Felon Notification Process The Department of Corrections and the state court system provides the Secretary of State's office with lists of felons who are ineligible to vote. Three times a year, the Elections Division compares the most recent list to VRDB using names and dates of birth. The list of voters from the resulting match are sent letters explaining that their registration will automatically be canceled in 30 days unless they contact their county elections office to dispute the cancellation. For more information, see the Felons and Voting Rights page.
Monthly Removal of Deceased
Each month, the Office of the Secretary of State receives a list of deceased people from the Department of Health, as well as the Social Security Administration. These lists are compared to the voter registration list and potential matches are flagged for research by the County Auditors’ offices. Voter registrations of deceased persons are usually canceled within a month. County Auditors may also remove registrations of deceased persons using published obituaries or written notices from relatives.
Almost 2k closures in a handful of years, the majority of the closures took place in metropolitan areas. Where black and Latino people tend to live in higher numbers. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
But keep crying about voter fraud that you can’t provide a single shred of evidence for outside of a handful of cases.
Fuck off on Texas...while they closed some polling sites (mainly for budget...instead of cheap paper ballots they now have those stupid expensive electronic machines) they added/extended the time one has to vote with early voting. We can vote anytime for 2 weeks before the election...because of that no lines and no issues. Anyone who wants to vote can easily vote...and because of that voter turnout has actually bumped up slightly here.
Keep lying.
You can't expect the marginalized to have both an ID and be able to go into a polling place in a 14 day window.
Couple Black panthers brandishing batons in front of a polling place is not voter suppression. The KKK should file a lawsuit for discrimination.
Almost 2k closures in a handful of years, the majority of the closures took place in metropolitan areas. Where black and Latino people tend to live in higher numbers. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
But keep crying about voter fraud that you can’t provide a single shred of evidence for outside of a handful of cases.
Fuck off on Texas...while they closed some polling sites (mainly for budget...instead of cheap paper ballots they now have those stupid expensive electronic machines) they added/extended the time one has to vote with early voting. We can vote anytime for 2 weeks before the election...because of that no lines and no issues. Anyone who wants to vote can easily vote...and because of that voter turnout has actually bumped up slightly here.
Keep lying.
You can't expect the marginalized to have both an ID and be able to go into a polling place in a 14 day window.
Couple Black panthers brandishing batons in front of a polling place is not voter suppression. The KKK should file a lawsuit for discrimination.
Once again we see the Dazzler in full mouthy Kunt mode while he dodges like a Kunt the questions that were put to him. What measures does the State of California take to make sure non-citizens don't register to vote Dazzler other than the honor system?
Felon Notification Process The Department of Corrections and the state court system provides the Secretary of State's office with lists of felons who are ineligible to vote. Three times a year, the Elections Division compares the most recent list to VRDB using names and dates of birth. The list of voters from the resulting match are sent letters explaining that their registration will automatically be canceled in 30 days unless they contact their county elections office to dispute the cancellation. For more information, see the Felons and Voting Rights page.
Monthly Removal of Deceased
Each month, the Office of the Secretary of State receives a list of deceased people from the Department of Health, as well as the Social Security Administration. These lists are compared to the voter registration list and potential matches are flagged for research by the County Auditors’ offices. Voter registrations of deceased persons are usually canceled within a month. County Auditors may also remove registrations of deceased persons using published obituaries or written notices from relatives.
Yay! So they try to purge dead people. Now do verification of naturalization.
Felon Notification Process The Department of Corrections and the state court system provides the Secretary of State's office with lists of felons who are ineligible to vote. Three times a year, the Elections Division compares the most recent list to VRDB using names and dates of birth. The list of voters from the resulting match are sent letters explaining that their registration will automatically be canceled in 30 days unless they contact their county elections office to dispute the cancellation. For more information, see the Felons and Voting Rights page.
Monthly Removal of Deceased
Each month, the Office of the Secretary of State receives a list of deceased people from the Department of Health, as well as the Social Security Administration. These lists are compared to the voter registration list and potential matches are flagged for research by the County Auditors’ offices. Voter registrations of deceased persons are usually canceled within a month. County Auditors may also remove registrations of deceased persons using published obituaries or written notices from relatives.
I'm all for a national ID card provided it is used for ALL things that such a card should be used for:
- federal background checks for all gun transactions - tracking private cattle grazing on public land - tracking all vehicle usage on public roads - tracking private timber harvests on public land - Medicare for all ID - voting - birth control and family planning - IRS asset tracking
Would be a fantastic tool for stopping all kinds of crimes, and for streamling citizens access to public services.
I'm all for a national ID card provided it is used for ALL things that such a card should be used for:
- federal background checks for all gun transactions - tracking private cattle grazing on public land - tracking all vehicle usage on public roads - tracking private timber harvests on public land - Medicare for all ID - voting - birth control and family planning - IRS asset tracking
Would be a fantastic tool for stopping all kinds of crimes, and for streamling citizens access to public services.
The old 'they didn't mean it" clause doesn't really mean they didn't mean it. I call bull shit! The act is the intent. Prima facie evidence works that way. What other reason would one have to alter the ballot of another person? I'll wait here for an intelligent answer.
We need a background check to vote just like we do guns. Can't have illegals or criminals making national decisions. Need one to apply for any government funded aid as well. I could go on for a while but if you want ID to exercise one constitutional right you need it for ALL of them.
I'm all for a national ID card provided it is used for ALL things that such a card should be used for:
- federal background checks for all gun transactions - tracking private cattle grazing on public land - tracking all vehicle usage on public roads - tracking private timber harvests on public land - Medicare for all ID - voting - birth control and family planning - IRS asset tracking
Would be a fantastic tool for stopping all kinds of crimes, and for streamling citizens access to public services.
I'm all for a national ID card provided it is used for ALL things that such a card should be used for:
- federal background checks for all gun transactions - tracking private cattle grazing on public land - tracking all vehicle usage on public roads - tracking private timber harvests on public land - Medicare for all ID - voting - birth control and family planning - IRS asset tracking
Would be a fantastic tool for stopping all kinds of crimes, and for streamling citizens access to public services.
I'm all for a national ID card provided it is used for ALL things that such a card should be used for:
- federal background checks for all gun transactions - tracking private cattle grazing on public land - tracking all vehicle usage on public roads - tracking private timber harvests on public land - Medicare for all ID - voting - birth control and family planning - IRS asset tracking
Would be a fantastic tool for stopping all kinds of crimes, and for streamling citizens access to public services.
If Trump wanted to pin libs in a corner, he would make ID cards free. Then they won’t have a leg to stand on.
Fine by me. But “free” means no out-of-pocket expense. That’s not the world we live in now.
The government just GAVE millions of people cash money into bank accounts and mailed checks directly to them no strings or out of pocket expenses attached.
Do you care to expand on this whole “not the world we live in” pablum?
Dems always refuse to clean voter rolls. There is a reason and it's voter fraud. Dems call it ballot harvesting. You need a new commie dictionary,
I'm never desperate. Hypocrisy is your thing.
Felon Notification Process
The Department of Corrections and the state court system provides the Secretary of State's office with lists of felons who are ineligible to vote. Three times a year, the Elections Division compares the most recent list to VRDB using names and dates of birth. The list of voters from the resulting match are sent letters explaining that their registration will automatically be canceled in 30 days unless they contact their county elections office to dispute the cancellation.
For more information, see the Felons and Voting Rights page.
Monthly Removal of Deceased
Each month, the Office of the Secretary of State receives a list of deceased people from the Department of Health, as well as the Social Security Administration. These lists are compared to the voter registration list and potential matches are flagged for research by the County Auditors’ offices. Voter registrations of deceased persons are usually canceled within a month. County Auditors may also remove registrations of deceased persons using published obituaries or written notices from relatives.
Or you claim to be governor if only it wasnt for those dastardly voters
Seems they're not doing it. Or anything.
- federal background checks for all gun transactions
- tracking private cattle grazing on public land
- tracking all vehicle usage on public roads
- tracking private timber harvests on public land
- Medicare for all ID
- voting
- birth control and family planning
- IRS asset tracking
Would be a fantastic tool for stopping all kinds of crimes, and for streamling citizens access to public services.
We need a background check to vote just like we do guns. Can't have illegals or criminals making national decisions. Need one to apply for any government funded aid as well. I could go on for a while but if you want ID to exercise one constitutional right you need it for ALL of them.
Do you care to expand on this whole “not the world we live in” pablum?
Or is this another drive by fucktard comment?