I'm guessing that BearsLose isn't a Cal grad. If he is, he definitely got reemed by that so-called elite educational institution. Tens of thousands of dollars for a negative educational experience. But, he did get reemed which BearsLose seems to enjoy.
The problem is the public has more information than the police when they show up regarding certain aspects of the incident. All the outsiders don't know what the police knew and vice versa.
The police were called and only what the caller gave the dispatcher. The police may have known this guys name. His name may have come up in the system for many frequent contacts and arrests by the PD and his history of violence as well as his outstanding warrant. He was probably tagged in the P.D. system as violent and known to carry weapons. This changes the tactics a great deal when contacting someone like this. One or more of the officers there may have dealt with him before and maybe arrested him before.
The public, when the story comes out in the news knows none of this and will not know for a considerable period of time. The news said it was his car and his kids. Did the police know that? The police won't let a violent, possibly armed, child molester leave with kids. Just one example of the two completely different sets of information that don't get considered when these events happen.
The law is that one can ONLY consider what the officers knew and perceived at the time of the incident and only consider what a reasonable officer would do in the same situation with the same information.
It ain't what you know now it's what you knew when it happened.
What happened to the bullshit about how Blake was really the peacemaker between two women that were fighting and that the cops started harassing him for no reason? That line of bullshit was a Ben Crump special. He wanted to be an astronaut. He was a Gentle Giant. He was just returning from the store with candy for his little brother. Crump also counsels the parents call upon the protesters to resist violence. All designed to get him the maximum payday.
Need to give this guy at least 3 funerals and 10 murals
Turns out the sexual assault warrant was for sex with a minor. Stand up guy. He’d be better off dead than being a paraplegic child rapist in prison.
Whenever I read online about a rapist being sentenced the comments are overwhelmingly that he should be shot that day and the sentence was too light. With many volunteering to do it. Why the big change of heart?
This seems like a good example of live by the sword, die by the sword.
The police were called and only what the caller gave the dispatcher. The police may have known this guys name. His name may have come up in the system for many frequent contacts and arrests by the PD and his history of violence as well as his outstanding warrant. He was probably tagged in the P.D. system as violent and known to carry weapons. This changes the tactics a great deal when contacting someone like this. One or more of the officers there may have dealt with him before and maybe arrested him before.
The public, when the story comes out in the news knows none of this and will not know for a considerable period of time. The news said it was his car and his kids. Did the police know that? The police won't let a violent, possibly armed, child molester leave with kids. Just one example of the two completely different sets of information that don't get considered when these events happen.
The law is that one can ONLY consider what the officers knew and perceived at the time of the incident and only consider what a reasonable officer would do in the same situation with the same information.
It ain't what you know now it's what you knew when it happened.
.....and Twitter will call him an Uncle Tom.
This seems like a good example of live by the sword, die by the sword.
Violent people end up in violent situations.