Curious on your fellas opinion of the current tax system? Personal income brackets? Corporate? The proper structure balancing pro growth with an ever growing deficit and national debt. Considering this, how can we? avoid ending up like Greece?
Spending is out of control and has been out of control since 20081906. We aren't taxed too little we just spend too much.
FTFY - it has always been spending. and international/federal banking - was it not Jefferson that warned about that very thing?
I think we would have a chance if we just notified the Fed that it was no longer running things, and default, reset to zero. Start over and exterminate any politician/banker that can not balance a budget. We are all gonna die anyway.
I think we would have a chance if we just notified the Fed that it was no longer running things, and default, reset to zero. Start over and exterminate any politician/banker that can not balance a budget. We are all gonna die anyway.