I believe in something but I have zero faith in any organized religion at this point in my life. As I tell Mrs Nacho when she gets cynical about all the bad things done in the name of religion, organized religion has probably far more good overall. I don’t trust it because there’s a person with an agenda between me and whatever higher power/creator/god/spirit is out there.
The Throbber's stance on religious beliefs is exactly the same as on the jab or abortions - you do you on whatever aligns with your personal variables. But also, I'm gonna let me be me and stay off my lawn.
You want to be a devil worshipper or a Muslim, thats fine. But it's not your job to come into my house and tell me how to live and why my flavor of spirituality doesn't match your definition.
My spirit, my choice.
Had an extreme Bible thumper evangelical try to tell me why his path to salvation was superior to mine and that I needed to improve my walk a few weeks back
I told him me and the real Big Guy talked and that the Bible thumper should fuck off.
The Throbber's stance on religious beliefs is exactly the same as on the jab or abortions - you do you on whatever aligns with your personal variables. But also, I'm gonna let me be me and stay off my lawn.
You want to be a devil worshipper or a Muslim, thats fine. But it's not your job to come into my house and tell me how to live and why my flavor of spirituality doesn't match your definition.
My spirit, my choice.
Had an extreme Bible thumper evangelical try to tell me why his path to salvation was superior to mine and that I needed to improve my walk a few weeks back
I told him me and the real Big Guy talked and that the Bible thumper should fuck off.
I’m polite whenever the doorbellers for Jesus come by handing tickets out for God. The Mormon kids get excited when I tell them I’m from Desert ( @89ute ) . But then they get the sads when I abruptly say I’m a devout atheist.
7th Day Adventists are usually shocked as they aren’t used to that rebuttal. Usually they just get a no thanks as opposed to “there is no god”.
I believe in something but I have zero faith in any organized religion at this point in my life. As I tell Mrs Nacho when she gets cynical about all the bad things done in the name of religion, organized religion has probably far more good overall. I don’t trust it because there’s a person with an agenda between me and whatever higher power/creator/god/spirit is out there.
The one type of organized religion that was helpful to me was a pastor speaking to a small group and interacting with questions and conversation.
Flying spaghetti monsterinan - God's not real you fucking idiot
I could also go with Agnostic, I guess, I mean there is no evidence of a theoretical thing NOT being true...
I appreciate religion. It's interwoven with human history and is the driver of many of the societal norms we accept today. Humans needed something to explain events they could not explain: death, illness, weather, natural disasters. What are those lights in the sky? What's this sun and moon thing? How to explain? God did it! Of course it became abused to benefit certain people. If you don't show up at church and give me 10% of your money you're gonna end up in hell has been a very effective sales pitch.
However, we know shit now, have the ability to communicate globally and share information, have a scientific process and can explain things which were previously unexplainable. Except for death. So it continues to give us something to look forward to after we die. Pick your flavor of ice cream on what you have to do to enjoy whatever awaits in the great beyond.
I was raised a Christian Scientist, married a Catholic, been to Methodist and Lutheran church (other relatives), have a former mormon brother in law, visited mosques in Egypt, been to mass at JP2's church in Krakow, work with plenty of Hindus & Muslims and know plenty of MadSon's chosen ones. It's cool, y'all do you, until you cross the line to evil.
I just don't think any of them are right. The images and data being retrieved by the Webb Telescope has reinforced this with me even more. There is no possible way to contextualize how large and old the universe is. The number of events that have occurred in the universe is beyond our ability to comprehend. And when there are that many events, galaxies forming and dying, matter smashing into other matter, at some point you get the combination of the right shit smashing together and forming our galaxy to get what we have on this planet.
We're just atoms. It's not that fucking complicated.
I could also go with Agnostic, I guess, I mean there is no evidence of a theoretical thing NOT being true...
I appreciate religion. It's interwoven with human history and is the driver of many of the societal norms we accept today. Humans needed something to explain events they could not explain: death, illness, weather, natural disasters. What are those lights in the sky? What's this sun and moon thing? How to explain? God did it! Of course it became abused to benefit certain people. If you don't show up at church and give me 10% of your money you're gonna end up in hell has been a very effective sales pitch.
However, we know shit now, have the ability to communicate globally and share information, have a scientific process and can explain things which were previously unexplainable. Except for death. So it continues to give us something to look forward to after we die. Pick your flavor of ice cream on what you have to do to enjoy whatever awaits in the great beyond.
I was raised a Christian Scientist, married a Catholic, been to Methodist and Lutheran church (other relatives), have a former mormon brother in law, visited mosques in Egypt, been to mass at JP2's church in Krakow, work with plenty of Hindus & Muslims and know plenty of MadSon's chosen ones. It's cool, y'all do you, until you cross the line to evil.
I just don't think any of them are right. The images and data being retrieved by the Webb Telescope has reinforced this with me even more. There is no possible way to contextualize how large and old the universe is. The number of events that have occurred in the universe is beyond our ability to comprehend. And when there are that many events, galaxies forming and dying, matter smashing into other matter, at some point you get the combination of the right shit smashing together and forming our galaxy to get what we have on this planet.
We're just atoms. It's not that fucking complicated.
It's extraordinarily complicated, regardless of belief.
I could also go with Agnostic, I guess, I mean there is no evidence of a theoretical thing NOT being true...
I appreciate religion. It's interwoven with human history and is the driver of many of the societal norms we accept today. Humans needed something to explain events they could not explain: death, illness, weather, natural disasters. What are those lights in the sky? What's this sun and moon thing? How to explain? God did it! Of course it became abused to benefit certain people. If you don't show up at church and give me 10% of your money you're gonna end up in hell has been a very effective sales pitch.
However, we know shit now, have the ability to communicate globally and share information, have a scientific process and can explain things which were previously unexplainable. Except for death. So it continues to give us something to look forward to after we die. Pick your flavor of ice cream on what you have to do to enjoy whatever awaits in the great beyond.
I was raised a Christian Scientist, married a Catholic, been to Methodist and Lutheran church (other relatives), have a former mormon brother in law, visited mosques in Egypt, been to mass at JP2's church in Krakow, work with plenty of Hindus & Muslims and know plenty of MadSon's chosen ones. It's cool, y'all do you, until you cross the line to evil.
I just don't think any of them are right. The images and data being retrieved by the Webb Telescope has reinforced this with me even more. There is no possible way to contextualize how large and old the universe is. The number of events that have occurred in the universe is beyond our ability to comprehend. And when there are that many events, galaxies forming and dying, matter smashing into other matter, at some point you get the combination of the right shit smashing together and forming our galaxy to get what we have on this planet.
We're just atoms. It's not that fucking complicated.
Superior row peter puffer logic.
I concur.
I suspect more than a few of us tall Vikings oarsmen never truly accepted the Christian God. And Thor is just for comic book movies.
My basic elevator speech hasn't changed much since HS...
Earth = 4.5 billion years old
Simple life emerges 600 million years ago
Dinosaurs for like 200 millions years
Early modern homo sapiens don't arrive until 200,000 years ago
Then 2,000 years ago in the most bass akwards part of the world (not Rome or China mind you) amongst a bunch of bronze age goat herders, the most important even in the history of the planet occurs, followed by a Roman Emperor needing a new state religion three centuries later.
I need more evidence guys and can't take on faith. But that's just me, and believing that we're simply worm dirt when we die ain't for everyone.
Mrs. Snow is a confirmed papist, but more of a deist these days. I told her she can take on a new boyfriend in heaven if I don't get in.
ATBSJBS, I'm thankful for the Protestant Reformation and the good that it did in creating the modern world.
Some say it takes more faith not to believe than to believe.
Recently went New King James. I like it. Not a fan of the old KJ
ATBS Jesus seems like a pretty cool dude to hang out with.
*Makes water into wine
"Do it again Jesus!"
But still your ancestors weep.
You want to be a devil worshipper or a Muslim, thats fine. But it's not your job to come into my house and tell me how to live and why my flavor of spirituality doesn't match your definition.
My spirit, my choice.
Had an extreme Bible thumper evangelical try to tell me why his path to salvation was superior to mine and that I needed to improve my walk a few weeks back
I told him me and the real Big Guy talked and that the Bible thumper should fuck off.
7th Day Adventists are usually shocked as they aren’t used to that rebuttal. Usually they just get a no thanks as opposed to “there is no god”.
I appreciate religion. It's interwoven with human history and is the driver of many of the societal norms we accept today. Humans needed something to explain events they could not explain: death, illness, weather, natural disasters. What are those lights in the sky? What's this sun and moon thing? How to explain? God did it! Of course it became abused to benefit certain people. If you don't show up at church and give me 10% of your money you're gonna end up in hell has been a very effective sales pitch.
However, we know shit now, have the ability to communicate globally and share information, have a scientific process and can explain things which were previously unexplainable. Except for death. So it continues to give us something to look forward to after we die. Pick your flavor of ice cream on what you have to do to enjoy whatever awaits in the great beyond.
I was raised a Christian Scientist, married a Catholic, been to Methodist and Lutheran church (other relatives), have a former mormon brother in law, visited mosques in Egypt, been to mass at JP2's church in Krakow, work with plenty of Hindus & Muslims and know plenty of MadSon's chosen ones. It's cool, y'all do you, until you cross the line to evil.
I just don't think any of them are right. The images and data being retrieved by the Webb Telescope has reinforced this with me even more. There is no possible way to contextualize how large and old the universe is. The number of events that have occurred in the universe is beyond our ability to comprehend. And when there are that many events, galaxies forming and dying, matter smashing into other matter, at some point you get the combination of the right shit smashing together and forming our galaxy to get what we have on this planet.
We're just atoms. It's not that fucking complicated.
I concur.
I suspect more than a few of us tall Vikings oarsmen never truly accepted the Christian God. And Thor is just for comic book movies.
edit: oic, praise FSM.
That said, I find militant atheists (which are most of them) way more annoying than evangelicals