Do open borders increase the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle? If you care about the private sector American middle class how in the hell can you be a leftard? Open borders and the green gaia religion fraud cost them hundreds of billions. You do realize the leftards own the public education system?
Maybe. I see both sides of the immigration issue. I think the Dems are willing to give here. We should give the illegals currently here citizenship but require them to pay taxes and a five year vesting period that if they are convicted of a felony, they get deported, after serving the appropriate time in prison. Go further and have them pay a higher tax rate for the first five years. Entering illegally afforded them opportunity. If they don't like it, they can leave.
In exchange for this, the Dems need to agree on controlling inflows. I think they're willing if the Republicans give on the citizenship for those currently here.
Mostly we need a grownup in the Whitehouse capable of bringing both parties together and solving our country's challenges.
Trump was not given a chance to bring both parties together
The dude is a fucking Democrat
Trump is a fucking moron and incapable of getting needed cooperation. many of his policies generally make sense. A rational, reasonable personality probably gets more through with a little compromise. Impossible though, because he's such a narcissistic douche.
Trump started off as a douchebag but he's turned into a bigger asshole because hours after his election, the impeachment movement began.
You'd be a little cunty too if you'd just pulled off one of the biggest political upsets in history and the losers immediately went into dickhead mode instead of seeing whether they could work together.
So fuck the fuck off with that bullshit about 'rational' and 'reasonable'. The fix was in from the outset.
Oh and fuck AOC and her "there should never be billionaires" That's socialism. I'm a leftist primarily due to the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle. Medical costs are way to high. Education is way to expensive and as a country we are have fallen as the rest of the world catches up. Student loans are out of control and is a drain on the overall economy.
Too many kids go to college who should never set foot on a campus.
Do open borders increase the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle? If you care about the private sector American middle class how in the hell can you be a leftard? Open borders and the green gaia religion fraud cost them hundreds of billions. You do realize the leftards own the public education system?
Maybe. I see both sides of the immigration issue. I think the Dems are willing to give here. We should give the illegals currently here citizenship but require them to pay taxes and a five year vesting period that if they are convicted of a felony, they get deported, after serving the appropriate time in prison. Go further and have them pay a higher tax rate for the first five years. Entering illegally afforded them opportunity. If they don't like it, they can leave.
In exchange for this, the Dems need to agree on controlling inflows. I think they're willing if the Republicans give on the citizenship for those currently here.
Mostly we need a grownup in the Whitehouse capable of bringing both parties together and solving our country's challenges.
Trump was not given a chance to bring both parties together
The dude is a fucking Democrat
Trump is a fucking moron and incapable of getting needed cooperation. many of his policies generally make sense. A rational, reasonable personality probably gets more through with a little compromise. Impossible though, because he's such a narcissistic douche.
You don't see the resistance for EVERY single Trump request? How many bills sit in the house right now because Nancy won't let anything Trump wants onto the floor? How much do the left stuff into bills like the last stimulus that is far far from needed. The left is focused on illegals at the moment for their votes in this and future elections.
I do and Nancy and crew don't get a pass. The point is Trump should be above the petty bullshit and lead. His petulant behavior hurts his cause and the country's. He's galvanized an AOC/Bern movement people buy into because they hate Trump. Every day we move closer to socialism. Not a direction I want to go.
Rise above the Twitter attacks and lead. Do that and Trump gets more of his agenda through. Despite the rhetoric, a president can't ramrod an entire agenda through the House and Congress. It takes a real deal maker, not an impish bully. Drain the swamp, please.
Reagan, Nixon, and Kennedy delivered because they worked both sides of aisle.
For the record, I voted for Reagan, Bush Sr. both times, Bush Jr. both times before moving left. I'll happily switch back for the right Republican.
Also, fuck Warren. Fuck Bernie and fuck Sleepy Joe.
On energy when we have renewable energy we will all know it. And it will come from development in the USA. There is now a big demand for anything with green in front which is why we have so much false advertising on green things.
Like a real pandemic with bodies stacked like cordwood, or porn, you will know renewable energy when you see it.
In the meantime we need carbon. A lot. And our people are making that cleaner. We are still in the mid east because the west needs us there. The same countries that are dismantling nukes and letting Greta set policy
I'd be willing to treat all income equal but not at 37%. If Buffet wants to pay the same rate as his secretary then lets do 15% across the board
Any changes require a change of mindset. The government isn't your ATM, you are. People don't work hard everyday so you can sit in mom's basement and yell at people about the flu while demanding the government pays the rent for you
This system works when people carry their weight and then there is plenty left over for those that truly can't
Wonder why one of the lessons of the Vid isn't how healthy single occupancy vehicles are and stand alone housing. Distancing. Instead the planner still want to jam folks together like a NY nursing home
I don't disagree. Lefties have to give on the welfare for the lazy. That said free markets have failed miserably reigning in rising health care and education costs. Infrastructure sucks. Population growth increases the number of drivers on the road. How do you fix? Spending less makes sense on paper. Cutting welfare isn't enough. As a country we can't keep kicking the can down the road. At some point we have to address, no?
Education costs what it costs because of Uncle Sugar and his college loans programs. All the "free" money in the system has distorted supply and demand curves for college costs.
And now, an entire generation of learners pre-K thru 12 are being fire tested into online learning using the most State of the Art mass-education tools the World has ever created.
Simultaneously, the highest income and most essential employees, those having and raising those kids are also producing from home.
Oh and fuck AOC and her "there should never be billionaires" That's socialism. I'm a leftist primarily due to the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle. Medical costs are way to high. Education is way to expensive and as a country we are have fallen as the rest of the world catches up. Student loans are out of control and is a drain on the overall economy.
Too many kids go to college who should never set foot on a campus.
And Google and the rest of high tech hire too many skilled Indian and Chinese programmers and pay them big salaries because our country lacks enough qualified candidates. Make education affordable (real marketable skills only) and Americans get more of those jobs. The economy grows.
Oh and fuck AOC and her "there should never be billionaires" That's socialism. I'm a leftist primarily due to the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle. Medical costs are way to high. Education is way to expensive and as a country we are have fallen as the rest of the world catches up. Student loans are out of control and is a drain on the overall economy.
Too many kids go to college who should never set foot on a campus.
And Google and the rest of high tech hire too many skilled Indian and Chinese programmers and pay them big salaries because our country lacks enough qualified candidates. Make education affordable (real marketable skills only) and Americans get more of those jobs. The economy grows.
You could teach 90% of that K-12
And college students could take those courses at a Juco if they wanted
Oh and fuck AOC and her "there should never be billionaires" That's socialism. I'm a leftist primarily due to the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle. Medical costs are way to high. Education is way to expensive and as a country we are have fallen as the rest of the world catches up. Student loans are out of control and is a drain on the overall economy.
Too many kids go to college who should never set foot on a campus.
And Google and the rest of high tech hire too many skilled Indian and Chinese programmers and pay them big salaries because our country lacks qualified candidates. Make education affordable (real marketable skills only) and Americans get more of those jobs. The economy grows.
Our entire future workforce in pre K thru 12 is online learning.
In WA the SPI says Publicly, there will be No return to school Unless vaccine and perhaps Never.
HIV is a virus that’s killed thousands, right?
Seems like we’ve pivoted and focused on developing little developers here at home.
Chicoms are putting out twice the CO2 as the US. Our CO2 output is decreasing and the US hasn't built a new coal plant in years. The chicoms CO2 output is increasing and they are building dozens of new coal plants with little emission controls. But Trump and America is the problem according to our watermelon green gaia religionists who would put their eyes out with a spoon before criticizing the commies.
I'd be willing to treat all income equal but not at 37%. If Buffet wants to pay the same rate as his secretary then lets do 15% across the board
Any changes require a change of mindset. The government isn't your ATM, you are. People don't work hard everyday so you can sit in mom's basement and yell at people about the flu while demanding the government pays the rent for you
This system works when people carry their weight and then there is plenty left over for those that truly can't
Wonder why one of the lessons of the Vid isn't how healthy single occupancy vehicles are and stand alone housing. Distancing. Instead the planner still want to jam folks together like a NY nursing home
I don't disagree. Lefties have to give on the welfare for the lazy. That said free markets have failed miserably reigning in rising health care and education costs. Infrastructure sucks. Population growth increases the number of drivers on the road. How do you fix? Spending less makes sense on paper. Cutting welfare isn't enough. As a country we can't keep kicking the can down the road. At some point we have to address, no?
Education costs what it costs because of Uncle Sugar and his college loans programs. All the "free" money in the system has distorted supply and demand curves for college costs.
And now, an entire generation of learners pre-K thru 12 are being fire tested into online learning using the most State of the Art mass-education tools the World has ever created.
Simultaneously, the highest income and most essential employees, those having and raising those kids are also producing from home.
Once a lecture goes online?
Higher Education is about to be Ubered.
Pouring out a 40 for those future generations who will never experience or cause the Sunday morning Walk of Shame back to I Felta Thigh.
Oh and fuck AOC and her "there should never be billionaires" That's socialism. I'm a leftist primarily due to the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle. Medical costs are way to high. Education is way to expensive and as a country we are have fallen as the rest of the world catches up. Student loans are out of control and is a drain on the overall economy.
Too many kids go to college who should never set foot on a campus.
And Google and the rest of high tech hire too many skilled Indian and Chinese programmers and pay them big salaries because our country lacks enough qualified candidates. Make education affordable (real marketable skills only) and Americans get more of those jobs. The economy grows.
You could teach 90% of that K-12
And college students could take those courses at a Juco if they wanted
Great idea. I'm in. Get someone in the White House that can make it happen.
Oh and fuck AOC and her "there should never be billionaires" That's socialism. I'm a leftist primarily due to the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle. Medical costs are way to high. Education is way to expensive and as a country we are have fallen as the rest of the world catches up. Student loans are out of control and is a drain on the overall economy.
Too many kids go to college who should never set foot on a campus.
And Google and the rest of high tech hire too many skilled Indian and Chinese programmers and pay them big salaries because our country lacks enough qualified candidates. Make education affordable (real marketable skills only) and Americans get more of those jobs. The economy grows.
You could teach 90% of that K-12
And college students could take those courses at a Juco if they wanted
Great idea. I'm in. Get someone in the White House that can make it happen.
Why does the president need to make that happen? Did Obama or Clinton or did they just run their mouths about how IMPORTANT education is
Chicoms are putting out twice the CO2 as the US. Our CO2 output is decreasing and the US hasn't built a new coal plant in years. The chicoms CO2 output is increasing and they are building dozens of new coal plants with little emission controls. But Trump and America is the problem according to our watermelon green gaia religionists who would put their eyes out with a spoon before criticizing the commies.
I'll post this again. Saves $ in the long run. Double down, make it happen and export our stuff. We can pay for it with a higher tax on power that still saves you and I $. Big oil will scream. Fuck them. Everything I'm proposing has a capitalist view. Simplistic but there are ways to get things done with some cooperation.
Oh and fuck AOC and her "there should never be billionaires" That's socialism. I'm a leftist primarily due to the struggles of most working Americans to achieve a reasonable middle class lifestyle. Medical costs are way to high. Education is way to expensive and as a country we are have fallen as the rest of the world catches up. Student loans are out of control and is a drain on the overall economy.
Too many kids go to college who should never set foot on a campus.
And Google and the rest of high tech hire too many skilled Indian and Chinese programmers and pay them big salaries because our country lacks enough qualified candidates. Make education affordable (real marketable skills only) and Americans get more of those jobs. The economy grows.
You could teach 90% of that K-12
And college students could take those courses at a Juco if they wanted
Great idea. I'm in. Get someone in the White House that can make it happen.
Why does the president need to make that happen? Did Obama or Clinton or did they just run their mouths about how IMPORTANT education is
Local. Local. Local
Obviously not. I liked your idea. Pointing fingers gets us nowhere. Change takes votes.
Chicoms are putting out twice the CO2 as the US. Our CO2 output is decreasing and the US hasn't built a new coal plant in years. The chicoms CO2 output is increasing and they are building dozens of new coal plants with little emission controls. But Trump and America is the problem according to our watermelon green gaia religionists who would put their eyes out with a spoon before criticizing the commies.
I'll post this again. Saves $ in the long run. Double down, make it happen and export our stuff. We can pay for it with a higher tax on power that still saves you and I $. Big oil will scream. Fuck them. Everything I'm proposing has a capitalist view. Simplistic but there are ways to get things done with some cooperation.
It doesn't scale. I it did you'd know it. Berkshire gets all sorts of tax breaks and government graft and they still can't make anything worthwhile
Just imagine how many wind mills it would take and what that would look like and how to manufacture and send around the country. It doesn't make sense or cents. Higher taxes on energy fuck poor people. Oil companies pass taxes along to the user. This is magic bullet shit not public policy
Looks to me like Berkshire is using its $28 billion in retained earnings from a “You Didnt Built That” seed venture it carefully and strategically crafted and insulated from the Mom and Pop Berkshire Hathaways, to leverage his wind credits into a tidy little Monopoly position.
Trump started off as a douchebag but he's turned into a bigger asshole because hours after his election, the impeachment movement began.
You'd be a little cunty too if you'd just pulled off one of the biggest political upsets in history and the losers immediately went into dickhead mode instead of seeing whether they could work together.
So fuck the fuck off with that bullshit about 'rational' and 'reasonable'. The fix was in from the outset.
Prepare for the forward reality that the Highest paying jobs (Household Incomes) will be Largely, remote or at least Part time w/ flex.
Big Cities could lose control of this pretty quickly.
Rise above the Twitter attacks and lead. Do that and Trump gets more of his agenda through. Despite the rhetoric, a president can't ramrod an entire agenda through the House and Congress. It takes a real deal maker, not an impish bully. Drain the swamp, please.
Reagan, Nixon, and Kennedy delivered because they worked both sides of aisle.
For the record, I voted for Reagan, Bush Sr. both times, Bush Jr. both times before moving left. I'll happily switch back for the right Republican.
Also, fuck Warren. Fuck Bernie and fuck Sleepy Joe.
Like a real pandemic with bodies stacked like cordwood, or porn, you will know renewable energy when you see it.
In the meantime we need carbon. A lot. And our people are making that cleaner. We are still in the mid east because the west needs us there. The same countries that are dismantling nukes and letting Greta set policy
Simultaneously, the highest income and most essential employees, those having and raising those kids are also producing from home.
Once a lecture goes online?
Higher Education is about to be Ubered.
And college students could take those courses at a Juco if they wanted
Our entire future workforce in pre K thru 12 is online learning.
In WA the SPI says Publicly, there will be No return to school Unless vaccine and perhaps Never.
HIV is a virus that’s killed thousands, right?
Seems like we’ve pivoted and focused on developing little developers here at home.
Local. Local. Local
Saves $ in the long run. Double down, make it happen and export our stuff. We can pay for it with a higher tax on power that still saves you and I $. Big oil will scream. Fuck them. Everything I'm proposing has a capitalist view. Simplistic but there are ways to get things done with some cooperation.
Just imagine how many wind mills it would take and what that would look like and how to manufacture and send around the country. It doesn't make sense or cents. Higher taxes on energy fuck poor people. Oil companies pass taxes along to the user. This is magic bullet shit not public policy
Let's try this instead