No one made a big deal out of him simply for hugging Derek Bell. Your point is that you're a liar and moron. Obama was criticized for sucking up to yet another racial arsonist and bigot. He was criticized because of what Bell stood for and said. Obama didn't distance himself from Bell's views he fully embraced them. This isn't a guilt by associate smear against Obama and this isn't Obama being criticized simply for sitting in a classroom where Bell spoke.
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
No one made a big deal out of him simply for hugging Derek Bell. Your point is that you're a liar and moron. Obama was criticized for sucking up to yet another racial arsonist and bigot. He was criticized because of what Bell stood for and said. Obama didn't distance himself from Bell's views he fully embraced them. This isn't a guilt by associate smear against Obama and this isn't Obama being criticized simply for sitting in a classroom where Bell spoke.
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
No one made a big deal out of him simply for hugging Derek Bell. Your point is that you're a liar and moron. Obama was criticized for sucking up to yet another racial arsonist and bigot. He was criticized because of what Bell stood for and said. Obama didn't distance himself from Bell's views he fully embraced them. This isn't a guilt by associate smear against Obama and this isn't Obama being criticized simply for sitting in a classroom where Bell spoke.
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
Yeah, I see that you're a liar and lightweight Hondo.
Hondo's position is that you can support completely racist pieces of shit as long as when you do it you're in college. Doesn't matter if you're 40 and in college, you can't be criticized for anything you do. And if you do criticize them, then you're a hypocrite because you didn't criticize Kavanaugh for the "drinking aspect" when he was in college.
No one made a big deal out of him simply for hugging Derek Bell. Your point is that you're a liar and moron. Obama was criticized for sucking up to yet another racial arsonist and bigot. He was criticized because of what Bell stood for and said. Obama didn't distance himself from Bell's views he fully embraced them. This isn't a guilt by associate smear against Obama and this isn't Obama being criticized simply for sitting in a classroom where Bell spoke.
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
Yeah, I see that you're a liar and lightweight Hondo.
Hondo's position is that you can support completely racist pieces of shit as long as when you do it you're in college. Doesn't matter if you're 40 and in college, you can't be criticized for anything you do. And if you do criticize them, then you're a hypocrite because you didn't criticize Kavanaugh for the "drinking aspect" when he was in college.
No one made a big deal out of him simply for hugging Derek Bell. Your point is that you're a liar and moron. Obama was criticized for sucking up to yet another racial arsonist and bigot. He was criticized because of what Bell stood for and said. Obama didn't distance himself from Bell's views he fully embraced them. This isn't a guilt by associate smear against Obama and this isn't Obama being criticized simply for sitting in a classroom where Bell spoke.
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
Yeah, I see that you're a liar and lightweight Hondo.
Hondo's position is that you can support completely racist pieces of shit as long as when you do it you're in college. Doesn't matter if you're 40 and in college, you can't be criticized for anything you do. And if you do criticize them, then you're a hypocrite because you didn't criticize Kavanaugh for the "drinking aspect" when he was in college.
See what a dumbfuck Hondo is?
No. That's not my position.
Then you're either too stupid to realize that was the position you just took with Obama, or you're just a dishonest Kunt and now you're lying. Both options are viable.
No one made a big deal out of him simply for hugging Derek Bell. Your point is that you're a liar and moron. Obama was criticized for sucking up to yet another racial arsonist and bigot. He was criticized because of what Bell stood for and said. Obama didn't distance himself from Bell's views he fully embraced them. This isn't a guilt by associate smear against Obama and this isn't Obama being criticized simply for sitting in a classroom where Bell spoke.
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
Yeah, I see that you're a liar and lightweight Hondo.
Hondo's position is that you can support completely racist pieces of shit as long as when you do it you're in college. Doesn't matter if you're 40 and in college, you can't be criticized for anything you do. And if you do criticize them, then you're a hypocrite because you didn't criticize Kavanaugh for the "drinking aspect" when he was in college.
See what a dumbfuck Hondo is?
No. That's not my position.
Then you're either too stupid to realize that was the position you just took with Obama, or you're just a dishonest Kunt and now you're lying. Both options are viable.
Embarrassing man. Seriously. You can't grasp any basic concept.
You compared criticizing Obama for his support for Derek Bell, a racist bigot, to the criticism Kavanaugh faced for undergrad drinking in college in an attempt to claim that both sides do it because both Obama and Kavanaugh were both in college.
You're not that fucking deep Hondo. Start with the premise that you're nothing but a moronic hack and your "concepts" are pretty easy to grasp.
No one made a big deal out of him simply for hugging Derek Bell. Your point is that you're a liar and moron. Obama was criticized for sucking up to yet another racial arsonist and bigot. He was criticized because of what Bell stood for and said. Obama didn't distance himself from Bell's views he fully embraced them. This isn't a guilt by associate smear against Obama and this isn't Obama being criticized simply for sitting in a classroom where Bell spoke.
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
Yeah, I see that you're a liar and lightweight Hondo.
Hondo's position is that you can support completely racist pieces of shit as long as when you do it you're in college. Doesn't matter if you're 40 and in college, you can't be criticized for anything you do. And if you do criticize them, then you're a hypocrite because you didn't criticize Kavanaugh for the "drinking aspect" when he was in college.
See what a dumbfuck Hondo is?
No. That's not my position.
Then you're either too stupid to realize that was the position you just took with Obama, or you're just a dishonest Kunt and now you're lying. Both options are viable.
Embarrassing man. Seriously. You can't grasp any basic concept.
How do you expect anyone to believe you understand basic concepts when your 3+ year shitpoast history proves you don't grasp rudimentary concepts?
That being said, your comment on Kavanaugh is wrong. The actions in question for him were in college and over the age of 21, Remember the drinking aspect of it?
Hey Hondo, you going to finally fill us in what the fuck you're talking about here? Was it the infamous ice throwing in a bar incident that was one of the "actions in questions" Hondo? And are you really such a fucking hack that you'd compare taking a picture of yourself wearing a Klan outfit and putting it in your yearbook to throwing ice in a bar?
That being said, your comment on Kavanaugh is wrong. The actions in question for him were in college and over the age of 21, Remember the drinking aspect of it?
Hey Hondo, you going to finally fill us in what the fuck you're talking about here? Was it the infamous ice throwing in a bar incident that was one of the "actions in questions" Hondo? And are you really such a fucking hack that you'd compare taking a picture of yourself wearing a Klan outfit and putting it in your yearbook to throwing ice in a bar?
Good luck in the ER waiting room tonight you sick demented old fool. Better hurry home as fast as you can. The bank is gonna foreclose on you before you know it.
That being said, your comment on Kavanaugh is wrong. The actions in question for him were in college and over the age of 21, Remember the drinking aspect of it?
Hey Hondo, you going to finally fill us in what the fuck you're talking about here? Was it the infamous ice throwing in a bar incident that was one of the "actions in questions" Hondo? And are you really such a fucking hack that you'd compare taking a picture of yourself wearing a Klan outfit and putting it in your yearbook to throwing ice in a bar?
Read the thread. I'm not repeating myself again. If you are too stupid to do that, me repeating it won't help you.
What a Kunt. You never defined the "drinking aspect" of what Kavanaugh supposedly did in college you fucking lying piece of shit. You run your fucking ignorant mouth here all day, spouting lies and complete bullshit and when asked to explain what the fuck you're talking about it's straight to the Kunt act.
So in August/September, the story was "it's just crazy my actions from the 80s should be held against me now." And a lot of comments about it being stupid shit from the 80s is brought up.
Now it's "he's a racist, GTFO".
What's different? Only the letter next to his name.
And before you scream that I'm the hypocrite. My comments on Kavanaugh only centered on his actions in September and how he reacted to it. I never once commented that he should be gone because of what happened in the 80s.
It is stupid and was stupid. Progressives made these stupid rules of retroactive outrage so they gotta play the game.
That's not my point. I'm laughing at the shills here for having completely different reactions in September versus now. And the difference not being a picture versus someone's story. There were a lot of comments saying that shit in the 80s shouldn't effect your ability to do the job now. Those same people are shitting on this dude for something in the 80s.
In addition, back then the Republican politicians supported Kavanaugh harshly. This scenario, Democrat politicians are denouncing him.
I’m not sure what your point is. Speaking for myself, again, I don’t think he’s a practicing racist because of a medical school yearbook photo. I’m just hear for the circular firing squad.
It’s ok for you to be pissed that one of your side got caught up in this outrage bullshit. Change the rules.
I'm not pissed at all. The photo was awful, and represents a time in our country where that shit was allowed. And a part of the country where was the deep racism for a long time. Looking at it, I feel it was more of a "a black and a KKK can stand together" thing. Maybe not, I wasn't there. And really he probably should be gone given other people who have had their political careers ended for shit back in the day.
My point is, a lot of people here commented that the Kavanaugh deal shouldn't matter because it was in the 80s. Same with Roy Moore. And those exact same people are calling for this guy's head and not worried about when the picture was taken.
So in August/September, the story was "it's just crazy my actions from the 80s should be held against me now." And a lot of comments about it being stupid shit from the 80s is brought up.
Now it's "he's a racist, GTFO".
What's different? Only the letter next to his name.
And before you scream that I'm the hypocrite. My comments on Kavanaugh only centered on his actions in September and how he reacted to it. I never once commented that he should be gone because of what happened in the 80s.
It is stupid and was stupid. Progressives made these stupid rules of retroactive outrage so they gotta play the game.
That's not my point. I'm laughing at the shills here for having completely different reactions in September versus now. And the difference not being a picture versus someone's story. There were a lot of comments saying that shit in the 80s shouldn't effect your ability to do the job now. Those same people are shitting on this dude for something in the 80s.
In addition, back then the Republican politicians supported Kavanaugh harshly. This scenario, Democrat politicians are denouncing him.
I’m not sure what your point is. Speaking for myself, again, I don’t think he’s a practicing racist because of a medical school yearbook photo. I’m just hear for the circular firing squad.
It’s ok for you to be pissed that one of your side got caught up in this outrage bullshit. Change the rules.
I'm not pissed at all. The photo was awful, and represents a time in our country where that shit was allowed. And a part of the country where was the deep racism for a long time. Looking at it, I feel it was more of a "a black and a KKK can stand together" thing. Maybe not, I wasn't there. And really he probably should be gone given other people who have had their political careers ended for shit back in the day.
My point is, a lot of people here commented that the Kavanaugh deal shouldn't matter because it was in the 80s. Same with Roy Moore. And those exact same people are calling for this guy's head and not worried about when the picture was taken.
Now that is some top notch shilling. Well done, I mean that. You ought to give that spin to his crisis PR team.
I'll help you with a little nuance you're missing, with the Kavanaugh thing. It's not the decade that matters so much as the time of life. Kav's was a high school yearbook. This gov's was a medical school yearbook. 16-18 years old vs. 22-24 years old. That's a real difference in maturity and thus culpability.
Lol did you read my comment right after that? It was printed in a time when that was allowed to be printed. Clearly the editors of the yearbook either 1) didn't see racism, or 2) see racism and thought it was appropriate.
That being said, your comment on Kavanaugh is wrong. The actions in question for him were in college and over the age of 21, Remember the drinking aspect of it?
And it still doesn't address my point. The point being that for someone with R next to their name, shit is dismissed as back in the day. But someone with a D next to their name, they should be sent to the Gulag. For many people here.
I don't know why you defend that point. You are a person that's general seeking the truth. And you have to see that too. Read back through the Kavanaugh threads.
I was 100% sincere on your spin. That was your best effort.
Nah, I'm good, not re-reading a word of the Kav thing. If you say Kav's yearbooks were college ones too, so be it. I remember high school ones, but I admit I tuned out of it pretty quick because it was so inane. I have a clean conscience here because I don't care about yearbooks of any stripe.
My only ongoing interest in this like watching USC after loosing to UCLA. I enjoy the self-flagellating machinations of this. Progressives made the rules to this game. I'd tip my cap to a progressive with both the courage and the unapologetic pragmatism to stand up here and say this is wrong, we shouldn't be doing this. Change the game, start over.
On the Kavanaugh deal, I'm not sure on the yearbook. I know the incidents in question were when he was in college.
I wouldn't say progressives made the rules. I personally think everyone on both sides looks for dirt on the other side. And they don't give a shit why or what, just want to get them out of power. Both sides do it and both sides are awful. And there's a lot of people on both sides that defend their side and shit on the other for the exact same thing.
No, these are new rules made by progressives, going back through high school & college yearbooks or whatever other bit of ephemera from decades ago, looking for any sign of racism using hyper-woke standards of today. It's stupid.
I agree it's stupid. And I'm glad there was no cameras and shit back in the day and I didn't do anything stupid on anything that's documented.
But it's not just progressives, and this is another example. Both sides do anything they can to keep the other from power. This wasn't invented in 2019 either. This goes back long before we were born. Shit this probably predates Race.
Don't you remember shit brought up about Obama about who a teacher he had in college. And he sat in a room with this person speaking. And it leading to a daily chant from Palin and others about "pals around with terrorists".
Do I remember it? Yes. Did the media embrace it? No. Was it taken seriously by anyone other than wing nuts? No.
So in August/September, the story was "it's just crazy my actions from the 80s should be held against me now." And a lot of comments about it being stupid shit from the 80s is brought up.
Now it's "he's a racist, GTFO".
What's different? Only the letter next to his name.
And before you scream that I'm the hypocrite. My comments on Kavanaugh only centered on his actions in September and how he reacted to it. I never once commented that he should be gone because of what happened in the 80s.
It is stupid and was stupid. Progressives made these stupid rules of retroactive outrage so they gotta play the game.
That's not my point. I'm laughing at the shills here for having completely different reactions in September versus now. And the difference not being a picture versus someone's story. There were a lot of comments saying that shit in the 80s shouldn't effect your ability to do the job now. Those same people are shitting on this dude for something in the 80s.
In addition, back then the Republican politicians supported Kavanaugh harshly. This scenario, Democrat politicians are denouncing him.
I’m not sure what your point is. Speaking for myself, again, I don’t think he’s a practicing racist because of a medical school yearbook photo. I’m just hear for the circular firing squad.
It’s ok for you to be pissed that one of your side got caught up in this outrage bullshit. Change the rules.
I'm not pissed at all. The photo was awful, and represents a time in our country where that shit was allowed. And a part of the country where was the deep racism for a long time. Looking at it, I feel it was more of a "a black and a KKK can stand together" thing. Maybe not, I wasn't there. And really he probably should be gone given other people who have had their political careers ended for shit back in the day.
My point is, a lot of people here commented that the Kavanaugh deal shouldn't matter because it was in the 80s. Same with Roy Moore. And those exact same people are calling for this guy's head and not worried about when the picture was taken.
Now that is some top notch shilling. Well done, I mean that. You ought to give that spin to his crisis PR team.
I'll help you with a little nuance you're missing, with the Kavanaugh thing. It's not the decade that matters so much as the time of life. Kav's was a high school yearbook. This gov's was a medical school yearbook. 16-18 years old vs. 22-24 years old. That's a real difference in maturity and thus culpability.
Lol did you read my comment right after that? It was printed in a time when that was allowed to be printed. Clearly the editors of the yearbook either 1) didn't see racism, or 2) see racism and thought it was appropriate.
That being said, your comment on Kavanaugh is wrong. The actions in question for him were in college and over the age of 21, Remember the drinking aspect of it?
And it still doesn't address my point. The point being that for someone with R next to their name, shit is dismissed as back in the day. But someone with a D next to their name, they should be sent to the Gulag. For many people here.
I don't know why you defend that point. You are a person that's general seeking the truth. And you have to see that too. Read back through the Kavanaugh threads.
I was 100% sincere on your spin. That was your best effort.
Nah, I'm good, not re-reading a word of the Kav thing. If you say Kav's yearbooks were college ones too, so be it. I remember high school ones, but I admit I tuned out of it pretty quick because it was so inane. I have a clean conscience here because I don't care about yearbooks of any stripe.
My only ongoing interest in this like watching USC after loosing to UCLA. I enjoy the self-flagellating machinations of this. Progressives made the rules to this game. I'd tip my cap to a progressive with both the courage and the unapologetic pragmatism to stand up here and say this is wrong, we shouldn't be doing this. Change the game, start over.
On the Kavanaugh deal, I'm not sure on the yearbook. I know the incidents in question were when he was in college.
I wouldn't say progressives made the rules. I personally think everyone on both sides looks for dirt on the other side. And they don't give a shit why or what, just want to get them out of power. Both sides do it and both sides are awful. And there's a lot of people on both sides that defend their side and shit on the other for the exact same thing.
No, these are new rules made by progressives, going back through high school & college yearbooks or whatever other bit of ephemera from decades ago, looking for any sign of racism using hyper-woke standards of today. It's stupid.
I agree it's stupid. And I'm glad there was no cameras and shit back in the day and I didn't do anything stupid on anything that's documented.
But it's not just progressives, and this is another example. Both sides do anything they can to keep the other from power. This wasn't invented in 2019 either. This goes back long before we were born. Shit this probably predates Race.
Don't you remember shit brought up about Obama about who a teacher he had in college. And he sat in a room with this person speaking. And it leading to a daily chant from Palin and others about "pals around with terrorists".
Do I remember it? Yes. Did the media embrace it? No. Was it taken seriously by anyone other than wing nuts? No.
Relevancy and context actually do matter.
The most watched cable news Network isn't the media anymore?
Now compare that to the crap Kavanaugh was criticized for. Throwing ice in a bar and partying while he was an undergrad. And Hondo the stupid Kunt thinks both of these scenarios are comparable.
Hey Hondo if there was a 28 year old conservative grad student who supported the South African apartheid regime would people just be "fishing for shit" if they criticized him for it?
Obama was being criticized for positions he took and his support for a black racist, while Kavanaugh was being criticized for made up bullshit and "the drinking aspect" that you're too stupid to even articulate.
Hondo's position is that you can support completely racist pieces of shit as long as when you do it you're in college. Doesn't matter if you're 40 and in college, you can't be criticized for anything you do. And if you do criticize them, then you're a hypocrite because you didn't criticize Kavanaugh for the "drinking aspect" when he was in college.
See what a dumbfuck Hondo is?
You're not that fucking deep Hondo. Start with the premise that you're nothing but a moronic hack and your "concepts" are pretty easy to grasp.
Hey Hondo, you going to finally fill us in what the fuck you're talking about here? Was it the infamous ice throwing in a bar incident that was one of the "actions in questions" Hondo? And are you really such a fucking hack that you'd compare taking a picture of yourself wearing a Klan outfit and putting it in your yearbook to throwing ice in a bar?
Relevancy and context actually do matter.