It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

5 Wigwams
0 Butler Cabins
3 Standards
720 bucks in the hopper for the year. We need at least 30 Wigwam level donations to keep the lights on. Does that shock you?
Did you know this place costs over 4 grand a year to pay all the costs? Did you know Derek and the BOD paid some portion of this out of pocket for the first 4 years? All of it the first year, most of it in year two and three, and a small chunk of it in year four. Did you know last year was the first year, in year five, that this place actually broke even? To be honest, it turned a small profit, about enough for one non-exceptional trip to the Acrop. Like 3 lap dances and a steak. No booze. No blow. No handie in the VIP room. This place takes over 4 grand a year to break even, and would take 5 grand a year in donations for several years for Derek to even get his money back. Years and years before Derek can get a proper night out with the BOD.

What's the point of this story? This fun ain't free so support it you goddamn cheap fucks. And if you ever want Derek to party until he almost dies you owe this to him. And since I will be his tour guide you owe me as well. Pics of his near death experience in the Wam. Give until it hurts.

Decided to add a tote board to publicly recognize people for their generous donations to Derek's future boner and rehab efforts. Also to make other people feel like assholes for being cheap. I will try to keep this updated throughout the month long giving season. And since I am asking you to give, I should as well. So here.
Wigwam Level Supporters:@Swaye @GrundleStiltzkin @PurpleBaze @LoneStarDawg @pawz @Williams3 @UW_Doog_Bot @UWerentThereMan @Dude61 @DoubleJDawg @Fenderbender123 @Sources @Baseman @troutfarm @mobey @RaceBannon @AEB @DHD @biak1 @Domicillo @minion_doog @89ute @Arc @Rapeculturedawg @HoustonHusky @WeakarmCobra @UWhuskytskeet @DuckHHunterisafag @LesGrossman @Cougzz @YellowSnow @section8 @MammaJamma @MikeDamone @DoogCourics @NCDaWg38 @BearsWiin @PostGameOrangeSlices @godawgst @CSEDawg @Southerndawg @MisterEm @TrumpsWall @rodmansrage @Doogles @StlouisDawg @EsophagealFeces @Doog_de_Jour @Jamaican_Cigar Butler Cabin Level Supporters:@IPukeOregonGrellow @Gilbystaint @DeepSeaZ @dflea Standard Supporters:@koopdog @dtd @brianwwu29 @haie @RDR @LaZoris @sMeLLThEGl0vE @BennyBeaver @dnc @SpiritHorse @NEnglanddawg @Thebourbinator @guatedawg @whuggy @USMChawk @uzi @El_K @doogville @louism2wash @ToddTurnerLIVES @whlinder Thanks for your support. None of you listed above are fags. Everyone else is. Simple.
Edit 2:
Thanks to
@UW_Doog_Bot we now have a visual representation of our fundraising goals.
So... A couple minor corrections to what Swaye said... Without the front page this year, that should translate into less IT costs and therefore cut down on the overall cost a bit compared to previous years.
I have not asked the BOD for funding since 2014. In the summer of 2017, I did fund June and July out of my pocket. In 2016, Damone and VADawg donated some out of the blue, which was helpful. And we used to get $100 a month from the Taki Tiki until Tommy got thrown out the night I wasn't there (and soon after they discontinued their sponsorship).
But other than that, the site has existed solely on donations since 2014. Our posters have been dedicated and generous.
I've been told by people whose expertise I trust that if the site can grow to 5 million page views a month, then advertisers suddenly won't be so wary of all our profanity and disturbing gifs. But right now at 1-2 million per month, we are in a type of no-man's land (since we cannot use Google and other traditional advertisers).
So we're striving to grow the site to that level and then I'll get Arizona serious again about finding sponsorship. I am also thinking about bringing back a front page for the 2019 season. I am feeling more and more rejuvenated.
But first things first... I've got to finish my book before I can devote time and energy to a front page or anything else.
For July 2018 (with one day to go), we are at 1.059 million.
Busiest month ever was January 2018 at 1.9 million.
But, I thought it was time that everyone understood the cost structure a bit. Before you and I dove into it a few years ago I figured this place was like $500 bucks a year. I am mostly stupid and know jack shit about internet service and hosting costs. So yeah, roughly 4 grand a year, and a little less this year because no front page. Still a shitload of money, and way more than I bet most here expected. So give! We? need it.