Are you fucking kidding me!? Those uniforms are fucking trash! Still no pant stripes for another FOUR fucking years!? How can these retards still not get it and continue to destroy our branding and tradition. It's so fucking easy to design our uniforms and they still can't figure it the fuck out! Imagine if LSU just decided to remove the stripes down the sides of their pants. Their fans would be rioting in the streets! We want our Washington Husky uniforms back! We want our fucking pant stripes! Back when the old school jerseys had sleeves they had two purple stripes on the sleeves of the white jerseys. You bump those stripes up the side of the shoulder on the modern jerseys like the Dallas Cowboys' uniforms.
The lettering should be basic block lettering with no gold trim around the edges. Just basic white block lettering on the purple jerseys and basic purple block lettering on the white jerseys.
No more fucking black uniforms or black accents ANYWHERE.
Only alternate uniforms should be ALL Purple or ALL white so the kids can have their options and swag. White pants should have pant stripes as well.
If this is true and our uniforms look like fucking Georgia Tech's uniforms y'all need to turn up on Twitter when they release this shit and trash the fuck out of them. I don't care if you think they're a "slight improvement" over the Nike ones. Anything less than our fucking traditional uniforms is unacceptable. Simply not having the pant stripes back again is unacceptable!
Our? Uh, satellite campus guys from Tacoma don't get a vote.
Sorry man.
You didn't fucking go to UW. You have literally no life. You live in bum fuck Oregon and collect disability checks from the government.
Oregon fans you didn't go to college don't get a vote.
I went to UW SEATTLE and I’m telling you to shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing my home town.
Anybody could have gotten into UW back in your day. If young you were a high school student today, you'd be rejected. Nobody has any fucking authority or added credibility as a fan just because they went to UW. There are more UW alumni who don't give a fuck about UW football than there are that do. UW fans are all equal no matter where you went to college.
Lol I was valedictorian of my high school and scored 99 percentile on all my tests.
So yes I do have authority and credibility and a much bigger cock than you. Obviously.
Today, Washington state valedictorians are being rejected by UW if they didn't go to a good enough high school. You would have been replaced by an international student or an out of state valedictorian who pay higher tuition bitch.
No, they aren't. More evidence you don't know what you're talking about.
In terms of strategy, being in the top 10% of a shitty high school in a shitty location is actually a pretty good strategy for college admissions, and it would make you a virtual lock to get into UW unless your test scores were miserably low.
It would be cool if you actually had a clue what you're talking about.
Read it and weap old man. You are not elite. I had a 3.5 GPA in high school as a year round three sport athlete and had no chance of getting into UW. Which was fine, not a big deal to me. I never took academics seriously and never aspired to be an elite student or get straight A's. But in-state valedictorians are getting rejected these days:
If you actually went to UW (which I doubt), your dumb ass wouldn't have been accepted as a student today. If you went to UW back than, you were privileged to be accepted via lower academic standards.
A 3.5 in high school? Good god man, you can sleep through high school and get a 3.5. You didn’t “aspire to be a good student”. .... Things people who aren’t capable of being good students say. Like poor people who say shit like money can buy you happiness. GTF outta here with that stupid bullshit.
I heard of an instate valedictorian not getting in in 2011. Can you link others. One case would not make a trend and I’d learn toward he was a douche.
I got into UDub (out of state) with a 3.2 HS GPA. Suck it try hard academis losers!!
Sure, high school is easy when you're not exhausted every day. Anybody who has never played football will never understand. While others were just regular students taking it easy, I was waking up at 5 AM every morning for an hour of team lifting and conditioning before school and then going to practice for two and half hours after school with more conditioning after that. And that would be after not going to sleep the night before until 12 PM doing homework. The physical and mental fatigue is constant as a student athlete. I laugh at fucking betas who think they're hot shit getting good grades as regular students. Most of you fucking pussies couldn't handle playing football and going to school at the same time and would quit after a couple days. Most of you basement dwellers don't know what hard is because you've never put in any real hard, physical work a day in your life so shut the fuck up.
I played football, aau, and for my HS basketball. Stop you were just a pussy.
I played football, basketball, and ran track and got a higher GPA than you. Lake Washington doesn't play fucking football. I played in the same conference and whooped LW's pussy asses like they stole something every year. Ain't no pussy here and I'd whoop your ass in a fight. Stop with the fucking tuff talk. You ain't hard. None of you are better than anybody and most of you are straight pussy. Just stop. Your academic record doesn't give you status over anybody.
Lmfaoooo. If you hadn’t heard LW football is back. Went 9-3 my sr yr. We play basketball too.
We have 2 kids playing for UW and a couple others at FCS/D2 schools. A lot of others that turned down college offers because they could.
You definitely tried. I coasted still got into an actual universities.
Yeah well they were trash in my day. Not sure I'd consider the Colorado School of Mines an "actual university" but okay, sure dude. Whatever makes you feel better. Just don't try to put down others to do it. It's lame.
Mines? That’s an elite engineering school.
UW bothell is Bellevue College, hth!
Didn’t go there. Went to the weed smoking, shit talking, TUFF natural science school down there. But I’m transferring to UW main campus.
Yeah not impressed. You think you're better than me? You're not.
Sure, high school is easy when you're not exhausted every day. Anybody who has never played football will never understand. While others were just regular students taking it easy, I was waking up at 5 AM every morning for an hour of team lifting and conditioning before school and then going to practice for two and half hours after school with more conditioning after that. And that would be after not going to sleep the night before until 12 PM doing homework. The physical and mental fatigue is constant as a student athlete. I laugh at fucking betas who think they're hot shit getting good grades as regular students. Most of you fucking pussies couldn't handle playing football and going to school at the same time and would quit after a couple days. Most of you basement dwellers don't know what hard is because you've never put in any real hard, physical work a day in your life so shut the fuck up.
Sure, high school is easy when you're not exhausted every day. Anybody who has never played football will never understand. While others were just regular students taking it easy, I was waking up at 5 AM every morning for an hour of team lifting and conditioning before school and then going to practice for two and half hours after school with more conditioning after that. And that would be after not going to sleep the night before until 12 PM doing homework. The physical and mental fatigue is constant as a student athlete. I laugh at fucking betas who think they're hot shit getting good grades as regular students. Most of you fucking pussies couldn't handle playing football and going to school at the same time and would quit after a couple days. Most of you basement dwellers don't know what hard is because you've never put in any real hard, physical work a day in your life so shut the fuck up.
You writing multiple novels to internet strangers 30 years older than you in a desperate attempt to validate yourself is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen on this site. Jot this down, even if you were the huge winner you want us to think you are, literally not a single person would give a shit.
Sure, high school is easy when you're not exhausted every day. Anybody who has never played football will never understand. While others were just regular students taking it easy, I was waking up at 5 AM every morning for an hour of team lifting and conditioning before school and then going to practice for two and half hours after school with more conditioning after that. And that would be after not going to sleep the night before until 12 PM doing homework. The physical and mental fatigue is constant as a student athlete. I laugh at fucking betas who think they're hot shit getting good grades as regular students. Most of you fucking pussies couldn't handle playing football and going to school at the same time and would quit after a couple days. Most of you basement dwellers don't know what hard is because you've never put in any real hard, physical work a day in your life so shut the fuck up.
Sure, high school is easy when you're not exhausted every day. Anybody who has never played football will never understand. While others were just regular students taking it easy, I was waking up at 5 AM every morning for an hour of team lifting and conditioning before school and then going to practice for two and half hours after school with more conditioning after that. And that would be after not going to sleep the night before until 12 PM doing homework. The physical and mental fatigue is constant as a student athlete. I laugh at fucking betas who think they're hot shit getting good grades as regular students. Most of you fucking pussies couldn't handle playing football and going to school at the same time and would quit after a couple days. Most of you basement dwellers don't know what hard is because you've never put in any real hard, physical work a day in your life so shut the fuck up.
I played football, aau, and for my HS basketball. Stop you were just a pussy.
I played football, basketball, and ran track and got a higher GPA than you. Lake Washington doesn't play fucking football. I played in the same conference and whooped LW's pussy asses like they stole something every year. Ain't no pussy here and I'd whoop your ass in a fight. Stop with the fucking tuff talk. You ain't hard. None of you are better than anybody and most of you are straight pussy. Just stop. Your academic record doesn't give you status over anybody.
You didn't get into the real UW. You went to a satellite campus. Admit it: you're a fucking loser.
Sure, high school is easy when you're not exhausted every day. Anybody who has never played football will never understand. While others were just regular students taking it easy, I was waking up at 5 AM every morning for an hour of team lifting and conditioning before school and then going to practice for two and half hours after school with more conditioning after that. And that would be after not going to sleep the night before until 12 PM doing homework. The physical and mental fatigue is constant as a student athlete. I laugh at fucking betas who think they're hot shit getting good grades as regular students. Most of you fucking pussies couldn't handle playing football and going to school at the same time and would quit after a couple days. Most of you basement dwellers don't know what hard is because you've never put in any real hard, physical work a day in your life so shut the fuck up.
Shut up and hang yourself.
Obviously they REALLY do. Otherwise, they wouldn't keep going on and on about their academic records and how dumb other people are for not getting whatever GPA or getting into whatever college. It's something for them to hold onto and be proud of when they don't have much else going for them.
Sure, high school is easy when you're not exhausted every day. Anybody who has never played football will never understand. While others were just regular students taking it easy, I was waking up at 5 AM every morning for an hour of team lifting and conditioning before school and then going to practice for two and half hours after school with more conditioning after that. And that would be after not going to sleep the night before until 12 PM doing homework. The physical and mental fatigue is constant as a student athlete. I laugh at fucking betas who think they're hot shit getting good grades as regular students. Most of you fucking pussies couldn't handle playing football and going to school at the same time and would quit after a couple days. Most of you basement dwellers don't know what hard is because you've never put in any real hard, physical work a day in your life so shut the fuck up.
I played football, aau, and for my HS basketball. Stop you were just a pussy.
I played football, basketball, and ran track and got a higher GPA than you. Lake Washington doesn't play fucking football. I played in the same conference and whooped LW's pussy asses like they stole something every year. Ain't no pussy here and I'd whoop your ass in a fight. Stop with the fucking tuff talk. You ain't hard. None of you are better than anybody and most of you are straight pussy. Just stop. Your academic record doesn't give you status over anybody.
You didn't get into the real UW. You went to a satellite campus. Admit it: you're a fucking loser.
Dude, you dropped out of college and you're now a middle aged man living off of government assistance but I'm a loser?
Shut up and hang yourself.
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