There's no reason to kiss this guy's ass. Harbaugh didn't have anything to sustain. He didn't even win the PAC 12. He ran off to the NFL like a punk motherfucker before he won anything of note. And now he's fled from the NFL before winning anything of note while turning his team into a stinking mess. Currently he's raiding his former school like a punk mother fucker. Hurting the Stanford program will hurt the PAC 12. Fuck him.
You're a dipshit.
So are you.
If you cannot see that both the UO, and especially the UW, fan bases wouldn't mind a neutered Stanford going forward, well, there's just no helping you.
You're a dipshit. A good Stanford program is good for the PAC 12. Get your fucking ass over to the ACC if you want to play shitty teams all season long.
You're such a dumb ass. The North is a zero sum game.
There's no such thing as a zero sum game. Sincerely, Mike Damone.
This article does a great job of proving one thing. The minute anyone talks slightly negatively about Oregon, it's fans go into pissy little faggot tantrums.
Let's be honest, this site is an alternative to the humorless drivel on places like dawgman. A lot of what is posted here is self depreciating towards the team this site is named after and a lot is tongue-in-cheek. There are some duck fans here that contribute to such discussions and give the huskies a good natured ribbing as well. However, as AZDuck has demonstrated in this post, they get all serious and turn into 12-level pussy mouthbreathers the minute anything negative is slightly suggested about the Ducks.
No. What it proves is that it's FS to:
- write an article about your most fierce rival;
- the basic point of which is about as revealing as me saying, "if I throw a baseball in the air, it will come down;" and
- then pretend that you're merely making an objective observation and aren't otherwise personally invested.
Of course he'll regress. Everyone does. Everywhere. It's just a matter of time. Did anyone here need to learn that? Seriously?
Regardless of how a handful of dip shit Oregon fans (predictably) react to said FS article, the real story here is that it's a stupid and obvious point that is written ENTIRELY for self soothing purposes.
Know what would be just as predictable as Oregon fans reacting sandy to this article? A bunch of Huskies going full sandy on me if I were to write an article suggesting that Don James' career was a bit overrated and built upon playing in a top-heavy conference, the winner of which got to prove itself a "champion" by playing some slug Big 10 team in a second rate bowl on New Year's day while the truly best teams in the country were off playing in the Sugar or Orange Bowl.
This article does a great job of proving one thing. The minute anyone talks slightly negatively about Oregon, it's fans go into pissy little faggot tantrums.
Let's be honest, this site is an alternative to the humorless drivel on places like dawgman. A lot of what is posted here is self depreciating towards the team this site is named after and a lot is tongue-in-cheek. There are some duck fans here that contribute to such discussions and give the huskies a good natured ribbing as well. However, as AZDuck has demonstrated in this post, they get all serious and turn into 12-level pussy mouthbreathers the minute anything negative is slightly suggested about the Ducks.
Not the case.
Why should I have any patience for wishful thinking unsupported by evidence or analysis?
The evidence is pretty clear that these types of hires don't work out in the long run. It also shows they can have huge success in their first few years. Its fair to disagree with the conclusion and say he will be Tom Osborne or Oregon is like Michigan and will remain consistent. Saying there is no evidence or analysis is FS and shows you are butthurt over the conclusion.
The evidence is more than that: it shows that everyone, new hires and successful coaches staying put, tend to regress. Bob Stoops has been fucking the dog for a few years now.
Read the thread and the original article. Chest mentions SRS post-season #1 as the moral equivalent of a natty. I'm just adopting the standards that Chest espouses. You guys should be happy
- write an article about your most fierce rival;
- the basic point of which is about as revealing as me saying, "if I throw a baseball in the air, it will come down;" and
- then pretend that you're merely making an objective observation and aren't otherwise personally invested.
Of course he'll regress. Everyone does. Everywhere. It's just a matter of time. Did anyone here need to learn that? Seriously?
Regardless of how a handful of dip shit Oregon fans (predictably) react to said FS article, the real story here is that it's a stupid and obvious point that is written ENTIRELY for self soothing purposes.
Know what would be just as predictable as Oregon fans reacting sandy to this article? A bunch of Huskies going full sandy on me if I were to write an article suggesting that Don James' career was a bit overrated and built upon playing in a top-heavy conference, the winner of which got to prove itself a "champion" by playing some slug Big 10 team in a second rate bowl on New Year's day while the truly best teams in the country were off playing in the Sugar or Orange Bowl.
Predictability is overrated.
Oregon's going to regress under Helfrich, until they don't
Scratch that: either way, I won't give a fuck.
And fuck you @DingaLing. Why don't you post something? I see you voting up/awesomeing the most critical comments.
Oregon probably regresses faster than I thought.
I just want Oregon to implode so I can be right. Seriously.
Suck it bitches!!
This is at least as valid as a Helms Association natty
That's... that's kinda a huge difference.