How else is the state supposed to pay for the 520 construction and the Seattle tunnel construction that all of the construction companies are getting rich from?
Muy Roads!!!
That was supposed to be paid for by other established means. Lack of accountability and transparency, irresponsible spending and no clue how to manage projects are the democrats fault, not the taxpayer. How bout we stop spending on pre-school and help fund bertha for one example, og countless others. Tolling was supposed to h e lp fund 520 ...where did that money go? It's fucking rediculous to impose crippling capital gains taxes. Sick of wasting tax money. New taxes will be wasted the same.
Yeah it's all democrats fault. Republicans don't spend money. Ever. Just listen to their campaign they'll tell you. And the one time they do cut, it fucks everything up. See Kansas and the huge budget deficit.
Statists are statists. Democrats happen to be the leader in the clubhouse right now, with the cult of righteous personality, led by a secular divine-right Leviathan.
Except the last balanced budget was under a democrat president and the largest deficit was under a Republican president. And the deficit has fallen faster under Obama than any other president. Ever.
Are you in support of a contraction of government then?
I'm in support of cutting waste and managing expenditures. I'm not in support of just cutting whole programs because groups disagree with the purpose (such as conservatives want all welfare programs gone and democrats wasn't too cut defense). I also think tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations should be evaluated and some of them removed based on effectiveness.
So you think people in the government should evaluate if it is more "effective" to let people keep more of their money vs If the government took it from them? At least we know where you stand. Statist gonna statist.
Lol Nice translation. What you just said is that you live on welfare and don't pay any taxes, get back a ton in earned income credit and still bitch that the government takes to much money from you.
Wtf'd because what the fuck? You're a special kind of retard with that response. One thing this thread really exposed is you're a partisan hack who loves government as long as it's doing things your personally agree with. Pretty much like every other goverment loving partisan hack.
Since the congress controls the purse the facts would be who is in control of the congress. Notice that you ignore the fact that Obama has increased the debt more than any other president. If you can't even admit that glaring fact then there is little point in further discussion with such an obvious partisan hack. You aren't fooling anyone.
None of us are claiming that Bush wasn't a big spender. We're pointing out that Obama is a bigger spender and his biggest time bomb of all hasn't kicked in yet. Hard not to notice you're ignoring Obamacare. Why don't you find a graph that says it isn't what it is and get back to us.
There are Obamaites like you all over the web peddling this crap. If you were honest and just tried to defend him on what he has actually done it would be one thing,. Instead its the usual bullshit. I hope you don't think you're original.
The explosion under Bush was the one time stimulus that Obama claims saved the country. The fact that it is unchanged under Obama proves my point, not yours. That's why Obama has raised the debt more than every president combined.
Admit it or fuck off
Principal: Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Billy Madison: Okay, a simple "wrong" would've done just fine.
You start by saying congress controls the purse strings then go off about Obama's fault. That's fucktarded.
Obama's stimulus was $800 billion. Agreed he spent that. What else had he spent? List it all. Look at facts.
Obamacare? Yes a time bomb right? Cause you known your news sources have been saying it will crater the economy and the economy has only going up since it was implemented. And millions more people have health insurance now. What's your point?
How else is the state supposed to pay for the 520 construction and the Seattle tunnel construction that all of the construction companies are getting rich from?
Muy Roads!!!
That was supposed to be paid for by other established means. Lack of accountability and transparency, irresponsible spending and no clue how to manage projects are the democrats fault, not the taxpayer. How bout we stop spending on pre-school and help fund bertha for one example, og countless others. Tolling was supposed to h e lp fund 520 ...where did that money go? It's fucking rediculous to impose crippling capital gains taxes. Sick of wasting tax money. New taxes will be wasted the same.
Yeah it's all democrats fault. Republicans don't spend money. Ever. Just listen to their campaign they'll tell you. And the one time they do cut, it fucks everything up. See Kansas and the huge budget deficit.
Statists are statists. Democrats happen to be the leader in the clubhouse right now, with the cult of righteous personality, led by a secular divine-right Leviathan.
Except the last balanced budget was under a democrat president and the largest deficit was under a Republican president. And the deficit has fallen faster under Obama than any other president. Ever.
Are you in support of a contraction of government then?
I'm in support of cutting waste and managing expenditures. I'm not in support of just cutting whole programs because groups disagree with the purpose (such as conservatives want all welfare programs gone and democrats wasn't too cut defense). I also think tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations should be evaluated and some of them removed based on effectiveness.
So you think people in the government should evaluate if it is more "effective" to let people keep more of their money vs If the government took it from them? At least we know where you stand. Statist gonna statist.
Lol Nice translation. What you just said is that you live on welfare and don't pay any taxes, get back a ton in earned income credit and still bitch that the government takes to much money from you.
Wtf'd because what the fuck? You're a special kind of retard with that response. One thing this thread really exposed is you're a partisan hack who loves government as long as it's doing things your personally agree with. Pretty much like every other goverment loving partisan hack.
Yes I'm a partisan hack the posts information from purely factual resources. You don't post shit and race posts shit from CNS news. But I'm the partisan hack. Yup. Got me there. LOL you are just pissed cause i called you out.
How else is the state supposed to pay for the 520 construction and the Seattle tunnel construction that all of the construction companies are getting rich from?
Muy Roads!!!
That was supposed to be paid for by other established means. Lack of accountability and transparency, irresponsible spending and no clue how to manage projects are the democrats fault, not the taxpayer. How bout we stop spending on pre-school and help fund bertha for one example, og countless others. Tolling was supposed to h e lp fund 520 ...where did that money go? It's fucking rediculous to impose crippling capital gains taxes. Sick of wasting tax money. New taxes will be wasted the same.
Yeah it's all democrats fault. Republicans don't spend money. Ever. Just listen to their campaign they'll tell you. And the one time they do cut, it fucks everything up. See Kansas and the huge budget deficit.
Statists are statists. Democrats happen to be the leader in the clubhouse right now, with the cult of righteous personality, led by a secular divine-right Leviathan.
Except the last balanced budget was under a democrat president and the largest deficit was under a Republican president. And the deficit has fallen faster under Obama than any other president. Ever.
Are you in support of a contraction of government then?
I'm in support of cutting waste and managing expenditures. I'm not in support of just cutting whole programs because groups disagree with the purpose (such as conservatives want all welfare programs gone and democrats wasn't too cut defense). I also think tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations should be evaluated and some of them removed based on effectiveness.
So you think people in the government should evaluate if it is more "effective" to let people keep more of their money vs If the government took it from them? At least we know where you stand. Statist gonna statist.
Lol Nice translation. What you just said is that you live on welfare and don't pay any taxes, get back a ton in earned income credit and still bitch that the government takes to much money from you.
Wtf'd because what the fuck? You're a special kind of retard with that response. One thing this thread really exposed is you're a partisan hack who loves government as long as it's doing things your personally agree with. Pretty much like every other goverment loving partisan hack.
Yes I'm a partisan hack the posts information from purely factual resources. You don't post shit and race posts shit from CNS news. But I'm the partisan hack. Yup. Got me there. LOL you are just pissed cause i called you out.
How else is the state supposed to pay for the 520 construction and the Seattle tunnel construction that all of the construction companies are getting rich from?
Muy Roads!!!
That was supposed to be paid for by other established means. Lack of accountability and transparency, irresponsible spending and no clue how to manage projects are the democrats fault, not the taxpayer. How bout we stop spending on pre-school and help fund bertha for one example, og countless others. Tolling was supposed to h e lp fund 520 ...where did that money go? It's fucking rediculous to impose crippling capital gains taxes. Sick of wasting tax money. New taxes will be wasted the same.
Yeah it's all democrats fault. Republicans don't spend money. Ever. Just listen to their campaign they'll tell you. And the one time they do cut, it fucks everything up. See Kansas and the huge budget deficit.
Statists are statists. Democrats happen to be the leader in the clubhouse right now, with the cult of righteous personality, led by a secular divine-right Leviathan.
Except the last balanced budget was under a democrat president and the largest deficit was under a Republican president. And the deficit has fallen faster under Obama than any other president. Ever.
Are you in support of a contraction of government then?
I'm in support of cutting waste and managing expenditures. I'm not in support of just cutting whole programs because groups disagree with the purpose (such as conservatives want all welfare programs gone and democrats wasn't too cut defense). I also think tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations should be evaluated and some of them removed based on effectiveness.
So you think people in the government should evaluate if it is more "effective" to let people keep more of their money vs If the government took it from them? At least we know where you stand. Statist gonna statist.
Lol Nice translation. What you just said is that you live on welfare and don't pay any taxes, get back a ton in earned income credit and still bitch that the government takes to much money from you.
Wtf'd because what the fuck? You're a special kind of retard with that response. One thing this thread really exposed is you're a partisan hack who loves government as long as it's doing things your personally agree with. Pretty much like every other goverment loving partisan hack.
Yes I'm a partisan hack the posts information from purely factual resources. You don't post shit and race posts shit from CNS news. But I'm the partisan hack. Yup. Got me there. LOL you are just pissed cause i called you out.
Called me out on what? Jesus Christ. Yes, you're sources are "purely factual"... Because they fit your agenda. I do post shit. I post you're a government loving statist who wants to control people according to your beliefs. That's all.
And now the Obamacare lies. We know they lied about the figures. We know those who signed up can't pay for it. We know those who can pay have to pay more and can't keep their doctor. We know that it isn't fully implemented and when it is it will be worse because employer coverage will disappear. We know that everything the opponents said is coming true and that Obama lied about everything
We know the Obama consultant admitted they lied because they had to fool the stupid voters like Honda.
For God's sake this tool is worse than the liberal idiots at eDuck. Every last lie and cliche in the obok and he thinks he's smart about it.
How else is the state supposed to pay for the 520 construction and the Seattle tunnel construction that all of the construction companies are getting rich from?
Muy Roads!!!
That was supposed to be paid for by other established means. Lack of accountability and transparency, irresponsible spending and no clue how to manage projects are the democrats fault, not the taxpayer. How bout we stop spending on pre-school and help fund bertha for one example, og countless others. Tolling was supposed to h e lp fund 520 ...where did that money go? It's fucking rediculous to impose crippling capital gains taxes. Sick of wasting tax money. New taxes will be wasted the same.
Yeah it's all democrats fault. Republicans don't spend money. Ever. Just listen to their campaign they'll tell you. And the one time they do cut, it fucks everything up. See Kansas and the huge budget deficit.
Statists are statists. Democrats happen to be the leader in the clubhouse right now, with the cult of righteous personality, led by a secular divine-right Leviathan.
Except the last balanced budget was under a democrat president and the largest deficit was under a Republican president. And the deficit has fallen faster under Obama than any other president. Ever.
Are you in support of a contraction of government then?
I'm in support of cutting waste and managing expenditures. I'm not in support of just cutting whole programs because groups disagree with the purpose (such as conservatives want all welfare programs gone and democrats wasn't too cut defense). I also think tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations should be evaluated and some of them removed based on effectiveness.
So you think people in the government should evaluate if it is more "effective" to let people keep more of their money vs If the government took it from them? At least we know where you stand. Statist gonna statist.
Lol Nice translation. What you just said is that you live on welfare and don't pay any taxes, get back a ton in earned income credit and still bitch that the government takes to much money from you.
Wtf'd because what the fuck? You're a special kind of retard with that response. One thing this thread really exposed is you're a partisan hack who loves government as long as it's doing things your personally agree with. Pretty much like every other goverment loving partisan hack.
Yes I'm a partisan hack the posts information from purely factual resources. You don't post shit and race posts shit from CNS news. But I'm the partisan hack. Yup. Got me there. LOL you are just pissed cause i called you out.
Called me out on what? Jesus Christ. Yes, you're sources are "purely factual"... Because they fit your agenda. I do post shit. I post you're a government loving statist who wants to control people according to your beliefs. That's all.
Called you out on the fact you get back a shit ton from the government and live off welfare but still bitch that the government takes to much money from you. Geez keep up will ya.
And now the Obamacare lies. We know they lied about the figures. We know those who signed up can't pay for it. We know those who can pay have to pay more and can't keep their doctor. We know that it isn't fully implemented and when it is it will be worse because employer coverage will disappear. We know that everything the opponents said is coming true and that Obama lied about everything
We know the Obama consultant admitted they lied because they had to fool the stupid voters like Honda.
For God's sake this tool is worse than the liberal idiots at eDuck. Every last lie and cliche in the obok and he thinks he's smart about it.
How embarrassing for him
So it's a lie that millions more people are insured? It's a lie that three economy has increased and company profits are at an all time high? Wow. You are even dumber than I thought.
How else is the state supposed to pay for the 520 construction and the Seattle tunnel construction that all of the construction companies are getting rich from?
Muy Roads!!!
That was supposed to be paid for by other established means. Lack of accountability and transparency, irresponsible spending and no clue how to manage projects are the democrats fault, not the taxpayer. How bout we stop spending on pre-school and help fund bertha for one example, og countless others. Tolling was supposed to h e lp fund 520 ...where did that money go? It's fucking rediculous to impose crippling capital gains taxes. Sick of wasting tax money. New taxes will be wasted the same.
Yeah it's all democrats fault. Republicans don't spend money. Ever. Just listen to their campaign they'll tell you. And the one time they do cut, it fucks everything up. See Kansas and the huge budget deficit.
Statists are statists. Democrats happen to be the leader in the clubhouse right now, with the cult of righteous personality, led by a secular divine-right Leviathan.
Except the last balanced budget was under a democrat president and the largest deficit was under a Republican president. And the deficit has fallen faster under Obama than any other president. Ever.
Are you in support of a contraction of government then?
I'm in support of cutting waste and managing expenditures. I'm not in support of just cutting whole programs because groups disagree with the purpose (such as conservatives want all welfare programs gone and democrats wasn't too cut defense). I also think tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations should be evaluated and some of them removed based on effectiveness.
So you think people in the government should evaluate if it is more "effective" to let people keep more of their money vs If the government took it from them? At least we know where you stand. Statist gonna statist.
Lol Nice translation. What you just said is that you live on welfare and don't pay any taxes, get back a ton in earned income credit and still bitch that the government takes to much money from you.
Wtf'd because what the fuck? You're a special kind of retard with that response. One thing this thread really exposed is you're a partisan hack who loves government as long as it's doing things your personally agree with. Pretty much like every other goverment loving partisan hack.
Yes I'm a partisan hack the posts information from purely factual resources. You don't post shit and race posts shit from CNS news. But I'm the partisan hack. Yup. Got me there. LOL you are just pissed cause i called you out.
Called me out on what? Jesus Christ. Yes, you're sources are "purely factual"... Because they fit your agenda. I do post shit. I post you're a government loving statist who wants to control people according to your beliefs. That's all.
Called you out on the fact you get back a shit ton from the government and live off welfare but still bitch that the government takes to much money from you. Geez keep up will ya.
How else is the state supposed to pay for the 520 construction and the Seattle tunnel construction that all of the construction companies are getting rich from?
Muy Roads!!!
That was supposed to be paid for by other established means. Lack of accountability and transparency, irresponsible spending and no clue how to manage projects are the democrats fault, not the taxpayer. How bout we stop spending on pre-school and help fund bertha for one example, og countless others. Tolling was supposed to h e lp fund 520 ...where did that money go? It's fucking rediculous to impose crippling capital gains taxes. Sick of wasting tax money. New taxes will be wasted the same.
Yeah it's all democrats fault. Republicans don't spend money. Ever. Just listen to their campaign they'll tell you. And the one time they do cut, it fucks everything up. See Kansas and the huge budget deficit.
Statists are statists. Democrats happen to be the leader in the clubhouse right now, with the cult of righteous personality, led by a secular divine-right Leviathan.
Except the last balanced budget was under a democrat president and the largest deficit was under a Republican president. And the deficit has fallen faster under Obama than any other president. Ever.
Are you in support of a contraction of government then?
I'm in support of cutting waste and managing expenditures. I'm not in support of just cutting whole programs because groups disagree with the purpose (such as conservatives want all welfare programs gone and democrats wasn't too cut defense). I also think tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations should be evaluated and some of them removed based on effectiveness.
So you think people in the government should evaluate if it is more "effective" to let people keep more of their money vs If the government took it from them? At least we know where you stand. Statist gonna statist.
Lol Nice translation. What you just said is that you live on welfare and don't pay any taxes, get back a ton in earned income credit and still bitch that the government takes to much money from you.
Wtf'd because what the fuck? You're a special kind of retard with that response. One thing this thread really exposed is you're a partisan hack who loves government as long as it's doing things your personally agree with. Pretty much like every other goverment loving partisan hack.
Yes I'm a partisan hack the posts information from purely factual resources. You don't post shit and race posts shit from CNS news. But I'm the partisan hack. Yup. Got me there. LOL you are just pissed cause i called you out.
Called me out on what? Jesus Christ. Yes, you're sources are "purely factual"... Because they fit your agenda. I do post shit. I post you're a government loving statist who wants to control people according to your beliefs. That's all.
Called you out on the fact you get back a shit ton from the government and live off welfare but still bitch that the government takes to much money from you. Geez keep up will ya.
Race is playing chess, the guy that brags about his 13 year old ATV is playing checkers. Case closed.
I think race is missing his queen. Mostly cause he's a faggot (75k) so taking his queen wasn't hard.
But really, you guys are full of shit and should be smarter than to believe that bullshit on daily caller, CNS, etc. Look at the actual facts. Then you wont be caught saying stupid shit like "Congress controls the purse strings" and "Obama spent $7 trillion" in the same fucking comment. Spread that shit out, will ya.
Race is playing chess, the guy that brags about his 13 year old ATV is playing checkers. Case closed.
I think race is missing his queen. Mostly cause he's a faggot (75k) so taking his queen wasn't hard.
But really, you guys are full of shit and should be smarter than to believe that bullshit on daily caller, CNS, etc. Look at the actual facts. Then you wont be caught saying stupid shit like "Congress controls the purse strings" and "Obama spent $7 trillion" in the same fucking comment. Spread that shit out, will ya.
Race is playing chess, the guy that brags about his 13 year old ATV is playing checkers. Case closed.
I think race is missing his queen. Mostly cause he's a faggot (75k) so taking his queen wasn't hard.
But really, you guys are full of shit and should be smarter than to believe that bullshit on daily caller, CNS, etc. Look at the actual facts. Then you wont be caught saying stupid shit like "Congress controls the purse strings" and "Obama spent $7 trillion" in the same fucking comment. Spread that shit out, will ya.
Race is playing chess, the guy that brags about his 13 year old ATV is playing checkers. Case closed.
I think race is missing his queen. Mostly cause he's a faggot (75k) so taking his queen wasn't hard.
But really, you guys are full of shit and should be smarter than to believe that bullshit on daily caller, CNS, etc. Look at the actual facts. Then you wont be caught saying stupid shit like "Congress controls the purse strings" and "Obama spent $7 trillion" in the same fucking comment. Spread that shit out, will ya.
Irony defined
Yup. One person in the thread is posting actual facts. Everyone else is posting political commentary. In other words,, bullshit.
Billy Madison: Okay, a simple "wrong" would've done just fine.
You start by saying congress controls the purse strings then go off about Obama's fault. That's fucktarded.
Obama's stimulus was $800 billion. Agreed he spent that. What else had he spent? List it all. Look at facts.
Obamacare? Yes a time bomb right? Cause you known your news sources have been saying it will crater the economy and the economy has only going up since it was implemented. And millions more people have health insurance now. What's your point?
We know the Obama consultant admitted they lied because they had to fool the stupid voters like Honda.
For God's sake this tool is worse than the liberal idiots at eDuck. Every last lie and cliche in the obok and he thinks he's smart about it.
How embarrassing for him
But still much smarter than you.
So there's that got me all right. Jesus.
But really, you guys are full of shit and should be smarter than to believe that bullshit on daily caller, CNS, etc. Look at the actual facts. Then you wont be caught saying stupid shit like "Congress controls the purse strings" and "Obama spent $7 trillion" in the same fucking comment. Spread that shit out, will ya.