Yeah that's cool. I'm white trash, I drive a modded diesel. I'm going to the dunes the day after Christmas. You are still sitting in your mom's basement. I'm sure she'll tell you to get in something nicer than sweatpants for Christmas.
Yeah that's cool. I'm white trash, I drive a modded diesel. I'm going to the dunes the day after Christmas. You are still sitting in your mom's basement. I'm sure she'll tell you to get in something nicer than sweatpants for Christmas.
Yeah that's cool. I'm white trash, I drive a modded diesel. I'm going to the dunes the day after Christmas. You are still sitting in your mom's basement. I'm sure she'll tell you to get in something nicer than sweatpants for Christmas.
Yeah that's cool. I'm white trash, I drive a modded diesel. I'm going to the dunes the day after Christmas. You are still sitting in your mom's basement. I'm sure she'll tell you to get in something nicer than sweatpants for Christmas.
Just continue to embarrass yourself.
That means a lot coming from the dude who's only contribution is saying I'm embarrassing myself. Yes I'm truly worried about embarrassment in a message bored. Lol sure.
Yeah that's cool. I'm white trash, I drive a modded diesel. I'm going to the dunes the day after Christmas. You are still sitting in your mom's basement. I'm sure she'll tell you to get in something nicer than sweatpants for Christmas.
Just continue to embarrass yourself.
That means a lot coming from the dude who's only contribution is saying I'm embarrassing myself. Yes I'm truly worried about embarrassment in a message bored. Lol sure.
Yeah that's cool. I'm white trash, I drive a modded diesel. I'm going to the dunes the day after Christmas. You are still sitting in your mom's basement. I'm sure she'll tell you to get in something nicer than sweatpants for Christmas.
Just continue to embarrass yourself.
That means a lot coming from the dude who's only contribution is saying I'm embarrassing myself. Yes I'm truly worried about embarrassment in a message bored. Lol sure.
Yeah that's cool. I'm white trash, I drive a modded diesel. I'm going to the dunes the day after Christmas. You are still sitting in your mom's basement. I'm sure she'll tell you to get in something nicer than sweatpants for Christmas.
Just continue to embarrass yourself.
That means a lot coming from the dude who's only contribution is saying I'm embarrassing myself. Yes I'm truly worried about embarrassment in a message bored. Lol sure.
And now the Obamacare lies. We know they lied about the figures. We know those who signed up can't pay for it. We know those who can pay have to pay more and can't keep their doctor. We know that it isn't fully implemented and when it is it will be worse because employer coverage will disappear. We know that everything the opponents said is coming true and that Obama lied about everything
We know the Obama consultant admitted they lied because they had to fool the stupid voters like Honda.
For God's sake this tool is worse than the liberal idiots at eDuck. Every last lie and cliche in the obok and he thinks he's smart about it.
How embarrassing for him
So it's a lie that millions more people are insured? It's a lie that three economy has increased and company profits are at an all time high? Wow. You are even dumber than I thought.
Yay! They are insured but at the expense of who? As Race said... those who actually pay for it.
Obamacare did nothing to check the profit taking of the insurance companies. All to keep the reserves high. On the surface it appears there would be more competition. But since you still can't sell across state lines that's not really the case.
H/I Co's keep way more reserves than what is required.
This was all set up to create a single payer system. And watch your wallets for realz when that comes down.
I took a few 100 and 200 level classes and I read books. But I don't aspire to be a pretend internet expert.
Obamacare did nothing to check the profit taking of the insurance companies. All to keep the reserves high. On the surface it appears there would be more competition. But since you still can't sell across state lines that's not really the case.
H/I Co's keep way more reserves than what is required.
This was all set up to create a single payer system. And watch your wallets for realz when that comes down.
However if riding ATV's is your identity to the point of having one in your handle, it's definitely to the north of 75%.
1. a basic grasp of the functional use and meaning of the term "pressing" on the boreds;
2. a copy of Das Kapital so that the father of socialism himself can teach you why you ought not to entirely hate free markets; and
3. a new box of tampons.
Merry Kwanza Fire Marshall Bill!!!!!!