Fuck the police. They have always been a necessary evil. I really don’t buy that most cops are good. Most have at least some moral compass, but you have to be kind of a shit bag or incredibly desperate to even want the job.
A small town cop is whatever. You don’t join a major US city’s police force without a huge need for action/conflict. They get off on being bullies. That said, I know things would be fucked without them. Hate them, but this is never going away. There will never be loads of good men that want to be cops. They will always be mostly shit bags. Like I said, necessary evil.
Large City forces suffer from a shitload of political corruption within the ranks. It trickles throughout the force, creating all kinds of BS problems that take up time and resources that should be directed toward maintaining and improving contact relations with the general public. It doesn't happen because of bullshit political initiatives and posturing by higher ups who seek higher positions. The beat cops wind up taking all the downhill rolling shit, and they vent by taking it out on citizens and being dicks. It's a vicious circle where cops with bad intentions can run amok for years, escalating their illegal behaviors and activities until something really bad happens.
Fuck the police. They have always been a necessary evil. I really don’t buy that most cops are good. Most have at least some moral compass, but you have to be kind of a shit bag or incredibly desperate to even want the job.
A small town cop is whatever. You don’t join a major US city’s police force without a huge need for action/conflict. They get off on being bullies. That said, I know things would be fucked without them. Hate them, but this is never going away. There will never be loads of good men that want to be cops. They will always be mostly shit bags. Like I said, necessary evil.
Strap on the suit and go try it. Lets see how you do. Change the world. I'll be here laughing.
Fuck the police. They have always been a necessary evil. I really don’t buy that most cops are good. Most have at least some moral compass, but you have to be kind of a shit bag or incredibly desperate to even want the job.
A small town cop is whatever. You don’t join a major US city’s police force without a huge need for action/conflict. They get off on being bullies. That said, I know things would be fucked without them. Hate them, but this is never going away. There will never be loads of good men that want to be cops. They will always be mostly shit bags. Like I said, necessary evil.
Strap on the suit and go try it. Lets see how you do. Change the world. I'll be here laughing.
Fuck the police. They have always been a necessary evil. I really don’t buy that most cops are good. Most have at least some moral compass, but you have to be kind of a shit bag or incredibly desperate to even want the job.
A small town cop is whatever. You don’t join a major US city’s police force without a huge need for action/conflict. They get off on being bullies. That said, I know things would be fucked without them. Hate them, but this is never going away. There will never be loads of good men that want to be cops. They will always be mostly shit bags. Like I said, necessary evil.
Strap on the suit and go try it. Lets see how you do. Change the world. I'll be here laughing.
And with a straight face leftist assholes like IC will claim white supremacists are behind this.
The shoe store deserves it because the white man oppressed the Asian workers who made the shoes.
They also exploit professional black athletes by paying them millions of dollars to promote those very same shame and oppression ridden shoes. Whitey's evilness has no limits.
Murder is probably out the window, or is it? Too much extra knee on the neck tim and the cop has a troubled history.
A plea of 2nd degree Manslaughter with a recommendation for mid-range sentencing?With public pressure, can't see any more give from the prosecution.
Either way, fuck THAT cop and his backup.
In Minnesota, if you burn enough buildings, they'll keep upping the charges til the mob satisfies its blood lust.
Shit Leadership, Bad Precedent. Likely to be repeated up and down the Left Coast.
would be better if he was shouting "Jack Ruby" over and over again
A small town cop is whatever. You don’t join a major US city’s police force without a huge need for action/conflict. They get off on being bullies. That said, I know things would be fucked without them. Hate them, but this is never going away. There will never be loads of good men that want to be cops. They will always be mostly shit bags. Like I said, necessary evil.
And I watch the world burn
Not saying Trump is behind every looting episode, don’t twist.