This was the plan from the get go. The administration knew they couldn't get a single payer system passed, so they came up with a system that would be sure to fail. Once it fails, single payer will be the only option. Pretty sick if you ask me.
Pretty much every other advanced country has single payer or some kind of similar "evil" socialized medicine
Then go live there and fuck off.
love it or leave it response from the pothead. No surprise.
You do know that healthcare is about 18% of GDP vs. about 8-12 in the other countries and people are charged 400 times as much for pills as in those countries.
So your solution would be a government monopoly on health care? If socialized medicine was so great you would see people lining up to move to Canada. In reality, Canadians wait in line for operations and get shitty service by comparison.
Sorry, I don't want to live in a country where I'm forced to pay for other people's misdeeds and misfortunes. It's stealing to take someone's money and give it to someone else.
By all means, argue based on statistics that you have no clue how to interpret. We spent billions on government-subsidized programs and costs went up. My grandma thanks you for her $400K surgery that didn't work out as planned.
Then you should LEAVE. Now. If you pay for medical insurance right now, you are paying for other people's sickness. If you don't pay insurance and are paying cash, you are still paying for other people's sickness through inflated costs.
It's almost like you don't understand basic concepts of insurance and health care costs.
The ones needing to leave are those wishing to live off the sweat of the producnot wish to be Cuba. America or GTFO!
You clearly missed the point.
What part of the point did I miss besides you wanting us to pay for lazy ass peoples health care?
I'm not talking about those that can't work I'm talking about those who won't work.
What world do you live in? You pay for lazy ass people's health care every time you or your employer pay medical insurance or any time you pay a medical bill.
Holy fuck.
Yeah where's my 2500.00 a year savings your guy promised because adding 30 million people would make it cheaper?
Are you really this daft?
Are you really that stupid? Or do you just like repeating talking points that have no bearing on reality? Because the $2,500 comment was on the plan Obama campaigned on. Which was vastly different than the plan that was passed.
The plan was written and passed without change. Rimmed through without even reading it, remember? Alzhiemers?
Again more lies. Here's an education.
Barack Obama Would create a national health insurance program for individuals who do not have employer-provided health care and who do not qualify for other existing federal programs. Does not mandate individual coverage for all Americans, but requires coverage for all children. Allows individuals below age 25 to be covered through their parents' plans.
Allows individuals to choose between the new public insurance program and private insurance plans that meet certain coverage standards. The Obama campaign Web site says the coverage would have benefits similar to those offered to Congress through the Federal Employees Benefits Program. Plan would expand eligibility for Medicaid and State's Children's Health Insurance Program.
Offer an income-based federal subsidy for people who don't get insurance from an employer or qualify for government plans like Medicaid.
Obama estimates the cost at between $50 billion and $65 billion, to be paid for by eliminating Bush tax cuts for those earning over $250,000.
Regarding employer contributions toward healthcare costs, the Obama Web site states: "Employers that do not offer or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan." The plan calls for small businesses to be exempt from the requirement and some could receive a tax credit that helps reduce healthcare costs, according to the Web site.
Says states can continue to experiment with health care plans as long as they meet the minimum standards of the national plan.
Proposes investing $10 billion a year during the next five years to implement standards-based electronic health information systems, which would include electronic health records.
Would allow Americans to purchase medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower than outside the United States. Says he would repeal the ban that prevents the U.S. from negotiating with drug companies.
The administration knew they couldn't get a single payer system passed, so they came up with a system that would be sure to fail. Once it fails, single payer will be the only option.
In other words, they tried for single payer, but the (R)s forced this compromise for reform, because the insurance company lobbyists bought off the (R)s.
No R votes were required for anything to do with this abortion of a bill. It is fully owned by Obama and the democrats.
Every R voted against Obamacare You lie about as effectively as Hillary
And to add, It was all locked down by Obama with the D's in Congress before He even took orifice due to his perceived "mandate" at the time.
It is sad that you think money paid for health services is evil if it is paid via taxes instead of through insurance premiums, even if the total amount spent is lower by removing the insurance company profit.
Imagine actually believing that the government can provide services more efficiently than the free market, because "pr0fit!!!111!!" profit is the reason WHY it's more efficient.
You'd have a point if the US didn't pay more per capita in health care than every country in the world, including those with universal.
There are literally dozens of test cases available that prove universal is cheaper and actually leads to a healthier populace, but you retards are too fucking shortsided to change. I hope you all get aids and die just before your bankruptcy hearing.
Flagged for mentioning bankruptcy. #TrumpTrollBaiting
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
I actually think a single payer system competing against the private system would be a good thing. But when I read it's proponents comments on these boreds, I retreat and change my mind in hopes those posters will just die instead.
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
I actually think a single payer system competing against the private system would be a good thing. But when I read it's proponents comments on these boreds, I retreat and change my mind in hopes those posters will just die instead.
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
Yeah the US government is far more efficient. Holy shit!
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
Yeah the US government is far more efficient. Holy shit!
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
Yeah the US government is far more efficient. Holy shit!
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
Yeah the US government is far more efficient. Holy shit!
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
Yeah the US government is far more efficient. Holy shit!
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
Yeah the US government is far more efficient. Holy shit!
Why would we want to provide coverage for everyone and reduce our burden by 50%? Single payer is scary! Why add thousands of dollars per capita into other sectors of the economy when we can pay for 50 layers of bureaucratic inefficiencies at insurance companies?
Yeah the US government is far more efficient. Holy shit!
And yet every single country with universal health care spends less than the US per capita, most more than 50%.
You think this is because their system is more efficient, or because their culture isn't full of mountain dew drinking cheeto eaters playing Warcraft in their mom's dads' basement? No offense to present company, of course.
Obamacare is a shitty product, but acting like the Republicans have taken the high road on healthcare is so fucking laughable that I'm not even going to go into it. Look back to the Bush-era prescription drug handout for a little taste.
Pass single payer and raise the tax ceiling for fucks sake and join the rest of the civilized world.
Is cute how nearly every part of your life is traxed yet you think more needs to be paid.
Barack Obama
Would create a national health insurance program for individuals who do not have employer-provided health care and who do not qualify for other existing federal programs. Does not mandate individual coverage for all Americans, but requires coverage for all children. Allows individuals below age 25 to be covered through their parents' plans.
Allows individuals to choose between the new public insurance program and private insurance plans that meet certain coverage standards. The Obama campaign Web site says the coverage would have benefits similar to those offered to Congress through the Federal Employees Benefits Program. Plan would expand eligibility for Medicaid and State's Children's Health Insurance Program.
Offer an income-based federal subsidy for people who don't get insurance from an employer or qualify for government plans like Medicaid.
Obama estimates the cost at between $50 billion and $65 billion, to be paid for by eliminating Bush tax cuts for those earning over $250,000.
Regarding employer contributions toward healthcare costs, the Obama Web site states: "Employers that do not offer or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan." The plan calls for small businesses to be exempt from the requirement and some could receive a tax credit that helps reduce healthcare costs, according to the Web site.
Says states can continue to experiment with health care plans as long as they meet the minimum standards of the national plan.
Proposes investing $10 billion a year during the next five years to implement standards-based electronic health information systems, which would include electronic health records.
Would allow Americans to purchase medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower than outside the United States. Says he would repeal the ban that prevents the U.S. from negotiating with drug companies.
If you don't like the source. Google it dumbfuck.
Such lemmings J
Here are a couple highlights:
Medicaire's spending grows at a slower rate than private insurance premiums (4.3% per year vs 6.5%).
It's administrative costs are tiny compare to private insurance also (2% of expenditures vs 17% of revenue).
Are you under the impression that paying medical billing coders, insurance adjusters etc is a good use of health care spending?
Medicare is working just fine
Doctors refuse to accept medicare patients
Medicare 2015: More doctors rejecting medicare patients
Curious how that works. Price controls reduce supply. Who woulda guessed?
Which watching how he and Race interact, it makes perfect sense.
mom'sdads' basement? No offense to present company, of course.I haven't heard of the Creed Alliance, so I'm guessing that 's some Birther BS.