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Should you expect to be able to raise a family on a minimum wage job?



  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844
    2001400ex said:

    SFGbob said:

    2001400ex said:

    SFGbob said:

    2001400ex said:

    How about not bringing in 20 million illegals to depress wages? You open border types are doing the bidding of evil businessmen like @MikeDamone

    Does raising taxes make more money for the workers?

    Guess what I did my taxes this morning and hondo and the democrats have been lying their ass off. I got a nice cut. I work for a living. I'm middle class. Trump helped me

    What the fuck are you people offering? More illegals and taxes? No thanks

    Then why not create a path to citizenship for those illegals who are here and can work legally? This ending the depressed wages?

    And if you don't agree with that. Then discuss who we can find and remove your number of 20 million illegals. And the resulting effect on the economy if that happened.
    Hondo's understanding of economics sucks as bad as his understanding of most topics.

    Making all the illegals, legal doesn't remove the supply and demand issue Hondo.
    And that has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote. Other than that, fair point.
    An admission that Hondo is too stupid to even understand what he writes.

    You claimed that giving all the illegals the ability to become legal would "end[] the depressed wages." What I said was in response to exactly what you wrote. Which makes you once again, either a liar or moron. Take your pick.
    Dude seriously? If every illegal were made legal. Then they would be paid minimum wage. Thus ending their depressed wage.

    Fuck I've had smarter discussions with an 8 year old.
    Just when you can’t get any moar stupid. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of illegals working construction at more than min wage now. They are taking jobs that should be paying $30-$50 per hour and doing it for $12-20 per hour.
  • allpurpleallgoldallpurpleallgold Member Posts: 8,771

    How about not bringing in 20 million illegals to depress wages? You open border types are doing the bidding of evil businessmen like @MikeDamone

    Does raising taxes make more money for the workers?

    Guess what I did my taxes this morning and hondo and the democrats have been lying their ass off. I got a nice cut. I work for a living. I'm middle class. Trump helped me

    What the fuck are you people offering? More illegals and taxes? No thanks

    Yup, poor people are the reason other people are poor. Especially brown poor people.

    Like your wall wouldn’t stop all illegal immigration, no single part of this accomplishes everything. They are pieces to the puzzle. We’re literally in a thread about raising minimum wage and your point is how are we going to raise wages?

    Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter
    SFGbob said:

    I keep hearing the Rats talking about how all jobs should pay a "living wage" and Willie Brown's concubine just stated that you should be able to pay all your bills working just one job, I just wonder how many of you libs agree with this sentiment.

    Should I really be able to pay all of my bills working a fast food restaurant job, or working at a Walmart?

    It's all the proof you need that today's democrats suck at economics, despise work and don't believe in bettering themselves. It's way easier to protest and bitch that others are privileged while holding out your hands for free shit other people worked for.
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844
    edited January 2019

    How about not bringing in 20 million illegals to depress wages? You open border types are doing the bidding of evil businessmen like @MikeDamone

    Does raising taxes make more money for the workers?

    Guess what I did my taxes this morning and hondo and the democrats have been lying their ass off. I got a nice cut. I work for a living. I'm middle class. Trump helped me

    What the fuck are you people offering? More illegals and taxes? No thanks

    Yup, poor people are the reason other people are poor. Especially brown poor people.

    Like your wall wouldn’t stop all illegal immigration, no single part of this accomplishes everything. They are pieces to the puzzle. We’re literally in a thread about raising minimum wage and your point is how are we going to raise wages?

    Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.
    Your lack of grasping even the basic of economics is noted. So let me help you. When a builder can go to the Home Depot and pick up supplies and then also pick up labor for .33 to .50 on the dollar, many builders do it because there’s a surplus of labor to do the job. If that illegal labor wasn’t there, then the builder has to hire that labor at market value which raises wages organically again.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    Not if you don't pay your $2 share of the rent.

    Pay $2 less than the stated price next time you're at the store and see what happens. Love how the Times spins that shit to garner sympathy for a slacker who refused to pay her $2 share of the rent. But there's a sucker born every minute that will castigate the "evil" landlord for holding a slacker tenant to her promise. Who can't pay $2 for rent? Somebody who refuses to do so - a trouble-making scofflaw, that's who.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943
    2001400ex said:

    SFGbob said:

    2001400ex said:

    SFGbob said:

    2001400ex said:

    SFGbob said:

    2001400ex said:

    How about not bringing in 20 million illegals to depress wages? You open border types are doing the bidding of evil businessmen like @MikeDamone

    Does raising taxes make more money for the workers?

    Guess what I did my taxes this morning and hondo and the democrats have been lying their ass off. I got a nice cut. I work for a living. I'm middle class. Trump helped me

    What the fuck are you people offering? More illegals and taxes? No thanks

    Then why not create a path to citizenship for those illegals who are here and can work legally? This ending the depressed wages?

    And if you don't agree with that. Then discuss who we can find and remove your number of 20 million illegals. And the resulting effect on the economy if that happened.
    Hondo's understanding of economics sucks as bad as his understanding of most topics.

    Making all the illegals, legal doesn't remove the supply and demand issue Hondo.
    And that has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote. Other than that, fair point.
    An admission that Hondo is too stupid to even understand what he writes.

    You claimed that giving all the illegals the ability to become legal would "end[] the depressed wages." What I said was in response to exactly what you wrote. Which makes you once again, either a liar or moron. Take your pick.
    Dude seriously? If every illegal were made legal. Then they would be paid minimum wage. Thus ending their depressed wage.

    Fuck I've had smarter discussions with an 8 year old.
    I thought that what I said had nothing to do with what you wrote Kunt? So we can dispense with that lie.

    Hondo once again is too stupid to understand supply and demand.

    If a contractor can get away with paying his roofers the minimum wage, they've already depressed wages dumbfuck. Making all illegals legal just creates and even greater supply of labor thus depressing their wages. There are already plenty of jobs where you can't attract legal and many illegal workers if you're only willing to pay the minimum wage.

    But Hondo believes, because he is a fucking moron, that if you dump millions of formerly illegal workers into that labor market wages will some how rise because now they'll be able to earn the minimum wage.

    It must be nice going through life as a fucking moron Hondo, you never have to take the energy to actually think. You just run your ignorant mouth.
    They are already in the labor force and that work still needs to be done.

    Why am I not surprised you completely didn't answer my questions and went on this fucktarded tangent.
    And here's the question from Hondo that I didn't answer.

    Dude seriously?

    He didn't ask any other question. But look how quickly he goes for his jackass dance.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943

    How about not bringing in 20 million illegals to depress wages? You open border types are doing the bidding of evil businessmen like @MikeDamone

    Does raising taxes make more money for the workers?

    Guess what I did my taxes this morning and hondo and the democrats have been lying their ass off. I got a nice cut. I work for a living. I'm middle class. Trump helped me

    What the fuck are you people offering? More illegals and taxes? No thanks

    Yup, poor people are the reason other people are poor. Especially brown poor people.

    Like your wall wouldn’t stop all illegal immigration, no single part of this accomplishes everything. They are pieces to the puzzle. We’re literally in a thread about raising minimum wage and your point is how are we going to raise wages?

    Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.
    Seriously, there is something fucking wrong in the head with these liberals. They aren't capable of rational thought nor in honestly addressing the other person's arguments. It's all emotions.
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,395 Swaye's Wigwam

    2001400ex said:

    Not as long as H and hondo are cheating on their taxes

    Race, what's the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance?
    But but but but

    Pay your fair share and then some

    Or STFU about what others pay
    Voluntary socialism is always available in a free society. It's amazing that more proponents of socialism don't engage in it.
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390
    Right on cue: Trumptards scapegoating Mexicans for their own ineptitude and failure.

    Supply and demand? They are fucking third world workers!

    No shame or embarrassment for troomps. They are going to build a wall!
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943

    Right on cue: Trumptards scapegoating Mexicans for their own ineptitude and failure.

    Supply and demand? They are fucking third world workers!

    No shame or embarrassment for troomps. They are going to build a wall!

    CD thinks only brown skinned workers should do manual labor.
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390
    SFGbob said:

    Right on cue: Trumptards scapegoating Mexicans for their own ineptitude and failure.

    Supply and demand? They are fucking third world workers!

    No shame or embarrassment for troomps. They are going to build a wall!

    CD thinks only brown skinned workers should do manual labor.
    You can compete for my landscape business if you want, you sick demented old fuck GayBob. Good luck in the competition.
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844
    edited January 2019
    SFGbob said:

    Right on cue: Trumptards scapegoating Mexicans for their own ineptitude and failure.

    Supply and demand? They are fucking third world workers!

    No shame or embarrassment for troomps. They are going to build a wall!

    CD thinks only brown skinned workers should do manual labor.
    That spank Bank of CDs isn’t gonna fill itself.

    Give CD a cool glass of lemonade and some bonocolurs to watch the lawnmower man and He’s in heaven.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter
    SFGbob said:

    Right on cue: Trumptards scapegoating Mexicans for their own ineptitude and failure.

    Supply and demand? They are fucking third world workers!

    No shame or embarrassment for troomps. They are going to build a wall!

    CD thinks only brown skinned workers should do manual labor.
    Naturally. You think SyphilisDawg could handle a garden hose or rake? Fuck no. He'd paralyze himself.
  • allpurpleallgoldallpurpleallgold Member Posts: 8,771
    SFGbob said:

    SFGbob said:

    People don’t work, they’re scum mooching off the government.

    People do work, they’re scum for wanting to be paid enough to live.

    Keep the average workers pay stagnant, for 50 years, then cry about how rich people pay all the taxes.

    Claim it’s the governments job to protect people, make a bunch of excuses why the government shouldn’t protect people.

    It’s the same notes over and over again. Yawn.

    Or you could fuck strawman ass when you don't want to honestly address other people's arguments.

    Who has kept the average workers pay stagnant? Do they have a name? Do you believe that people with job skills that only command a minimum wage in compensation should be able to support a family of four off that job, yes or no?
    Oh, we should be honest? What should minimum wage be then?

    And, I know, strawman. But your obvious bait is obvious. Stop begging for it.
    I don't believe there should be a minimum wage. Let the market set what wages are paid. And of course you dodged the questions you were asked.
    Ok, so you are the far right on this and I am the far left. You can’t get more extreme than no minimum wage. We’ll, slavery but I won’t accuse you of wanting that yet. The difference is it might be possible to run on my position and win.

    I’ll give you what you want. Yes, you should be able to raise a family on minimum wage.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943

    SFGbob said:

    Right on cue: Trumptards scapegoating Mexicans for their own ineptitude and failure.

    Supply and demand? They are fucking third world workers!

    No shame or embarrassment for troomps. They are going to build a wall!

    CD thinks only brown skinned workers should do manual labor.
    Naturally. You think SyphilisDawg could handle a garden hose or rake? Fuck no. He'd paralyze himself.
    Those fuckers living out where CD lives think cheap illegal labor is one of their god given rights to exploit.
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390
    salemcoog said:

    SFGbob said:

    Right on cue: Trumptards scapegoating Mexicans for their own ineptitude and failure.

    Supply and demand? They are fucking third world workers!

    No shame or embarrassment for troomps. They are going to build a wall!

    CD thinks only brown skinned workers should do manual labor.
    That spank Bank of CDs isn’t gonna fill itself.

    Give CD a cool glass of lemonade and some bonocolurs to watch the lawnmower man and He’s in heaven.
    Remember when you bailed on HH because of that sick drmented old fuck GayBob? I do. We can bump your posts, if you’d like. Now you post his same exact schtick.
  • pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,924 Founders Club
    2001400ex said:

    SFGbob said:

    2001400ex said:

    SFGbob said:

    2001400ex said:

    How about not bringing in 20 million illegals to depress wages? You open border types are doing the bidding of evil businessmen like @MikeDamone

    Does raising taxes make more money for the workers?

    Guess what I did my taxes this morning and hondo and the democrats have been lying their ass off. I got a nice cut. I work for a living. I'm middle class. Trump helped me

    What the fuck are you people offering? More illegals and taxes? No thanks

    Then why not create a path to citizenship for those illegals who are here and can work legally? This ending the depressed wages?

    And if you don't agree with that. Then discuss who we can find and remove your number of 20 million illegals. And the resulting effect on the economy if that happened.
    Hondo's understanding of economics sucks as bad as his understanding of most topics.

    Making all the illegals, legal doesn't remove the supply and demand issue Hondo.
    And that has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote. Other than that, fair point.
    An admission that Hondo is too stupid to even understand what he writes.

    You claimed that giving all the illegals the ability to become legal would "end[] the depressed wages." What I said was in response to exactly what you wrote. Which makes you once again, either a liar or moron. Take your pick.
    Dude seriously? If every illegal were made legal. Then they would be paid minimum wage. Thus ending their depressed wage.

    Fuck I've had smarter discussions with an 8 year old.
    That's not how economics works, hondofuckingstupid.

    The net number of jobs will thus decline.

  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943

    SFGbob said:

    SFGbob said:

    People don’t work, they’re scum mooching off the government.

    People do work, they’re scum for wanting to be paid enough to live.

    Keep the average workers pay stagnant, for 50 years, then cry about how rich people pay all the taxes.

    Claim it’s the governments job to protect people, make a bunch of excuses why the government shouldn’t protect people.

    It’s the same notes over and over again. Yawn.

    Or you could fuck strawman ass when you don't want to honestly address other people's arguments.

    Who has kept the average workers pay stagnant? Do they have a name? Do you believe that people with job skills that only command a minimum wage in compensation should be able to support a family of four off that job, yes or no?
    Oh, we should be honest? What should minimum wage be then?

    And, I know, strawman. But your obvious bait is obvious. Stop begging for it.
    I don't believe there should be a minimum wage. Let the market set what wages are paid. And of course you dodged the questions you were asked.
    Ok, so you are the far right on this and I am the far left. You can’t get more extreme than no minimum wage. We’ll, slavery but I won’t accuse you of wanting that yet. The difference is it might be possible to run on my position and win.

    I’ll give you what you want. Yes, you should be able to raise a family on minimum wage.
    Why does an employer pay someone $50 an hour? Why not pay the minimum wage?
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943
    edited January 2019
    Do you know what would happen if you tried to pay people the minimum wage down here in SF? I suspect it's the same in Seattle. You wouldn't get any takers. In fact, the only workers you might find, depending on the type of job, who were willing to work for the minimum wage would be illegals.

    We have a minimum wage and yet employers pay more than that, often for entry level jobs, in order to attract workers who will do those jobs. Now why is that? Don't they know there's minimum wage? Why don't they just offer that?

    Now, if you abolished the minimum wage what makes you think the employers would immediate be able to start paying less than that and still be able to hold onto their workers who already aren't accepting jobs paying the current minimum wage?

    Did any of you fuckers ever take and econ class?
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