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Can we offer this Ukranian solider a scholarship?



  • 46XiJCAB
    46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Since PGOS is more interested in reading press releases from the Ukrainians maybe this will help.

    Putin and Xi are meeting. US intelligence believes China may be willing to provide Putin “lethal aid” as they begin to shift on Ukraine. Blinken gave that assessment this week.

    Biden needs to act like a non-warmonger and instead call for a ceasefire and negotiations to end this.

    PGOS, your little hero in Ukraine was the guy talking WWIII.

    China has already been more or less providing Russia with lethal aid. Someone has to give Russia computer chips they can't manufacture themselves, and have a hard time getting due to sanctions.
    No they have not. This is stupid. The Veggie has managed to push Russia and China closer together and you continue to talk about Russia getting their ass kicked.
    Russia and China aren't friends. Why do you think they are?

    Just because Xi is meeting with Putin doesn't mean they are best friends. They have a mutual rival in the US, NATO, frankly the rest of the world, but they are rivals themselves. China would love to control the eastern 2/3rds of Russia.

    China came out today with a list of suggestions on the war. The first suggestion is a ceasefire. They aren't exactly gearing up the landing boats for a Taiwan Special Military operation. Which would go even more poorly than Russia's.
    Did you offer that strawman a cig before you fucked it in the ass? No one said they were besties.

    Joey’s Secretary of State gave the assessment this week. Go fucking argue with him.

    JFC you can’t see the GD forest for the fucking trees.

    China called for a ceasefire cause they really mean it. Are you this naive?
  • WestlinnDuck
    WestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,415 Standard Supporter

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
  • RaceBannon
    RaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,661 Swaye's Wigwam
    Trump said it would have taken him 24 hours to stop Putin from invading

    The deep state believed it.
  • pawz
    pawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,053 Founders Club
    PGOS is the smartest guy in the room. Just

    Trump said it would have taken him 24 hours to stop Putin from invading

    The deep state believed it back in 2016.

    With respect, fixed for accuracy.

  • PostGameOrangeSlices
    PostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 24,829 Founders Club
    edited February 2023

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
    We will see. Right now, he has been winning and reclaiming territory. Insanely.

    Taking back Crimea is much more difficult than someplace like Kherson or the Kharkiv suburbs, it's a totally different type of offensive.

    Crimea also seemed fine with the Russian takeover. They let Russia waltz in back in 2014.
  • pawz
    pawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,053 Founders Club
    edited February 2023

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    PGOS also didn't want to deal with my hypothetical of Putin being backed into a corner and then threatening to use tactical nukes and if the US responded by using tactical nukes in Russian Ukraine that Russia would nuke San Francisco. Like I said, the US people don't want to play that game of chicken.
    Neither does Putin.

    The US knows all of his hiding spots and have bunker buster bomb to take Putin out quickly.

    This would effectively be suicide for Putin, and I don't think he is suicidal. He still has an iron grip on the country, as embarrassing as the Special Military Operation is. He has made sure of that and absolutely has consolidated his power in a way not even Saddam could in Iraq.

    I just don't see it happening, but I understand that Russian nukes (rusty or not) are problematic in geopolitics. It is their trump card, I just don't think they want to end Russia as they know it.

    Holy fuckall.

  • PostGameOrangeSlices
    PostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 24,829 Founders Club
    pawz said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    PGOS also didn't want to deal with my hypothetical of Putin being backed into a corner and then threatening to use tactical nukes and if the US responded by using tactical nukes in Russian Ukraine that Russia would nuke San Francisco. Like I said, the US people don't want to play that game of chicken.
    Neither does Putin.

    The US knows all of his hiding spots and have bunker buster bomb to take Putin out quickly.

    This would effectively be suicide for Putin, and I don't think he is suicidal. He still has an iron grip on the country, as embarrassing as the Special Military Operation is. He has made sure of that and absolutely has consolidated his power in a way not even Saddam could in Iraq.

    I just don't see it happening, but I understand that Russian nukes (rusty or not) are problematic in geopolitics. It is their trump card, I just don't think they want to end Russia as they know it.

    Holy fuckall.

    You don't think that's the case?
  • WestlinnDuck
    WestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,415 Standard Supporter

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
    We will see. Right now, he has been winning and reclaiming territory. Insanely.

    Taking back Crimea is much more difficult than someplace like Kherson or the Kharkiv suburbs, it's a totally different type of offensive.

    Crimea also seemed fine with the Russian takeover. They let Russia waltz in back in 2014.
    So, no end game, just eternal war and the continued destruction of Ukraine while we "save it".
  • PostGameOrangeSlices
    PostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 24,829 Founders Club

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
    We will see. Right now, he has been winning and reclaiming territory. Insanely.

    Taking back Crimea is much more difficult than someplace like Kherson or the Kharkiv suburbs, it's a totally different type of offensive.

    Crimea also seemed fine with the Russian takeover. They let Russia waltz in back in 2014.
    So, no end game, just eternal war and the continued destruction of Ukraine while we "save it".
    No, the end game seems clear to me. Ukraine wants Russia OUT of places it wasn't in 2014.

    If you haven't noticed, they've been doing that. Russia has been in retreat. Their current offensives have been mostly failures.

    Ukraine will be launching offensives shortly to drive Russia out of place like Southern Ukraine.
    Let's see what happens.

    I don't, however, think Ukraine wants to take back the DPR and LPR, for instance.
  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 9,410 Founders Club

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
    We will see. Right now, he has been winning and reclaiming territory. Insanely.

    Taking back Crimea is much more difficult than someplace like Kherson or the Kharkiv suburbs, it's a totally different type of offensive.

    Crimea also seemed fine with the Russian takeover. They let Russia waltz in back in 2014.
    So, no end game, just eternal war and the continued destruction of Ukraine while we "save it".
    No, the end game seems clear to me. Ukraine wants Russia OUT of places it wasn't in 2014.

    If you haven't noticed, they've been doing that. Russia has been in retreat. Their current offensives have been mostly failures.

    Ukraine will be launching offensives shortly to drive Russia out of place like Southern Ukraine.
    Let's see what happens.

    I don't, however, think Ukraine wants to take back the DPR and LPR, for instance.
    Eastern Ukraine had some separatists emerge in 2014, that wanted independence from Kiev, no?
  • PostGameOrangeSlices
    PostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 24,829 Founders Club
    Bob_C said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
    We will see. Right now, he has been winning and reclaiming territory. Insanely.

    Taking back Crimea is much more difficult than someplace like Kherson or the Kharkiv suburbs, it's a totally different type of offensive.

    Crimea also seemed fine with the Russian takeover. They let Russia waltz in back in 2014.
    So, no end game, just eternal war and the continued destruction of Ukraine while we "save it".
    No, the end game seems clear to me. Ukraine wants Russia OUT of places it wasn't in 2014.

    If you haven't noticed, they've been doing that. Russia has been in retreat. Their current offensives have been mostly failures.

    Ukraine will be launching offensives shortly to drive Russia out of place like Southern Ukraine.
    Let's see what happens.

    I don't, however, think Ukraine wants to take back the DPR and LPR, for instance.
    Eastern Ukraine had some separatists emerge in 2014, that wanted independence from Kiev, no?
    100%. Donetsk and Luhansk are mostly Russian speakers and have strong ties to Russia.

    Russia did send in its troops though to take control of the situation.

    I don't think Ukraine wants to do an offensive in the DPR and LPR. I think the status quo there is what it is.
  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 9,410 Founders Club

    Bob_C said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
    We will see. Right now, he has been winning and reclaiming territory. Insanely.

    Taking back Crimea is much more difficult than someplace like Kherson or the Kharkiv suburbs, it's a totally different type of offensive.

    Crimea also seemed fine with the Russian takeover. They let Russia waltz in back in 2014.
    So, no end game, just eternal war and the continued destruction of Ukraine while we "save it".
    No, the end game seems clear to me. Ukraine wants Russia OUT of places it wasn't in 2014.

    If you haven't noticed, they've been doing that. Russia has been in retreat. Their current offensives have been mostly failures.

    Ukraine will be launching offensives shortly to drive Russia out of place like Southern Ukraine.
    Let's see what happens.

    I don't, however, think Ukraine wants to take back the DPR and LPR, for instance.
    Eastern Ukraine had some separatists emerge in 2014, that wanted independence from Kiev, no?
    100%. Donetsk and Luhansk are mostly Russian speakers and have strong ties to Russia.

    Russia did send in its troops though to take control of the situation.

    I don't think Ukraine wants to do an offensive in the DPR and LPR. I think the status quo there is what it is.
    So why was Zelensky engaged in a war with them for the last 8 years?
  • pawz
    pawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,053 Founders Club

    pawz said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    PGOS also didn't want to deal with my hypothetical of Putin being backed into a corner and then threatening to use tactical nukes and if the US responded by using tactical nukes in Russian Ukraine that Russia would nuke San Francisco. Like I said, the US people don't want to play that game of chicken.
    Neither does Putin.

    The US knows all of his hiding spots and have bunker buster bomb to take Putin out quickly.

    This would effectively be suicide for Putin, and I don't think he is suicidal. He still has an iron grip on the country, as embarrassing as the Special Military Operation is. He has made sure of that and absolutely has consolidated his power in a way not even Saddam could in Iraq.

    I just don't see it happening, but I understand that Russian nukes (rusty or not) are problematic in geopolitics. It is their trump card, I just don't think they want to end Russia as they know it.

    Holy fuckall.

    You don't think that's the case?
    Osama Bin Laden and I had a hearty chuckle in the media room.
  • PostGameOrangeSlices
    PostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 24,829 Founders Club
    Bob_C said:

    Bob_C said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    I don't specifically listen to one source on a subject like this. That is how you end up denying Russian losses by looking at a picture of blown up Russian tanks and commenting it can't be, they are orange.

    In order for WW3 to get kicked off, China would need to make a move on Taiwan, prompting the US, Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines and friends to declare war on China.

    I don't see that happening, do you?

    Who told you that was the only scenario?
    What other scenarios are there?

    Because WW3 isn't NATO and the US versus Russia. That is called a curb stomping.

    And a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US wouldn't be WW3 either IMO. That would be the end of the world.
    Yeah, and I ask you would you respond to tactical nuke strikes against the Ukraine by Russia? Backing Putin into a corner is how you FAFO.
    I don't think Russia is going to resort to that. Wouldn't they have already done that to blow up Ukrainian fortresses like Vuhledar and Bahkmut?

    If Russian does use tactical nuclear strikes, it is because they can't get it done any other way - ever. I don't think they will, but if they do...I'm honestly not sure. What do you think would happen after that?
    You have completely over estimated the Russian threat to Europe. There is zero threat to the US. So, you are supporting breaking the Russian military by kicking them out of the Ukraine and restoring the Crimea to Ukraine. And you give me "I don't think Russia is going to resort to that". And you are prepared to have a full scale nuclear exchange with Russia because that's in our best interest. It's like a religion with you.
    No, I'm absolutely not advocating for a nuclear exchange for Russia. That's a bad scenario for everyone.

    FWIW I think the borders should go back to what they were in 2014. Let Russia keep Crimea and have the phony annexed states of DPR and LPR.

    If there is a way for Ukraine to militarily take back Crimea and Donestk/Luhansk that doesn't result in tactical nukes by Russia then great, but I think at that point Putin might just be unhinged enough to launch a few nukes to see what happens. I don't want that.

    Europe (and Obama) seemed fine with that at the time, which IMO was a mistake, but it is what it is. Trump called it what it is - violent expansionism - to his credit but obviously was skeptical of the Burisma situation.

    Your problem is that Zelensky is going to nix any peaceful settlement as long as the US/NATO money is rolling in. I guarantee that Trump or DeSantis would be cutting a deal yesterday and Zelensky would be informed of the result.
    We will see. Right now, he has been winning and reclaiming territory. Insanely.

    Taking back Crimea is much more difficult than someplace like Kherson or the Kharkiv suburbs, it's a totally different type of offensive.

    Crimea also seemed fine with the Russian takeover. They let Russia waltz in back in 2014.
    So, no end game, just eternal war and the continued destruction of Ukraine while we "save it".
    No, the end game seems clear to me. Ukraine wants Russia OUT of places it wasn't in 2014.

    If you haven't noticed, they've been doing that. Russia has been in retreat. Their current offensives have been mostly failures.

    Ukraine will be launching offensives shortly to drive Russia out of place like Southern Ukraine.
    Let's see what happens.

    I don't, however, think Ukraine wants to take back the DPR and LPR, for instance.
    Eastern Ukraine had some separatists emerge in 2014, that wanted independence from Kiev, no?
    100%. Donetsk and Luhansk are mostly Russian speakers and have strong ties to Russia.

    Russia did send in its troops though to take control of the situation.

    I don't think Ukraine wants to do an offensive in the DPR and LPR. I think the status quo there is what it is.
    So why was Zelensky engaged in a war with them for the last 8 years?
    Because the LPR and DPR want all of Luhansk and Donetsk. They were pushing for more land.
  • 46XiJCAB
    46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967

    pawz said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    Who told you WWIII is far from being started?
    Who told you that is is on the horizon?
    Nope. You claim it’s far away. Who told you?
    PGOS also didn't want to deal with my hypothetical of Putin being backed into a corner and then threatening to use tactical nukes and if the US responded by using tactical nukes in Russian Ukraine that Russia would nuke San Francisco. Like I said, the US people don't want to play that game of chicken.
    Neither does Putin.

    The US knows all of his hiding spots and have bunker buster bomb to take Putin out quickly.

    This would effectively be suicide for Putin, and I don't think he is suicidal. He still has an iron grip on the country, as embarrassing as the Special Military Operation is. He has made sure of that and absolutely has consolidated his power in a way not even Saddam could in Iraq.

    I just don't see it happening, but I understand that Russian nukes (rusty or not) are problematic in geopolitics. It is their trump card, I just don't think they want to end Russia as they know it.

    Holy fuckall.

    You don't think that's the case?
    This is precious stuff right here.
  • pawz
    pawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,053 Founders Club
    edited February 2023
    If nukes start flying 60% of the US is dead in a month. London, NYC, DC are uninhabitable for 1000 years.

    PGOS is full steam ahead.

  • 46XiJCAB
    46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967
    PGOS just skates past everything and anything that flies in the face of the narrative he’s 1000% bought into.
  • PostGameOrangeSlices
    PostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 24,829 Founders Club
    46XiJCAB said:

    PGOS just skates past everything and anything that flies in the face of the narrative he’s 1000% bought into.

    No, I dont. I give answers. You just dont like my opinion
  • PostGameOrangeSlices
    PostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 24,829 Founders Club
    Doogles said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    I never said anything about a trap by the way. And the Biden administration didn't exist when Trump was impeached

    but still

    The perma government pulled the strings and now you're all dancing to the tune. Trump had to go to get Joe out of the basement and in front of the green screen. That's a fact. Ukraine is a bank for the corrupt.

    Can't wait for you guys to say the lap top was Putin disinformation. Or that all those kids like Hunter making millions from Ukraine energy firms actually earned it

    So Hunter making millions is why Putin invaded?

    You still fail to see that the reason for this invasion is because Putin wanted control of Ukraine. That's it. It's simple. He wants more land and resources.

    He didnt orchestrate this from some 5D perma government chess fork by the Deep State

    Wake up sometime

    Or don't

    Don't put words on me I didn't say
    Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

    Speaking of waking up
    Nazi's and biolabs. Russians hate Nazi's. Biolabs on your border some run by the Bidens, wouldn't be allowed near our borders either. But you do you.

    I was asking Race, not you. You're a fucking nut
    I'm not the nut in this discussion. There is nothing to Ukraine worth starting WWIII. You're gargling Biden balls though.
    1) WW3 is far from started
    2) I have never once in my life "gargled Biden's balls"

    Somehow, in your eyes calling Putin out for a massive blunder is sacrilegious. Why is that?
    False, it's well documented WW3 began when Trump killed Salami. Or it was when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem. I can't remember, I just know Trump started it.
    Trump blowing up Salami was an all time badass moment