Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Fuck Derek, i just wanted to donate some cash to your site. Nothing more nothing less. What a deuche. Btw, i never left dawgman. Thought that was clear. Take J's $80 back for my contribution then.. You sold me out for the 3rd and last time. Good luck with this fuckshow
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Fuck Derek, i just wanted to donate some cash to your site. Nothing more nothing less. What a deuche
After all these years you haven't ever come close to spelling douche correctly
It's fucking impressive how some of y'all on the list consistently churn out good posts but at that high of a volume. I checked (like everyone else did) and I'm at 4.38 @ 1,186 posts... but then I realized it would be shit if I posted as often as the people on the list do. Would run out of witty comments real fast
It's fucking impressive how some of y'all on the list consistently churn out good posts but at that high of a volume. I checked (like everyone else did) and I'm at 4.38 @ 1,186 posts... but then I realized it would be shit if I posted as often as the people on the list do. Would run out of witty comments real fast
It's fucking impressive how some of y'all on the list consistently churn out good posts but at that high of a volume. I checked (like everyone else did) and I'm at 4.38 @ 1,186 posts... but then I realized it would be shit if I posted as often as the people on the list do. Would run out of witty comments real fast
I bet NEsnake7 doesn't have a shit attitude like that, good sir.
It's fucking impressive how some of y'all on the list consistently churn out good posts but at that high of a volume. I checked (like everyone else did) and I'm at 4.38 @ 1,186 posts... but then I realized it would be shit if I posted as often as the people on the list do. Would run out of witty comments real fast
It only works because shit's still funny after 23 times.
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
So, because I am mostly gay I decided to rank the quality, as rated by the bored at large, of the most prolific poasters on HH. Simple scale. I divided the total number of points (gained for upvotes and chins) by their total number of posts. The higher the number, the better their relative ranking.
I did this for the people with 10K posts and up. I don;t think I forgot anyone, but if I did fuck off anyway. I figure you have to sustain this shit over years and years to be worthy of anything. You can't just come in here, flash your dick around, gain piles of chins, and blow away with a high avergae like @GaryFromTeenMom or whatever. No flash in the pan mother fuckers.
Without further ado...
1) @Dennis_DeYoung 3.85 (I figured Race for sure here, but Dennis wins the day...proof we love queers here) 2) @RaceBannon 3.33 (As a certified minion I wept when I did this calculation) 3) @GrundleStiltzkin 3.29 (Everyone is talking about the difference between this years Grundle and last years version) 4) @DerekJohnson 3.02 (It's good to be the King)
So that's the above 3.00 top tier. The rest of you sort of suck, but I still love you bff buddy.
5) @Cuntwaffle 2.88 (Respectable showing for anyone named after a vaginal breakfast food) 6) @dnc 2.84 (It's okay pookie we'll do some really gay shit tonight) 7) @Gladstone (You are still my number one GOT gangsta) 8) @purplebaze 2.56 (Not bad for off brand Grundle)
I don't know what the fuck happened down below here.
Honorable Mention: @CokeGreaterThanPepsi has a STUNNING 4.47 score, but with only 6.5K posts I couldn't include him. As a point of reference , the self proclaimed greatest poster here, @puppylove_sugarsteel scored a 2.31, and also with 6.5K posts. Which would have been good for 11th, if he had enough posts. So I guess 11th place is the new best, if you drop 10. Sorry puppy.
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Tell him to spend the money on new meds
you should STFU about telling ppl on how to spend their money with that badge
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Fuck Derek, i just wanted to donate some cash to your site. Nothing more nothing less. What a deuche. Btw, i never left dawgman. Thought that was clear. Take J's $80 back for my contribution then.. You sold me out for the 3rd and last time. Good luck with this fuckshow
I don't see how I sold you out, but so it goes. Good luck to you Pup.
Swaye your index is about as reliable as ESPN's FPI. Use the coaches poll, the cool crowd, and Pup is sitting in his usual seat atop the polls. Obvious case of the nerd herd scratching each others arses. And yes, you need a life.
@DerekJohnson - I thought you closed the gates after @puppylove_sugarsteel said he was taking his ball and going back to Doogman where he belongs.
Within the same afternoon that Puppy called us a bunch of nerfherders (or whatever) and saying he was going back to Dawgman, he PM'd me wanting to know where to send cash.
Fuck Derek, i just wanted to donate some cash to your site. Nothing more nothing less. What a deuche. Btw, i never left dawgman. Thought that was clear. Take J's $80 back for my contribution then.. You sold me out for the 3rd and last time. Good luck with this fuckshow
Just don't call us narcissistic sociopaths
Just let it rip.
Middle school girl lunch gossip .jpg