I was talking with my Dad last night and he made a great point regarding disinformation and that being that if you're accused of something that is pure BS, how do you defend yourself against it? In the end, it's a he said she said type situation right?
And in a nutshell, this is a large contributing factor to why our country is so fucked right now ...
Politics in general is more corrupt than it has ever been. There was a documentary on HBO titled "The Swamp" that I think just came out that wasn't super enlightening from a "I can't believe this happens" to having a better understand of how prevalent and how easily veiled threats basically result in the parties controlling everything. It's why we have the polarized party lines and really not a ton of bipartisan activities.
When you think about things in those terms, it makes someone like Biden as a (frontrunner) Presidential candidate make a ton of sense. It isn't about Biden at this point. It's about having someone that runs that can be completely controlled by the party insiders.
The PACs are beyond out of control and the influence of big money in politics creates a blatant conflict of interest. Roll everything up and it's so easy to understand the whole thing is rotting at its core.
And let me be clear, the rotting isn't from one side or the other. Both sides are rotted and the reality is that the primary difference is that it's just different game plans and execution traits.
Reality at this point is nobody knows what to believe. It's all about pollution of news and information to confuse. We jump on what we see in social media but it's almost always lacking in context and full of people trying to catch people in gotcha moments designed to distort reality. Actual journalism and reporting of truth is largely gone. News networks are really just political propaganda arms on both sides.
TL, DR version = we're fucked
Both sides may be rotten but I've yet to see the GOP do anything as sleazy and dishonest as what the Rats did to Kavanaugh. There is zero integrity on the left there is some among conservatives.
Definitely not interested in a pissing match on which side is more righteous than the other at this point
My point is that there's issues on both sides and part of the problem right now is that both sides are really quick to blame the other side for all the problems. It's not accurate. Both sides in various forms have massive warts.
I would tend to agree with you that I think that right has a little more integrity left to them at this point. But I'm also not going to default to some kind of illusions that the problems are all on one side ... just not reality.
The left has now made "both sides" a meme. So you are the enemy to them.
That's absolute and total bullshit
Things are never as good as they seem ... never as bad as they seem
Our political environment is not because one side has completely fucked everything over and the other is pristine and beyond approach.
The reality is that I'd argue that the last President that we had that was widely viewed positively by both sides of the aisle was Reagan ... and he left office over 30 years ago. Before that? Probably going back to Ike? Nixon won in a landslide ... and we know how that all worked out. We've been largely void of strong leaders for a while and desperately need one again.
It'd be great to have a slam dunk candidate ... the partisanship is rotting the country
They believe the opposite of that. You are a russian bot spewing #bothsides hatred.
Dont shoot the messenger.
Who is "they" ... assuming you're talking about Democrats
I listen to what they say ... and I disagree with the vast majority of what they say for many reasons
Just because I disagree with what the Democrats say doesn't mean that I'm going to buy everything that a Republican says as being right and just ... there's a lot of things that I see from the Republican side of things where the stance that they take on positions isn't one that I would take
I'll take the fact that I'm a "Russian Bot" as a complement
Sounds like you’re voting Democrat again but, you’re not happy about it!!!
While I have voted Democrat before for President ... I’m 4-1 Republican in my votes
HH is to the point he just deserves Fuck Off's not responses. I'm sure he's really a law clerk working for a pro abortion attorney. This was confirmed by an anonymous source.
"Who is "they" ... assuming you're talking about Democrats
I listen to what they say ... and I disagree with the vast majority of what they say for many reasons
Just because I disagree with what the Democrats say doesn't mean that I'm going to buy everything that a Republican says as being right and just ... there's a lot of things that I see from the Republican side of things where the stance that they take on positions isn't one that I would take
I'll take the fact that I'm a "Russian Bot" as a complement"
You would also take your love of ass phucking strawmen as a compliment. Who here buys everything that a Republican says as being right and just? Give us three things, out of a "lot", that Republicans take on a position is one that you disagree with? Don't hurt yourself.
I know my fair share of Republicans that when it comes to saying anything critical about a Republican immediately default to blaming others ... just like Democrats. So yes, there's a large segment of people at this point that I view on both sides as being "we're right and the other side wrong."
As for your question about 3 positions that Republicans take that I have nuanced differences with what you typically see from Republicans, here you go:
1) Abortion - to be clear, it's not something that I would ever willingly view as a solution for my personal life. But I also know enough to know that a hard stance on abortion and how that plays to women isn't favorable. I don't know if I have a solution per se (my sense is that this may be better applied at the state level). However, I'd be much more focused on education of the pro's and con's to abortion, etc. as well as ensuring that when they are performed that they are done so safely (don't want to go back to the days of the 50s and 60s). I tend to be of the opinion that even if there is a change in abortion law that makes it illegal, you'll just have them occurring on the black market per se. Cat is out of the bag on that one.
2) Religion - this is another one where I feel like the hardlined overly religious arm of the party hurts more than it helps. I'd rather see a stance where embracing freedom of religion is promoted and not an in your face approach. Currently, there's freedom but it feels like it is more to specific religions. I'd also leverage this to really target the hypocrisy of the Democrats on this issue. I get that the Democrats are really embracing the removal of "one nation under God" as part of the Pledge of Allegiance. And I think it's ok if you are of a different religion that you don't feel like you're obligated to say that part. But there's a level of hypocrisy to saying that one group has a freedom of religion to not say something but another group doesn't have a freedom of religion to embrace something. I'd really try to capitalize on that. Part of freedom of religion to me also means that we have an educational system that ensures that students learn about the basic tenants of each religion. Creating an understanding (as with most things) will serve to disarm the differences.
3) Military Spending & the Budget: First, I'm a big proponent of a strong military/defense because there is an insurance policy element of it that rarely do you ever see a return on it and honestly you don't want to see that return actualized. I'm also a firm believer that you need to have a balanced budget and notably so when you're operating at large debt levels. Depending on time periods, what's going on, etc. the Federal Budget is in the 4-6% range of GDP and about 15-20% of the Federal Budget. I think we need to get a little smarter at not only how we spend and allocate our resources given the way that "modern warfare" will occur, but also need to really explore how to deflect our outlays. For example, I will give Trump credit for calling out how our military presence dramatically reduces requirements for other countries. There's a fine line there of course.
My adjustments to how Republican really come down to the following: 1) I'd like to see us take a stronger position regarding transforming what the military looks like going forward ... it's going to be less tied to having an army per se ... it's going to be more technology based, cyber warfare, biochemical warfare, etc.; 2) really engaging in a public quantifying of what the value of US military presence is in countries and coming to agreements with countries on the value of our presence - think of it as a consulting agreement; and 3) really thinking through the lense of how to balance the budget. The 2020 deficit is an outlier because of COVID, but for 2019 the US Government operated at a Budget Deficit around $900 Billion. So between what I'm describing above, as well as really scrutinizing existing programs, services, etc. that Republicans need to make a stated goal of operating at worst at relatively breakeven Budget Deficits by streamlining expenses and when there are needs to operate at a deficit (i.e. this year due to COVID, war, etc. that frank conversations with the American people regarding what's being spent and what the paths forward look like to recover budget neutrality.
And a bonus 4th item ... Republicans should be pounding the message home about equality and in instances where there are racism based crimes. As a country, we should heavily consider what crimes made based on someone's race or religion look like ad create even stronger penalties for such actions. That is something that would be consistent with being viewed as the party of "law and order." They key to that would be to ensure that a well reasoned and actionable set of criteria to not just turn that into a shit storm. Moral of the story is be about actions and make sure those actions are transparent.
"Who is "they" ... assuming you're talking about Democrats
I listen to what they say ... and I disagree with the vast majority of what they say for many reasons
Just because I disagree with what the Democrats say doesn't mean that I'm going to buy everything that a Republican says as being right and just ... there's a lot of things that I see from the Republican side of things where the stance that they take on positions isn't one that I would take
I'll take the fact that I'm a "Russian Bot" as a complement"
You would also take your love of ass phucking strawmen as a compliment. Who here buys everything that a Republican says as being right and just? Give us three things, out of a "lot", that Republicans take on a position is one that you disagree with? Don't hurt yourself.
I know my fair share of Republicans that when it comes to saying anything critical about a Republican immediately default to blaming others ... just like Democrats. So yes, there's a large segment of people at this point that I view on both sides as being "we're right and the other side wrong."
As for your question about 3 positions that Republicans take that I have nuanced differences with what you typically see from Republicans, here you go:
1) Abortion - to be clear, it's not something that I would ever willingly view as a solution for my personal life. But I also know enough to know that a hard stance on abortion and how that plays to women isn't favorable. I don't know if I have a solution per se (my sense is that this may be better applied at the state level). However, I'd be much more focused on education of the pro's and con's to abortion, etc. as well as ensuring that when they are performed that they are done so safely (don't want to go back to the days of the 50s and 60s). I tend to be of the opinion that even if there is a change in abortion law that makes it illegal, you'll just have them occurring on the black market per se. Cat is out of the bag on that one.
2) Religion - this is another one where I feel like the hardlined overly religious arm of the party hurts more than it helps. I'd rather see a stance where embracing freedom of religion is promoted and not an in your face approach. Currently, there's freedom but it feels like it is more to specific religions. I'd also leverage this to really target the hypocrisy of the Democrats on this issue. I get that the Democrats are really embracing the removal of "one nation under God" as part of the Pledge of Allegiance. And I think it's ok if you are of a different religion that you don't feel like you're obligated to say that part. But there's a level of hypocrisy to saying that one group has a freedom of religion to not say something but another group doesn't have a freedom of religion to embrace something. I'd really try to capitalize on that. Part of freedom of religion to me also means that we have an educational system that ensures that students learn about the basic tenants of each religion. Creating an understanding (as with most things) will serve to disarm the differences.
3) Military Spending & the Budget: First, I'm a big proponent of a strong military/defense because there is an insurance policy element of it that rarely do you ever see a return on it and honestly you don't want to see that return actualized. I'm also a firm believer that you need to have a balanced budget and notably so when you're operating at large debt levels. Depending on time periods, what's going on, etc. the Federal Budget is in the 4-6% range of GDP and about 15-20% of the Federal Budget. I think we need to get a little smarter at not only how we spend and allocate our resources given the way that "modern warfare" will occur, but also need to really explore how to deflect our outlays. For example, I will give Trump credit for calling out how our military presence dramatically reduces requirements for other countries. There's a fine line there of course.
My adjustments to how Republican really come down to the following: 1) I'd like to see us take a stronger position regarding transforming what the military looks like going forward ... it's going to be less tied to having an army per se ... it's going to be more technology based, cyber warfare, biochemical warfare, etc.; 2) really engaging in a public quantifying of what the value of US military presence is in countries and coming to agreements with countries on the value of our presence - think of it as a consulting agreement; and 3) really thinking through the lense of how to balance the budget. The 2020 deficit is an outlier because of COVID, but for 2019 the US Government operated at a Budget Deficit around $900 Billion. So between what I'm describing above, as well as really scrutinizing existing programs, services, etc. that Republicans need to make a stated goal of operating at worst at relatively breakeven Budget Deficits by streamlining expenses and when there are needs to operate at a deficit (i.e. this year due to COVID, war, etc. that frank conversations with the American people regarding what's being spent and what the paths forward look like to recover budget neutrality.
And a bonus 4th item ... Republicans should be pounding the message home about equality and in instances where there are racism based crimes. As a country, we should heavily consider what crimes made based on someone's race or religion look like ad create even stronger penalties for such actions. That is something that would be consistent with being viewed as the party of "law and order." They key to that would be to ensure that a well reasoned and actionable set of criteria to not just turn that into a shit storm. Moral of the story is be about actions and make sure those actions are transparent.
HH is to the point he just deserves Fuck Off's not responses. I'm sure he's really a law clerk working for a pro abortion attorney. This was confirmed by an anonymous source.
"Who is "they" ... assuming you're talking about Democrats
I listen to what they say ... and I disagree with the vast majority of what they say for many reasons
Just because I disagree with what the Democrats say doesn't mean that I'm going to buy everything that a Republican says as being right and just ... there's a lot of things that I see from the Republican side of things where the stance that they take on positions isn't one that I would take
I'll take the fact that I'm a "Russian Bot" as a complement"
You would also take your love of ass phucking strawmen as a compliment. Who here buys everything that a Republican says as being right and just? Give us three things, out of a "lot", that Republicans take on a position is one that you disagree with? Don't hurt yourself.
I know my fair share of Republicans that when it comes to saying anything critical about a Republican immediately default to blaming others ... just like Democrats. So yes, there's a large segment of people at this point that I view on both sides as being "we're right and the other side wrong."
As for your question about 3 positions that Republicans take that I have nuanced differences with what you typically see from Republicans, here you go:
1) Abortion - to be clear, it's not something that I would ever willingly view as a solution for my personal life. But I also know enough to know that a hard stance on abortion and how that plays to women isn't favorable. I don't know if I have a solution per se (my sense is that this may be better applied at the state level). However, I'd be much more focused on education of the pro's and con's to abortion, etc. as well as ensuring that when they are performed that they are done so safely (don't want to go back to the days of the 50s and 60s). I tend to be of the opinion that even if there is a change in abortion law that makes it illegal, you'll just have them occurring on the black market per se. Cat is out of the bag on that one.
2) Religion - this is another one where I feel like the hardlined overly religious arm of the party hurts more than it helps. I'd rather see a stance where embracing freedom of religion is promoted and not an in your face approach. Currently, there's freedom but it feels like it is more to specific religions. I'd also leverage this to really target the hypocrisy of the Democrats on this issue. I get that the Democrats are really embracing the removal of "one nation under God" as part of the Pledge of Allegiance. And I think it's ok if you are of a different religion that you don't feel like you're obligated to say that part. But there's a level of hypocrisy to saying that one group has a freedom of religion to not say something but another group doesn't have a freedom of religion to embrace something. I'd really try to capitalize on that. Part of freedom of religion to me also means that we have an educational system that ensures that students learn about the basic tenants of each religion. Creating an understanding (as with most things) will serve to disarm the differences.
3) Military Spending & the Budget: First, I'm a big proponent of a strong military/defense because there is an insurance policy element of it that rarely do you ever see a return on it and honestly you don't want to see that return actualized. I'm also a firm believer that you need to have a balanced budget and notably so when you're operating at large debt levels. Depending on time periods, what's going on, etc. the Federal Budget is in the 4-6% range of GDP and about 15-20% of the Federal Budget. I think we need to get a little smarter at not only how we spend and allocate our resources given the way that "modern warfare" will occur, but also need to really explore how to deflect our outlays. For example, I will give Trump credit for calling out how our military presence dramatically reduces requirements for other countries. There's a fine line there of course.
My adjustments to how Republican really come down to the following: 1) I'd like to see us take a stronger position regarding transforming what the military looks like going forward ... it's going to be less tied to having an army per se ... it's going to be more technology based, cyber warfare, biochemical warfare, etc.; 2) really engaging in a public quantifying of what the value of US military presence is in countries and coming to agreements with countries on the value of our presence - think of it as a consulting agreement; and 3) really thinking through the lense of how to balance the budget. The 2020 deficit is an outlier because of COVID, but for 2019 the US Government operated at a Budget Deficit around $900 Billion. So between what I'm describing above, as well as really scrutinizing existing programs, services, etc. that Republicans need to make a stated goal of operating at worst at relatively breakeven Budget Deficits by streamlining expenses and when there are needs to operate at a deficit (i.e. this year due to COVID, war, etc. that frank conversations with the American people regarding what's being spent and what the paths forward look like to recover budget neutrality.
And a bonus 4th item ... Republicans should be pounding the message home about equality and in instances where there are racism based crimes. As a country, we should heavily consider what crimes made based on someone's race or religion look like ad create even stronger penalties for such actions. That is something that would be consistent with being viewed as the party of "law and order." They key to that would be to ensure that a well reasoned and actionable set of criteria to not just turn that into a shit storm. Moral of the story is be about actions and make sure those actions are transparent.
I was talking with my Dad last night and he made a great point regarding disinformation and that being that if you're accused of something that is pure BS, how do you defend yourself against it? In the end, it's a he said she said type situation right?
And in a nutshell, this is a large contributing factor to why our country is so fucked right now ...
Politics in general is more corrupt than it has ever been. There was a documentary on HBO titled "The Swamp" that I think just came out that wasn't super enlightening from a "I can't believe this happens" to having a better understand of how prevalent and how easily veiled threats basically result in the parties controlling everything. It's why we have the polarized party lines and really not a ton of bipartisan activities.
When you think about things in those terms, it makes someone like Biden as a (frontrunner) Presidential candidate make a ton of sense. It isn't about Biden at this point. It's about having someone that runs that can be completely controlled by the party insiders.
The PACs are beyond out of control and the influence of big money in politics creates a blatant conflict of interest. Roll everything up and it's so easy to understand the whole thing is rotting at its core.
And let me be clear, the rotting isn't from one side or the other. Both sides are rotted and the reality is that the primary difference is that it's just different game plans and execution traits.
Reality at this point is nobody knows what to believe. It's all about pollution of news and information to confuse. We jump on what we see in social media but it's almost always lacking in context and full of people trying to catch people in gotcha moments designed to distort reality. Actual journalism and reporting of truth is largely gone. News networks are really just political propaganda arms on both sides.
TL, DR version = we're fucked
Both sides may be rotten but I've yet to see the GOP do anything as sleazy and dishonest as what the Rats did to Kavanaugh. There is zero integrity on the left there is some among conservatives.
Definitely not interested in a pissing match on which side is more righteous than the other at this point
My point is that there's issues on both sides and part of the problem right now is that both sides are really quick to blame the other side for all the problems. It's not accurate. Both sides in various forms have massive warts.
I would tend to agree with you that I think that right has a little more integrity left to them at this point. But I'm also not going to default to some kind of illusions that the problems are all on one side ... just not reality.
The left has now made "both sides" a meme. So you are the enemy to them.
That's absolute and total bullshit
Things are never as good as they seem ... never as bad as they seem
Our political environment is not because one side has completely fucked everything over and the other is pristine and beyond approach.
The reality is that I'd argue that the last President that we had that was widely viewed positively by both sides of the aisle was Reagan ... and he left office over 30 years ago. Before that? Probably going back to Ike? Nixon won in a landslide ... and we know how that all worked out. We've been largely void of strong leaders for a while and desperately need one again.
It'd be great to have a slam dunk candidate ... the partisanship is rotting the country
They believe the opposite of that. You are a russian bot spewing #bothsides hatred.
Dont shoot the messenger.
Who is "they" ... assuming you're talking about Democrats
I listen to what they say ... and I disagree with the vast majority of what they say for many reasons
Just because I disagree with what the Democrats say doesn't mean that I'm going to buy everything that a Republican says as being right and just ... there's a lot of things that I see from the Republican side of things where the stance that they take on positions isn't one that I would take
I'll take the fact that I'm a "Russian Bot" as a complement
Sounds like you’re voting Democrat again but, you’re not happy about it!!!
While I have voted Democrat before for President ... I’m 4-1 Republican in my votes
Thanks for playing
Happy to. Lemme guess... Hillary, Romney, McCain(held your nose on Palin!)... Bush, Bush, Clinton, Daddy Bush
HH is to the point he just deserves Fuck Off's not responses. I'm sure he's really a law clerk working for a pro abortion attorney. This was confirmed by an anonymous source.
My anonymous source corroborated this.
I wasn’t gonna say anything but since we now have two confirmed sources, my source says the same thing.
I was talking with my Dad last night and he made a great point regarding disinformation and that being that if you're accused of something that is pure BS, how do you defend yourself against it? In the end, it's a he said she said type situation right?
And in a nutshell, this is a large contributing factor to why our country is so fucked right now ...
Politics in general is more corrupt than it has ever been. There was a documentary on HBO titled "The Swamp" that I think just came out that wasn't super enlightening from a "I can't believe this happens" to having a better understand of how prevalent and how easily veiled threats basically result in the parties controlling everything. It's why we have the polarized party lines and really not a ton of bipartisan activities.
When you think about things in those terms, it makes someone like Biden as a (frontrunner) Presidential candidate make a ton of sense. It isn't about Biden at this point. It's about having someone that runs that can be completely controlled by the party insiders.
The PACs are beyond out of control and the influence of big money in politics creates a blatant conflict of interest. Roll everything up and it's so easy to understand the whole thing is rotting at its core.
And let me be clear, the rotting isn't from one side or the other. Both sides are rotted and the reality is that the primary difference is that it's just different game plans and execution traits.
Reality at this point is nobody knows what to believe. It's all about pollution of news and information to confuse. We jump on what we see in social media but it's almost always lacking in context and full of people trying to catch people in gotcha moments designed to distort reality. Actual journalism and reporting of truth is largely gone. News networks are really just political propaganda arms on both sides.
TL, DR version = we're fucked
Both sides may be rotten but I've yet to see the GOP do anything as sleazy and dishonest as what the Rats did to Kavanaugh. There is zero integrity on the left there is some among conservatives.
Definitely not interested in a pissing match on which side is more righteous than the other at this point
My point is that there's issues on both sides and part of the problem right now is that both sides are really quick to blame the other side for all the problems. It's not accurate. Both sides in various forms have massive warts.
I would tend to agree with you that I think that right has a little more integrity left to them at this point. But I'm also not going to default to some kind of illusions that the problems are all on one side ... just not reality.
The left has now made "both sides" a meme. So you are the enemy to them.
That's absolute and total bullshit
Things are never as good as they seem ... never as bad as they seem
Our political environment is not because one side has completely fucked everything over and the other is pristine and beyond approach.
The reality is that I'd argue that the last President that we had that was widely viewed positively by both sides of the aisle was Reagan ... and he left office over 30 years ago. Before that? Probably going back to Ike? Nixon won in a landslide ... and we know how that all worked out. We've been largely void of strong leaders for a while and desperately need one again.
It'd be great to have a slam dunk candidate ... the partisanship is rotting the country
They believe the opposite of that. You are a russian bot spewing #bothsides hatred.
Dont shoot the messenger.
Who is "they" ... assuming you're talking about Democrats
I listen to what they say ... and I disagree with the vast majority of what they say for many reasons
Just because I disagree with what the Democrats say doesn't mean that I'm going to buy everything that a Republican says as being right and just ... there's a lot of things that I see from the Republican side of things where the stance that they take on positions isn't one that I would take
I'll take the fact that I'm a "Russian Bot" as a complement
Sounds like you’re voting Democrat again but, you’re not happy about it!!!
While I have voted Democrat before for President ... I’m 4-1 Republican in my votes
Thanks for playing
Happy to. Lemme guess... Hillary, Romney, McCain(held your nose on Palin!)... Bush, Bush, Clinton, Daddy Bush
HH is to the point he just deserves Fuck Off's not responses. I'm sure he's really a law clerk working for a pro abortion attorney. This was confirmed by an anonymous source.
My anonymous source corroborated this.
I wasn’t gonna say anything but since we now have two confirmed sources, my source says the same thing.
Thanks for playing
Great Terror!! Be afraid or Saddam will kill you. The straight up lies...
The Great Terror
In northern Iraq, there is new evidence of Saddam Hussein’s genocidal war on the Kurds—and of his possible ties to Al Qaeda.
Jeffrey GoldbergMarch 17, 2002
When HH gets his ass beat he does this same dance over and over again.
As for your question about 3 positions that Republicans take that I have nuanced differences with what you typically see from Republicans, here you go:
1) Abortion - to be clear, it's not something that I would ever willingly view as a solution for my personal life. But I also know enough to know that a hard stance on abortion and how that plays to women isn't favorable. I don't know if I have a solution per se (my sense is that this may be better applied at the state level). However, I'd be much more focused on education of the pro's and con's to abortion, etc. as well as ensuring that when they are performed that they are done so safely (don't want to go back to the days of the 50s and 60s). I tend to be of the opinion that even if there is a change in abortion law that makes it illegal, you'll just have them occurring on the black market per se. Cat is out of the bag on that one.
2) Religion - this is another one where I feel like the hardlined overly religious arm of the party hurts more than it helps. I'd rather see a stance where embracing freedom of religion is promoted and not an in your face approach. Currently, there's freedom but it feels like it is more to specific religions. I'd also leverage this to really target the hypocrisy of the Democrats on this issue. I get that the Democrats are really embracing the removal of "one nation under God" as part of the Pledge of Allegiance. And I think it's ok if you are of a different religion that you don't feel like you're obligated to say that part. But there's a level of hypocrisy to saying that one group has a freedom of religion to not say something but another group doesn't have a freedom of religion to embrace something. I'd really try to capitalize on that. Part of freedom of religion to me also means that we have an educational system that ensures that students learn about the basic tenants of each religion. Creating an understanding (as with most things) will serve to disarm the differences.
3) Military Spending & the Budget: First, I'm a big proponent of a strong military/defense because there is an insurance policy element of it that rarely do you ever see a return on it and honestly you don't want to see that return actualized. I'm also a firm believer that you need to have a balanced budget and notably so when you're operating at large debt levels. Depending on time periods, what's going on, etc. the Federal Budget is in the 4-6% range of GDP and about 15-20% of the Federal Budget. I think we need to get a little smarter at not only how we spend and allocate our resources given the way that "modern warfare" will occur, but also need to really explore how to deflect our outlays. For example, I will give Trump credit for calling out how our military presence dramatically reduces requirements for other countries. There's a fine line there of course.
My adjustments to how Republican really come down to the following: 1) I'd like to see us take a stronger position regarding transforming what the military looks like going forward ... it's going to be less tied to having an army per se ... it's going to be more technology based, cyber warfare, biochemical warfare, etc.; 2) really engaging in a public quantifying of what the value of US military presence is in countries and coming to agreements with countries on the value of our presence - think of it as a consulting agreement; and 3) really thinking through the lense of how to balance the budget. The 2020 deficit is an outlier because of COVID, but for 2019 the US Government operated at a Budget Deficit around $900 Billion. So between what I'm describing above, as well as really scrutinizing existing programs, services, etc. that Republicans need to make a stated goal of operating at worst at relatively breakeven Budget Deficits by streamlining expenses and when there are needs to operate at a deficit (i.e. this year due to COVID, war, etc. that frank conversations with the American people regarding what's being spent and what the paths forward look like to recover budget neutrality.
And a bonus 4th item ... Republicans should be pounding the message home about equality and in instances where there are racism based crimes. As a country, we should heavily consider what crimes made based on someone's race or religion look like ad create even stronger penalties for such actions. That is something that would be consistent with being viewed as the party of "law and order." They key to that would be to ensure that a well reasoned and actionable set of criteria to not just turn that into a shit storm. Moral of the story is be about actions and make sure those actions are transparent.
Sarah supporting Dump? I believe it.
Sarah will say anything ... she was the Mouth of Saur ... Dump for years everyone forgets.
Until they denounce the rioting and looting, they're as complicit in the disintegration of America as Biden, Kamala and their Chinese overlords. You can go ahead and attribute me as the source.