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San Diego School District



  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    Bob_C said:

    SFGbob said:

    Bob_C said:

    Bob_C said:

    Bob_C said:

    Sledog said:

    I asked you why are so many black kids were born out of wedlock, you said welfare.

    I asked you why are so many black people on welfare, you said because they’re born out of wedlock.

    That is what you said.

    If you pay people more on welfare than an entry level job and give them free health care there isn't much incentive to work.
    You are explaining why you think welfare is detrimental, not why black people are more likely to be on it.
    Who can say what the root cause is, it doesn’t really matter nor is it easily provable.

    What’s clear is that endless race baiters and guilty white liberals like yourself declaring them victims and the blame is the system and the cure is more government and not with themselves continues the death spiral perpetually.

    End of discussion.
    What if some people thought the root cause was genetic? IQ, skull size, shit like that. Do you think that would matter?
    I don’t subscribe to that one. If it were true you’d see way less examples of individuals changing their circumstances than what is actually occurring.

    Even if it was the true cause, that is essentially saying that they aren’t capable of sustaining or bringing themselves out of their situation without government assistance. Sounds very similar to many years of democratic talking points.
    I didn’t say you subscribed to it.
    Okay then, I guess I missed the trap you were setting.
    There’s no trap. I just want to know what people think the root cause is. I would say it matter very much if someone thinks blacks are genetically inferior when discussing black issues.
    Why are you too big a fucking coward to tell us why you think blacks have so many kids out of wedlock Kunt?
    It’ll be a typical gods of the gap style reason.
    We already know the reason he believes it. White racism. He is just too big a coward to say it.
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844

    Bob_C said:

    Sledog said:

    I asked you why are so many black kids were born out of wedlock, you said welfare.

    I asked you why are so many black people on welfare, you said because they’re born out of wedlock.

    That is what you said.

    If you pay people more on welfare than an entry level job and give them free health care there isn't much incentive to work.
    You are explaining why you think welfare is detrimental, not why black people are more likely to be on it.
    Who can say what the root cause is, it doesn’t really matter nor is it easily provable.

    What’s clear is that endless race baiters and guilty white liberals like yourself declaring them victims and the blame is the system and the cure is more government and not with themselves continues the death spiral perpetually.

    End of discussion.
    What if some people thought the root cause was genetic? IQ, skull size, shit like that. Do you think that would matter?
    Worst race bait attempt ever.
  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959
    SFGbob said:

    Bob_C said:

    Bob_C said:

    Bob_C said:

    Sledog said:

    I asked you why are so many black kids were born out of wedlock, you said welfare.

    I asked you why are so many black people on welfare, you said because they’re born out of wedlock.

    That is what you said.

    If you pay people more on welfare than an entry level job and give them free health care there isn't much incentive to work.
    You are explaining why you think welfare is detrimental, not why black people are more likely to be on it.
    Who can say what the root cause is, it doesn’t really matter nor is it easily provable.

    What’s clear is that endless race baiters and guilty white liberals like yourself declaring them victims and the blame is the system and the cure is more government and not with themselves continues the death spiral perpetually.

    End of discussion.
    What if some people thought the root cause was genetic? IQ, skull size, shit like that. Do you think that would matter?
    I don’t subscribe to that one. If it were true you’d see way less examples of individuals changing their circumstances than what is actually occurring.

    Even if it was the true cause, that is essentially saying that they aren’t capable of sustaining or bringing themselves out of their situation without government assistance. Sounds very similar to many years of democratic talking points.
    I didn’t say you subscribed to it.
    Okay then, I guess I missed the trap you were setting.
    There’s no trap. I just want to know what people think the root cause is. I would say it matter very much if someone thinks blacks are genetically inferior when discussing black issues.
    Why are you too big a fucking coward to tell us why you think blacks have so many kids out of wedlock Kunt?
    From my perspective you haven’t sufficiently answered my questions. The creation of the welfare state destroying black families doesn’t explain why it affects black people disproportionately.

    I’m happy to tell you what I think the root cause is, I’m happy to discuss the root causes but you haven’t given one.

    I’ll be clear, I don’t think that you think black people are genetically inferior. I think that you don’t understand that your argument is untenable unless black people are inferior.

    I think the root cause is systemic racism, you don’t. So what is it?
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,010 Standard Supporter
    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,096 Standard Supporter
    They fuck like rabbits. That's why they have so many out of wedlock kids. That and the checks get bigger with every child.
  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
    Where the burden lies is irrelevant. “It is what it is” is not an answer. You think black people make worse choices than white people, say why.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
    Where the burden lies is irrelevant. “It is what it is” is not an answer. You think black people make worse choices than white people, say why.
    Why? Mostly because of people like you, @TheKobeStopper, filling vulnerable young minds with your liberal, always blame others for your own actions, bullshit.

    Now do like I said and Fuck Off.
  • TequillaTequilla Member Posts: 19,825
    edited December 2020
    Kobe getting knocked out in this thread big time

    Data is data ... hard to argue with only the key takeaways

    Systemic racism sounds great and makes you think that the government is actively trying to keep POC down ...

    Yet, the communities with the biggest examples of “systemic racism” often keep electing the same people over and over ... why should change be expected?

    One of the biggest gaps out there is educational gaps but we get a tad lazy and say the educational gap is racial ... and perhaps in a way there are some disproportionate elements in terms of ethnicities impacted. But in the grand scheme of things, the gaps are more socioeconomic than anything else. The rural student living in a poverty filled region in Kentucky is going to be behind regardless of skin color.

    You want to solve the poverty issue it starts with education. Governments (and companies) would be well served to invest in underserved and underrepresented areas. It’s one thing to provide the resources. It’s another for them to be used. For kids to value education it starts with their parents valuing and investing in their child’s education.

    While racism exists in this country (and racism exists elsewhere than just in white people), I don’t believe it’s as prevalent as people think it is. There are too many examples out there that provide evidence of such.

    And as for the presentation, who wouldn’t be pissed if they were called a racist? Reason being is that if you aren’t this is completely a guilty until proven innocent type of thing ... and how do you prove you aren’t? You say you aren’t or push/fight back and you’re told you have privilege or simply “just don’t see it.” It’s messed up.

    You want to talk about awareness? Sure I’m listening. You want to talk about challenges that are out there that I may not see or have experienced? Absolutely. But that can be done without telling people they are racist for what reason? Because of their skin color? Isn’t that the definition of racism? Judging people based on the color of their skin?
  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
    Where the burden lies is irrelevant. “It is what it is” is not an answer. You think black people make worse choices than white people, say why.
    Why? Mostly because of people like you, @TheKobeStopper, filling vulnerable young minds with your liberal, always blame others for your own actions, bullshit.

    Now do like I said and Fuck Off.
    You are literally blaming others for the actions of black people.

    I said “you think black peoples make worse choices than white people, say why”

    You said “why? Mostly because of people like you”

    This is the personal responsibility, don’t blame others argument? Blaming others? This is the best you’ve got? Maybe hit the sidelines for a bit, kid. Lurk around and get a better feel for the place.
  • TequillaTequilla Member Posts: 19,825

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
    Where the burden lies is irrelevant. “It is what it is” is not an answer. You think black people make worse choices than white people, say why.
    Why? Mostly because of people like you, @TheKobeStopper, filling vulnerable young minds with your liberal, always blame others for your own actions, bullshit.

    Now do like I said and Fuck Off.
    You are literally blaming others for the actions of black people.

    I said “you think black peoples make worse choices than white people, say why”

    You said “why? Mostly because of people like you”

    This is the personal responsibility, don’t blame others argument? Blaming others? This is the best you’ve got? Maybe hit the sidelines for a bit, kid. Lurk around and get a better feel for the place.
    Let’s put the “systemic” on the side for a second ...

    At some point if resources are appropriate at all levels, then doesn’t personal responsibility matter at that point?

    I’m willing to say that people being accountable isn’t the solve of everything. But we are also being naive if we don’t recognize that accountability matters. We’re not all dealt the same hand ... some are better than others. If we get a bad hand our options are to play up the difficult and blame the situation OR try to find ways to turn the challenge into an opportunity.

    But if the fundamental belief is that everything should be given ... then these conversations are largely moot
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    edited December 2020

    SFGbob said:

    Bob_C said:

    Bob_C said:

    Bob_C said:

    Sledog said:

    I asked you why are so many black kids were born out of wedlock, you said welfare.

    I asked you why are so many black people on welfare, you said because they’re born out of wedlock.

    That is what you said.

    If you pay people more on welfare than an entry level job and give them free health care there isn't much incentive to work.
    You are explaining why you think welfare is detrimental, not why black people are more likely to be on it.
    Who can say what the root cause is, it doesn’t really matter nor is it easily provable.

    What’s clear is that endless race baiters and guilty white liberals like yourself declaring them victims and the blame is the system and the cure is more government and not with themselves continues the death spiral perpetually.

    End of discussion.
    What if some people thought the root cause was genetic? IQ, skull size, shit like that. Do you think that would matter?
    I don’t subscribe to that one. If it were true you’d see way less examples of individuals changing their circumstances than what is actually occurring.

    Even if it was the true cause, that is essentially saying that they aren’t capable of sustaining or bringing themselves out of their situation without government assistance. Sounds very similar to many years of democratic talking points.
    I didn’t say you subscribed to it.
    Okay then, I guess I missed the trap you were setting.
    There’s no trap. I just want to know what people think the root cause is. I would say it matter very much if someone thinks blacks are genetically inferior when discussing black issues.
    Why are you too big a fucking coward to tell us why you think blacks have so many kids out of wedlock Kunt?
    From my perspective you haven’t sufficiently answered my questions. The creation of the welfare state destroying black families doesn’t explain why it affects black people disproportionately.

    I’m happy to tell you what I think the root cause is, I’m happy to discuss the root causes but you haven’t given one.

    I’ll be clear, I don’t think that you think black people are genetically inferior. I think that you don’t understand that your argument is untenable unless black people are inferior.

    I think the root cause is systemic racism, you don’t. So what is it?
    Now this is fucking rich. The Kunt who hasn't answered any questions has deemed that my answers aren't sufficient. If you wanted to have a deeper discussion on the topic Kobe I'm game. But that requires a give and take where you not only ask questions but you answer the questions that are put to you. I never said that creation of the welfare state was the sole reason for the high out of wedlock birth rate in the black community. In fact I said the opposite. You asked a single question and I gave an answer. You in turn have now been asked numerous question, multiple time and you dodged like a Kunt every time.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
    Where the burden lies is irrelevant. “It is what it is” is not an answer. You think black people make worse choices than white people, say why.
    I think anyone who chooses to have a kid out of wedlock who doesn't have the financial means to raise the child is making a very shitty decision. You disagree?

    And here's a question you've now dodged at least a half a dozen times. Does having a child out of wedlock make it more or less likely that you're going to end up on Welfare?
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    Because like you, their parents never tanned their ass when they acted up.
  • thechatchthechatch Member Posts: 5,985
    I’m only on page 2 of this dreckfest of a thread, but TKS going the extra mile to defend this absurdity is pretty telling.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    Kaepsknee said:

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    Because like you, their parents never tanned their ass when they acted up.
    From first hand experience I can tell you that much of what passes for black culture is pure toxic garbage. The pressure on young blacks, especially young black males, to be seen as authentically black by their peers and the behaviors and attitudes you need take on in order to fit in an be seen as a "real" black person have far more negative impact on black success today than does white racism.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter
    edited December 2020

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
    Where the burden lies is irrelevant. “It is what it is” is not an answer. You think black people make worse choices than white people, say why.
    Why? Mostly because of people like you, @TheKobeStopper, filling vulnerable young minds with your liberal, always blame others for your own actions, bullshit.

    Now do like I said and Fuck Off.
    You are literally blaming others for the actions of black people.

    I said “you think black peoples make worse choices than white people, say why”

    You said “why? Mostly because of people like you”

    This is the personal responsibility, don’t blame others argument? Blaming others? This is the best you’ve got? Maybe hit the sidelines for a bit, kid. Lurk around and get a better feel for the place.
    A lot of blame goes to enablers and apologists like yourself, who make excuses for anti-social behaviors instead of confronting the issues head-on. You think the cause is "Systemic Racism." So people do bad things because of how they might be perceived by the culture in which they live? And where or what the fuck is this "Systemic Racism" of which you speak? Nice nebulous, all-encompassing diagnosis, Doc! Why not just blame the Universe while you're at it?

    You sound like a typical thirty-something union-loving, SJW teacher, to be honest. But whatever your occupation, I'm sure you're a joy to work with.

    Now please do the world a favor: Since you apparently refuse to kill yourself, then at least do the world the favor of Fucking Off.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,529 Standard Supporter

    So, explain your theory of systemic racism. But you won't. You will just have a strong feeling that is the reason. Is the NBA racist? UW? The commies who run Seattle? The Governor of Washington? Microsoft? Jeff Bezos and Amazon? Every company I've worked for and every government institution I have ever dealt with support AA and the advancement of blacks. Poor blacks and poor whites have the same problem - single parent households. If you make stupid choices, then you win stupid prizes. Many whites hold whites to a higher stander than blacks. They are called democrats like you. My peer group views a person having kids out of wedlock they can't afford as a moral problem. The Black Congressional Congress doesn't. Neither do you apparently. Black illegitimacy isn't a problem I can fix. I wouldn't hang around with some stupid POS white dude who had four kids with three mothers and he wasn't paying child support and was still trying to create more baby mamas. That generally isn't true in the black community. Steve Garvey's broadcasting career went in the tank when he was fathering kids out of wedlock. Did that slow down the Reverend Jesse Jackson?

    This is an excellent example of what I’m concerned about.

    If this is all about choices and personal responsibility then your argument is that black people make worse choices than white people. Welfare, having children out of wedlock, committing crimes, if these things are about individuals and the choices they make then it is a statistical fact that black people make worse choices.

    Say why.
    @TheKobeStopper: Ahem.....I believe it's time you Fucked Off.

    It is what it is and nobody else's burden as to why.

    Get over your inherently racist low expectations, for once.
    Where the burden lies is irrelevant. “It is what it is” is not an answer. You think black people make worse choices than white people, say why.
    Why? Mostly because of people like you, @TheKobeStopper, filling vulnerable young minds with your liberal, always blame others for your own actions, bullshit.

    Now do like I said and Fuck Off.
    You are literally blaming others for the actions of black people.

    I said “you think black peoples make worse choices than white people, say why”

    You said “why? Mostly because of people like you”

    This is the personal responsibility, don’t blame others argument? Blaming others? This is the best you’ve got? Maybe hit the sidelines for a bit, kid. Lurk around and get a better feel for the place.
    A lot of blame goes to enablers and apologists like yourself, who make excuses for anti-social behaviors instead of confronting the issues head-on.

    You sound like a typical thirty-something union-loving, SJW teacher, to be honest. But whatever your occupation, I'm sure you're a joy to work with.

    Now please do the world a favor: If you refuse to kill yourself, then at least Fuck Off.
    Leave APAG alone - you have NO idea how thug the halls of Mercer Island High can be.

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