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How do we unite as a country?

DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 62,350 Founders Club
This may trigger guffaws given that it's coming from the owner/manager of Hardcore Husky and The Tug Tavern.

But seriously, I don't see any healthy discourse going on anywhere. I see few attempts to find solutions.

It takes both sides having some good faith and trust to make this happen.

But I certainly don't trust the Democrat party. The Democrats don't trust the conservatives or GOP.

It is clear that Biden is going to fan the flames and make relations worse and the country more divided.

But off the top of my head, I see three things that need to take place to prevent this nation spiraling into eventual civil war.

1. The mainstream media needs to rot away, and a new media rooted in integrity needs to come to the fore.
2. Decent, moderate liberals, aka "classic liberals", need to take back their party from Antifa/BLM/Marxists.
3. Conservatives need to keep their resentment in check, or in time they're going to become just like the people they hate/distrust

Right now I'm not confident in any of the three happening.


  • AOGAOG Member Posts: 1,707
    edited January 2021

    Bring back the Rockefeller Republicans
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,485 Standard Supporter
    AOG said:

    Bring back the Rockefeller Republicans

    * Goldwater
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,851
    Pass some healthcare reform, stop low skilled labor from entering , stop screwing small business over to help big business, crack down on big tech.

    If all those were done then really the only arguments would be over dumb stuff like abortion and climate change which only like 5 percent of each side truly cares about

    But when each party can say the other one is evil on those issues it is divisive.

    Its really the government's failure and inaction that has caused this.
  • DJDuckDJDuck Member Posts: 5,970
    edited January 2021
    There is no Hope uniting as a country at this moment in history. It is simple. The parties and their constituents don’t hold the shared values they did in the past. The Democrats have gone so far left we might as well refer to them as Communists. They have no Respect for The Bill of Rights. They have chased most Classic liberals and moderates from the party. A country has to at least agree on certain shared values to be held together.
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,077 Standard Supporter
    We have to accept that American academia is turning out millions of communists. We can not "get along" or "unite" with them. They want their free shit and total control over everything we do or think. Dark times ahead.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,006 Standard Supporter
    Sledog said:

    We have to accept that American academia is turning out millions of communists. We can not "get along" or "unite" with them. They want their free shit and total control over everything we do or think. Dark times ahead.

    Politics reflect culture and as Sled said that our culture is broken. I could care less about the KobeSlobberer but he cares deeply about me. He has had a negative education, understands nothing about math, science and economics and just wants his free sh*t. When we as a society raise entitled little sh*ts like the KobeSlobberer that are never required to grow up and thinks he lives in an institutionalized racist society there is no compromise. If one side thinks that they are entitled to rule by violence, then the solution isn't going to be a Kumbaya moment. If you are a union pipefitter who just got laid off by Bought and Paid for Slo Joe with the Keystone XL pipeline termination, then what? Lots of history on union violence.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,468 Founders Club

    AOG said:

    Bring back the Rockefeller Republicans

    * Goldwater
    Dude was years ahead of his time. Very much a live and let live philosophy with limited government.

    Goldwater rejected the legacy of the New Deal and, along with the conservative coalition, fought against the New Deal coalition. A member of the NAACP and active supporter of desegregation in Phoenix,[3][4] Goldwater voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, believing it to be an overreach by the federal government—a decision that considerably anguished him.[3] In 1964, Goldwater mobilized a large conservative constituency to win the hard-fought Republican presidential primaries. Although raised as an Episcopalian,[5] Goldwater was the first candidate of ethnically Jewish heritage to be nominated for President by a major American party (his father was Jewish).[6][7] Goldwater's platform ultimately failed to gain the support of the electorate[8] and he lost the 1964 presidential election to incumbent Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson by one of the largest margins in history. Goldwater returned to the Senate in 1969 and specialized in defense and foreign policy. As an elder statesman of the party, Goldwater successfully urged President Richard Nixon to resign in 1974 when evidence of a cover-up in the Watergate scandal became overwhelming and impeachment was imminent.

    Goldwater's views grew increasingly libertarian as he neared the end of his career. After leaving the Senate, Goldwater's views cemented as libertarian. He criticized the "moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others [in the Republican Party] who are trying to... make a religious organization out of it." He lobbied for homosexuals to be able to serve openly in the military,[9][10] opposed the Clinton administration's plan for health care reform,[citation needed] supported abortion rights,[11][12] and the legalization of medicinal marijuana.[13]
    I remember walking as a family in 64 and passing the one South Capital house with a Goldwater sign and my parents looking at each other like those people are off somehow. The the landslide by LBJ. I though Barry was some racist who got what he deserved. I was 8.

    In review his views on the power of the government over private business were far more nuanced but woefully wrong for 1964 when we? were once again getting serious about race and equality. But ultimately he was right.

    And in your heart you knew that. If you can trust the people to be better then you don't have to force them

    The left today believes in the ability of private enterprise to discriminate based on thought. Goldwater Republicans
  • AOGAOG Member Posts: 1,707

    AOG said:

    Bring back the Rockefeller Republicans

    * Goldwater
    I don't think anybody can match those glasses
  • AOGAOG Member Posts: 1,707
    dflea said:

    There's no need to unite over everything. We just need to accept the fact that most people aren't like us, and just deal with it. The liberals' war on conservatives and vice versa is the problem along with both sides' need to drag politics into every damn conversation. You can see it right here on HH when some Tug operatives insist on dragging their Tug politics all over the bored. Keeping your resentment in check is something both sides could use some work on - I know I could. No, seriously.

    actually the founders knew we won't agree. That's why they wanted strong independent states and a lean federal government
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,526 Standard Supporter
    AOG said:

    AOG said:

    Bring back the Rockefeller Republicans

    * Goldwater
    I don't think anybody can match those glasses
    The retro-frames are actually very much in style right now.

    But like always, the @ComeLatelys dont have a clue on the pulse of the people.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,526 Standard Supporter

    AOG said:

    dflea said:

    There's no need to unite over everything. We just need to accept the fact that most people aren't like us, and just deal with it. The liberals' war on conservatives and vice versa is the problem along with both sides' need to drag politics into every damn conversation. You can see it right here on HH when some Tug operatives insist on dragging their Tug politics all over the bored. Keeping your resentment in check is something both sides could use some work on - I know I could. No, seriously.

    actually the founders knew we won't agree. That's why they wanted strong independent states and a lean federal government
    Which is what you spent 2020 arguing against
    Technically, it was only a few days in 2020 that @AOGComeLately argued against that... sometime after Election Day along with the rest of the @ComeLatelys

  • SoutherndawgSoutherndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,279 Founders Club

    This may trigger guffaws given that it's coming from the owner/manager of Hardcore Husky and The Tug Tavern.

    But seriously, I don't see any healthy discourse going on anywhere. I see few attempts to find solutions.

    It takes both sides having some good faith and trust to make this happen.

    But I certainly don't trust the Democrat party. The Democrats don't trust the conservatives or GOP.

    It is clear that Biden is going to fan the flames and make relations worse and the country more divided.

    But off the top of my head, I see three things that need to take place to prevent this nation spiraling into eventual civil war.

    1. The mainstream media needs to rot away, and a new media rooted in integrity needs to come to the fore.
    2. Decent, moderate liberals, aka "classic liberals", need to take back their party from Antifa/BLM/Marxists.
    3. Conservatives need to keep their resentment in check, or in time they're going to become just like the people they hate/distrust

    Right now I'm not confident in any of the three happening.

    Among the fundamental problems is that the left has been rewarded for their use of the politics of division. They are not about to let up until those practices hurt them. Fixing number 1 on your list would no doubt help the situation.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072

    This may trigger guffaws given that it's coming from the owner/manager of Hardcore Husky and The Tug Tavern.

    But seriously, I don't see any healthy discourse going on anywhere. I see few attempts to find solutions.

    It takes both sides having some good faith and trust to make this happen.

    But I certainly don't trust the Democrat party. The Democrats don't trust the conservatives or GOP.

    It is clear that Biden is going to fan the flames and make relations worse and the country more divided.

    But off the top of my head, I see three things that need to take place to prevent this nation spiraling into eventual civil war.

    1. The mainstream media needs to rot away, and a new media rooted in integrity needs to come to the fore.
    2. Decent, moderate liberals, aka "classic liberals", need to take back their party from Antifa/BLM/Marxists.
    3. Conservatives need to keep their resentment in check, or in time they're going to become just like the people they hate/distrust

    Right now I'm not confident in any of the three happening.

    Biden is my QB. He may not be the player I’d pick, I may not like him but he’s it.

    I respect the decision, no matter how we got here.

    The election was Cooked? OK sure.gif. There was a process to un- cook- it. It went all the way to Congress and Trump lost again 450-50 or something.

    Biden is my President. There is no resistance from me. I’ll suck it up buttercup and do as I’m told.

    But, please, Stop with the demands I have to embrace TY as the Savior for Husky football.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,006 Standard Supporter
    "I respect the decision, no matter how we got here." That's the problem and why I don't respect the decision. I won't until we have honest and transparent elections with citizens voting and clean voter roles and an auditable process. Then I will respect the decision as long as the Constitution is respected. Bought and Paid for Slo Jo is crooked and has no respect for honest elections, free speech or the 2A.
  • SoutherndawgSoutherndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,279 Founders Club
    doogie said:

    This may trigger guffaws given that it's coming from the owner/manager of Hardcore Husky and The Tug Tavern.

    But seriously, I don't see any healthy discourse going on anywhere. I see few attempts to find solutions.

    It takes both sides having some good faith and trust to make this happen.

    But I certainly don't trust the Democrat party. The Democrats don't trust the conservatives or GOP.

    It is clear that Biden is going to fan the flames and make relations worse and the country more divided.

    But off the top of my head, I see three things that need to take place to prevent this nation spiraling into eventual civil war.

    1. The mainstream media needs to rot away, and a new media rooted in integrity needs to come to the fore.
    2. Decent, moderate liberals, aka "classic liberals", need to take back their party from Antifa/BLM/Marxists.
    3. Conservatives need to keep their resentment in check, or in time they're going to become just like the people they hate/distrust

    Right now I'm not confident in any of the three happening.

    Biden is my QB. He may not be the player I’d pick, I may not like him but he’s it.

    I respect the decision, no matter how we got here.

    The election was Cooked? OK sure.gif. There was a process to un- cook- it. It went all the way to Congress and Trump lost again 450-50 or something.

    Biden is my President. There is no resistance from me. I’ll suck it up buttercup and do as I’m told.

    But, please, Stop with the demands I have to embrace TY as the Savior for Husky football.
    Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney agree. You're in good company.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    edited January 2021
    I’m not going to War with you. I’m not alone. Plan accordingly.

    And unless you are a Constitutional Scholar, Fuck Off.

    Process was followed and Biden won. Don’t like it? Enter the fucking game. Volunteer to be an election official
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