Sincerely, @insinceredawg , what do you got for self defense on the Portland shooting? I am honestly curious.
I guess the only defense is Trump supporters should not or are not allowed to proudly display their support in public. I'm in a fight with two of my best friends from Portland who are seriously saying that both sides are looking for a fight. Both sides???? Where the fuck have they been for the past 103 days? What fucking destruction of property and or persons has the conservative right engaged in Portland or the entire country for that matter? Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I agree with your friends to an extent. I don't doubt many of the guysm driving through downtown Portland wanted to provoke something. If you're really wanting a Trump win, it's best to avoid provoking a fight. Any MAGTARD throwing punches will be amplified 100x. You don't have to like that reality, but I think you also know that's what will happen.
I dont find it compelling to say just sit at home and shut up so you dont provoke something when people have already been silenced, buildings already burned, people already murdered for political beliefs, and entire city blocks already taken over. The two groups aren't at all comparable.
There is a fine line between acknowledging a likely outcome and justifying the response or drawing false equivalencies between the two groups. Im sure there are people that used a similar justification to be against Rosa Parks sitting in the "wrong" seat or Lexington not turning over their guns... It was obviously going to provoke something...
Its a dangerous thing to constantly give into what is essentially the heckler's veto. I cant entertain the idea that its somehow morally corrupt to drive around with a Trump or USA flag because someone might be provoked.
You are right about anyone fighting back though, these MAGATARDS need to film everything, police their own, and remain as peaceful as possible... Their options are basically peacefully martyr themselves or lose the ideological war.
Pretty simple. Cons & Rs love their Country despite it's flaws, believe it can be improved for all without a revolution or massive societal shifts of wealth and power, and believe in refinement and improvement versus tearing it all down and starting over.
Libs and Ds realize they aren't very good at this game, not for very long, anyway, because under their model and leadership, the money always runs out so they have to start demonizing and stealing to survive. Hence, they want to burn it all down and start over.
Dems actually have the hubris to believe that if they were in charge of everything, it would all be great. That's called Totalitarianism, and it's what true tyrants always want, because they hate having to answer for their failures or justify their terrible ideas.
Classic Donald Trump, managed to squeeze this in on the fly ".... Biden doesn't even know he's alive." Gotta love it.
Libs and Ds realize they aren't very good at this game, not for very long, anyway, because under their model and leadership, the money always runs out so they have to start demonizing and stealing to survive. Hence, they want to burn it all down and start over.
Dems actually have the hubris to believe that if they were in charge of everything, it would all be great. That's called Totalitarianism, and it's what true tyrants always want, because they hate having to answer for their failures or justify their terrible ideas.
New DA in Portland admits he is 'old buddies' with an Antifa militant
Is this dude seriously not getting pursued or arrested?