My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
The point is, you have faith.
I don’t stress about it much. The burden of proof is not on me after all. I don’t make any metaphysical claims.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
The point is, you have faith.
I don’t stress about it much. The burden of proof is not on me after all. I don’t make any metaphysical claims.
I didn’t assert you stressed. Just stated a fact. Yet some would suggest “life emerges” is a metaphysical claim.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
The point is, you have faith.
I don’t stress about it much. The burden of proof is not on me after all. I don’t make any metaphysical claims.
I didn’t assert you stressed. Just stated a fact. Yet some would suggest “life emerges” is a metaphysical claim.
Some are wrong. There's no metaphysical claim with "life emerges", rather, we're? just saying we don't know yet (and may never know). But not knowing the answer doesn't equate to evidence of magic or that the laws of physics were suspended this one time.
At the end of the day, I stand by Saint Chris Hitchens point, which is to say that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
The point is, you have faith.
I don’t stress about it much. The burden of proof is not on me after all. I don’t make any metaphysical claims.
I didn’t assert you stressed. Just stated a fact. Yet some would suggest “life emerges” is a metaphysical claim.
Some are wrong. There's no metaphysical claim with "life emerges", rather, we're? just saying we don't know yet (and may never know). But not knowing the answer doesn't equate to evidence of magic or that the laws of physics were suspended this one time.
At the end of the day, I stand by Saint Chris Hitchens point, which is to say that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Yes… it can be. Which is why “life emerges” 600 million years ago requires faith. Because it can be dismissed without evidence.
My bro in law has a PHD in chemistry. From UW in the mid 90s. He runs a big department of about 200 people doing top secret shit. His journey to Christianity was chinteresting (or not). The deeper he got into science and his field, he could no longer ignore that God exists. Until he then accepted Christ. He’s not the only scientist I know who went through this. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything. I just find it compelling when people deep into chemistry, biology, archaeology, astronomy, etc either become Christian’s or their faith deepens.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
The point is, you have faith.
I don’t stress about it much. The burden of proof is not on me after all. I don’t make any metaphysical claims.
I didn’t assert you stressed. Just stated a fact. Yet some would suggest “life emerges” is a metaphysical claim.
Some are wrong. There's no metaphysical claim with "life emerges", rather, we're? just saying we don't know yet (and may never know). But not knowing the answer doesn't equate to evidence of magic or that the laws of physics were suspended this one time.
At the end of the day, I stand by Saint Chris Hitchens point, which is to say that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Yes… it can be. Which is why “life emerges” 600 million years ago requires faith. Because it can be dismissed without evidence.
My bro in law has a PHD in chemistry. From UW in the mid 90s. He runs a big department of about 200 people doing top secret shit. His journey to Christianity was chinteresting (or not). The deeper he got into science and his field, he could no longer ignore that God exists. Until he then accepted Christ. He’s not the only scientist I know who went through this. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything. I just find it compelling when people deep into chemistry, biology, archaeology, astronomy, etc either become Christian’s or their faith deepens.
It takes a whole lot more faith to believe the entirety of the universe came together by a series of unrelated cells, minerals, atoms and events than to accept that perhaps there is some master designer that built it.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Well, yeah, if I’m wrong, the consequences are dire. Eternal damnation sounds like a real bummer.
The point is, you have faith.
I don’t stress about it much. The burden of proof is not on me after all. I don’t make any metaphysical claims.
I didn’t assert you stressed. Just stated a fact. Yet some would suggest “life emerges” is a metaphysical claim.
Some are wrong. There's no metaphysical claim with "life emerges", rather, we're? just saying we don't know yet (and may never know). But not knowing the answer doesn't equate to evidence of magic or that the laws of physics were suspended this one time.
At the end of the day, I stand by Saint Chris Hitchens point, which is to say that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Yes… it can be. Which is why “life emerges” 600 million years ago requires faith. Because it can be dismissed without evidence.
My bro in law has a PHD in chemistry. From UW in the mid 90s. He runs a big department of about 200 people doing top secret shit. His journey to Christianity was chinteresting (or not). The deeper he got into science and his field, he could no longer ignore that God exists. Until he then accepted Christ. He’s not the only scientist I know who went through this. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything. I just find it compelling when people deep into chemistry, biology, archaeology, astronomy, etc either become Christian’s or their faith deepens.
It takes a whole lot more faith to believe the entirety of the universe came together by a series of unrelated cells, minerals, atoms and events than to accept that perhaps there is some master designer that built it.
How do you figure? That we haven't unraveled the mysteries of the Big Bang doesn't make it more likely that there was/is a master designer than not. And furthermore, it's big leap to get from "the origins of the Universe are complicated" to the Nicaean Creed.
At the end of the day, I stand by Saint Chris Hitchens point, which is to say that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
We can see back to the big bang which is cool. We can't see what banged
They did have a decent understanding of human nature and laid down some good rules. I try to follow about 60% of them.
My bro in law has a PHD in chemistry. From UW in the mid 90s. He runs a big department of about 200 people doing top secret shit. His journey to Christianity was chinteresting (or not). The deeper he got into science and his field, he could no longer ignore that God exists. Until he then accepted Christ. He’s not the only scientist I know who went through this. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything. I just find it compelling when people deep into chemistry, biology, archaeology, astronomy, etc either become Christian’s or their faith deepens.
Was there ever a beginning? Is there an end? Our shit will blow up eventually but there are lots of replacements
A noted atheist said he thinks aliens may have seeded earth
Not out of the question. Ancient Aliens is a guilty pleasure
But I'm not here to tell anyone what to believe
I love science and Jesus