sure doesnt look like a white supremacist group to me... It seems like they are largely just a weird group of mostly disenfranchised men that enjoy pissing off the weird group of disenfranchised radicals on the left.
Fuck me this looks like an OBK post. Kill me now.
Most people dont like to see riots in big cities with looting and burning buildings and dead cops.
These are the issues that will carry Trump to a big win. Biden has nothing of substance.
People are sick of the Antifa bullshit. Trump needs to pin Biden to the wall and not give up until he says "Uncle" on Antifa.
If Joe won't do it, so swings the electorate. The TV ads will be relentless.
Not renting to welfare recipients equals not renting to Blacks. If you're racist
Meanwhile Joe Biden didn't want his kids going to school with our kids
The Proud Boys appear to be more diverse than the school that Biden wanted to send his kids to
Gee did the Left lie again?
@creepycoug what say you?
Trump gets a much larger margin of error because he's gotten a lot of shit done that Slow Joe wouldn't touch. I think he stunk up the room last night, but I don't think it's going to hurt him that much in the long run. The proud boys have a tiny profile compared to Antifa, and most on the right will automatically embrace them for standing in opposition to Antifa despite some of their offensive rhetoric.
Maybe they are only antisemitic. I don't really know. Or maybe they're pretty enlightened and welcome all members. I kind of doubt that. The group in Portland has a pretty bad rep and has attracted some skinhead peel offs from what I've read / heard. To be fair, I've also read/heard that the group tries to limit that particular element.
I'm guessing that if you ran with that bunch you'd probably encounter more than a few racist people, but then that can be said about a lot of groups.
I know one thing: Cubans can be pretty racist. It never occurred to me that black-Cubans could be racist against themselves. Damn.
Here's my serious guess: the people who started the group's organization were pleasantly surprised to learn that there are black Hispanics who are REALLY FUCKING CONSERVATIVE and were like, "we hit the jackpot! bring those guys in!"