Guess we will find out if the GOP has learned to play the game like Trump or if they will fag out and be their normal giant vaginas.
Easy 10 pays 1 odds on the GOP being pussies.
Huh? This is the same GOP that finessed a nine-month stonewall of Garland. They have more than enough senators to get someone in by 2021. Only David Shaw could fuck up this lead.
Really doesn't matter. If Slo Joe wins and the dems take the Senate then the Court goes to 12 Justices and three commies get nominated and bye bye free speech and gun rights.
I feel bad for her family. They had to watch her dragged to the couch selling for three years now.
Ted Cruz for SCOTUS!
either way will be interesting...
Easy 10 pays 1 odds on the GOP being pussies.
Probably should have saved this for Pelosi's couch sale.
Midnight Judges 2: Electric Boogaloo
Schumer is such an asshole, but then most Senators are...