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Fetters, Jude...the CNN of husky football (front page article as it was)



  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 16,913 Swaye's Wigwam
    I'm going to continue to mangle the OP through iterations of google translate and see what kind of awesome gibberish comes out the other end. It's already pretty good coming back from Chinese.
  • PurpleBazePurpleBaze Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 30,153 Founders Club

    I'm going to continue to mangle the OP through iterations of google translate and see what kind of awesome gibberish comes out the other end. It's already pretty good coming back from Chinese.

    I stand with Doog_Bot.
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 16,913 Swaye's Wigwam
    Wie is erger, Adam Jude of Chris Fetters? Een, 'n veragtelike Ji Mua Costa, probeer om Chris Peterson, nog 20 jaar van 'n tipiese lae-begroting skrywer, 'n "catch alle tye," produseer relevant probeer. A Seattle Times (Barbara verskans 'n minnaar wat nie soos die Huskies, Hoofstuk IX ondersteuners, gretig om 30 jaar ten gunste van vroue se basketbal en sagtebal gewoel sokker vernietig) ... die ander is politieke op die regte plek, kompleet direkteur, Kim Grinolds (verantwoordelik vir die inhoud) verbied enige gebruiker met die Huskies sokker nie saamstem nie. Byvoorbeeld, as jy nie hou van die manier 杰克布朗宁 speel, sal jy nie 'n woord gesê ...... lyk soos seks Husky 'n nuwe platform om hul menings en opinies oordra. kan jy met jou te praat sonder 'n permanente verbod op die webwerf, deel jou mening. O, dit kan ook gratis bygevoeg word. Uitvoerende hoof Derek Johnson is 'n ware langtermyn-fan wat 'n warm bespreking van sokkerprobleme aanmoedig

    Gaan dan, gaan dan, en spring dan direk uit die Husky-raad na 'Oban' 'verlore'. Nadat hy geskryf het uitdruklik webwerf stormloop spel onmiddellik op die eerste bladsy van page views en dramatiese stuk onkunde, beweer dat die Huskies, en 'n soortgelyke graad, in die Pac-12 kollege sokker playoff geleentheid, basies Dit gaan oor !!!! Ja, hy het dit gesê. '

    Hy moet weet dat 1 September nooit op enige seisoen se nasionale kampioenskap (AP / afrigter, basketbal, playoffs) besluit het nie. Ewigheid.
    Hy is nou verantwoordelik vir 'n moeg en lui debat, maar herhaal die SEC se vriendelik betaalde ESPN-storie, wat deur almal in die weste van die majestueuse Rocky Mountains gestel word. Toe die komitee die span in Desember gekies het, het UW selfs verloor. Dit is 'n baie goeie sokkerspan, hulle weet dit. Hulle het almal daarna gekyk. Moenie bekommerd wees oor hierdie mense nie, want Puppylove het Saterdagaand op Hardcore Husky oorgeneem en die AP sal UW se pogings herken. Hulle het 'n paar punte in die negende plek in die land verlaat, nie die top 25 punte wat Chris Fetters sy Dawgman-lesers vertrou het nie.

    Almal sal misluk, maar Alabama, miskien Clemson. As UW verantwoordelik is vir pac12-handel, maak nie saak hoe uitdagend nie, dit is die maatstaf vir die playoffs. Fetters blyk die teenoorgestelde aan te dui omdat dit bladsyvertonings wil skep deur kontroversies te maak. Dit help nie. Fetters en ek het baie teruggekom, en Pup het altyd die plek skoongemaak met sy onkundige uitsig oor Husky sokker en kollege sokker. Natuurlik, elke keer as ek 'n ander mening het, hoef ek net op die verbodsknoppie te klik, net soos almal wat dawgman al jare gedoen het, hardcoreHusky produseer.

    Ten spyte van Fetters se oogpunt, is hierdie speletjie nie 'n referendum oor pac12 nie. Inteendeel, die teenoorgestelde. Ongeskiktheid Cincinnati en Arizona het beslis nie Elf 12 gehelp nie, maar dit was 'n lang seisoen, en UCLA sal beter gebruik maak van DTR in QB. Baie van die sokker speel nog steeds. Die Universiteit van Suid-Kalifornië, Stanford Universiteit, en in mindere mate, Utah is ook baie in die playoffs, nie verwant aan UW LOSS (met die oorwinning van my komitee en ander mense wat my kollege sokker op die pad verstaan).

    Die ACC is duidelik die ergste sokker konferensie, 'n liga van een span. As hulle by hierdie vergadering 'n beduidende neiging het om te doen (as jy vir meer as 10 jaar kollege sokker is), Clemson, hulle berei NO Washington en pac12 voor. Die ACC het nie die Stanford Universiteit, die Universiteit van Suid-Kalifornië, Oregon of Utah nie (Duck het vanjaar besluit om een te speel). Hulle het niemand nie. Florida State University se ACC # 2 is erg verbrand deur die ACC-span by Virginia Tech en 'n baie gewone span. Personeel is op dieselfde vlak as Washington Street of Arizona Street

    Die Universiteit van Suid-Kalifornië en Stanford Universiteit speel steeds opwindende speletjies. Ten spyte van die vroeë verlies van Pac12, het Stanford nog 'n wettige playoff-plek. Net klop ND, UW. Die Universiteit van Suid-Kalifornië het selfs verliese in Texas gely. Net hardloop die vorm en klik ND. Utah ... bestuur die tafel waar hulle is. Dit is dus nie so vreeslik soos mnr. Fetts ons glo nie. As die Universiteit van Suid-Kalifornië Texas slaan, sal dit beslis almal help, maar dit sal beslis help vir 'n 18-jarige QB-grootbestelling.

    Texas en Oklahoma kry pac12 betyds. Die Universiteit van Suid-Kalifornië en die Universiteit van Kalifornië in Los Angeles het ware nuwe studente by QB geword (as Chip Kelly en Thompson-Robinson saamwerk), sal T-R 'n goeie QB wees. Hy is regtig daardie persoon. Die komitee verstaan dit. Hulle het besef dat ACC 'n junkyard was. Pac 12, saam met UST se JT Daniels en UCLA se Dorian Thompson-Robinson, is steeds beter as FSU en VT as enige ander insluitende François. . USC is Puppy se vierde beste pac12-span, nog beter as ACC se tweede, derde en vierde ...

    Daarom, in die eerste week, is pac12 ver van die voltooiing van die playoffs. Dit hang alles af van die verlies tyd van ander spanne en wie hulle verloor.

    En Jude? Jy gee nie om in hierdie stad nie. Die beste Ted Miller is nog twee keer joune. Tacoma op die top van die berg klim op jou kraakhuis, wat werklik Husky se benadering dek. Gebruik jou kennisgewings, eintlik die speler se kennis, jou #, hoogte, gewig, ens. Om die spel te dek. Hoe lank verwag jy dat hierdie skaam sokker ding moet ontsnap? Sedert die Don James-era meer as 30 jaar gelede, het sy oponthoud en verontagsaming van Chris Peterson se beseringsooreenkoms nie verdubbel nie. Daarom vertrou die Universiteit van Washington se afrigter nie die Seattle Times nie. Don James is verbrand deur 'n aanstootlike en oneerbiedige joernalis, net soos jy oor 'n QB en 'n jurie gaan.

    Neem 'n punkboog, die media is 'n hele sirkel, jy moet beskuldig word. Soos Jim Acosta van CNN, hoop ek Peterson bel nie tydens die stres nie, want Saras Sanders slaap nie ... ek sal beslis nie ... ..!

    - Baba liefde
  • PurpleBazePurpleBaze Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 30,153 Founders Club
    Questo è il più grande crock di merda che abbia mai letto. Buon Dio alla fine degli anni '60 e '70 il buco del culo era una festa di fantasia. Chi è che nessuno pensi che culo cazzo è in ripresa. Ogni coppia, ad eccezione di More_cock e sua moglie, hanno fatto il woopie nel culo Bob. La gente è la gente.
    I cavernicoli e le puttane che hanno drogato nelle caverne stavano facendo da pioniere al buttsex e gli piacevano. Il ring sting non è una novità. Perché questa nuova generazione pensa di essere nuova a tutto. Entra nella parte posteriore della fottuta linea con la sanguinante cagna del retto. È già stato fatto prima. Sheesh me e i miei amici hanno rimesso tutti i chili in testa al giorno. Alcuni puliti, alcuni indecenti, altri sanguinosi. Ma a differenza dei pulcini del porno non soffocare il ghiacciolo rosso / marrone dopo l'atto. È giusto per il lavandino per uno straccio bagnato e un po 'di acqua e sapone.
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 16,913 Swaye's Wigwam

    It's pretty gold already if you hit that button.
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 16,913 Swaye's Wigwam
    Vem är värre, Adam Jude eller Chris Fetters? En, en avskyvärda Ji Mua Costa, försöker försöka Chris Peterson, ytterligare 20 år av en typisk lågbudgetfattare, en "fånga alla tider" och producera relevanta. En Seattle Times (Barbara säkra en älskare som inte gillar Huskies kapitel IX supportrar, ivriga att förstöra 30 år till förmån för kvinnors basket och softball hustle fotboll) ... den andra är politisk på rätt plats, komplett director Kim Grinolds (ansvarig för innehållet) förbjuder en användare med Huskies fotboll oenighet. Till exempel, om du inte gillar det sätt 杰克布朗宁 spela, du kommer inte att ha ett ord sagt ...... ser ut sex Husky en ny plattform för att uttrycka sina åsikter och synpunkter. låter dig prata med dig utan ett permanent förbud på webbplatsen, dela din åsikt. Åh, det kan också läggas till gratis. VD Derek Johnson är en sann långsiktig fan som uppmuntrar till en varm diskussion om fotbollsproblem

    Gå sedan och hoppa direkt från Husky-brädan till "Oban" "förlorad". Efter uttryckligen skrev han webbplats Rush spel direkt på första sidan av sidvisningar och dramatisk pjäs okunskap, hävdar att Huskies och en liknande grad i Pac-12 college football playoff möjlighet det är i princip handlar om! !!! Ja, det sa han.

    Han måste veta att den 1 september aldrig bestämde sig för något säsongens nationella mästerskap (AP / coach, basket, playoffs). Ever.
    Han är nu ansvarig för en trött och lat debatt, men upprepa SEC: s vänligt betalda ESPN-historia, som ställs av alla i väster om de majestätiska Rocky Mountains. När utskottet valde laget i december, förlorade JA ens. Det är ett mycket bra fotbollslag, de vet det. De tittade alla efter. Oroa dig inte för dessa människor eftersom Puppylove tog över på Hardcore Husky på lördagskvällen och AP kommer att känna igen dina insatser. De lämnade några punkter på nionde platsen i landet, inte de 25 bästa poängen som Chris Fetters litade på sina Dawgman-läsare.

    Alla kommer att misslyckas, men Alabama, kanske Clemson. Om DIN är ansvarig för pac12-handel, oavsett hur utmanande det är, är det riktmärket för slutspelet. Fetters verkar ange motsatsen eftersom det vill skapa sidvisningar genom att göra kontroverser. Det hjälper inte. Fetters och jag har återvänt mycket, och Pup har alltid städat platsen med sin okunniga utsikt över Husky fotboll och college fotboll. Självklart, varje gång jag har en annan åsikt, måste jag bara klicka på bankknappen, precis som alla som har gjort dawgman i åratal, producerar hardcoreHusky.

    Trots Fetters synvinkel är detta spel inte en folkomröstning om pac12. Tvärtom, motsatsen. Handikapp Cincinnati och Arizona hjälper säkert Elf 12, men det var en lång årstid, och UCLA skulle bättre utnyttja DTR i QB. Mycket av fotbollen spelar fortfarande. Universitetet i södra Kalifornien, Stanford University, och i mindre utsträckning, Utah är också mycket i slutspelet, inte relaterat till DIN TAP (med min kommissions seger och andra som förstår min collegefotboll på vägen).

    ACC är tydligen den värsta fotbollskonferensen, en liga av ett lag. Om de på detta möte har en stor tendens att göra (om du är college fotboll i mer än 10 år), Clemson, de förbereder NO Washington och pac12. ACC har inte Stanford University, University of Southern California, Oregon eller Utah (Duck bestämde sig för att spela en i år). De har ingen. Florida State University's ACC # 2 bränns kraftigt av ACC-teamet på Virginia Tech och ett mycket vanligt lag. Personalen ligger på samma nivå som Washington Street eller Arizona Street

    University of Southern California och Stanford University spelar fortfarande spännande spel. Trots den tidiga förlusten av Pac12 har Stanford en legitim slutspelsplats. Bara slå ND, DIN. Universitetet i södra Kalifornien drabbades av förluster i Texas. Bara springa formuläret och klicka på ND. Utah ... kör bordet där de är. Det är därför inte så hemskt som Mr. Fett vi inte tror på. Om University of Southern California, Texas butik, kommer det definitivt hjälpa alla, men det kommer säkert att hjälpa ett 18-årig QB stor order.

    Texas och Oklahoma får pac12 i tid. University of Southern California och University of California i Los Angeles började vid QB sanna nya studenter (som Chip Kelly och Thompson Robinson samarbeta), T-R vara en bra QB. Han är verkligen den personen. Utskottet förstår det. De insåg att ACC var en junkyard. Pac 12, med UST: s JT Daniels och UCLA: s Dorian Thompson Robinson, är fortfarande bättre än FSU och VT än någon annan, inklusive François. . USC är Puppy fjärde bästa pac12 laget, ännu bättre än ACC andra, tredje och fjärde ...

    Därför, i den första veckan, pac12 långt ifrån avslutad slutspelet. Det beror helt på förlusttiden för andra lag och vem de förlorar.

    Och Jude? Du bryr dig inte i den här staden. Den bästa Ted Miller är din egen två gånger. Tacoma på toppen av berget klättrar till ditt karmhus, som verkligen täcker Huskys tillvägagångssätt. Använd dina meddelanden, faktiskt spelarens kunskap, din #, höjd, vikt etc. För att täcka spelet. Hur länge förväntar du dig att den här blygda fotbollsaken ska fly? Sedan Don James-epoken för över 30 år sedan har hans förseningar och bortseende från Chris Peterson skadesavtal inte fördubblats. Det är därför som University of Washington-tränaren inte litar på Seattle Times. Don James brändes av en offensiv och irreverent journalist, precis som om du talar om en QB och en jury.

    Ta en punkbow, media är en hel cirkel, du måste anklagas. Liksom Jim Acosta från CNN, hoppas jag inte ringa Peterson under stress eftersom Saras Sanders inte sover ... Jag kommer definitivt inte ... ..!
  • PurpleJPurpleJ Member Posts: 37,567 Founders Club
    I went to full site on mobile and found article. Here it is:

    "Fetters, Jude...the CNN of husky football"

    Who's worse, Adam Jude or Chris Fetters? One, a sleazy Jim Acosta type, trying to produce a 'gotcha moment' on Chris Petersen, the other a typical low-budget writer for 20 years, trying to be relevant. One for the Seattle Times (a husky-hating Barbara Hedges lover, title IX advocate , trying desperately for 30 years to destroy husky football in favor of womens' basketball and softball)...the other a politically correct, totalitarian-run website , where Kim Grinolds (the content boss) ban's any user he disagree's with regarding husky football. For instance, if you don't like the way Jake Browning is playing, don't say a'll be looking for a new platform like Hardcore Husky to convey your views and opinions. let's you speak your mind, share your opinions without permanent banishment from the website. Oh, it's free to join too. Derek Johnson, the CEO, is a true and lifelong husky fan who encourages passionate discussion of husky football

    Chris Fetters, walked then jumped off the Husky plank immediately following the 'loss' 'at' Auburn. He wrote an overtly dramatic and ignorant piece on the front page of, in hurried fashion for page views immediately following the game, claiming the Huskies, and to a similar degree the Pac 12 chances at making the College Football Playoff, are essentially OVER!!!! Yup, he said it.

    He should know that the national title, in any era (AP/Coaches, bcs, playoff) has NEVER been decided on Sept 1st. EVER.
    He's responsible now for a tired and lazy argument, just reiterating the SEC-friendly, ESPN-paid narrative established by everyone west of the majestic Rocky Mountain range. When it comes time for the committee to choose teams in December, UW won even though they lost. This is a really good football team and they know it. They all watched it. No worries dawgfans, as Puppylove assumed and posted to Hardcore Husky late Saturday night, the AP would recognize UW's efforts. They dropped them only a few spots to #9 in the country, not out of the top 25 where Chris Fetters led his readers at Dawgman to believe.

    Everyone is going to lose but Alabama, maybe Clemson. If UW takes care of business in the pac12, however challenging, they are a shoe-in for the playoff.. Fetters seemed to indicate otherwise, because he wanted to create page views by manufactured controversy. Wont help. Fetters and I go back a long ways, and Pup always mops the floor with his ignorant views on Husky football, and college football in general. Of course all he just had to do was hit the ban button everytime I had a dissenting opinion, like everyone at dawgman has done through the years, which spawned HardcoreHusky.

    Despite Fetters view, This game isnt a referendum on the pac12. It's quite the opposite. Cincinnati and Arizona's ineptitude certainly didnt help the pac 12, but it's a long season, and UCLA will get a lot better with DTR at QB.. A lot of football yet to be played. USC, Stanford and to a lesser extent Utah are still very much in playoff race as well and has NOTHING TO DO WITH UW LOSS (a WIN in my eyes,down the road with the committee, and others who understand college football. )

    The ACC is clearly the worst conference in football, a 1-team league. If Clemson stumbles in conference, which they have a significant propensity to do (if you've followed college football longer than 10 years) they're done and NOT Washington and the pac12. The ACC doesnt have a Stanford, USC, UTAH or Oregon (had ducks decided to play somebody) this year. They have nobody. Florida State, the ACC's #2' got heavily reamed by a gutted, very average ACC team in Virginia Tech. A team on par with say Washington St or Arizona St.

    USC and Stanford play big games still. Stanford has a legit shot at playoff even with pac12 loss early. Just beat ND, UW. USC is In even with loss at texas. Just run table, beat ND. table they're in. So it's really not as dire as Mr. Fetters led us to believe. It would sure help everybody if USC beat Texas, but a tall order with an 18 year-old at qb.

    Texas and Oklahoma are catching the pac12 at the right time. USC and UCLA are both starting true freshmen at QB respectively (should Chip Kelly go with Thompson-Robinson) T-R is going to be a great qb. He is the real deal. The committee understands this. They realize the ACC is a dumpster deposit, and the pac 12, with USC's JT Daniels and UCLA's Dorian Thompson-Robinson, are still better than FSU and VT with whoever they trot out, including Francois. USC, the pac12's 4th best team in Puppy's mind, is still better than the ACC's 2nd, 3rd, 4th.....

    So fetters, the pac12 is far from out of the playoff in week 1. Its all about the timing of the losses by other teams, and who they lose to.

    And Jude? You are irrelevant in this town. Ted Miller, who was decent at best, still was twice the reporter you are. Crawl out your plush Tacoma crack house on Hill Top and actually cover a Husky practice. And with your credentials, actually cover a game with knowledge of the players, their #'s, heights, weights etc.. how long do you expect to get away with winging this husky football thing? Your blatant disrespect and disregard of Chris Petersen's injury protocol hasnt been duplicated since the Don James era, over 30 years ago. It's why UW coaches dont trust the Seattle Times. Don James got burned by smug, disrespectful reporter just like yourself regarding a particular QB and an jnjury then .
    Take a bow punk, the media has come full circle, and you're to blame. Like Jim Acosta at CNN, I hope Petersen doesnt call upon during presser's like Sarah Sanders doesnt Acosta ... I certainly wouldnt...!

  • PurpleJPurpleJ Member Posts: 37,567 Founders Club
    Looks like my questions have been answered!
  • PurpleBazePurpleBaze Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 30,153 Founders Club

    Was a good read bonio's. Understand the point 1st, 2nd, where it was designed to go (the front page). Unfortunately when Pup goes on hiatus the place falls apart, derek has to eliminate the front page, the joint gets relegated to shitty message boards and here we are. Take a bow, no higher discussion, no articles, just a shit show forum with a mindless collection of imbeciles telling 3rd grade jokes.

    Sadly Dawgman churns along unfettered while this place gets gutted of all decent content. I tried Derek, this place is long gone.

    Maube it would have been a good read if anyone actually bothered to read it.

    A wall of text from Pup is a yawner, unless it contains stories about buttstuff.
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 36,775 Founders Club

    Was a good read bonio's. Understand the point 1st, 2nd, where it was designed to go (the front page). Unfortunately when Pup goes on hiatus the place falls apart, derek has to eliminate the front page, the joint gets relegated to shitty message boards and here we are. Take a bow, no higher discussion, no articles, just a shit show forum with a mindless collection of imbeciles telling 3rd grade jokes.

    Sadly Dawgman churns along unfettered while this place gets gutted of all decent content. I tried Derek, this place is long gone.

    Pup, you know we have like multiple Phds here and other very learned men telling 3rd grader jokes, right?
  • PurpleBazePurpleBaze Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 30,153 Founders Club

    Escalating quickly gif

    I just want pumpy to have a shitload of notifications, making him think that we give a shit about his dumbass poast... only to come here to see all of our junior high hee hee poo poo pee pee shenanigans.
    Baze, you've been quoting my shit daily since you got here a year ago. Obviously there's a 1-sided infatuation. Keep trying, you might one day say something funny. Even borrowing my shit helps your cause a bit. Even plagiarized it still beats your lame chit;)
    You have me figured out. I've been stocking you.
  • puppylove_sugarsteelpuppylove_sugarsteel Member Posts: 9,133
    PurpleJ said:

    Was a good read bonio's. Understand the point 1st, 2nd, where it was designed to go (the front page). Unfortunately when Pup goes on hiatus the place falls apart, derek has to eliminate the front page, the joint gets relegated to shitty message boards and here we are. Take a bow, no higher discussion, no articles, just a shit show forum with a mindless collection of imbeciles telling 3rd grade jokes.

    Sadly Dawgman churns along unfettered while this place gets gutted of all decent content. I tried Derek, this place is long gone.

    I also posted an article today. Looks like you plagiarized it.
    J, start with posting your 1st thread, an article will come later... don't put the cart too far b4 the horse.
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