Those numbers are not indicative of the quality of discourse Road and myself bring to the table, quite honestly
They're up in the booth, and can't feel the emotions down on the message boards.
Pumpy was stemmingpegging.
Is he pegging if he's the recipient or is he getting pegged?
I thoughtfully considered the appropriate past-tense conjugaytion and decided I didn't give a fuck; because, no one in their right mind would envision pumpy as the pitcher in that scenario.
Those numbers are not indicative of the quality of discourse Road and myself bring to the table, quite honestly
They're up in the booth, and can't feel the emotions down on the message boards.
Pumpy was stemmingpegging.
Is he pegging if he's the recipient or is he getting pegged?
I thoughtfully considered the appropriate past-tense conjugaytion and decided I didn't give a fuck; because, no one in their right mind would envision pumpy as the pitcher in that scenario.
The real question is does he ever receive the ass eating or is he strictly a giver
So, because I am mostly gay I decided to rank the quality, as rated by the bored at large, of the most prolific poasters on HH. Simple scale. I divided the total number of points (gained for upvotes and chins) by their total number of posts. The higher the number, the better their relative ranking.
I did this for the people with 10K posts and up. I don;t think I forgot anyone, but if I did fuck off anyway. I figure you have to sustain this shit over years and years to be worthy of anything. You can't just come in here, flash your dick around, gain piles of chins, and blow away with a high avergae like @GaryFromTeenMom or whatever. No flash in the pan mother fuckers.
Without further ado...
1) @Dennis_DeYoung 3.85 (I figured Race for sure here, but Dennis wins the day...proof we love queers here) 2) @RaceBannon 3.33 (As a certified minion I wept when I did this calculation) 3) @GrundleStiltzkin 3.29 (Everyone is talking about the difference between this years Grundle and last years version) 4) @DerekJohnson 3.02 (It's good to be the King)
So that's the above 3.00 top tier. The rest of you sort of suck, but I still love you bff buddy.
5) @Cuntwaffle 2.88 (Respectable showing for anyone named after a vaginal breakfast food) 6) @dnc 2.84 (It's okay pookie we'll do some really gay shit tonight) 7) @Gladstone (You are still my number one GOT gangsta) 8) @purplebaze 2.56 (Not bad for off brand Grundle)
I don't know what the fuck happened down below here.
Honorable Mention: @CokeGreaterThanPepsi has a STUNNING 4.47 score, but with only 6.5K posts I couldn't include him. As a point of reference , the self proclaimed greatest poster here, @puppylove_sugarsteel scored a 2.31, and also with 6.5K posts. Which would have been good for 11th, if he had enough posts. So I guess 11th place is the new best, if you drop 10. Sorry puppy.
I'm a bit unclear on that
It would be simple to code. Oh wait, we are talking about HH devs... never mind.