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How do we unite as a country?



  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    Overturning Citizens Divided

    allowing unions and rebuilding the middle class

    build the fucking wall, and start actually punishing employers who employ illegals knowlingly. That means Wal mart, Tyson, and some of you fags who pay your Mexican maid under the table

    Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, or something similar. It was in place for 40 years. There's no need to "dig deeper." It worked.

    That probably solves over half of it right there

    I’d build the wall myself to overturn Citizens United.
    Do you feel the same way about public and private unions being able to donate to politicians?
    No, not the same. I think the idea that a group, like say a nurses union, can collectively influence a politician is much less harmful than the way an individual can. But ideally I think we should have nationally funded elections.
  • EsophagealFecesEsophagealFeces Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 11,895 Swaye's Wigwam

    Biden is a secular religious leader.

    What the fuck??
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    LebamDawg said:

    we do need about 12 political parties - so one's views can align closer to a party.

    all without professional politicians.

    Four years of unprofessional politicians was quite enough for me.
  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    Biden is a secular religious leader.

    What the fuck??
    Lol it’s satire.

  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844
    edited January 2021
    Fuck your unity.

  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,077 Standard Supporter

    Unite the coup is gonna happen again!
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844
    dflea said:

    Tequilla said:

    Tequilla said:

    I’m hopeful for some kind of unity but it won’t be with you guys. The left proved it was willing to compromise by helping vote in Biden, you guys proved what you were about on January 6th.

    You guys think Joe Biden is a Marxist and that Trump was the greatest president ever. We live in different realities and my guess is you can’t climb back up the far right cliff you’ve fallen off.

    Nobody with a brain is supportive of what happened on January 6th ... hope that helps
    Anyone that claimed the election was stolen is supportive of it.
    There is a big difference in saying that there’s some significant election reform that needs to take place (and btw it benefits both parties) and saying the election has been stolen.

    The reality is that if there’s doubt that something has not been on the up and up that’s an indictment on our existing process. Close the loop on conspiracy theories.
    Why would you need significant election reform unless there was significant fraud?
    Fishstick needs to go back to the finance board where He actually doesn’t embarrass himself.
  • AOGAOG Member Posts: 1,707

    I’m the cultist.

    Nothing true can stop him
  • DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 62,350 Founders Club
    LebamDawg said:

    this thread doesn't deliver.

    very little solutions and lots of finger pointing.

    want unity

    Set term limits on the house and the senate

    Turn your TV's off or quit watching the news

    Subscribe to a left and a right news paper - preferably the ones with comics

    Disconnect internet social media

    GTFO of the tug

    Quit whining

    Get a sense of humor

    Do all of those things or create a sink hole in the general vicinity of Washington, DC

    Run on this platform and you have my vote pod
  • DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 62,350 Founders Club

    Been hearing this shit for 30 years.

    We are no more divided than we were 30-40 years ago

    The political left and right have been waging this war for decades and they do it to stay in power. They make it left versus right so we can remain a two party system and they retain power as a result.

    We need to be issue based and not party based in our decision making and when it comes to voting.

    The media also promotes the minority views as being the majority for ratings purposes. They feast off the extremist actions and put them in the spotlight. As a result, the uneducated and the foreigner often buy into the notion that the extremists are the norm. The average everyday American knows this isn’t true but the average person isn’t running around causing chaos , they are at work or raising a family or doing normal everyday things

    I would argue that we are more united today than we have been in decades. Despite all the obstacles and the media promoting fear and division for ratings we still are moving forward.

    So much pessimism. Optimism is heartbeat of the healthy

    We are vastly more divided than 30 years ago. People back then weren't getting fired en masse for expressing their opinions.

    28 years ago I gave a speech in speech class about how my beliefs were shifting from "sometimes liberal" to "conservative". And while I'm sure some students didn't like it, there was no severe blowback or reprimand from the teacher.
  • DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 62,350 Founders Club
    Kaepsknee said:

    Fuck your unity.

    you had to edit that?
  • SoutherndawgSoutherndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,279 Founders Club

    Been hearing this shit for 30 years.

    We are no more divided than we were 30-40 years ago

    The political left and right have been waging this war for decades and they do it to stay in power. They make it left versus right so we can remain a two party system and they retain power as a result.

    We need to be issue based and not party based in our decision making and when it comes to voting.

    The media also promotes the minority views as being the majority for ratings purposes. They feast off the extremist actions and put them in the spotlight. As a result, the uneducated and the foreigner often buy into the notion that the extremists are the norm. The average everyday American knows this isn’t true but the average person isn’t running around causing chaos , they are at work or raising a family or doing normal everyday things

    I would argue that we are more united today than we have been in decades. Despite all the obstacles and the media promoting fear and division for ratings we still are moving forward.

    So much pessimism. Optimism is heartbeat of the healthy

    We are vastly more divided than 30 years ago. People back then weren't getting fired en masse for expressing their opinions.

    28 years ago I gave a speech in speech class about how my beliefs were shifting from "sometimes liberal" to "conservative". And while I'm sure some students didn't like it, there was no severe blowback or reprimand from the teacher.
    Ronnie embarrassed the bomb throwers changing the public discourse for a time. It took a few years for democrats to level off, but they had no choice as Reagan built widespread support with his sense of humor, affability, incredible communication skills and primarily libertarian message, a key element of true conservatism. If you had given that speech 35 years ago, you would have been in the company of much of your class. Seattle was different then too, not yet dominated by the insurgence of far left wing culture from northern California. It was still more or less a blue collar union democrat town, many with conservative values and reserved enough to be truly tolerant. No more. The intolerant left have taken over, turned the place into a haven for the drug addicted homeless and a monochromatic pseudo-intellectual cesspool hellbent on destroying history, tradition and anyone who dares not think like them. Personally, though I still visit regularly, I can't imagine ever living there again. @YellowSnow did the right thing, cash in and punch out to save his kids.
  • dfleadflea Member Posts: 7,228
    Kaepsknee said:

    dflea said:

    Tequilla said:

    Tequilla said:

    I’m hopeful for some kind of unity but it won’t be with you guys. The left proved it was willing to compromise by helping vote in Biden, you guys proved what you were about on January 6th.

    You guys think Joe Biden is a Marxist and that Trump was the greatest president ever. We live in different realities and my guess is you can’t climb back up the far right cliff you’ve fallen off.

    Nobody with a brain is supportive of what happened on January 6th ... hope that helps
    Anyone that claimed the election was stolen is supportive of it.
    There is a big difference in saying that there’s some significant election reform that needs to take place (and btw it benefits both parties) and saying the election has been stolen.

    The reality is that if there’s doubt that something has not been on the up and up that’s an indictment on our existing process. Close the loop on conspiracy theories.
    Why would you need significant election reform unless there was significant fraud?
    Fishstick needs to go back to the finance board where He actually doesn’t embarrass himself.
    Oh look - another fucking retard who can't answer why you need to reform the system without widespread fraud.

    Don't worry - I know you want to push reforms just because you're a whiny fucking cunt and Trump ball gargler.

    Go fuck yourself bitch.
  • DJDuckDJDuck Member Posts: 5,970
    edited January 2021
    doogie said:

    DJDuck said:

    To say the process was followed is very naive. Just for an example governors and Secretaries of State in many states changed the election law which in every case is not legal. Only the state legislatures can change the election laws in each of these states. I could go on but this proves your claim that “the process was followed” is just not true.

    Creepy Joe can kiss my ass. He and his crime family are Grifters. I am too old to actively do much but my donations will help to fight his phony cheating presidency.

    Fuck off dipshit.

    You don’t have a fucking clue.

    Go back to educk
    You are clueless I gave just one irrefutable example of election fraud and you can’t even acknowledge it. Your only response is to attack me. Basically you were wrong because you fail in your ability to analyze things before you open your mouth and spew things that are patently untrue.

    ABSOLUTE FIRE! Rand Paul DESTROYS Leftist Crank George Stephanopoulos on BIG LIE — That There Was No Fraud in Election (VIDEO)
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,077 Standard Supporter
    edited January 2021

    This is the demonrats answer. Register 16 year olds, nationwide same day registration, nationwide mail in, felons voting, no signature matching, no complete SS number, no ID, no proof of citizenship and the list goes on. BidenBros will cheer being commies.

    If this passes we are well and truly fucked.
  • DJDuckDJDuck Member Posts: 5,970
    edited January 2021
    There is mo
    Sledog said:

    This is the demonrats answer. Register 16 year olds, nationwide same day registration, nationwide mail in, felons voting, no signature matching, no complete SS number, no ID, no proof of citizenship and the list goes on. BidenBros will cheer being commies.

    If this passes we are well and truly fucked.

    Yes, there is more irrefutable evidence that is ignored by our clueless friend. Secretaries of State broke the law by dictating without legislative approval that signatures didn’t have to match in some states and ballots could be counted if they arrived after Election Day without any postmark date. But hey.................THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD. 😂😂😂😂

    But but “THE PROCESS WAS FOLLOWED” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • LoneStarDawgLoneStarDawg Member Posts: 13,298
    Guys democracy won
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    I’m the cultist.

    You do realize that the motivation for most of these kind of memes is to trigger snowflakes like yourself.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    Tequilla said:

    I’m hopeful for some kind of unity but it won’t be with you guys. The left proved it was willing to compromise by helping vote in Biden, you guys proved what you were about on January 6th.

    You guys think Joe Biden is a Marxist and that Trump was the greatest president ever. We live in different realities and my guess is you can’t climb back up the far right cliff you’ve fallen off.

    Nobody with a brain is supportive of what happened on January 6th ... hope that helps
    Anyone that claimed the election was stolen is supportive of it.
    Did the changing of the voting laws in may states have any impact on the election?
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