Add in the lost business and tax revenue in a retail and restaurant core that nobody patronizes anymore because of the overwhelming presence of sidewalk-shitting addicts, and you’re talking millions of dollars per month in revenue losses. Fuck Off Twice, you ignoramus.
Tax revenue thought experiment: do people headed out to dinner who decide not to go to a restaurant in a particular location simply decide to stay home and spend no money instead?
If you want to sympathize with business owners affected, I'm with you, but your claims about tax revenues are a little ridiculous.
Needle exchanges save money overall and prevent epidemics. The Veep finally relented in Indiana, though his considerable, evidence free delay is blamed for a lot of deaths.
Even things that work can be improved. But you and blob are on the wrong side of this. Race is going to shoot up regardless. Do you really want him contracting HIV as a consequence?
Look, you lefties want to keep riding the free needles is good bullshit, go ahead. It's not - you're enabling lawless behavior. But for the sake of argument, let's play that it's a "good" thing.
If you're going to die on that sword, at least has the common sense to put the free needles where the rest of us law-abiding citizens can enjoy our law-abiding lives in peace without constantly getting fucked with by your 'must-have-free-needles to avoid the FBA" crowd shitting on the sidewalks, passing out in front of businesses and otherwise turning decent places into shitholes.
Fence off a designated area, pass out the free needles and let them shoot the fuck up all they want. Cordone off the lawless zone and don't let them out. Like taking away teenagers car keys at a house kegger so they don't hurt themselves or others.
Instead you want the zombies to roam around disrupting civilized society. Fuck that.
I’m not advocating that the junkies roam amongst you. That is a separate issue.
We pay one way or the other. I propose we pay less instead of more.
Heroine kills. A lot. Those that are not dead yet are a drain on our society and commit crimes to support their habit. Maybe we should outlaw heroine again.
I'm pretty sure all are issues. However, your meme is using stats to lie and Bob is jacking off to it right now.
Hondo doesn't use anything to lie, he just lies.
And it's a documented fact that Trump's team met with a Russian team to discuss giving DNC emails and Hillary emails to Trump.
And it doesn't go un-noticed that Hondo the pathological lying sick fuck is sitting around envisioning me jacking off.
Fucking pervert.
You have zero self awareness. At all. With your constant pedo homoerotic shitposts.
Add in the lost business and tax revenue in a retail and restaurant core that nobody patronizes anymore because of the overwhelming presence of sidewalk-shitting addicts, and you’re talking millions of dollars per month in revenue losses. Fuck Off Twice, you ignoramus.
Tax revenue thought experiment: do people headed out to dinner who decide not to go to a restaurant in a particular location simply decide to stay home and spend no money instead?
If you want to sympathize with business owners affected, I'm with you, but your claims about tax revenues are a little ridiculous.
Needle exchanges save money overall and prevent epidemics. The Veep finally relented in Indiana, though his considerable, evidence free delay is blamed for a lot of deaths.
Even things that work can be improved. But you and blob are on the wrong side of this. Race is going to shoot up regardless. Do you really want him contracting HIV as a consequence?
Look, you lefties want to keep riding the free needles is good bullshit, go ahead. It's not - you're enabling lawless behavior. But for the sake of argument, let's play that it's a "good" thing.
If you're going to die on that sword, at least has the common sense to put the free needles where the rest of us law-abiding citizens can enjoy our law-abiding lives in peace without constantly getting fucked with by your 'must-have-free-needles to avoid the FBA" crowd shitting on the sidewalks, passing out in front of businesses and otherwise turning decent places into shitholes.
Fence off a designated area, pass out the free needles and let them shoot the fuck up all they want. Cordone off the lawless zone and don't let them out. Like taking away teenagers car keys at a house kegger so they don't hurt themselves or others.
Instead you want the zombies to roam around disrupting civilized society. Fuck that.
How long before you're responded to with "mass incarceration" or "Hitler" replies? Oh, hey @PurpleThrobber: This ones for you. Is that a Star of David necklace she's wearing?!?!?!
The ariolas, the nipples, the yummy tummy and the perfect little CT. @TurdBomber wins the thread. @DerekJohnson, lock it down.
Add in the lost business and tax revenue in a retail and restaurant core that nobody patronizes anymore because of the overwhelming presence of sidewalk-shitting addicts, and you’re talking millions of dollars per month in revenue losses. Fuck Off Twice, you ignoramus.
Tax revenue thought experiment: do people headed out to dinner who decide not to go to a restaurant in a particular location simply decide to stay home and spend no money instead?
If you want to sympathize with business owners affected, I'm with you, but your claims about tax revenues are a little ridiculous.
Needle exchanges save money overall and prevent epidemics. The Veep finally relented in Indiana, though his considerable, evidence free delay is blamed for a lot of deaths.
Even things that work can be improved. But you and blob are on the wrong side of this. Race is going to shoot up regardless. Do you really want him contracting HIV as a consequence?
Look, you lefties want to keep riding the free needles is good bullshit, go ahead. It's not - you're enabling lawless behavior. But for the sake of argument, let's play that it's a "good" thing.
If you're going to die on that sword, at least has the common sense to put the free needles where the rest of us law-abiding citizens can enjoy our law-abiding lives in peace without constantly getting fucked with by your 'must-have-free-needles to avoid the FBA" crowd shitting on the sidewalks, passing out in front of businesses and otherwise turning decent places into shitholes.
Fence off a designated area, pass out the free needles and let them shoot the fuck up all they want. Cordone off the lawless zone and don't let them out. Like taking away teenagers car keys at a house kegger so they don't hurt themselves or others.
Instead you want the zombies to roam around disrupting civilized society. Fuck that.
How long before you're responded to with "mass incarceration" or "Hitler" replies? Oh, hey @PurpleThrobber: This ones for you. Is that a Star of David necklace she's wearing?!?!?!
The ariolas, the nipples, the yummy tummy and the perfect little CT. @TurdBomber wins the thread. @DerekJohnson, lock it down.
It takes a keen eye- but the glasses also incorporate the hot teacher/librarian angle. Well done @TurdBomber.
Add in the lost business and tax revenue in a retail and restaurant core that nobody patronizes anymore because of the overwhelming presence of sidewalk-shitting addicts, and you’re talking millions of dollars per month in revenue losses. Fuck Off Twice, you ignoramus.
Tax revenue thought experiment: do people headed out to dinner who decide not to go to a restaurant in a particular location simply decide to stay home and spend no money instead?
If you want to sympathize with business owners affected, I'm with you, but your claims about tax revenues are a little ridiculous.
Needle exchanges save money overall and prevent epidemics. The Veep finally relented in Indiana, though his considerable, evidence free delay is blamed for a lot of deaths.
Even things that work can be improved. But you and blob are on the wrong side of this. Race is going to shoot up regardless. Do you really want him contracting HIV as a consequence?
Look, you lefties want to keep riding the free needles is good bullshit, go ahead. It's not - you're enabling lawless behavior. But for the sake of argument, let's play that it's a "good" thing.
If you're going to die on that sword, at least has the common sense to put the free needles where the rest of us law-abiding citizens can enjoy our law-abiding lives in peace without constantly getting fucked with by your 'must-have-free-needles to avoid the FBA" crowd shitting on the sidewalks, passing out in front of businesses and otherwise turning decent places into shitholes.
Fence off a designated area, pass out the free needles and let them shoot the fuck up all they want. Cordone off the lawless zone and don't let them out. Like taking away teenagers car keys at a house kegger so they don't hurt themselves or others.
Instead you want the zombies to roam around disrupting civilized society. Fuck that.
How long before you're responded to with "mass incarceration" or "Hitler" replies? Oh, hey @PurpleThrobber: This ones for you. Is that a Star of David necklace she's wearing?!?!?!
The ariolas, the nipples, the yummy tummy and the perfect little CT. @TurdBomber wins the thread. @DerekJohnson, lock it down.
It takes a keen eye- but the glasses also incorporate the hot teacher/librarian angle. Well done @TurdBomber.
The glasses also protect her eyes from the spider webs. Safety first!
Add in the lost business and tax revenue in a retail and restaurant core that nobody patronizes anymore because of the overwhelming presence of sidewalk-shitting addicts, and you’re talking millions of dollars per month in revenue losses. Fuck Off Twice, you ignoramus.
Tax revenue thought experiment: do people headed out to dinner who decide not to go to a restaurant in a particular location simply decide to stay home and spend no money instead?
If you want to sympathize with business owners affected, I'm with you, but your claims about tax revenues are a little ridiculous.
Needle exchanges save money overall and prevent epidemics. The Veep finally relented in Indiana, though his considerable, evidence free delay is blamed for a lot of deaths.
Even things that work can be improved. But you and blob are on the wrong side of this. Race is going to shoot up regardless. Do you really want him contracting HIV as a consequence?
Look, you lefties want to keep riding the free needles is good bullshit, go ahead. It's not - you're enabling lawless behavior. But for the sake of argument, let's play that it's a "good" thing.
If you're going to die on that sword, at least has the common sense to put the free needles where the rest of us law-abiding citizens can enjoy our law-abiding lives in peace without constantly getting fucked with by your 'must-have-free-needles to avoid the FBA" crowd shitting on the sidewalks, passing out in front of businesses and otherwise turning decent places into shitholes.
Fence off a designated area, pass out the free needles and let them shoot the fuck up all they want. Cordone off the lawless zone and don't let them out. Like taking away teenagers car keys at a house kegger so they don't hurt themselves or others.
Instead you want the zombies to roam around disrupting civilized society. Fuck that.
How long before you're responded to with "mass incarceration" or "Hitler" replies? Oh, hey @PurpleThrobber: This ones for you. Is that a Star of David necklace she's wearing?!?!?!
The ariolas, the nipples, the yummy tummy and the perfect little CT. @TurdBomber wins the thread. @DerekJohnson, lock it down.
In this thread H argues that junkies have no choice or free will. Like Trump's brother who killed himself
In the other thread H argues that all you have to do is be born lucky and you'll end up a billionaire. Like Trump
As the saying goes, Kunt Logic - is there nothing it can't do?
The philosophy that individuals have no agency or free will is at the heart of progressivism.
The correct answer is probably somewhere between free will and determinism. Neither extreme of the debate works for me.
Sure, the difference being that real liberalism seeks to protect the small amount of free will individuals may have.
Progressivism denies agency and seeks to eliminate any that we may possess.
I don't think humans have as much free will as many on the right would like to believe. But we can also agree that humans respond really well to carrots and sticks. The problem with progressive policy is that it's all carrots and no sticks.
In this thread H argues that junkies have no choice or free will. Like Trump's brother who killed himself
In the other thread H argues that all you have to do is be born lucky and you'll end up a billionaire. Like Trump
As the saying goes, Kunt Logic - is there nothing it can't do?
The philosophy that individuals have no agency or free will is at the heart of progressivism.
The correct answer is probably somewhere between free will and determinism. Neither extreme of the debate works for me.
Sure, the difference being that real liberalism seeks to protect the small amount of free will individuals may have.
Progressivism denies agency and seeks to eliminate any that we may possess.
I don't think humans have as much free will as many on the right would like to believe. But we can also agree that humans respond really well to carrots and sticks. The problem with progressive policy is that it's all carrots and no sticks.
Humans respond to incentives. Positive and negative incentives. I'm more interested in good or effective policy than any of the ideological labels.
In this thread H argues that junkies have no choice or free will. Like Trump's brother who killed himself
In the other thread H argues that all you have to do is be born lucky and you'll end up a billionaire. Like Trump
As the saying goes, Kunt Logic - is there nothing it can't do?
The philosophy that individuals have no agency or free will is at the heart of progressivism.
The correct answer is probably somewhere between free will and determinism. Neither extreme of the debate works for me.
Sure, the difference being that real liberalism seeks to protect the small amount of free will individuals may have.
Progressivism denies agency and seeks to eliminate any that we may possess.
I don't think humans have as much free will as many on the right would like to believe. But we can also agree that humans respond really well to carrots and sticks. The problem with progressive policy is that it's all carrots and no sticks.
Except that the concept of government as social engineer is outside of the premise of government as limited to protecting ones individual freedoms. Enumerated powers is a dead concept on the left.
In this thread H argues that junkies have no choice or free will. Like Trump's brother who killed himself
In the other thread H argues that all you have to do is be born lucky and you'll end up a billionaire. Like Trump
As the saying goes, Kunt Logic - is there nothing it can't do?
The philosophy that individuals have no agency or free will is at the heart of progressivism.
The correct answer is probably somewhere between free will and determinism. Neither extreme of the debate works for me.
Sure, the difference being that real liberalism seeks to protect the small amount of free will individuals may have.
Progressivism denies agency and seeks to eliminate any that we may possess.
I don't think humans have as much free will as many on the right would like to believe. But we can also agree that humans respond really well to carrots and sticks. The problem with progressive policy is that it's all carrots and no sticks.
Humans respond to incentives. Positive and negative incentives. I'm more interested in good or effective policy than any of the ideological labels.
That's because all of the policies you advocate align with your ideological beliefs. Of course you don't care what label they carry.
In this thread H argues that junkies have no choice or free will. Like Trump's brother who killed himself
In the other thread H argues that all you have to do is be born lucky and you'll end up a billionaire. Like Trump
As the saying goes, Kunt Logic - is there nothing it can't do?
The philosophy that individuals have no agency or free will is at the heart of progressivism.
The correct answer is probably somewhere between free will and determinism. Neither extreme of the debate works for me.
Sure, the difference being that real liberalism seeks to protect the small amount of free will individuals may have.
Progressivism denies agency and seeks to eliminate any that we may possess.
I don't think humans have as much free will as many on the right would like to believe. But we can also agree that humans respond really well to carrots and sticks. The problem with progressive policy is that it's all carrots and no sticks.
Humans respond to incentives. Positive and negative incentives. I'm more interested in good or effective policy than any of the ideological labels.
That's because all of the policies you advocate align with your ideological beliefs. Of course you don't care what label they carry.
In this thread H argues that junkies have no choice or free will. Like Trump's brother who killed himself
In the other thread H argues that all you have to do is be born lucky and you'll end up a billionaire. Like Trump
As the saying goes, Kunt Logic - is there nothing it can't do?
The philosophy that individuals have no agency or free will is at the heart of progressivism.
The correct answer is probably somewhere between free will and determinism. Neither extreme of the debate works for me.
Sure, the difference being that real liberalism seeks to protect the small amount of free will individuals may have.
Progressivism denies agency and seeks to eliminate any that we may possess.
I don't think humans have as much free will as many on the right would like to believe. But we can also agree that humans respond really well to carrots and sticks. The problem with progressive policy is that it's all carrots and no sticks.
Humans respond to incentives. Positive and negative incentives. I'm more interested in good or effective policy than any of the ideological labels.
That's because all of the policies you advocate align with your ideological beliefs. Of course you don't care what label they carry.
True. I am ideologically practicalretarded challenged.
I’ve illustrated a false equivalency. You should look into the definition of this before you poast again on this subject.
The glasses also protect her eyes from the spider webs. Safety first!
Progressivism denies agency and seeks to eliminate any that we may possess.
He quit using his free will.