The fact that you don't realize you've been clown stomped on ID and that ID is your big claim to racism holding back Blacks speaks volumes as to your lack of critical thinking.
Hope this helps but it won't. I didn't read professor tequila's rant you gave
Might as well create one of these as I don't want to hijack other threads on the main board.
"PostGameOrangeSlices wrote:
Your lack of real-world experience is telling. If you think institutionalized racism still exists to the point that it debilitates the black community from progressing, I can't help you."
First I want to clarify I never said it prohibits the black community from progressing. You falsely represented my argument. It is a factor, however.
Institutionalized racism is quite apparent in 2013.
There's the repeal of the Voting Rights act of 1965 that establishes federal election monitors for southern states with a history of voting discrimination based on race.
Other states are trying to pass voter ID laws that disproportionally effect minorities. They justify it under the guise of stopping voter fraud, even though the last serious case of voter fraud was when every dead person in Ohio voted Kennedy. The lawmakers are fully aware of this, yet continue to push these restrictions. If that's not institutionalized racism, I don't know what is.
The George Zimmerman trial is a lightning rod in itself, but let's ignore that and instead focus on the reaction by whites. The news media was literally on the edge of its seat waiting for riots to break out after the verdict was announced. Why? Because many white people feel a need to be vindicated; to be proven right that blacks are somehow less civilized. Instead there were marches for justice, and many were disappointed. It was truly shameful watching this transpire over the summer.
Police discrimination is another example of institutionalized racism. The Seattle PD had to be sued by the Justice Department for Civil Rights violations because the use of force against minorities was so appalling. In New York City "stop and frisk" policies disproportionally target blacks. New Orleans PD went through their own Civil Rights fiasco not that long ago. How about LAPD? "Fuck the Police".
And when black leaders bring up these issues they are so often shouted down because they "just can't have enough". Well what the fuck? Who gets to define what "enough" is? White people? Asking for your rights to not be violated is too much? This is the inherent problem with so much of white America.
And for me, to have my opinions discredited because I "lack real world experience" is highly ironic coming from salty old white men who, just like me, never had to face racism in their lives. What makes you more qualified to talk about race? If you want to have a conversation on race, you can't pick and choose who gets to have that conversation.
So maybe this thread can be a place to have that conversation; not having ones opinions dismissed because of who they are.
Wouldn't that be refreshing.
Just to be clear, I had NOTHING to do with this thread. Please, make up your own minds if CollegeDoog is a fucking idiot.
Yes, it's been a good week. I've always said that the reason that I speak out is NOT because I want to persuade others. The REASON I speak out is to let others who agree with me know that they are not alone. In Law School, I spoke my mind, (which hasn't changed). Dozens of my fellow students sought me out to let me know that they agreed with me, but did not want the wrath of liberals to descend upon them, (like it did upon me). Liberals know that millions of people don't agree with them. First, they belittle you. Then they try intimidating you in an attempt to get you to shut up. Hey, at 17 Uncle Sam paid me $123 A MONTH to have other people shoot bullets at me 24x7. Everything since then seems like no big deal.
This week, dozens of millions of Americans decided that they've had enough. Welcome Aboard!
Citing Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina, it doesn't appear that there was a problem securing identification as they had no problem voting for the Obama in each of those states in, I believe, both elections.
Maybe it's a good idea that we disenfranchise the black vote. They're obviously racist. If 93% of whites would have voted for Romney that would have been pretty obvious, right?
This is always a fun one to throw out especially since it's "clear" that voter disenfranchisement is so prevalent. Clearly Republicans have been successful at preventing Black folks from showing their IDs to vote in 59 different precincts. Over 19,000 votes for Obama. Zero for Romney. If institutionalized racism exists, then I guess institutionalized racism begets institutionalized racism. I've volunteered a few times at a polling place (I'm 38 BTW) and in that precinct, there were people who screwed up in the ballot box and came out and told us. Nothing can be done really. It's amazing how there wasn't even one screw up that resulted in an accidental Romney vote in Philadelphia. None of these disenfranchised minority voters in inner city Philly did anything wrong.
Maybe you don't give them enough credit. Maybe the ballot boxes were fixed. Maybe it's just a coincidence that out of nearly 20,000 votes, the white guy didn't get even one on at least an error. Numbers range that democrats in large major cities number upwards of 80%. Do the math instead of preaching the pablum from your social sciences professor.
Hope this helps but it won't. I didn't read professor tequila's rant you gave
Just to be clear, I had NOTHING to do with this thread. Please, make up your own minds if CollegeDoog is a fucking idiot.
This week, dozens of millions of Americans decided that they've had enough. Welcome Aboard!
It's been a good week.
This is always a fun one to throw out especially since it's "clear" that voter disenfranchisement is so prevalent. Clearly Republicans have been successful at preventing Black folks from showing their IDs to vote in 59 different precincts. Over 19,000 votes for Obama. Zero for Romney. If institutionalized racism exists, then I guess institutionalized racism begets institutionalized racism. I've volunteered a few times at a polling place (I'm 38 BTW) and in that precinct, there were people who screwed up in the ballot box and came out and told us. Nothing can be done really. It's amazing how there wasn't even one screw up that resulted in an accidental Romney vote in Philadelphia. None of these disenfranchised minority voters in inner city Philly did anything wrong.
Maybe you don't give them enough credit. Maybe the ballot boxes were fixed. Maybe it's just a coincidence that out of nearly 20,000 votes, the white guy didn't get even one on at least an error. Numbers range that democrats in large major cities number upwards of 80%. Do the math instead of preaching the pablum from your social sciences professor.
Disenfranchised and unable to vote my ass.