condemn Biden's racist statements, or better yet kill yourself
The fact you can't admit Biden has said some problematic things speaks volumes
Fucking idiot hack
Biden gets a pass because his racist statements were made a long time ago. Meanwhile, IC can't comment on racist policies being promoted right now by his VP candidate. He is too busy talking about a primary winner that's not going to win.
Biden has said 3 blatantly racist things in the past year. ID wont acknowledge that
Diminution by racial identity apparently not that big of a deal.
condemn Biden's racist statements, or better yet kill yourself
The fact you can't admit Biden has said some problematic things speaks volumes
Fucking idiot hack
Biden gets a pass because his racist statements were made a long time ago. Meanwhile, IC can't comment on racist policies being promoted right now by his VP candidate. He is too busy talking about a primary winner that's not going to win.
...and by a long time ago, he means less than two weeks.
I could take a guy like IC more seriously if he ever once spoke out against the bigots and racists within his own party. It's just a partisan issue with him. He doesn't really care about racists and bigots as long as they are his racists and bigots.
I could take a guy like IC more seriously if he ever once spoke out against the bigots and racists within his own party. It's just a partisan issue with him. He doesn't really care about racists and bigots as long as they are his racists and bigots.
Just like BLM doesn't really care about black lives
condemn Biden's racist statements, or better yet kill yourself
The fact you can't admit Biden has said some problematic things speaks volumes
Fucking idiot hack
Biden gets a pass because his racist statements were made a long time ago. Meanwhile, IC can't comment on racist policies being promoted right now by his VP candidate. He is too busy talking about a primary winner that's not going to win.
Biden has said 3 blatantly racist things in the past year. ID wont acknowledge that
I could take a guy like IC more seriously if he ever once spoke out against the bigots and racists within his own party. It's just a partisan issue with him. He doesn't really care about racists and bigots as long as they are his racists and bigots.
Just like BLM doesn't really care about black lives
They are a vehicle to push Marxism which should be obvious to anyone other than our liberal elites. I think people naively believe that it could never happen here but it can.
I could take a guy like IC more seriously if he ever once spoke out against the bigots and racists within his own party. It's just a partisan issue with him. He doesn't really care about racists and bigots as long as they are his racists and bigots.
Just like BLM doesn't really care about black lives
They are a vehicle to push Marxism which should be obvious to anyone other than our liberal elites. I think people naively believe that it could never happen here but it can.
That was my point about Goodyear. They think BLM isn't political
condemn Biden's racist statements, or better yet kill yourself
The fact you can't admit Biden has said some problematic things speaks volumes
Fucking idiot hack
Biden gets a pass because his racist statements were made a long time ago. Meanwhile, IC can't comment on racist policies being promoted right now by his VP candidate. He is too busy talking about a primary winner that's not going to win.
Biden has said 3 blatantly racist things in the past year. ID wont acknowledge that
condemn Biden's racist statements, or better yet kill yourself
The fact you can't admit Biden has said some problematic things speaks volumes
Fucking idiot hack
Biden gets a pass because his racist statements were made a long time ago. Meanwhile, IC can't comment on racist policies being promoted right now by his VP candidate. He is too busy talking about a primary winner that's not going to win.
Biden has said 3 blatantly racist things in the past year. ID wont acknowledge that
Are you on cocaine?
Maybe Joe has a brain fart and thought he was talking to Hunter?
He can’t handle a softball interview but he’s the guy to get tough with Putin. The more I’ve seen this, the more bizarre it gets. This is who Democrats want?
condemn Biden's racist statements, or better yet kill yourself
The fact you can't admit Biden has said some problematic things speaks volumes
Fucking idiot hack
Biden gets a pass because his racist statements were made a long time ago. Meanwhile, IC can't comment on racist policies being promoted right now by his VP candidate. He is too busy talking about a primary winner that's not going to win.
Biden has said 3 blatantly racist things in the past year. ID wont acknowledge that
Are you on cocaine?
Maybe Joe has a brain fart and thought he was talking to Hunter?
He can’t handle a softball interview but he’s the guy to get tough with Putin. The more I’ve seen this, the more bizarre it gets. This is who Democrats want?
Not about to read 6 frigging pages of @insecuredawg calling everyone an asshole, and everyone calling him an asshole.
I nitpicked one sentence from page 1 "It's too bad your peers on here can never show an ounce of objectivity" that caught my attention and made me laff. That came from the man with no objectivity what-so-ever. He was complimenting @GrundleStiltzkin but still found tim to slam others.
Not about to read 6 frigging pages of @insecuredawg calling everyone an asshole, and everyone calling him an asshole.
I nitpicked one sentence from page 1 "It's too bad your peers on here can never show an ounce of objectivity" that caught my attention and made me laff. That came from the man with no objectivity what-so-ever. He was complimenting @GrundleStiltzkin but still found tim to slam others.
condemn Biden's racist statements, or better yet kill yourself
The fact you can't admit Biden has said some problematic things speaks volumes
Fucking idiot hack
Biden gets a pass because his racist statements were made a long time ago. Meanwhile, IC can't comment on racist policies being promoted right now by his VP candidate. He is too busy talking about a primary winner that's not going to win.
Biden has said 3 blatantly racist things in the past year. ID wont acknowledge that
likes like you really got me there. are you going to remind me about how the Democrats are the party of the KKK and slavery too?
Progressives are now freely & openly advocating for racial policies, that verge toward segregationist.
Biden is on the record as a segregationist who didn’t want to dirty up his kids in a “racial jungle” but this Loomer person is a bridge too far for @insinceredawg. Did you know that African-Americans, with few exceptions, lack diversity and if they don’t vote for Biden, they ain’t black?
What's funny here is that there is currently a growing "anti-gentrification" movement on the left. BLM is big into opposition to gentrification of minority neighborhoods. Bernie Sanders and the rest of the squad are all BIG opponents of gentrification. They want to keep minority neighborhoods segregated. They don't want rich white people moving into their neighborhoods.
Any "bets" of if IC is against them?
Gentrification or White Flight... pick whichever fits your current narrative
If you disagree you probably have white fragility
If you disagree with THAT it just affirms your white fragility
As more Hispanics moved into South Central LA more blacks have been moving out. This has been going on for many years now. Many blacks have been moving out to Riverside and the far east of LA county. I defy anyone to find a single instance where this "black flight" was reported as being driven by racism the way it was and is said about "white flight."
Do you ever get tired of whining and airing out your white grievances? JFC your life must be miserable. Just off yourself now and be done with it.
Still won’t criticize Biden’s racism, eh? Do you ever get tired of being humiliated on the Tug.
He is excited to vote for a fucking racist. We know for a fact that Kamala Harris will use the power of the state to discriminate against people because of their skin color and IC not only doesn't have a problem with this, he supports it.
Huh? I never said I'm voting for Trump.
White flag. He can't even address the racist policies that his party supports.
Why do the majority of minorities support a party that has racist policies? And why are the majority of racists and bigots all in on the GOP? Something doesn't add up here if you what you're saying is true.
That ruse is one of the better ones
He can’t handle a softball interview but he’s the guy to get tough with Putin. The more I’ve seen this, the more bizarre it gets. This is who Democrats want?
I nitpicked one sentence from page 1 "It's too bad your peers on here can never show an ounce of objectivity" that caught my attention and made me laff. That came from the man with no objectivity what-so-ever. He was complimenting @GrundleStiltzkin but still found tim to slam others.
Why not just relax for 4 more years and enjoy the prosperity with freedom?
Hunter Biden was addicted to crack cocaine....not party powder.
Crack cocaine.
People forget that.
Not judging