Shooting someone in the back 7 times is never acceptable.
Hopefully he survives but this is another horrifying act of police violence against a black man.
Fuck off.
Reaching into the car after presumably ignoring officer commands is the ultimate in arrogance. The cops don't know whether he's reaching in for a semi-automatic.
Fuck the fuck off with your bullshit. If these dumbfucks quit doing dumbfuck things they're not going to get shot. But then your faux outrage has nowhere else to go.
Quit fucking with the cops thinking you're a bad ass and will get away with it. You won't. Again- based on a five second clip a city is being looted and cops assaulted. What the hell was the original reason cops were on the scene- What happened five/ten minutes preceding?
I am conflicted. That looks like a gun and probably was but I don't understand why they couldn't take the man down with force while he was walking around. Shooting anyone at this point in time should be a last resort. At the same time I don't understand why people don't obey the law when given direction. My common sense tells me that if I resist arrest and then reach in my vehicle for a gun I should expect to get killed.
@incremental_progress and his ilk are children. They expect the perfect Disney ending to every story, or else they join the tantrum throwing rioters screaming "murder, murder, murder!!" @incremetal_progress is incapable of understanding the "it's me or him" thoughts that may be going through a cop's mind in that split second, and the why questions? Forget it. Guys like @incremental_progress will never answer that question because no matter what the suspect does, authoritarians like @incremental_progress believe there's always a proverbial "right answer" laying right in front of every cop, where, like a superhero in a Disney movie, the cop always has and chooses the perfect course of conduct to neutralize the suspect without any harm, to anyone.
Someday, @incremetal_progress's balls will drop and he'll realize the real world doesn't work that way.
Tasers don't always work. I trust my life to a gun a lot more than I trust my life to a taser. Going home after ones shift is THE most important part of a police officers day.
Things are at a point people think they don’t have to listen to police.
Who knows what was happening before this clip started but that was like 5-6 steps and entering a vehicle against their screaming orders.
You've moved on from providing real data and context on covid in Texas as the pandemic ends to pointing out the societal mess we have on our hands .
Crispened you insufferable cunt
Whats the deal with lefts replacing logic and facts with hyperbole and inflated words.
As it ends? You were claiming the spike in Texas wasn't so bad more than a month ago. Now deaths are approaching 12K and will likely be 15K soon because of the spike you said wasn't a big deal.
I am conflicted. That looks like a gun and probably was but I don't understand why they couldn't take the man down with force while he was walking around. Shooting anyone at this point in time should be a last resort. At the same time I don't understand why people don't obey the law when given direction. My common sense tells me that if I resist arrest and then reach in my vehicle for a gun I should expect to get killed.
@incremental_progress and his ilk are children. They expect the perfect Disney ending to every story, or else they join the tantrum throwing rioters screaming "murder, murder, murder!!" @incremetal_progress is incapable of understanding the "it's me or him" thoughts that may be going through a cop's mind in that split second, and the why questions? Forget it. Guys like @incremental_progress will never answer that question because no matter what the suspect does, authoritarians like @incremental_progress believe there's always a proverbial "right answer" laying right in front of every cop, where, like a superhero in a Disney movie, the cop always has and chooses the perfect course of conduct to neutralize the suspect without any harm, to anyone.
Someday, @incremetal_progress's balls will drop and he'll realize the real world doesn't work that way.
I'm not looking for a storybook fucking ending. I'm looking for the police to not shoot a guy 7 times in the fucking back.
Things are at a point people think they don’t have to listen to police.
Who knows what was happening before this clip started but that was like 5-6 steps and entering a vehicle against their screaming orders.
You've moved on from providing real data and context on covid in Texas as the pandemic ends to pointing out the societal mess we have on our hands .
Crispened you insufferable cunt
Whats the deal with lefts replacing logic and facts with hyperbole and inflated words.
As it ends? You were claiming the spike in Texas wasn't so bad more than a month ago. Now deaths are approaching 12K and will likely be 15K soon because of the spike you said wasn't a big deal.
I am conflicted. That looks like a gun and probably was but I don't understand why they couldn't take the man down with force while he was walking around. Shooting anyone at this point in time should be a last resort. At the same time I don't understand why people don't obey the law when given direction. My common sense tells me that if I resist arrest and then reach in my vehicle for a gun I should expect to get killed.
@incremental_progress and his ilk are children. They expect the perfect Disney ending to every story, or else they join the tantrum throwing rioters screaming "murder, murder, murder!!" @incremetal_progress is incapable of understanding the "it's me or him" thoughts that may be going through a cop's mind in that split second, and the why questions? Forget it. Guys like @incremental_progress will never answer that question because no matter what the suspect does, authoritarians like @incremental_progress believe there's always a proverbial "right answer" laying right in front of every cop, where, like a superhero in a Disney movie, the cop always has and chooses the perfect course of conduct to neutralize the suspect without any harm, to anyone.
Someday, @incremetal_progress's balls will drop and he'll realize the real world doesn't work that way.
I'm not looking for a storybook fucking ending. I'm looking for the police to not shoot a guy 7 times in the fucking back.
If they need shooting it doesn't matter where you shoot them. HTH
Things are at a point people think they don’t have to listen to police.
Who knows what was happening before this clip started but that was like 5-6 steps and entering a vehicle against their screaming orders.
You've moved on from providing real data and context on covid in Texas as the pandemic ends to pointing out the societal mess we have on our hands .
Crispened you insufferable cunt
Whats the deal with lefts replacing logic and facts with hyperbole and inflated words.
As it ends? You were claiming the spike in Texas wasn't so bad more than a month ago. Now deaths are approaching 12K and will likely be 15K soon because of the spike you said wasn't a big deal.
I am conflicted. That looks like a gun and probably was but I don't understand why they couldn't take the man down with force while he was walking around. Shooting anyone at this point in time should be a last resort. At the same time I don't understand why people don't obey the law when given direction. My common sense tells me that if I resist arrest and then reach in my vehicle for a gun I should expect to get killed.
@incremental_progress and his ilk are children. They expect the perfect Disney ending to every story, or else they join the tantrum throwing rioters screaming "murder, murder, murder!!" @incremetal_progress is incapable of understanding the "it's me or him" thoughts that may be going through a cop's mind in that split second, and the why questions? Forget it. Guys like @incremental_progress will never answer that question because no matter what the suspect does, authoritarians like @incremental_progress believe there's always a proverbial "right answer" laying right in front of every cop, where, like a superhero in a Disney movie, the cop always has and chooses the perfect course of conduct to neutralize the suspect without any harm, to anyone.
Someday, @incremetal_progress's balls will drop and he'll realize the real world doesn't work that way.
I'm not looking for a storybook fucking ending. I'm looking for the police to not shoot a guy 7 times in the fucking back.
Try not resisting arrest and following the police commands and you won't have to worry about getting shot. Why didn't this guy listen to his parents? We're told that every black parent has to give their kid the "talk."
Shot 8 times in the back at close range in front of his kids he better have been reaching for a gun or this is indefensible.
If he was told to stop and not reach into the car and to show is hands and he refused to do so do the police have to wait for him to grab a gun and start shooting before they can shoot?
We have no way of knowing what transpired before this, did he break free from the cops when they were trying to arrest him and then run around the car and open his door? If that's the case, fuck him.
The cops should have wrestled the guy down before he even reached the driver side door. It looks like the cops hesitated, then their options were limited. The guy shouldn't have resisted, but it looks like if the cops acted earlier the shooting could have been avoided.
This can create a problem where cops might get physical too early, but I'd rather see a cop get physical too early, then becoming deadly by acting too late. Sometimes, acting early not only saves their lives, but also the suspect's life.
Reaching into the car after presumably ignoring officer commands is the ultimate in arrogance. The cops don't know whether he's reaching in for a semi-automatic.
Fuck the fuck off with your bullshit. If these dumbfucks quit doing dumbfuck things they're not going to get shot. But then your faux outrage has nowhere else to go.
Christ. Black Arrogance Matters.
Jacob Blake just died.
I can't stop sobbing.
Every name is etched on my heart.
I know I don't know them personally.
But wrong is wrong and it's so hopeless.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe right now.
Someday, @incremetal_progress's balls will drop and he'll realize the real world doesn't work that way.
Shot 8 times in the back at close range in front of his kids he better have been reaching for a gun or this is indefensible.
We have no way of knowing what transpired before this, did he break free from the cops when they were trying to arrest him and then run around the car and open his door? If that's the case, fuck him.
This can create a problem where cops might get physical too early, but I'd rather see a cop get physical too early, then becoming deadly by acting too late. Sometimes, acting early not only saves their lives, but also the suspect's life.