She never bashes the kids (especially the African Americans) and trusts the coaches. Strikes me as the kind of gal that would never go to the Zone and sees the two hole as both an exit and an entrance, as well.
Stanford is an annoyance when good... a la UW currently.
Source: Wife is a USC alum. Brother in law has two (??) natty rings playing under Pete and an NFL pension.
Stanford is still Stanford. Speedbump, like UW, when USC has the right coach.
Never will be a "rival."
Yeah, that "rivalry" was manufactured for 5 minutes when Harbaugh was using up his life-time allotment of magic to beat Pete with Stanford kids which, when you consider the drastically different recruiting limitations that Stanford has to live with compared to everyone else in the Pac 12, is still fucking amazing to me.
She never bashes the kids (especially the African Americans) and trusts the coaches. Strikes me as the kind of gal that would never go to the Zone and sees the two hole as both an exit and an entrance, as well.
The most important thing to these people is to lower standards to avoid disappointment. At all costs.
Instead of rooting for signing 5-stars, they say their 2-stars are just as good! Instead of being critical of the coaches, they say 'you try it! it's not so easy' (same for players, although I NEVER bash the players). Instead of saying 'Oregon won' it's 'Oregon cheated'.
They become more obsessed with their hated CHEATING rivals than themselves, because (as a product of lowering standards) they become obsessed with their CHEATING rivals and they want standards to be brought down to their level. Everything else becomes UNFAIR!
Doogs these days HATE Oregon (I don't) and view them as our MAIN RIVAL (how?). They apologize for the Cuogs (this is because they intuitively know the Cuogs use their logic, so they don't hate the Cuogs and their low standards like they should).
They loved Sark because he was the ultimate Doog coach: there are no real standards, but we know he's better than Ty. He let them keep their low standards and hatred of everything with high standards while winning some and providing excitement. Doogs love excitement because they are dumb.
This is why Doogs don't like Pete very much: he ruins all their narratives. This is why Doogs have to credit Sark for SOME of Pete's success (even though it's obvious he contributed nothing to it).
Doogs HATE Ty (although they loved him when he was here until '08) because they can't figure out it was already fucked under Gilby and they want to blame an outsider (Doogs are dumb like that).
Doogs ended up hating Neuheisel because they could blame another outsider (I hate Neu, too).
Doogs are people who instead of wanting greatness, prefer mediocrity because they are unsure greatness is achievable and it hurts them to admit it. They become bitter because they lack confidence in general about the world. And they should all be shot. Along with Cuogs.
Bump. Twitter is filled with these types right now. It is depressing. I hate them worse than the most white trash duck or pompous Furd fan.
The most important thing to these people is to lower standards to avoid disappointment. At all costs.
Instead of rooting for signing 5-stars, they say their 2-stars are just as good! Instead of being critical of the coaches, they say 'you try it! it's not so easy' (same for players, although I NEVER bash the players). Instead of saying 'Oregon won' it's 'Oregon cheated'.
They become more obsessed with their hated CHEATING rivals than themselves, because (as a product of lowering standards) they become obsessed with their CHEATING rivals and they want standards to be brought down to their level. Everything else becomes UNFAIR!
Doogs these days HATE Oregon (I don't) and view them as our MAIN RIVAL (how?). They apologize for the Cuogs (this is because they intuitively know the Cuogs use their logic, so they don't hate the Cuogs and their low standards like they should).
They loved Sark because he was the ultimate Doog coach: there are no real standards, but we know he's better than Ty. He let them keep their low standards and hatred of everything with high standards while winning some and providing excitement. Doogs love excitement because they are dumb.
This is why Doogs don't like Pete very much: he ruins all their narratives. This is why Doogs have to credit Sark for SOME of Pete's success (even though it's obvious he contributed nothing to it).
Doogs HATE Ty (although they loved him when he was here until '08) because they can't figure out it was already fucked under Gilby and they want to blame an outsider (Doogs are dumb like that).
Doogs ended up hating Neuheisel because they could blame another outsider (I hate Neu, too).
Doogs are people who instead of wanting greatness, prefer mediocrity because they are unsure greatness is achievable and it hurts them to admit it. They become bitter because they lack confidence in general about the world. And they should all be shot. Along with Cuogs.
Bump. is filled with these types right now. It is depressing. I hate them worse than the most white trash duck or pompous Furd fan.
Stanford is an annoyance when good... a la UW currently.
Source: Wife is a USC alum. Brother in law has two (??) natty rings playing under Pete and an NFL pension.
Stanford is still Stanford. Speedbump, like UW, when USC has the right coach.
Never will be a "rival."
When the best team in the conference for several years running has a total of about 12 fans its just embarrassing.
Stanford got two Rose Bowls and a Heisman at the height of McKay s powers