Except I post actual facts and don't say stupid shit like "Obama caused the recession" when he wasn't even in office the first 13 months of the recession.
Facts? I laid them out, still waiting for yours. Quick, rush to your lecture notes buttfuck. And never said Osama caused recession, said specifically, WITH FACTS, he hasnt brought us out of it. I should start charging you. you've learned more from me in this thread then you did all last quarter @ Evergreen.:)
Look up at my last post, yes you did say that. You also got the Pelosi quote wrong. You mentioned some other shit out of context as well. All just regurgitating what your masters say.
Agree boobs. I dont rely on fox for news, I just like to hear news presented in a way that doesnt protect our criminal president
How is that Benghazi investigation working out for you? Your news source lied to you about that as well.
Youre still on benghazi? Dude, we took the senate...do you know this? Its hard to focus on politics while blowing guys 40hrs/week at the moses rest area for gas money for your outdated 4-wheeler, and 1984 toyota 4×4. Howmany miles on that sucker?
Agree boobs. I dont rely on fox for news, I just like to hear news presented in a way that doesnt protect our criminal president
How is that Benghazi investigation working out for you? Your news source lied to you about that as well.
Youre still on benghazi? Dude, we took the senate...do you know this? Its hard to focus on politics while blowing guys 40hrs/week at the moses rest area for gas money for your outdated 4-wheeler, and 1984 toyota 4×4. Howmany miles on that sucker?
Kill yourself already.
I'm just glad that puppy is going to take responsibility for every fucktarded thing the senate does for the next two years. Oh wait that's never going to happen, this is Mr profiles in courage, run to the mods puppy love we're talking about.
Agree boobs. I dont rely on fox for news, I just like to hear news presented in a way that doesnt protect our criminal president
How is that Benghazi investigation working out for you? Your news source lied to you about that as well.
Youre still on benghazi? Dude, we took the senate...do you know this? Its hard to focus on politics while blowing guys 40hrs/week at the moses rest area for gas money for your outdated 4-wheeler, and 1984 toyota 4×4. Howmany miles on that sucker?
Kill yourself already.
I'm just glad that puppy is going to take responsibility for every fucktarded thing the senate does for the next two years. Oh wait that's never going to happen, this is Mr profiles in courage, run to the mods puppy love we're talking about
He'll still find a way to blame democrats for everything wrong. Even tho both parties are fucked up.
Honda is breaking rule #1 on Hardcore Husky. Never take Puppy seriously. Even worse, if you attempt serious debate with sugar you deserve to jump into a swimming pool of boiling fry grease.
Honda is breaking rule #1 on Hardcore Husky. Never take Puppy seriously. Even worse, if you attempt serious debate with sugar you deserve to jump into a swimming pool of boiling fry grease.
Wait what? I always thought PLSS was someone's gag account.
Honda is breaking rule #1 on Hardcore Husky. Never take Puppy seriously. Even worse, if you attempt serious debate with sugar you deserve to jump into a swimming pool of boiling fry grease.
Puppy has brought data, facts etc...whhhat the frig have any of you greazy libia's brought? You'd better take puppy seriously. Puppy doesnt "debate" with you hacks, he just presents reality, then watches as you dildo's scramble to rebut.
I suppose you support a gas tax on fuel for your 125cc girly 4 whe e ler Ex?
Uhh we have the lowest labor participation since 1948 and wages are decreasing. Obama has killed our economy and is kicking it while it's down dipshit
Send me the facts. Also, repubs would be just as big a failure as obummer...puppyfucktard.
Do your own research bitch...the facts are there. Since obama took office and during the great recession, the GDP has risen 3.2% (compared to Reagan's whopping 18.6% rate after the recession he stepped into) with the lowest labor participation rate, workers who have stopped looking for employment, and "part time" workers counting in the "employment #'s (actual unemployment is closer to 20%).
Obama's TRUE economic indicators are at the lowest levels of any president since the grat depression. In other words, "obama's economy has had the WORST recovery from any recession since the great depression...a very compelling statement.. Try "the national bureau of economic research", These are facts bitch.
Uhh we have the lowest labor participation since 1948 and wages are decreasing. Obama has killed our economy and is kicking it while it's down dipshit
Send me the facts. Also, repubs would be just as big a failure as obummer...puppyfucktard.
Do your own research bitch...the facts are there. Since obama took office and during the great recession, the GDP has risen 3.2% (compared to Reagan's whopping 18.6% rate after the recession he stepped into) with the lowest labor participation rate, workers who have stopped looking for employment, and "part time" workers counting in the "employment #'s (actual unemployment is closer to 20%).
Obama's TRUE economic indicators are at the lowest levels of any president since the grat depression. In other words, "obama's economy has had the WORST recovery from any recession since the great depression...a very compelling statement.. Try "the national bureau of economic research", These are facts bitch.
Reagan created jobs and prosperity. Just an example of a president with a plan. Clinton was an excellent president as was my favorite JFK. Just because im a conservative doesnt mean I cant recognize excellence. Unfortunately Obama is one of, if not the worst president of all time fiscally, militarily, socially and in terms of foreign relations. Dont shoot the messenger.
One of you hacks needs to bring some facts to support your blind, defiant, defensive and ignorant liberal views. Im all ears...
Reagan created jobs and prosperity. Just an example of a president with a plan. Clinton was an excellent president as was my favorite JFK. Just because im a conservative doesnt mean I cant recognize excellence. Unfortunately Obama is one of, if not the worst president of all time fiscally, militarily, socially and in terms of foreign relations. Dont shoot the messenger.
One of you hacks needs to bring some facts to support your blind, defiant, defensive and ignorant liberal views. Im all ears...
Lot of truth in this
If you lived through the 70's you'd appreciate what Reagan did to bring on the 80's boom. Who doesn't love the 80"s?
The 90's were good too under Bubba. Over a lot of those 20 years we had split control between the white house and congress. Most of this century has been single party rule.
Reagan created jobs and prosperity. Just an example of a president with a plan. Clinton was an excellent president as was my favorite JFK. Just because im a conservative doesnt mean I cant recognize excellence. Unfortunately Obama is one of, if not the worst president of all time fiscally, militarily, socially and in terms of foreign relations. Dont shoot the messenger.
One of you hacks needs to bring some facts to support your blind, defiant, defensive and ignorant liberal views. Im all ears...
Lot of truth in this
If you lived through the 70's you'd appreciate what Reagan did to bring on the 80's boom. Who doesn't love the 80"s?
The 90's were good too under Bubba. Over a lot of those 20 years we had split control between the white house and congress. Most of this century has been single party rule.
And "all I got" in this thread outweighs your entire contribution, or lack therof, to HHB. Those 225 posts shows how insignificant your little cunt is here. Dont play with the big flame you little fleeb or you'll RIP with cockus and damone (guys with years experience here) . Lurk a little before you post ex, at least till you get your GED.
WTF? That was just a bad attempt at humor.
Puppy and bad attempt at humor are not synonymous. Pretty much batting 1000 there caberon
Kill yourself already.
Kill yourself already.
I'm just glad that puppy is going to take responsibility for every fucktarded thing the senate does for the next two years. Oh wait that's never going to happen, this is Mr profiles in courage, run to the mods puppy love we're talking about.
He'll still find a way to blame democrats for everything wrong. Even tho both parties are fucked up.
I suppose you support a gas tax on fuel for your 125cc girly 4 whe e ler Ex?
One of you hacks needs to bring some facts to support your blind, defiant, defensive and ignorant liberal views. Im all ears...
If you lived through the 70's you'd appreciate what Reagan did to bring on the 80's boom. Who doesn't love the 80"s?
The 90's were good too under Bubba. Over a lot of those 20 years we had split control between the white house and congress. Most of this century has been single party rule.