Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
ST comments do not have a downvote option anymore?
Fucking stupid. If losing Bob was the death knell, then this is surely the death rattle. Can anyone make an argument that this is a good thing?
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I'm also hearing that water is wet.
Portland is where 25-year-old unemployed hipsters go to retire. It's a freakshow.
Last I checked, Portland hasn't elected any socialists to run the city yet.
In fact, it's so renown for unemployed hipsters that there is a tv show making fun of it...Portlandia.
How is that relevant to which city is more pussified again?
The Hollywood stereotype is a completely justified one that can be confirmed by making a 30 minute stop in Portland.
Unemployed hipsters = pussies. Portland has more of them, and is therefore more pussified.
Seattle shits all over Portland. WAAYYYYY better economy, better music history, better sports, better universities, better scenery, better ratio of hot blondes to gross hipster bitches, better everything.
but Portland has the ACROPOLIS!, so it does have that going for it...
You aren't good at this AT ALL.
If I'm not good "at this", then you are in fucking IMALOSER territory.