I’m just goofing. I love the information I find here, but I’m always going to do my own research. I gained 10lbs after quitting keto, but now that I’m getting into the swing of riding the peloton and continuing to cut out sugary shit and generally watching/tracking what I’m eating, I’m down below where I was at my lowest on keto. I’m down 17lbs overall.
Weighed in at 194.8 today. FFS. This 80% zone 2 / 20% anaerobic may really have something. Still lifting weights, yoga etc. Drinks being reduced may be helping, but am still at an average of 2.3 per day since then. This included a work trip to Ireland for a week with a trip to the Guinness factory. There is so much food available when traveling and also results in less gym time, but still dropping. Probably some cumulative effects too.
I've been really focused on increasing the time in saddle on the Peleton this winter in border between Zone 2/3 including adding in some 60 min workouts.
It's been a little tricky to figure out what my max HR is these days and I still can't figure out if it's 180ish or 192 ish. As such, I've been going perceived effort and 140 BPM feels about right for the transition between Zones 2 and 3. I can hold that for an hour and still have plenty of gas in the tank to hold it for another 30 or 60 mins.
A few months I ago on the Peleton my average watts for 30 min at 140 BPM was 209. Last week is was up to 251 watts for 30 mins at 140 BPM. That's some dramatic improvement.
My old man fitness goals for 2025 at sub 19 mins for 5000 meters at 25 s/m on the C2 and break 600 KJ of total output (333 average watts) for 30 mins on the Peloton.
Yeah been trying to do a once per week hour piece on the C2 in zone 2. It feels so lame but I'm losing weight and seeing gains in various places - higher weight tolerance on squats/hamstring curls/quad lifts. Cleared 19 mins in a 5K a couple of weeks ago which was a nice milestone to hit (at 23 s/m). Debating other goals right now. 1:25 pace for a 1 minute piece might be the next goal. TBD
Yella directed me to this thread. I started rowing again on 1/30. Then, I proceeded to get sick, but picked it back up on 2/11. I've been rowing consistently since then. I haven't been doing sprints; instead focusing on endurance. I had worked my way up to 36 minutes. Today, I went up to 40 minutes & cleared 9000 meters. This is all at 22 s/m.
I'm 54 years old and stand at 5'10", with a wingspan of 6', weighing in at 165 and some change.
A year ago, I was weighing in around 195. Got fed up and started my weight loss effort on 5/1. By early September, I was in the 163-164 territory. I did all that by cutting 500-700 calories a day from my diet. There was little in the way of working out. Occasional hikes, yard work, and a lot of sportbike riding (which isn't totally intense, but does engage your core and leg muscles if you're riding properly).
Anyway, I'll start doing sprints on the Concept 2 again soon. For now, I'm trying to build up to 10000 meters in one session. I am definitely seeing the results with musculature. Nothing hurts, so I guess my form is good… and I'm super flexible.
I'll try to post a screenshot of the recent entries in my Concept 2 logbook.
Word! I had to get into the mindset and be stubborn. I'm not going to lie. It wasn't easy. It's starting to become a habit now, but I watch everything carefully. A little bit of fasting helped, BTW. I did anywhere from 12 to 18 hours. A sixteen hour fast was the norm.
I had signed up for the Concept2 challenge for International Women’s day, to get an easy $5 for the Women’s Sports Foundation and since that’s an easy workout after Saturday golf. Had to row a 5K.
Well I didn’t realize it was the C2 WOD and all results would be published. So had to push and overcome golf/lunch drinks and the old man afternoon nap, plus not being as hydrated as ideal. Somehow shaved like 3 seconds off my best time this year. Acceptable.
I’m making all my health decisions based on this bored. Fuck going to the doctor, I have Pawz and Yella.
Having a rough morning personally and this was a needed, well-timed pickup.
Glad you are making progress. Stay with it. God speed.
Listen to @pawz and not me, big dog! I hate the fucking internet and am only here cause I go sucked during peak HH in 2016.
My check-in is timed with Election Day, since that was the first day of the second round of chemo.
I’ve had a 25lb swing in weight at only 5’8”. Down 10lbs the first week back on chemo. Lost 5 more, then up 25 for 10lb net.
I definitely didn’t gain any muscle weight, which is the next goal. And imperative.
Take me with a grain of salt. I’m just am amateur at this stuff and still learning.
I am really, truly happy to see this board having a positive impact on people’s lives outside of our? small postage stamp on the interwebs.
I’m just goofing. I love the information I find here, but I’m always going to do my own research. I gained 10lbs after quitting keto, but now that I’m getting into the swing of riding the peloton and continuing to cut out sugary shit and generally watching/tracking what I’m eating, I’m down below where I was at my lowest on keto. I’m down 17lbs overall.
Weighed in at 194.8 today. FFS. This 80% zone 2 / 20% anaerobic may really have something. Still lifting weights, yoga etc. Drinks being reduced may be helping, but am still at an average of 2.3 per day since then. This included a work trip to Ireland for a week with a trip to the Guinness factory. There is so much food available when traveling and also results in less gym time, but still dropping. Probably some cumulative effects too.
Bob Ernst for HHS!
Fat shaming works !!
I've been really focused on increasing the time in saddle on the Peleton this winter in border between Zone 2/3 including adding in some 60 min workouts.
It's been a little tricky to figure out what my max HR is these days and I still can't figure out if it's 180ish or 192 ish. As such, I've been going perceived effort and 140 BPM feels about right for the transition between Zones 2 and 3. I can hold that for an hour and still have plenty of gas in the tank to hold it for another 30 or 60 mins.
A few months I ago on the Peleton my average watts for 30 min at 140 BPM was 209. Last week is was up to 251 watts for 30 mins at 140 BPM. That's some dramatic improvement.
My old man fitness goals for 2025 at sub 19 mins for 5000 meters at 25 s/m on the C2 and break 600 KJ of total output (333 average watts) for 30 mins on the Peloton.
Yeah been trying to do a once per week hour piece on the C2 in zone 2. It feels so lame but I'm losing weight and seeing gains in various places - higher weight tolerance on squats/hamstring curls/quad lifts. Cleared 19 mins in a 5K a couple of weeks ago which was a nice milestone to hit (at 23 s/m). Debating other goals right now. 1:25 pace for a 1 minute piece might be the next goal. TBD
I got to 19:10 last summer but got sidetracked focusing on Mt Biking.
I try not to stress the old man times too much compared to what 19 year old yella could do- e.g., 19:50 for 6000 meter.
Sub 19:00 at 3761 feet (it's hard) feels like a good measure of skrong old man VO2 max.
Yella directed me to this thread. I started rowing again on 1/30. Then, I proceeded to get sick, but picked it back up on 2/11. I've been rowing consistently since then. I haven't been doing sprints; instead focusing on endurance. I had worked my way up to 36 minutes. Today, I went up to 40 minutes & cleared 9000 meters. This is all at 22 s/m.
I'm 54 years old and stand at 5'10", with a wingspan of 6', weighing in at 165 and some change.
A year ago, I was weighing in around 195. Got fed up and started my weight loss effort on 5/1. By early September, I was in the 163-164 territory. I did all that by cutting 500-700 calories a day from my diet. There was little in the way of working out. Occasional hikes, yard work, and a lot of sportbike riding (which isn't totally intense, but does engage your core and leg muscles if you're riding properly).
Anyway, I'll start doing sprints on the Concept 2 again soon. For now, I'm trying to build up to 10000 meters in one session. I am definitely seeing the results with musculature. Nothing hurts, so I guess my form is good… and I'm super flexible.
I'll try to post a screenshot of the recent entries in my Concept 2 logbook.
Fucking Euro date format...
the best diet to lose weight is having the discipline to cut 500 - 700 calories per day.
maff is hard.
Word! I had to get into the mindset and be stubborn. I'm not going to lie. It wasn't easy. It's starting to become a habit now, but I watch everything carefully. A little bit of fasting helped, BTW. I did anywhere from 12 to 18 hours. A sixteen hour fast was the norm.
I had signed up for the Concept2 challenge for International Women’s day, to get an easy $5 for the Women’s Sports Foundation and since that’s an easy workout after Saturday golf. Had to row a 5K.
Well I didn’t realize it was the C2 WOD and all results would be published. So had to push and overcome golf/lunch drinks and the old man afternoon nap, plus not being as hydrated as ideal. Somehow shaved like 3 seconds off my best time this year. Acceptable.
Cold and not humid probably helped a ton.