Smooth talk doesn't pay the rent. Obama had 8 years and........
What do you mean and...? He drone striked thousands, fucked up healthcare even more, encouraged the exodus of American manufacturing, won a Nobel peace prize, and did a mean job reading off a teleprompter....
IIRC - he stuttered and stammered every tim he talked. Maybe he was trying to make it look like he was thinking and talking at the same tim.
Also - Mattis will be forgotten by the end of the protests - it is very scary that people like @insecuredawg are praising Mattis
Obama was great on prompter, mediocre-to-bad extemporaneously. I really don't think there's much there-there with Obama.
And @insinceredawg is going straight enemy of my enemy with #MyMattis.
When Abe Lincoln was told to fire Grant he said, I need this man he fights.
Trump fights. Go ahead and waste time blasting his voters. It only tightens the bond the same way the birther issue united the Obama base. In other words what Bot said
We do need Generals who will fight, not Presidents.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
When Abe Lincoln was told to fire Grant he said, I need this man he fights.
Trump fights. Go ahead and waste time blasting his voters. It only tightens the bond the same way the birther issue united the Obama base. In other words what Bot said
We do need Generals who will fight, not Presidents.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Captain COVID appears. I’ll take a President who fights over a Corona coward in a basement.
When Abe Lincoln was told to fire Grant he said, I need this man he fights.
Trump fights. Go ahead and waste time blasting his voters. It only tightens the bond the same way the birther issue united the Obama base. In other words what Bot said
We do need Generals who will fight, not Presidents.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Now quote Abe siding with the NYC draft rioters. Btw, what was the Federal response to the draft riots Dazzler?
Trump needs mayors and governors who will defend their citizens. The local police and national guard can do it if allowed
The bully in the pulpit is encouraging them to do so
Liberal mayor all across the country have given their police stand down orders and we have all seen the results of that. You basically had 7 day looting free zone in every liberal city in the country.
Trump needs mayors and governors who will defend their citizens. The local police and national guard can do it if allowed
The bully in the pulpit is encouraging them to do so
Liberal mayor all across the country have given their police stand down orders and we have all seen the results of that. You basically had 7 day looting free zone in every liberal city in the country.
And our resident dems cheer the looting and murders. Fun shit in a civilized nation.
Well, I'll just come out and say it: I'm voting for him. I'll continue to hope he falls down and knocks his own teeth out of his mouth and sprains his Twitter finger, but he's the guy with the right policy for this country right now. Hopefully after another four years, the Democrats will have finally learned their lesson and start culling their ranks and imposing some fucking standards for Christ's sake. Then we'd be in a great spot to discern and choose between qualified candidates, neither of which is asking for the sweeping shift to collectivism in our country.
Overused though it may be, it still comes down to this: It's the economy stupid.
Keep us out of unnecessary involvement around the globe, divert some military budget to some good home cookin', maintain a murder China boner, and don't overly tax the spending class in this country. And sit down at the table with big bidness rather than threaten them and put them in impossible situations that make theme LEAVE! No Bucks, no Buck Rodgers.
Well, I'll just come out and say it: I'm voting for him. I'll continue to hope he falls down and knocks his own teeth out of his mouth and sprains his Twitter finger, but he's the guy with the right policy for this country right now. Hopefully after another four years, the Democrats will have finally learned their lesson and start culling their ranks and imposing some fucking standards for Christ's sake. Then we'd be in a great spot to discern and choose between qualified candidates, neither of which is asking for the sweeping shift to collectivism in our country.
Overused though it may be, it still comes down to this: It's the economy stupid.
Keep us out of unnecessary involvement around the globe, divert some military budget to some good home cookin', maintain a murder China boner, and don't overly tax the spending class in this country. And sit down at the table with big bidness rather than threaten them and put them in impossible situations that make theme LEAVE! No Bucks, no Buck Rodgers.
You have two choices in this election same as last
Trump voters are no different than any other voter.
If you think Biden is the answer and he gets elected I wont spend 4 years attacking you and calling you vile names
Can't say the same about Biden
Payback is a bitch
I knew BO was the most corrupt President in the history of the country. The facts have shown the light on that. Only a rat liar denies it.
However I never called a dem voter or in the case of BO, a Rep voter, a racist. I never set things on fire, beat innocent Americans half to death, killed people, shot people, pulled people out of their cars and beat them, kicked anyone out of an establishment because they had a BO hat or T-Shirt on, travelled around the world telling foreigners how bad our President was, lie and then try to impeach BO, twice.
That is uniquely democrat behavior.
Actually, you do that daily for stretches at a time.
As for the rest of your representations, I'll just have to take your word for it; because you seem like the zealous type to me.
I have never called anyone a racist for voting for BO. I believe liberal policies are racist to their core. That's a big difference. But don't let me take away from your lie that made you get all tingly. Keep pleasuring yourself if you must.
Get your facts straight junior.
" I believe liberal policies are racist to their core."
You have two choices in this election same as last
Trump voters are no different than any other voter.
If you think Biden is the answer and he gets elected I wont spend 4 years attacking you and calling you vile names
Can't say the same about Biden
Payback is a bitch
I knew BO was the most corrupt President in the history of the country. The facts have shown the light on that. Only a rat liar denies it.
However I never called a dem voter or in the case of BO, a Rep voter, a racist. I never set things on fire, beat innocent Americans half to death, killed people, shot people, pulled people out of their cars and beat them, kicked anyone out of an establishment because they had a BO hat or T-Shirt on, travelled around the world telling foreigners how bad our President was, lie and then try to impeach BO, twice.
That is uniquely democrat behavior.
Actually, you do that daily for stretches at a time.
As for the rest of your representations, I'll just have to take your word for it; because you seem like the zealous type to me.
I have never called anyone a racist for voting for BO. I believe liberal policies are racist to their core. That's a big difference. But don't let me take away from your lie that made you get all tingly. Keep pleasuring yourself if you must.
Get your facts straight junior.
" I believe liberal policies are racist to their core."
Discuss. Can't wait.
Yeah, discuss it with Owl so he can shove his head up his ass and then run away.
I think Trump missed out on a great opportunity for another nickname. I really think I have something in Mopey Maddis.
Marines I know are going to be really torn on this. They love Mattis, and most if not all are Trump voters.
That's where I was going generally in the first post. For the first time I can remember, and honest to goodness conservative with real credentials who is figure that plays strong with the base has come out against his former employer. I was wondering, and still wonder, whether it would chip the base.
But then again, as Race points out, the Democrats have rolled out a real retard as a candidate. Hillary, before, was more electable than this clown.
Fuck Mathis. He’s not a “conservative”...he’s been an undeclared Democrat for years. And fuck him for trying to get us into war in Syria and for being part of the appeasement of Iran. If he had his way we would be knee-deep in Syria right now.
You think we would have nailed Solomani (sp?) if he was still in the administration? Props for ISIS, but TBH any halfway competent military person not hindered by Obama’s policies could have gotten rid of them in short order. It’s not like there was some brilliant strategy involved.
Well, we could have said the same thing when his time under Obama was cut short over disagreements on his Iran policy. I think Mattis is a soldier and does what he thinks is best for the U.S. I would think, in the Tug, that would make him a conservative, with or without the special ID card.
Q: Are you a Democrat? Mattis: “You know, we’re all built on our formative experiences. When I was 18, I joined the Marine Corps, and in the U.S. military we are proudly apolitical. By that, I mean that in our duties, we were brought up to obey the elected commander in chief, whoever that is. And we’ve seen, over those — since I was in the military longer than some of you have been alive, I have seen Republicans and Democrats come and go. Where am I today? I’m a member of the president’s administration. And you have seen that President Trump’s military policies, security policies, reaping significant bipartisan support. So my role, when you see 83 percent — think about this — for ― and I realize you all write about tension between this person and that, this administration and that party, and this sort of thing.”
“But when you think 83 percent of the U.S. Congress voting the same way on an issue put forward by the Republican president, you can see that my portfolio is bipartisan by its very basis, and that is the protection of the United States. That’s what President Trump has told me to do, and I eagerly carry that out, alongside probably the most selfless young men and women — not all young; some old men and women, too — civilian and military, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines working together. So that’s where I stand. That defines me."
Seems like a flag burning dirty hippie to me.
Like I said, fuck Mattis. He quit because he wanted us to go to war in Syria, ramp up operations in Afghanistan, and wanted Trump to stay in the Iran deal. Those aren’t bright policy fact they are amazing dumb ones.
Goes to the bigger point...being a good general is completely different skill set then being a policy guy. He’s excelled at the former...he’s been nothing but lacking on the later.
You're a policy person. Vast majority of people don't appreciate 1/16th of what you know and understand. Admittedly, the title of my thread was whether Trump has a loyalty problem ... and your response about Mattis' incompetence sorta goes to that in the "who cares if a person let go for incompetence remains loyal," kind of way.
But the other part of my post is whether it would hurt him. And I don't think the average voter who supports Trump thinks of a guy nick named "Mad Dog", who is quintessentially US military, is going to think he's a liberal in disguise and therefore write him off as such.
But I've come to the conclusion that it probably won't matter. I still find it interesting that he thinks Trump is divisive and I don't write him off as easily as you seem to based on his policy preferences. He may stand for shitty policy; but he's not some jilted lover or loon and people listen to guys like Mattis. The US has always been, and still is, in love with its military. It's instant cred. to be a soldier. Basically what Stalin wrote.
Trump is amazing at bringing people down to his level. Mattis goes there, and does it in an incredibly dumb way. In the middle of chaos when ANTIFA are burning a few cities a night saying anything about Trump being divisive is purely dumb. In chaos everyone is hunkered down in their views, and a vast majority of folks are looking at that chaos and thinking its nuts...if I'm picking a side its the one not lighting fire to the cities at night. If his real point was to object to the idea of military in the streets he would have been much, much more effective in limiting his comments to that. Wait until things calm down before you comment on the Trump's behavior...saying the guy speaking out against the folks running around the streets at night looting and lighting stuff on fire is wrong is a hard sell while it is happening.
And I have a serious problem with the divisiveness stuff as wife was whining about that last night. People have this idea that we all need to unite to one view and its never going to happen. You have the Left who, for the last 3 years, have been calling Trump a literal traitor to his country among the nicer things. Now they still say it in one breath, and then in the next breath say Trump needs to bring the country together. Huh? That's an impossible task (they know this as well)...they aren't changing their position, and calling half the country hicks, racists, and Russian stooges isn't going to suddenly welcome that side with open arms when they aren't even showing a bit of contrition. Its a 'everyone needs to unite behind my specific view and you are evil if you don't view'...if the press was honest they couldn't get away with it but that is never going to happen. Trump is very divisive, but what drives them nuts is that he's just more upfront about it than they are. Trump does it by calling people wrong and dumb...they've responded by calling him evil and a traitor. Kinda gave up the high ground there...
And I'm sure Trump is a dick and would be an absolute pain to work for...he always acts like the guy in charge who loves having a diverse group of folks/views under him argue intensely about different policies to figure out what he wants to do...hell made a side fortune on TV with that set-up. Reagan (and many others) had the same leadership style...its quite effective. Trump also strikes me a the type of guy who will personalize it and be a complete dick to the folks who argued opposite of what he ended up choosing, with it getting worse and worse if Trump keeps picking the opposite side of what said person was arguing. No clue, but if I had to guess after Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria where Trump picked opposite of what Mattis was pushing he couldn't take the verbal abuse Trump was probably giving him and that's why he left. Generals usually don't like being told they are wrong and dumb...
Mattis won't make a difference with any of Trump's supporters...if military matters to them they will look at how the other side has treated someone like Flynn and say 'Like or hate Trump, I'm voting for him over those guys 7 days a week'. And the people on the other side, especially those who 364 days of the year pretty much can't stand the military, will prop him Mattis up as a hero for a day and then forget him because in the end he's still military.
I kinda wonder if Mattis is trying to position himself as joining up with Biden's team (would he after getting ditch by Obama like he did?)...don't think its the best plan for Biden if it is because it will just let Trump bash him as being pro-middle east interventionism and pro-Iran.
And an interesting side that Flynn and Mattis don't really like each other either...
Wait until things calm down before you comment on the Trump's behavior...saying the guy speaking out against the folks running around the streets at night looting and lighting stuff on fire is wrong is a hard sell while it is happening.
Smooth talk doesn't pay the rent. Obama had 8 years and........
What do you mean and...? He drone striked thousands, fucked up healthcare even more, encouraged the exodus of American manufacturing, won a Nobel peace prize, and did a mean job reading off a teleprompter....
IIRC - he stuttered and stammered every tim he talked. Maybe he was trying to make it look like he was thinking and talking at the same tim.
Also - Mattis will be forgotten by the end of the protests - it is very scary that people like @insecuredawg are praising Mattis
You can say a lot about Obama, but being a shitty speaker isn't one of them.
He was /is a good speaker but he does have a stammer/stutter to his delivery. NTTIAWWT
Obama wouldn’t make the top 10 of black preachers in the State of Washington in terms of being a good speaker.
And @insinceredawg is going straight enemy of my enemy with #MyMattis.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Or send in the military against Americans
Or suspend Habeus Corpus
The bully in the pulpit is encouraging them to do so
He's calling for more violence.
Ecklund is a Trump supper
Overused though it may be, it still comes down to this: It's the economy stupid.
Keep us out of unnecessary involvement around the globe, divert some military budget to some good home cookin', maintain a murder China boner, and don't overly tax the spending class in this country. And sit down at the table with big bidness rather than threaten them and put them in impossible situations that make theme LEAVE! No Bucks, no Buck Rodgers.
Alright, I'm all out of slogans now.
Discuss. Can't wait.
And I have a serious problem with the divisiveness stuff as wife was whining about that last night. People have this idea that we all need to unite to one view and its never going to happen. You have the Left who, for the last 3 years, have been calling Trump a literal traitor to his country among the nicer things. Now they still say it in one breath, and then in the next breath say Trump needs to bring the country together. Huh? That's an impossible task (they know this as well)...they aren't changing their position, and calling half the country hicks, racists, and Russian stooges isn't going to suddenly welcome that side with open arms when they aren't even showing a bit of contrition. Its a 'everyone needs to unite behind my specific view and you are evil if you don't view'...if the press was honest they couldn't get away with it but that is never going to happen. Trump is very divisive, but what drives them nuts is that he's just more upfront about it than they are. Trump does it by calling people wrong and dumb...they've responded by calling him evil and a traitor. Kinda gave up the high ground there...
And I'm sure Trump is a dick and would be an absolute pain to work for...he always acts like the guy in charge who loves having a diverse group of folks/views under him argue intensely about different policies to figure out what he wants to do...hell made a side fortune on TV with that set-up. Reagan (and many others) had the same leadership style...its quite effective. Trump also strikes me a the type of guy who will personalize it and be a complete dick to the folks who argued opposite of what he ended up choosing, with it getting worse and worse if Trump keeps picking the opposite side of what said person was arguing. No clue, but if I had to guess after Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria where Trump picked opposite of what Mattis was pushing he couldn't take the verbal abuse Trump was probably giving him and that's why he left. Generals usually don't like being told they are wrong and dumb...
Mattis won't make a difference with any of Trump's supporters...if military matters to them they will look at how the other side has treated someone like Flynn and say 'Like or hate Trump, I'm voting for him over those guys 7 days a week'. And the people on the other side, especially those who 364 days of the year pretty much can't stand the military, will prop him Mattis up as a hero for a day and then forget him because in the end he's still military.
I kinda wonder if Mattis is trying to position himself as joining up with Biden's team (would he after getting ditch by Obama like he did?)...don't think its the best plan for Biden if it is because it will just let Trump bash him as being pro-middle east interventionism and pro-Iran.
And an interesting side that Flynn and Mattis don't really like each other either...
Especially agree with this.
He’s an adequate speaker at best.