realize these fuckers lied to you and sold you a bill of goods straight out of a fauci wet dream with only fraudulent trial data to support it.
When that didn’t work, they used every lever of media and social propaganda to get you to comply
When that didn’t work they violated Nuremberg by coercing an experimental medical procedure through expulsion from jobs and society.
Then they said “just kidding”
You all need to realize this machine lied to you in a way they legally and institutionally promised they couldn’t.
Drop the cognitive dissonance justifying your compromise and what happened to all of us, realize they are not for your health, safety, or flourishing. At the least they killed hundreds of thousands of people to promote and protect pfizer, at the worst they were trying to set up a machine to control society forever (look at China lockdowns and QR codes today). It’s a spooky world, but it’s where we are.
Those of us who fought and held out were doing it to save everyones future, but we’re all on the same team now.
internalize the anger and never trust them again.
Sounds good, ace.
Remind me where you were when people were calling for the unjabbed to be put into camps.
I got it in March of 21. Single dose Johnson and Johnson. I was pretty open about it on these boards. Primary caregiver to my 76 year old mother. I figured I have honest to shit had every immunization that exists to everything after being worldwide deployable in the Navy for 20 years (yellow fever, dengue fever, anthrax, etc.), so fuck it, nothing has killed me yet. I mean I have gotten jabbed for shit nobody gets jabbed for anymore unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't recall where we were in the "efficacy" of the vax timeline 17 months ago but I feel like data was still showing some effectiveness (this was early days) so my thinking was "even if it is only 80% effective (lol I wish) better than me getting the Vid and passing it to my 75 year old been smoking for 60 years mother and killing her." Still don't regret getting it. My logic was sound at the time (we had no idea about any side effects then and I like being a guinea pig anyway).
By 6 months later when all the "go get boosted" talk started up I laughed a bunch. Data was in by then. This fucking thing wears off in a few months, isn't all that effective to begin with, and has been implicated in a whole host of side effects that suck. So yeah, my one J&J will be all I ever get. Good news is I've had three heart attacks but they were all mild and I've only had internal bleeding once. Went blind in one eye but the doc says it may come back one day. VICTORY!
Funny enough, having lived in sub Saharan Africa plus other fun locales I've had more vaccines than most anyone not in the military. Most of the ones you mentioned minus the Anthrax.
Also took Malaria pills in India during monsoon season while living in the swamp. Among other side effects they give you vivid night terrors btw but that's a different story.
The difference being, I had info on those vaccines and the choices I made. The vid vax is still in its clinical trials(lulz) and at the time I knew their claims were speculative bullshit at best. Where as I knew by April/May what my covid risk profile looked like.
Unknown risk vs. Tiny known risk. Still operating on that premise though the unknown is becoming more apparent all the time. So much for "do no harm".
Totally agree that outside of Anthrax all the other massive amounts of vaccines I took were "safe and effective" and in common use for decades. The Vid was clearly experimental and mostly ineffective at best, and an actual harmful injection at worst. No regrets from me though.
Nothing can kill me. I'm red Highlander. Immortal.
I got it in March of 21. Single dose Johnson and Johnson. I was pretty open about it on these boards. Primary caregiver to my 76 year old mother. I figured I have honest to shit had every immunization that exists to everything after being worldwide deployable in the Navy for 20 years (yellow fever, dengue fever, anthrax, etc.), so fuck it, nothing has killed me yet. I mean I have gotten jabbed for shit nobody gets jabbed for anymore unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't recall where we were in the "efficacy" of the vax timeline 17 months ago but I feel like data was still showing some effectiveness (this was early days) so my thinking was "even if it is only 80% effective (lol I wish) better than me getting the Vid and passing it to my 75 year old been smoking for 60 years mother and killing her." Still don't regret getting it. My logic was sound at the time (we had no idea about any side effects then and I like being a guinea pig anyway).
By 6 months later when all the "go get boosted" talk started up I laughed a bunch. Data was in by then. This fucking thing wears off in a few months, isn't all that effective to begin with, and has been implicated in a whole host of side effects that suck. So yeah, my one J&J will be all I ever get. Good news is I've had three heart attacks but they were all mild and I've only had internal bleeding once. Went blind in one eye but the doc says it may come back one day. VICTORY!
Funny enough, having lived in sub Saharan Africa plus other fun locales I've had more vaccines than most anyone not in the military. Most of the ones you mentioned minus the Anthrax.
Also took Malaria pills in India during monsoon season while living in the swamp. Among other side effects they give you vivid night terrors btw but that's a different story.
The difference being, I had info on those vaccines and the choices I made. The vid vax is still in its clinical trials(lulz) and at the time I knew their claims were speculative bullshit at best. Where as I knew by April/May what my covid risk profile looked like.
Unknown risk vs. Tiny known risk. Still operating on that premise though the unknown is becoming more apparent all the time. So much for "do no harm".
Totally agree that outside of Anthrax all the other massive amounts of vaccines I took were "safe and effective" and in common use for decades. The Vid was clearly experimental and mostly ineffective at best, and an actual harmful injection at worst. No regrets from me though.
Nothing can kill me. I'm red Highlander. Immortal.
I got it in March of 21. Single dose Johnson and Johnson. I was pretty open about it on these boards. Primary caregiver to my 76 year old mother. I figured I have honest to shit had every immunization that exists to everything after being worldwide deployable in the Navy for 20 years (yellow fever, dengue fever, anthrax, etc.), so fuck it, nothing has killed me yet. I mean I have gotten jabbed for shit nobody gets jabbed for anymore unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't recall where we were in the "efficacy" of the vax timeline 17 months ago but I feel like data was still showing some effectiveness (this was early days) so my thinking was "even if it is only 80% effective (lol I wish) better than me getting the Vid and passing it to my 75 year old been smoking for 60 years mother and killing her." Still don't regret getting it. My logic was sound at the time (we had no idea about any side effects then and I like being a guinea pig anyway).
By 6 months later when all the "go get boosted" talk started up I laughed a bunch. Data was in by then. This fucking thing wears off in a few months, isn't all that effective to begin with, and has been implicated in a whole host of side effects that suck. So yeah, my one J&J will be all I ever get. Good news is I've had three heart attacks but they were all mild and I've only had internal bleeding once. Went blind in one eye but the doc says it may come back one day. VICTORY!
Funny enough, having lived in sub Saharan Africa plus other fun locales I've had more vaccines than most anyone not in the military. Most of the ones you mentioned minus the Anthrax.
Also took Malaria pills in India during monsoon season while living in the swamp. Among other side effects they give you vivid night terrors btw but that's a different story.
The difference being, I had info on those vaccines and the choices I made. The vid vax is still in its clinical trials(lulz) and at the time I knew their claims were speculative bullshit at best. Where as I knew by April/May what my covid risk profile looked like.
Unknown risk vs. Tiny known risk. Still operating on that premise though the unknown is becoming more apparent all the time. So much for "do no harm".
Totally agree that outside of Anthrax all the other massive amounts of vaccines I took were "safe and effective" and in common use for decades. The Vid was clearly experimental and mostly ineffective at best, and an actual harmful injection at worst. No regrets from me though.
Nothing can kill me. I'm red Highlander. Immortal.
you have graduated to white supremacist.
That's what happens when you join the country club.
I got it in March of 21. Single dose Johnson and Johnson. I was pretty open about it on these boards. Primary caregiver to my 76 year old mother. I figured I have honest to shit had every immunization that exists to everything after being worldwide deployable in the Navy for 20 years (yellow fever, dengue fever, anthrax, etc.), so fuck it, nothing has killed me yet. I mean I have gotten jabbed for shit nobody gets jabbed for anymore unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't recall where we were in the "efficacy" of the vax timeline 17 months ago but I feel like data was still showing some effectiveness (this was early days) so my thinking was "even if it is only 80% effective (lol I wish) better than me getting the Vid and passing it to my 75 year old been smoking for 60 years mother and killing her." Still don't regret getting it. My logic was sound at the time (we had no idea about any side effects then and I like being a guinea pig anyway).
By 6 months later when all the "go get boosted" talk started up I laughed a bunch. Data was in by then. This fucking thing wears off in a few months, isn't all that effective to begin with, and has been implicated in a whole host of side effects that suck. So yeah, my one J&J will be all I ever get. Good news is I've had three heart attacks but they were all mild and I've only had internal bleeding once. Went blind in one eye but the doc says it may come back one day. VICTORY!
Funny enough, having lived in sub Saharan Africa plus other fun locales I've had more vaccines than most anyone not in the military. Most of the ones you mentioned minus the Anthrax.
Also took Malaria pills in India during monsoon season while living in the swamp. Among other side effects they give you vivid night terrors btw but that's a different story.
The difference being, I had info on those vaccines and the choices I made. The vid vax is still in its clinical trials(lulz) and at the time I knew their claims were speculative bullshit at best. Where as I knew by April/May what my covid risk profile looked like.
Unknown risk vs. Tiny known risk. Still operating on that premise though the unknown is becoming more apparent all the time. So much for "do no harm".
Totally agree that outside of Anthrax all the other massive amounts of vaccines I took were "safe and effective" and in common use for decades. The Vid was clearly experimental and mostly ineffective at best, and an actual harmful injection at worst. No regrets from me though.
Nothing can kill me. I'm red Highlander. Immortal.
you have graduated to white supremacist.
That's what happens when you join the country club.
I got it in March of 21. Single dose Johnson and Johnson. I was pretty open about it on these boards. Primary caregiver to my 76 year old mother. I figured I have honest to shit had every immunization that exists to everything after being worldwide deployable in the Navy for 20 years (yellow fever, dengue fever, anthrax, etc.), so fuck it, nothing has killed me yet. I mean I have gotten jabbed for shit nobody gets jabbed for anymore unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't recall where we were in the "efficacy" of the vax timeline 17 months ago but I feel like data was still showing some effectiveness (this was early days) so my thinking was "even if it is only 80% effective (lol I wish) better than me getting the Vid and passing it to my 75 year old been smoking for 60 years mother and killing her." Still don't regret getting it. My logic was sound at the time (we had no idea about any side effects then and I like being a guinea pig anyway).
By 6 months later when all the "go get boosted" talk started up I laughed a bunch. Data was in by then. This fucking thing wears off in a few months, isn't all that effective to begin with, and has been implicated in a whole host of side effects that suck. So yeah, my one J&J will be all I ever get. Good news is I've had three heart attacks but they were all mild and I've only had internal bleeding once. Went blind in one eye but the doc says it may come back one day. VICTORY!
Eh I think it was effective for that first wave and I got em since I was helping take care of my 81 year old dad. But yeah I laughed about the booster thing like wtf how are people pushing this
Plus I moved to Texas so had no need from like an event entering perspective
Gov't and vax manufacturers pushed the lie that the shots would prevent spread just long enough to convince billions around the globe to get them. Once it was figured out that the shots weren't stopping transmission they should've been junked.
I got it in March of 21. Single dose Johnson and Johnson. I was pretty open about it on these boards. Primary caregiver to my 76 year old mother. I figured I have honest to shit had every immunization that exists to everything after being worldwide deployable in the Navy for 20 years (yellow fever, dengue fever, anthrax, etc.), so fuck it, nothing has killed me yet. I mean I have gotten jabbed for shit nobody gets jabbed for anymore unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't recall where we were in the "efficacy" of the vax timeline 17 months ago but I feel like data was still showing some effectiveness (this was early days) so my thinking was "even if it is only 80% effective (lol I wish) better than me getting the Vid and passing it to my 75 year old been smoking for 60 years mother and killing her." Still don't regret getting it. My logic was sound at the time (we had no idea about any side effects then and I like being a guinea pig anyway).
By 6 months later when all the "go get boosted" talk started up I laughed a bunch. Data was in by then. This fucking thing wears off in a few months, isn't all that effective to begin with, and has been implicated in a whole host of side effects that suck. So yeah, my one J&J will be all I ever get. Good news is I've had three heart attacks but they were all mild and I've only had internal bleeding once. Went blind in one eye but the doc says it may come back one day. VICTORY!
Funny enough, having lived in sub Saharan Africa plus other fun locales I've had more vaccines than most anyone not in the military. Most of the ones you mentioned minus the Anthrax.
Also took Malaria pills in India during monsoon season while living in the swamp. Among other side effects they give you vivid night terrors btw but that's a different story.
The difference being, I had info on those vaccines and the choices I made. The vid vax is still in its clinical trials(lulz) and at the time I knew their claims were speculative bullshit at best. Where as I knew by April/May what my covid risk profile looked like.
Unknown risk vs. Tiny known risk. Still operating on that premise though the unknown is becoming more apparent all the time. So much for "do no harm".
Totally agree that outside of Anthrax all the other massive amounts of vaccines I took were "safe and effective" and in common use for decades. The Vid was clearly experimental and mostly ineffective at best, and an actual harmful injection at worst. No regrets from me though.
Nothing can kill me. I'm red Highlander. Immortal.
you have graduated to white supremacist.
@Swaye= The Native American face of White Supremacy
Also, I wouldn’t have been able to effectively execute my work responsibilities.
Imagine getting double boosted so that you can keep sucking dick for a living.
Even my sales brother in law dipped immediately for Scottsdale when his company started requiring vax.
I told my wife at the time the worm would turn in 6-9 months as all the short sighted legal teams realized they wouldn't ever get sued for someone contracting covid at work but they definitely would get sued for people losing employment and potentially being harmed by a forced vaccine.
Here we are. Just had to be patient.
“the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
realize these fuckers lied to you and sold you a bill of goods straight out of a fauci wet dream with only fraudulent trial data to support it.
When that didn’t work, they used every lever of media and social propaganda to get you to comply
When that didn’t work they violated Nuremberg by coercing an experimental medical procedure through expulsion from jobs and society.
Then they said “just kidding”
You all need to realize this machine lied to you in a way they legally and institutionally promised they couldn’t.
Drop the cognitive dissonance justifying your compromise and what happened to all of us, realize they are not for your health, safety, or flourishing. At the least they killed hundreds of thousands of people to promote and protect pfizer, at the worst they were trying to set up a machine to control society forever (look at China lockdowns and QR codes today). It’s a spooky world, but it’s where we are.
Those of us who fought and held out were doing it to save everyones future, but we’re all on the same team now.
internalize the anger and never trust them again.
Sounds good, ace.
Remind me where you were when people were calling for the unjabbed to be put into camps.
I got it in March of 21. Single dose Johnson and Johnson. I was pretty open about it on these boards. Primary caregiver to my 76 year old mother. I figured I have honest to shit had every immunization that exists to everything after being worldwide deployable in the Navy for 20 years (yellow fever, dengue fever, anthrax, etc.), so fuck it, nothing has killed me yet. I mean I have gotten jabbed for shit nobody gets jabbed for anymore unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't recall where we were in the "efficacy" of the vax timeline 17 months ago but I feel like data was still showing some effectiveness (this was early days) so my thinking was "even if it is only 80% effective (lol I wish) better than me getting the Vid and passing it to my 75 year old been smoking for 60 years mother and killing her." Still don't regret getting it. My logic was sound at the time (we had no idea about any side effects then and I like being a guinea pig anyway).
By 6 months later when all the "go get boosted" talk started up I laughed a bunch. Data was in by then. This fucking thing wears off in a few months, isn't all that effective to begin with, and has been implicated in a whole host of side effects that suck. So yeah, my one J&J will be all I ever get. Good news is I've had three heart attacks but they were all mild and I've only had internal bleeding once. Went blind in one eye but the doc says it may come back one day. VICTORY!
Funny enough, having lived in sub Saharan Africa plus other fun locales I've had more vaccines than most anyone not in the military. Most of the ones you mentioned minus the Anthrax.
Also took Malaria pills in India during monsoon season while living in the swamp. Among other side effects they give you vivid night terrors btw but that's a different story.
The difference being, I had info on those vaccines and the choices I made. The vid vax is still in its clinical trials(lulz) and at the time I knew their claims were speculative bullshit at best. Where as I knew by April/May what my covid risk profile looked like.
Unknown risk vs. Tiny known risk. Still operating on that premise though the unknown is becoming more apparent all the time. So much for "do no harm".
Totally agree that outside of Anthrax all the other massive amounts of vaccines I took were "safe and effective" and in common use for decades. The Vid was clearly experimental and mostly ineffective at best, and an actual harmful injection at worst. No regrets from me though.
Nothing can kill me. I'm red Highlander. Immortal.
I am kind of concerned about the red highlander statement
cowboys in your life? and cattle The rest of the stuff on the DDG search was gay
Meh, sounds like you guys care. I've been jabbed for everything under the sun similar to Chief Swaye. I haven't had any problems and damn glad I didn't get any of the shit the jabs prevented.... Wife and I live in a rural Trumper, anti gov town, we are part of the very few that didn't get the Vid, coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, and we really don't GAF what people decide. Alot of dumbasses were politicizing the vacc on both sides. Be a fuckin idiot and not get jabbed(not talking about the vid) and get a 3rd world disease that can be easily prevented...Polio says hi. I hope one day we get a really nasty neurological disease that requires a vacc or you die, herd will be thinned sadly
Meh, sounds like you guys care. I've been jabbed for everything under the sun similar to Chief Swaye. I haven't had any problems and damn glad I didn't get any of the shit the jabs prevented.... Wife and I live in a rural Trumper, anti gov town, we are part of the very few that didn't get the Vid, coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, and we really don't GAF what people decide. Alot of dumbasses were politicizing the vacc on both sides. Be a fuckin idiot and not get jabbed(not talking about the vid) and get a 3rd world disease that can be easily prevented...Polio says hi. I hope one day we get a really nasty neurological disease that requires a vacc or you die, herd will be thinned sadly
Post more. The Biden Bros need like minded shills to parrot the authoritarian narrative.
Meh, sounds like you guys care. I've been jabbed for everything under the sun similar to Chief Swaye. I haven't had any problems and damn glad I didn't get any of the shit the jabs prevented.... Wife and I live in a rural Trumper, anti gov town, we are part of the very few that didn't get the Vid, coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, and we really don't GAF what people decide. Alot of dumbasses were politicizing the vacc on both sides. Be a fuckin idiot and not get jabbed(not talking about the vid) and get a 3rd world disease that can be easily prevented...Polio says hi. I hope one day we get a really nasty neurological disease that requires a vacc or you die, herd will be thinned sadly
Of shitty takes, this is shittiest. The polio comparison and suggesting this is just a sad another vaccine like all the ones we've had all our lives elevated it to the top 10% of shitty takes.
Not the case fellas, not a dem and not a fan of Biden. Purely anecdotal but our local Hostpital during the height of the 'pandemic' was full of purebloods that were all on the gov overeach bandwagon. A couple of them died, would the jab lessened the severity of their case? Life is about putting the odds in your favor.
If we are bashing shitty takes, I am out, f'n gone
Nothing can kill me. I'm red Highlander. Immortal.
you have graduated to white supremacist.
Hawaiian vacation wasn’t happening otherwise.
Also, I wouldn’t have been able to effectively execute my work responsibilities.
Won’t get another.
Even my sales brother in law dipped immediately for Scottsdale when his company started requiring vax.
Here we are. Just had to be patient.
“the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
cowboys in your life?
and cattle
The rest of the stuff on the DDG
search was gay
Wife and I live in a rural Trumper, anti gov town, we are part of the very few that didn't get the Vid, coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, and we really don't GAF what people decide. Alot of dumbasses were politicizing the vacc on both sides. Be a fuckin idiot and not get jabbed(not talking about the vid) and get a 3rd world disease that can be easily prevented...Polio says hi. I hope one day we get a really nasty neurological disease that requires a vacc or you die, herd will be thinned sadly
And CASES!!!!!!
Mask it or casket!
If we are bashing shitty takes, I am out, f'n gone