Seeing _____ at the airport/Seeing ______ and ______ fighting over a taxi
Not sure the origin or who were the first names, but it would always come up with coaching searches, especially between Ty and Sark.
"I saw Pat Hill fighting Mike Leach over a taxi at SeaTac"
I'm pretty sure the first version of this was back when people here thought Steve Superior might actually leave the southeastern US, and 'someone' saw him at SeaTac.
What I'm hearing... Origin: Kim Grinolds / Explanation: Always the manner in which Grinolds trumpets "inside information" to his subscribers. Over time, this became a source of ridicule because of the astonishingly high degree of inaccuracy of his information.
This one always gets me. I laff like @Swaye 's idiot hyena every fucking time.
Meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora in the U-District Origin: Unknown Explanation: A non-existent location for internet tuff guys to meet for fist fights and brawling
Noticed this hasn't been posted yet, and its been requested:
If fake teats are your thing I guess. Who cares bout her flat white ass. What do you do with tits? You can slide cock betwixt, you can dump on, but they mean little in the grand scheme. Ass is important. Thats what you stare at while puttin a poundins on. Big tits just get lost in the shuffle.
Meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora in the U-District Origin: Unknown Explanation: A non-existent location for internet tuff guys to meet for fist fights and brawling
Meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora in the U-District Origin: Unknown Explanation: A non-existent location for internet tuff guys to meet for fist fights and brawling
Meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora in the U-District Origin: Unknown Explanation: A non-existent location for internet tuff guys to meet for fist fights and brawling
Meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora in the U-District Origin: Unknown Explanation: A non-existent location for internet tuff guys to meet for fist fights and brawling
Meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora in the U-District Origin: Unknown Explanation: A non-existent location for internet tuff guys to meet for fist fights and brawling
Seeing _____ at the airport/Seeing ______ and ______ fighting over a taxi
Not sure the origin or who were the first names, but it would always come up with coaching searches, especially between Ty and Sark.
"I saw Pat Hill fighting Mike Leach over a taxi at SeaTac"
(Posted in the wrong thread.) Downvote this.
Could be wrong.
Origin: Kim Grinolds /
Explanation: Always the manner in which Grinolds trumpets "inside information" to his subscribers. Over time, this became a source of ridicule because of the astonishingly high degree of inaccuracy of his information.
This one always gets me. I laff like @Swaye 's idiot hyena every fucking time.
Origin: Unknown
Explanation: A non-existent location for internet tuff guys to meet for fist fights and brawling
@DerekJohnson , you know this is mine. Come on!
Oh, Derek, you forgot that one too.
Also, you forgot "I can't help it if I'm better at life than you are," courtesy of that UCLA moron who used to post here. Forgot his name.
What CrimsonNGray told me once on when he got sick of my annoyances.
Not sure why this isn't Classics, but still ....