I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Seems like we're now talking about two things and you are doing some conflating of your own.
Pick one and let's focus.
And just because our people can't go work in Mexico, or own controlling interests there, is not good reason for the markets to suffer here ... if the labor / capital equilibrium is reached here, why do I want to fuck that up just because it's not being reached there? Makes no sense? Tit for Tat? Or What?
Reagan knew all that and still wanted what was best for markets. Fix what you can and work on the rest.
Labor laws are not manly, and serve as an inefficient cost and externality to markets. You know that.
In fact, for a guy with PhD in economis from Chicago your poast was pretty full of campaign sound bites.
Is your educashun made up like mine? Or legit? I'm suspicious.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
How cum the poor, white trash, out of work coal miners in West Virginia can't come pick fruit in Californee?
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
How cum the poor, white trash, out of work coal miners in West Virginia can't come pick fruit in Californee?
Because they don't want to. That's why they're big losers.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
How cum the poor, white trash, out of work coal miners in West Virginia can't come pick fruit in Californee?
They are more than welcome. Any okie, Arkie, or Appalachian would find work right away. There’s a shortage of unskilled labor in key industries. It would reduce the demand for illegal labor too. Why don’t they try? Funny how markets and the laws of economics work.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
How cum the poor, white trash, out of work coal miners in West Virginia can't come pick fruit in Californee?
They are more than welcome. Any okie, Arkie, or Appalachian would find work right away. There’s a shortage of unskilled labor in key industries. It would reduce the demand for illegal labor too. Why don’t they try? Funny how markets and the laws of economics work.
Yeah, but we don't really have a truly free market for labor in this country with the normal laws of supply and demand. It's full of all manner or distortions. Through the welfare state, we've basically made it possible for YUGE numbers able bodied males between age 18- 55 to say TAKE THIS JERB AND SHOVE IT. One can choose idle poverty these days and no longer starve to death. In Tom Joad's day this wasn't an option and the fruits and vegetables got picked.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
How cum the poor, white trash, out of work coal miners in West Virginia can't come pick fruit in Californee?
They are more than welcome. Any okie, Arkie, or Appalachian would find work right away. There’s a shortage of unskilled labor in key industries. It would reduce the demand for illegal labor too. Why don’t they try? Funny how markets and the laws of economics work.
Yeah, but we don't really have a truly free market for labor in this country with the normal laws of supply and demand. It's full of all manner or distortions. Through the welfare state, we've basically made it possible for YUGE numbers able bodied males between age 18- 55 to say TAKE THIS JERB AND SHOVE IT. One can choose idle poverty these days and no longer starve to death. In Tom Joad's day this wasn't an option and the fruits and vegetables got picked.
True. They choose idle poverty. Instead of getting skills or moving to where there are jobs for unskilled workers, they scapegoat Mexicans, advocate for tariffs against Canada and the EU in the name of national security, and support futile border walls, among a litany of fucktardedness.
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
How cum the poor, white trash, out of work coal miners in West Virginia can't come pick fruit in Californee?
They are more than welcome. Any okie, Arkie, or Appalachian would find work right away. There’s a shortage of unskilled labor in key industries. It would reduce the demand for illegal labor too. Why don’t they try? Funny how markets and the laws of economics work.
Yeah, but we don't really have a truly free market for labor in this country with the normal laws of supply and demand. It's full of all manner or distortions. Through the welfare state, we've basically made it possible for YUGE numbers able bodied males between age 18- 55 to say TAKE THIS JERB AND SHOVE IT. One can choose idle poverty these days and no longer starve to death. In Tom Joad's day this wasn't an option and the fruits and vegetables got picked.
You have a decent poont.
To which I refer you to Bill the Butcher:
You tell young Vallon I'm gonna paint Paradise Square with his blood. Two coats. I'll festoon my bedchamber with his guts. As for you, Mr. Tammany-fucking-Hall, you come down to the Points again, and you'll be dispatched by my own hand. Get back to your celebration and let me eat in peace.
As for your continued disrespeck of the Engrish, which has so many of my brothers here so concerned what with all the illegals, I'll refer you to Mr. Butcher again:
You see this knife? I'm gonna teach you to speak English with this fucking knife!
I guess I haven't read enough of your comments to understand your view of the connection between immigration and suffering and family displacement. Oh well, probably not worth your time following up on it. We're not going to agree, and that's fine.
Unless you open the borders people that come here illegally and try to cross are going to lose the fake family they came with or even a real family
Letting them in for years is why we have had kids in cages for years and an ongoing shit show at the border
Just because the media chose to bring it up this week hardly makes it a new problem
If you want more of something allow it to happen without consequence.
It was my understanding that the illegal immigration issue was solved back in 1986.
My smoking hot PMs parents waded across in the 80's and are proud Reagan amnesty folks who vote GOP. It was half a deal which is the deal Trump isn't taking this time
I've been meaning to ask you: where have the Reagan Republicans GONE?
The piece IN the NYT today going OVER Sessions and Miller reminded me how we got here: the NEW populism. You cannot wrangle out of this ONE with cute turns-of-a-phrase. The neo-conservative HAS absolutely turned his back ON free market economis. What with Sessions and his sandy memories of displaced chicken factory white trash, and Miller with God-knows-what pushing his buttons. Give me a fucking break. Even the most conservative OUTLETS I can find concede that these people do work that Americans no longer wish to do, and you and I both know what will happen if we have to fund a pension for a guy to mow MY grass.
We don't need millions of dirt farmers for our economy
That's establishment GOP bullshit that has nothing to do with conservatism
The democrats want votes the GOP wants lawn workers
I want what is best for America
Everyone of these democrat congressional districts has families in trouble that their grandstanding piece of shit representatives don't give two shits about
Construction is not the work Americans don't want to do.
Race you ignorant slut. You've completely betrayed capitalism, and thus betrayed Reagan and the foundation upon which this cuntry was built and rests.
Macro 101: capital and labor and equilibrium. It isn't the place of some message board jockey to second guess the invisible hand. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that Microsoft has written code that will solve central planning ... or some shit. If the immigrants find work at a given wage, then, by definition, the cuntry needed the labor at that wage. Period. Labor flows to capital and capital flows to labor. The guvmint and white trash hillbillies in Alabama need to stay out of the way.
Free market economics: the single most fair game the world has ever known. And now the losers of said game want to rewrite the rules.
Socialism through conservative politics. Never thought I'd see it. Even crazy Ronnie is turning in his grave as I type.
Nope. Stick to lawyering.
Shut up.
Your take on economics is coogly.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Lmk when you can pass a law that stops the supply of labor, goods, services or money where there is a market for it.
Not at all what I said. I'd be fine with guest worker programs. Dems will never allow it though. See above.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
The law as currently set forth? My policy preference is to mock and ridicule the utter fantasy that wasting billions on walls and enforcement will do anything. Because the laws of economics will win again and labor will be provided where there is a market (California Ag, hospitality and tourism industries).
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
How cum the poor, white trash, out of work coal miners in West Virginia can't come pick fruit in Californee?
They are more than welcome. Any okie, Arkie, or Appalachian would find work right away. There’s a shortage of unskilled labor in key industries. It would reduce the demand for illegal labor too. Why don’t they try? Funny how markets and the laws of economics work.
Yeah, but we don't really have a truly free market for labor in this country with the normal laws of supply and demand. It's full of all manner or distortions. Through the welfare state, we've basically made it possible for YUGE numbers able bodied males between age 18- 55 to say TAKE THIS JERB AND SHOVE IT. One can choose idle poverty these days and no longer starve to death. In Tom Joad's day this wasn't an option and the fruits and vegetables got picked.
You have a decent poont.
To which I refer you to Bill the Butcher:
You tell young Vallon I'm gonna paint Paradise Square with his blood. Two coats. I'll festoon my bedchamber with his guts. As for you, Mr. Tammany-fucking-Hall, you come down to the Points again, and you'll be dispatched by my own hand. Get back to your celebration and let me eat in peace.
As for your continued disrespeck of the Engrish, which has so many of my brothers here so concerned what with all the illegals, I'll refer you to Mr. Butcher again:
You see this knife? I'm gonna teach you to speak English with this fucking knife!
Claiming voter ID is racist is one of the Dems top 5 fucking idiotic things.
Do you do anything besides float around and wait for opportunities to put Race's dick in your mouth?
Do you have any views of your own that are not redundantly amplifying of Race's or OBK's thoughts? It's not manly, and it's kinda sad. Be more manly. Stand on your own ASU. Do something for Peterman's sake.
Claiming voter ID is racist is one of the Dems top 5 fucking idiotic things.
Do you do anything besides float around and wait for opportunities to put Race's dick in your mouth?
Do you have any views of your own that are not redundantly amplifying of Race's or OBK's thoughts? It's not manly, and it's kinda sad. Be more manly. Stand on your own ASU. Do something for Peterman's sake.
Free markets are good!
International labor markets aren't a free market though. Stop trying to conflate things as if they are.
Lmk when US nationals can freely work in Mexico or Canada, own land there, or even own a controlling interest of any capital. Also lmk when employers and illegal immigrants subscribe to American labor laws.
You can't cherry pick parts of markets to deregulate and claim it's making it a "free" market when vast sectors of the market remain heavily regulated.
For the record I'm completely for expanding LEGAL immigration. Dems don't want that though bc legal immigrants aren't beholden to the them.
Pick one and let's focus.
And just because our people can't go work in Mexico, or own controlling interests there, is not good reason for the markets to suffer here ... if the labor / capital equilibrium is reached here, why do I want to fuck that up just because it's not being reached there? Makes no sense? Tit for Tat? Or What?
Reagan knew all that and still wanted what was best for markets. Fix what you can and work on the rest.
Labor laws are not manly, and serve as an inefficient cost and externality to markets. You know that.
In fact, for a guy with PhD in economis from Chicago your poast was pretty full of campaign sound bites.
Is your educashun made up like mine? Or legit? I'm suspicious.
And you can pass laws that make substitute goods no longer viable in a market. Which is exactly what illegal labor is, a substitute good for low wage legal labor.
Alternatively, you can also lower the legal minimum wage to make legal labor more competitive. Again, I wonder why the dems are lobbying against that forever.
More to my point though, this is not an argument based on economics. Trying to conflate it as such is ignorant at best. I'm fine with any number of solutions but the point being they should FOLLOW THE LAW AS SET FORTH rather than continuing to ignore the laws as a legal policy. Please let me know what your policy stance given that condition would be.
There’s overwhelming bipartisan support for guest worker programs in California. That’s an easy win if the nativists would allow it, which they won’t.
Dems lose interest in immigration real fast.
ISAFNRC, right?
To which I refer you to Bill the Butcher:
You tell young Vallon I'm gonna paint Paradise Square with his blood. Two coats. I'll festoon my bedchamber with his guts. As for you, Mr. Tammany-fucking-Hall, you come down to the Points again, and you'll be dispatched by my own hand. Get back to your celebration and let me eat in peace.
As for your continued disrespeck of the Engrish, which has so many of my brothers here so concerned what with all the illegals, I'll refer you to Mr. Butcher again:
You see this knife? I'm gonna teach you to speak English with this fucking knife!
Do you have any views of your own that are not redundantly amplifying of Race's or OBK's thoughts? It's not manly, and it's kinda sad. Be more manly. Stand on your own ASU. Do something for Peterman's sake.