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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

Mosiah Nasili-Liu is taking off.



  • bigccbigcc Member Posts: 896
    As much of a fag as he is, I have to at least acknowledge SAC's love for uw football, as autistic as it may be
  • BallzBallz Member Posts: 4,735
    bigcc said:

    As much of a fag as he is, I have to at least acknowledge SAC's love for uw football, as autistic as it may be

    Backhanded compliments are still compliments so I'll take it. Nobody cares more about this programs success than I do. Nobody.
  • BallzBallz Member Posts: 4,735
    edited July 2019
    Gladstone said:

    go outside and play

    Go to sleep. It's past your bed time.
  • LoneStarDawgLoneStarDawg Member Posts: 13,300
    For those of us hoping to avoid the AIDS is there any actual information this diseased needle of a thread?
  • CFetters_Nacho_LoverCFetters_Nacho_Lover Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 29,924 Founders Club

    Gladstone said:

    go outside and play

    Preferably in the middle of a busy interstate.
  • LoneStarDawgLoneStarDawg Member Posts: 13,300

    For those of us hoping to avoid the AIDS is there any actual information this diseased needle of a thread?


  • dirtysouwfdawgdirtysouwfdawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 12,757 Swaye's Wigwam

    Wood Grundle in that .gif
    She gots some smootz on her face...
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,397 Swaye's Wigwam

    Wood Grundle in that .gif
    All most poasters do is themselves is what I'm hearing.
  • GladstoneGladstone Member Posts: 16,419

    bigcc said:

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    bigcc said:

    Shit like knocking out a teammate is not worthy of being dismissed.

    This has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read here, and you set a pretty high bar dude
    Seriously, have you ever played fucking football? Fights between teammates happen all the fucking time. Talk too much shit, you can get knocked out. Steal something from a teammate, you can get knocked out. Fuck somebodies girlfriend, you can get knocked. All justifiable reasons for knocking someone out. This isn't band camp bitch.
    Knocking out a teammate isn't always worthy of being dismissed, that doesn't mean it's never worthy of being dismissed.

    Context is king.

    You have none.

    Knocking out a teammate should never warrant dismissal. There's 85 players plus walk ons on the roster. There are bound to be some disagreements and fights that happen. If you think a guy like Savell Smalls can make it four years here without knocking somebody out or getting into a fight, you're an idiot. He tries to start fights with guys every time he loses too many reps in a camp. I don't care at all about teammates fighting as long as nobody is seriously injured and it's not malicious. You knock a guy out and walk away and it's over. It's the coach's job to make sure guys squash any beef and to discipline them. You can't possibly believe that fights between teammates don't happen at every school all the time. OKG's or not, these are still football players and sometimes they make mistakes.
    Nobody said shit about fights not happening all the time. All I said is that context matters and you can't possibly make the blanket statement that knocking out a teammate is not a dismissible offense. It's not an auto dismiss but that doesn't mean it's an auto keep. Every case is different. There are plenty of things that could make "knocking out a teammate" dismissible.

    Bringing Smalls into this is red herring as fuck. He has shit to do with this.
    Until you have that context you can't take Petersen's side due to his reputation of being a hard disciplinarian. At Boise State he dismissed his starting QB from the team for peeing off a balcony. Nobody should ever take Petersen's side in these matters until we know the player really fucked up.

    Smalls has everything to do with this. We need players like him on this fucking roster to beat teams that play with an edge because he plays with an edge. But he also is always getting into fights with guys and starting drama. If Petersen can't handle a few guys like that on his roster it's a problem. Now if Mosiah did something egregious then I will 100% back his dismissal. But I never blindly take Petersen's side. Last I heard, he's still drug testing players for marijuana and nobody gives a fuck if they smoke weed.
    "If marijuana infiltrates your program, then everyone is going to do it and you've got a huge problem," Saban said. "If you don't test and do it right, that's what's going to happen -- because it's everywhere on college campuses."

    The fuck does this guy know though
    Lol you think he actually walks that walk. That's called lip service. Bama players do whatever the fuck they want and get away with everything. Nobody is ever getting dismissed from Bama's roster for smoking weed, ever.
    Bama will boot a 3rd string junior simply for existing.

    Petersen isn’t Saban or Urban Meyer where he will let just about anything go. I don’t know why that’s hard to grasp. It’s not going to change.
    Everyone agrees we don't want bad guys on this team. But I've seen Petersen kick kids off his teams for knocking out a teammate, testing positive for weed, and peeing off a hotel balcony. No team in the history of college football has EVER won a national championship with ALL boy scouts. That is my fucking point. People shouldn't just assume Mosiah did something terrible without knowing the fucking facts because Petersen has booted kids for minimal shit before.
    I personally don’t care about having choir boys or not. I would take Urban Meyer as coach tomorrow. After watching Petersen for years be UW’s coach, I don’t waste time writing paragraphs about what I wished happened vs reality.
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