Police Chef in Florida gave a press conference yesterday to tell everyone how especially awesome he was during the shooting and after. shared his recipe for success with reporters.
Creep, if you ever have kids, it will be your responsibility to keep them safe. When you transfer that responsibility to another custodian (School, Neighbor, Meth Chef/ Safe heroin injection class etc.,) only you must be comfortable with the situation.
It's almost like you didn't read my posts, or did but can't think of a cogent response. Almost.
Again, my kids are in college. They're protected by the deep state. You and turd can figure this out. No longer my monkey or circus.
Every irony meter everywhere Kewg, if you actually had any reading comprehension skills at all, you'd realize that both you and SalemDufus are arguing in earnest against a position I never took and against your own strawman you can't stop jerking off to.
Let me be abundantly clear for your remedial WSU asses:
1. I propose that authorized, capable and arms-trained teachers, such as former police, ex-military, or demonstrated & qualified in response training situations be given the option of having arms available to them at school to protect themselves and mostly others in the event of an active shooter situation.
2. You and your Salem-resident butt-buddy have now demonstrated at length over the last several pages with your "we shouldn't arm fragile 22 year old girls with guns" bullshit, that you are both remedial as fuck, lack reading comprehension skills, and can't stop jerking each other off over shit I never wrote. Go back and actually read my posts - assuming you can.
3. CC and Salem are just fucking dumb. As dumb as that bitch who called the cops about a "Confederate Flag" in her neighborhood that was actually the Norwegian Flag. That is exactly what you two fucks are doing in this thread, over and over.
Everybody's talking about the Groupthink of the creep and Salemcoog.
You just typed 500 words that contradict yourself. You do in fact advocate for having teachers armed in the classroom. I don't. I think armed Police is a better solution.
Man this threat of violence to deter violence is some real knuckle dragging shit. Fece slingers thinking that this is a viable long term solution to creating a prosperous society. Totally missing the fact that people are very dynamic, influenced by how they live their lives and the environment they live in, playing into how they behave.
Apparently Gwad missed the entire Cold War era anything that didn't happen on a screen hooked up to an Xbox.
We protect our President.....with guns. We protect our Congress.... with guns. We protect our athletes.... with guns. We protect our Governors... with guns. We protect our Celebrities....with guns. We protect the elites and THEIR children......with guns. We protect our Banks....... with guns. We protect our Courts...... with guns. We protect our airports....with guns. We protect our hospitals..with guns. We protect OUR children.... with a sign.
"This is a gun free zone"
So what happens when people that want to hurt start using more covert means?
Solving hypotheticals and letting the slaughter continue is genius logic.
Address the known threat and worry about the rest later.
Chasing symptoms instead of addressing the ultimate cause? Seems dumb.
Da fuq are you talking about?
Guns come into schools. Shoot kids. Kids die.
Solve for keeping guns out of schools. Period. Metals detectors, armed guards at entrances. Anal cavity searches. Who the fuck cares? Just keep the guns outside the building.
Perseverating over background checks and constitutional rights and liberty and shit....fuck that. KEEP THE GODDAMNED GUNS OUT OF THE SCHOOLS.
All the intellectual masturbation is secondary noise.
The root or closer to the root is focusing our discernment on why people want to harm other people. The way that they executed their desire to hurt other people is closer to a symptom. Creating a more restrictive environment or adding more tools for harm to the mix just creates a more tense environment in the long run.
Thanks, Dr. Freud. I'm sure that will calm the next little fuck that walks into a school with a gun that he stole from daddy's gun safe.
With that line of thinking, let's just disband the TSA and screening devices at all airports.
Remind me again the last plane that got rammed into a building? That problem got solved right quick.
Yes it did. They armed pilots and added more air marshals. No hijackings since then.
That was really a lazy thinking approach to solving the problem.
Creep, if you ever have kids, it will be your responsibility to keep them safe. When you transfer that responsibility to another custodian (School, Neighbor, Meth Chef/ Safe heroin injection class etc.,) only you must be comfortable with the situation.
It's almost like you didn't read my posts, or did but can't think of a cogent response. Almost.
Again, my kids are in college. They're protected by the deep state. You and turd can figure this out. No longer my monkey or circus.
Every irony meter everywhere Kewg, if you actually had any reading comprehension skills at all, you'd realize that both you and SalemDufus are arguing in earnest against a position I never took and against your own strawman you can't stop jerking off to.
Let me be abundantly clear for your remedial WSU asses:
1. I propose that authorized, capable and arms-trained teachers, such as former police, ex-military, or demonstrated & qualified in response training situations be given the option of having arms available to them at school to protect themselves and mostly others in the event of an active shooter situation.
2. You and your Salem-resident butt-buddy have now demonstrated at length over the last several pages with your "we shouldn't arm fragile 22 year old girls with guns" bullshit, that you are both remedial as fuck, lack reading comprehension skills, and can't stop jerking each other off over shit I never wrote. Go back and actually read my posts - assuming you can.
3. CC and Salem are just fucking dumb. As dumb as that bitch who called the cops about a "Confederate Flag" in her neighborhood that was actually the Norwegian Flag. That is exactly what you two fucks are doing in this thread, over and over.
Everybody's talking about the Groupthink of the creep and Salemcoog.
You just typed 500 words that contradict yourself. You do in fact advocate for having teachers armed in the classroom. I don't. I think armed Police is a better solution.
But I'm the dumbfuck.
Normally I bother. But Turd was on a roll so I figured I'd leave him be.
It's Monday and I feel differently.
Public schools. Public school solutions. Kids in states and counties that happen to have more weekend gun enthusiasts is a huge hit and miss (pardon the pun) approach.
Some other issues: where do you keep it? is someone who just likes guns or used to be this or that, but isn't anymore, really not more likely to fuck it up by freezing or hitting the wrong target or panicking as compared to someone trained to do the job? Yeah, the Fl. Sheriffs were cowards. How often do we see that though? It's clearly the exception to the rule.
Armed guards. So simple, yet on HH, so complicated.
Plus, based on dead (sorry) reckoning alone, the number of truly qualified teachers is likely quite small, so why bother getting off the train at that stop?
PS: It really is a plaintiffs lawyer's (real, not pretend) wet dream. That should tell you something. "What could go wrong?"
Creep, if you ever have kids, it will be your responsibility to keep them safe. When you transfer that responsibility to another custodian (School, Neighbor, Meth Chef/ Safe heroin injection class etc.,) only you must be comfortable with the situation.
It's almost like you didn't read my posts, or did but can't think of a cogent response. Almost.
Again, my kids are in college. They're protected by the deep state. You and turd can figure this out. No longer my monkey or circus.
Every irony meter everywhere Kewg, if you actually had any reading comprehension skills at all, you'd realize that both you and SalemDufus are arguing in earnest against a position I never took and against your own strawman you can't stop jerking off to.
Let me be abundantly clear for your remedial WSU asses:
1. I propose that authorized, capable and arms-trained teachers, such as former police, ex-military, or demonstrated & qualified in response training situations be given the option of having arms available to them at school to protect themselves and mostly others in the event of an active shooter situation.
2. You and your Salem-resident butt-buddy have now demonstrated at length over the last several pages with your "we shouldn't arm fragile 22 year old girls with guns" bullshit, that you are both remedial as fuck, lack reading comprehension skills, and can't stop jerking each other off over shit I never wrote. Go back and actually read my posts - assuming you can.
3. CC and Salem are just fucking dumb. As dumb as that bitch who called the cops about a "Confederate Flag" in her neighborhood that was actually the Norwegian Flag. That is exactly what you two fucks are doing in this thread, over and over.
Everybody's talking about the Groupthink of the creep and Salemcoog.
You just typed 500 words that contradict yourself. You do in fact advocate for having teachers armed in the classroom. I don't. I think armed Police is a better solution.
But I'm the dumbfuck.
Yes, you're the dumbfuck. Agreed. Show me where I've advocated for "teachers armed in the classroom." Dumbfuck.
You won't find it, dumbfuck, because I didn't write it, dumbfuck. What I wrote was the suggestion that trained, competent and authorized teachers or staff have "access" to firearms, such as in a gun safe, in the event of an active shooter. I've never written that teachers should be "armed in the classroom" or regularly carry. So, that makes you, in fact, a double-dumbfuck. Congratulations!
Creep, if you ever have kids, it will be your responsibility to keep them safe. When you transfer that responsibility to another custodian (School, Neighbor, Meth Chef/ Safe heroin injection class etc.,) only you must be comfortable with the situation.
It's almost like you didn't read my posts, or did but can't think of a cogent response. Almost.
Again, my kids are in college. They're protected by the deep state. You and turd can figure this out. No longer my monkey or circus.
Every irony meter everywhere Kewg, if you actually had any reading comprehension skills at all, you'd realize that both you and SalemDufus are arguing in earnest against a position I never took and against your own strawman you can't stop jerking off to.
Let me be abundantly clear for your remedial WSU asses:
1. I propose that authorized, capable and arms-trained teachers, such as former police, ex-military, or demonstrated & qualified in response training situations be given the option of having arms available to them at school to protect themselves and mostly others in the event of an active shooter situation.
2. You and your Salem-resident butt-buddy have now demonstrated at length over the last several pages with your "we shouldn't arm fragile 22 year old girls with guns" bullshit, that you are both remedial as fuck, lack reading comprehension skills, and can't stop jerking each other off over shit I never wrote. Go back and actually read my posts - assuming you can.
3. CC and Salem are just fucking dumb. As dumb as that bitch who called the cops about a "Confederate Flag" in her neighborhood that was actually the Norwegian Flag. That is exactly what you two fucks are doing in this thread, over and over.
Everybody's talking about the Groupthink of the creep and Salemcoog.
You just typed 500 words that contradict yourself. You do in fact advocate for having teachers armed in the classroom. I don't. I think armed Police is a better solution.
But I'm the dumbfuck.
Yes, you're the dumbfuck. Agreed. Show me where I've advocated for "teachers armed in the classroom." Dumbfuck.
You won't find it, dumbfuck, because I didn't write it, dumbfuck. What I wrote was the suggestion that trained, competent and authorized teachers or staff have "access" to firearms, such as in a gun safe, in the event of an active shooter. I've never written that teachers should be "armed in the classroom" or regularly carry. So, that makes you, in fact, a double-dumbfuck. Congratulations!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Yuge difference. I see the [very distinct] point you were trying to make.
Who sees a difference between a 22 year old girl carrying a 44 Magnum on her hip in a classroom full of students bigger than she is versus a firearms trained individual having access to a gun locked in a hidden safe?
Not CC or Salem, cause they're that WSU kinda smart.
Who sees a difference between a 22 year old girl carrying a 44 Magnum on her hip in a classroom full of students bigger than she is versus a firearms trained individual having access to a gun locked in a hidden safe?
Not CC or Salem, cause they're that WSU kinda smart.
Good fucking Christ almighty. Who the Rick cares? This point is so marginal and stupid and meaningless it's just not worth arguing. Ok ok ok. Jesus. You made the fucking point. You're right. Brilliant fucking idea dick lips.
Who sees a difference between a 22 year old girl carrying a 44 Magnum on her hip in a classroom full of students bigger than she is versus a firearms trained individual having access to a gun locked in a hidden safe?
Not CC or Salem, cause they're that WSU kinda smart.
Good fucking Christ almighty. Who the Rick cares? This point is so marginal and stupid and meaningless it's just not worth arguing. Ok ok ok. Jesus. You made the fucking point. You're right. Brilliant fucking idea dick lips.
6 pages later, CC finally gets it. Salem will take at least 9.
Who sees a difference between a 22 year old girl carrying a 44 Magnum on her hip in a classroom full of students bigger than she is versus a firearms trained individual having access to a gun locked in a hidden safe?
Not CC or Salem, cause they're that WSU kinda smart.
Good fucking Christ almighty. Who the Rick cares? This point is so marginal and stupid and meaningless it's just not worth arguing. Ok ok ok. Jesus. You made the fucking point. You're right. Brilliant fucking idea dick lips.
6 pages later, CC finally gets it. Salem will take at least 9.
I am conflicted on Scot Peterson and why he didnt enter the school to address the shooter. According to the reports he thought the shots were coming from outside the building. There was a radio transmission that came thru that stated there was an injured person by the football field which in theory would support why he may have thought that the shooter was outside. Gunshots can be very hard to pinpoint by ear especially with the structuring of a cluster of school buildings. However the video not being released is hinky and would go a long ways to exonerate or crucify this guy. The position he takes up in relation to where he thought the shots were coming from and where they were actually coming from would be telling as well as if it shows students and faculty fleeing from a certain area in terror that should have tipped him off to where the shooting was coming from. Granted in theory there could have been two shooters but I would think you abandon a possible shooter for an actual shooter when that situation arises.
I am hesitant to call him a coward because he may be telling the truth. But the fact that the video has not been releases nor is it likely to ever be released combined with the fact that he had a lot of years on the force which could have made him a clock watcher is suspicious. The fact that he had taken the job as a school guard lets me think he was awaiting retirement.
But the icing on the cake is his name is Scot Peterson. Scott Peterson would be bad enough. But anytime your name is Scott and spelled Scot you are a fucking snowflake. Case fucking closed he is a low down yella bellied coward and should be executed immediatley.
JK I would need to look at the video before I would want to see his reputation and career and family suffer like it will.
Israel said he would have run in the building had he been there which I find even funnier than Trump saying it since Israel and his band of fuck ups are pretty much why we have 17 dead kids on his watch.
Israel said he would have run in the building had he been there which I find even funnier than Trump saying it since Israel and his band of fuck ups are pretty much why we have 17 dead kids on his watch.
I think I would have run in there, but only if I was packing HEAT! No way do I go in there bareknuckle to go mano a mano with crazy.
"Just like a WOPP to bring a knife to a gun fight!"
Israel said he would have run in the building had he been there which I find even funnier than Trump saying it since Israel and his band of fuck ups are pretty much why we have 17 dead kids on his watch.
I think I would have run in there, but only if I was packing HEAT! No way do I go in there bareknuckle to go mano a mano with crazy.
"Just like a WOPP DAGO to bring a knife to a gun fight!"
You just typed 500 words that contradict yourself. You do in fact advocate for having teachers armed in the classroom. I don't. I think armed Police is a better solution.
But I'm the dumbfuck.
It's Monday and I feel differently.
Public schools. Public school solutions. Kids in states and counties that happen to have more weekend gun enthusiasts is a huge hit and miss (pardon the pun) approach.
Some other issues: where do you keep it? is someone who just likes guns or used to be this or that, but isn't anymore, really not more likely to fuck it up by freezing or hitting the wrong target or panicking as compared to someone trained to do the job? Yeah, the Fl. Sheriffs were cowards. How often do we see that though? It's clearly the exception to the rule.
Armed guards. So simple, yet on HH, so complicated.
Plus, based on dead (sorry) reckoning alone, the number of truly qualified teachers is likely quite small, so why bother getting off the train at that stop?
PS: It really is a plaintiffs lawyer's (real, not pretend) wet dream. That should tell you something. "What could go wrong?"
Stick to polishing poop Turd.
You should discuss this at your local school board meeting.
You won't find it, dumbfuck, because I didn't write it, dumbfuck. What I wrote was the suggestion that trained, competent and authorized teachers or staff have "access" to firearms, such as in a gun safe, in the event of an active shooter. I've never written that teachers should be "armed in the classroom" or regularly carry. So, that makes you, in fact, a double-dumbfuck. Congratulations!
Christ. Go back to bed.
Not CC or Salem, cause they're that WSU kinda smart.
I am hesitant to call him a coward because he may be telling the truth. But the fact that the video has not been releases nor is it likely to ever be released combined with the fact that he had a lot of years on the force which could have made him a clock watcher is suspicious. The fact that he had taken the job as a school guard lets me think he was awaiting retirement.
But the icing on the cake is his name is Scot Peterson. Scott Peterson would be bad enough. But anytime your name is Scott and spelled Scot you are a fucking snowflake. Case fucking closed he is a low down yella bellied coward and should be executed immediatley.
JK I would need to look at the video before I would want to see his reputation and career and family suffer like it will.
Peterson, the other three cowering cowards and Sheriff “Barney Fife” Israel need to be removed immediately.
"Just like a WOPP to bring a knife to a gun fight!"