Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
I'm not a Secretary of State.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
You’ve made the point repeatedly that it takes time to set up correctly. Fine, so let’s get started. Do it right. I have no problem with that.
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
I'm not a Secretary of State.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
You’ve made the point repeatedly that it takes time to set up correctly. Fine, so let’s get started. Do it right. I have no problem with that.
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
Sure, as long as we audit the voter rolls for basic things like citizenship, duplicates, deaths, felonies, etc. That should be a basic litmus test of if this is on the up and up or not right?
I wonder why that's a non-starter in mail-in California.
Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
I'm not a Secretary of State.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
You’ve made the point repeatedly that it takes time to set up correctly. Fine, so let’s get started. Do it right. I have no problem with that.
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
Sure, as long as we audit the voter rolls for basic things like citizenship, duplicates, deaths, felonies, etc. That should be a basic litmus test of if this is on the up and up or not right?
I wonder why that's a non-starter in mail-in California.
Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
I'm not a Secretary of State.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
You’ve made the point repeatedly that it takes time to set up correctly. Fine, so let’s get started. Do it right. I have no problem with that.
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
Sure, as long as we audit the voter rolls for basic things like citizenship, duplicates, deaths, felonies, etc. That should be a basic litmus test of if this is on the up and up or not right?
I wonder why that's a non-starter in mail-in California.
I don't know anyone of consequence who opposes making the voter rolls accurate. People do object to half assing the job by purging the rolls of every third Lopez, however.
Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
I'm not a Secretary of State.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
You’ve made the point repeatedly that it takes time to set up correctly. Fine, so let’s get started. Do it right. I have no problem with that.
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
Sure, as long as we audit the voter rolls for basic things like citizenship, duplicates, deaths, felonies, etc. That should be a basic litmus test of if this is on the up and up or not right?
I wonder why that's a non-starter in mail-in California.
I don't know anyone of consequence who opposes making the voter rolls accurate. People do object to half assing the job by purging the rolls of every third Lopez, however.
Well your of no consequence so that part is accurate
I'm sure you have multiple links for your conspiracy theory
Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
I'm not a Secretary of State.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
You’ve made the point repeatedly that it takes time to set up correctly. Fine, so let’s get started. Do it right. I have no problem with that.
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
Sure, as long as we audit the voter rolls for basic things like citizenship, duplicates, deaths, felonies, etc. That should be a basic litmus test of if this is on the up and up or not right?
I wonder why that's a non-starter in mail-in California.
I don't know anyone of consequence who opposes making the voter rolls accurate. People do object to half assing the job by purging the rolls of every third Lopez, however.
Should we just go ahead and name these plays at this point? This could be like NE vs. the Rams during spygate.
Nobody says it’s a myth. People get caught every year.
The myth is that voter fraud is so widespread it justifies mass disenfranchisement or changes outcomes.
Don’t believe me? Just ask Trump. His own committee found nothing and he shut it down. The whole thing was a stunt to soothe his ego over losing the popular vote so bigly.
What study do you get your data from that the numbers are insignificant?
You need ID for everything. The idea that ID stops anyone with half a brain from voting is the REAL myth
How about shutting down the majority of polling places in large metropolitan areas.
Refusing to switch to mail ballots.
Purging voter rolls right before Election Day and refusing to count provisional ballots.
Nobody talking about ID or illegals here. I am talking about Americans.
If illegals are voting in massive numbers, where’s the proof? You have a FEELING. Not evidence.
Again what study are you relying on?
Voter rolls should be purged routinely. Stops fraud
That's am impressive list of left wing loser myths you got
We had a study. Trump’s own commission. They found nothing.
All you have is a Sledog meme and a FEELING. Get back to me when you have that evidence.
That's not accurate because the states refused to cooperate. Gee I wonder why
So what study are you using? Where is your proof of the loser's lament you like to unleash here from time to time?
My favorite part of your argument is that the burden of proof is on those who oppose the GOP disenfranchisement efforts to prove that there is no voter fraud.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I've always believed that somebody needs to actually prove material voter fraud before we go and make voting systematically more difficult in certain jurisdictions. I see a lot of funny memes about dead uncles voting, but nothing to substantiate that this is an actual widespread problem worthy of legislation.
Only anti-American dipshits try to decrease voting.
Nobody is saying voter fraud is a myth.
Who gives a fuck if someone is? It's neither a serious argument nor a relevant one.
Wow nothing about a majority of all polling places being closed in a city. Fucking liar. Btw, I've been in my current location since 2004. My polling place has been closed eight different times now. Am I a victim of voter suppression Tommy?
Do you have to stand in line all day to wait to vote?
Another urban myth. While there are a few places that have these problems they are far from the norm and all most all of them occur in Rat run cities and counties. Now where's that article supporting your lie about a majority of some city's polling places being closed? And since I know that liberals are fucking liars it's not hard for me to believe that these number include the numbers of polling places that have been closed while omitting the number of new places that have been opened.
Of course it isn’t the norm. It’s targeted at specific areas in the states where the GOP controls the election process and can get away with it. That way useful idiots like you can pretend it’s a myth and scream about unsubstantiated voter fraud if it’s ever brought up.
How else do you explain the fear over switching to mail in ballots? Works great in WA. Trump likes to vote by mail too. You calling the president wrong?
The fear is in that it takes many months to over a year to set up secure vote by mail systems. But the left doesn't care about secure voting systems much, now do they?
Set it up. It takes even longer if you never get started.
I'm not a Secretary of State.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
You’ve made the point repeatedly that it takes time to set up correctly. Fine, so let’s get started. Do it right. I have no problem with that.
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
Sure, as long as we audit the voter rolls for basic things like citizenship, duplicates, deaths, felonies, etc. That should be a basic litmus test of if this is on the up and up or not right?
I wonder why that's a non-starter in mail-in California.
I don't know anyone of consequence who opposes making the voter rolls accurate. People do object to half assing the job by purging the rolls of every third Lopez, however.
Yeah, just the entire Rat party political leadership in California and across the country but no one of consequence. You're such a fucking hack Dazzler.
The verification process here in California to ensure that a non-citizen isn't registering to vote is based entirely on the honor system. There is no cross check of any Federal database to determine whether someone is or is not a citizen.
The voter registration database, though, does not include official citizenship documents, according to Padilla’s office.
Instead, it indicates whether applicants affirmed their eligibility status because they had to “declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California” they are a U.S. citizen and resident of California and at least 16 years old, not currently in a state or federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony and not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court.
The applicant must also verify he or she understands it’s is a crime to intentionally provide incorrect information and that the information on the registration form is true and correct.
What is impressive about this story Bob, is the fact it wasn't just one person. It was multiple rats in power. The political consultants and the candidates themselves, you know they had to know about it. Three years running and you can probably guess there is a lot more there than what was admitted to. That is a lot of guilty rats.
Every election cycle we find out more and more rats cheated and every time the rats on here come and act as if it is no big deal.
Focus lady! Voter ID would have prevented this how?
Did I mention voter ID? I was talking about how dem leadership, and this case it is dem leadership at the very top, was corrupt.
Fuck that strawman's ass HH. FFS man, at the very least try to be in the moment and engaged in the topic.
Almost 2k closures in a handful of years, the majority of the closures took place in metropolitan areas. Where black and Latino people tend to live in higher numbers. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
But keep crying about voter fraud that you can’t provide a single shred of evidence for outside of a handful of cases.
Coo. Now do how it's the Republicans fault.
His post is hilarious because I guarantee you that the majority vote in those areas was white.
Almost 2k closures in a handful of years, the majority of the closures took place in metropolitan areas. Where black and Latino people tend to live in higher numbers. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
But keep crying about voter fraud that you can’t provide a single shred of evidence for outside of a handful of cases.
Fuck off on Texas...while they closed some polling sites (mainly for budget...instead of cheap paper ballots they now have those stupid expensive electronic machines) they added/extended the time one has to vote with early voting. We can vote anytime for 2 weeks before the election...because of that no lines and no issues. Anyone who wants to vote can easily vote...and because of that voter turnout has actually bumped up slightly here.
Almost 2k closures in a handful of years, the majority of the closures took place in metropolitan areas. Where black and Latino people tend to live in higher numbers. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
But keep crying about voter fraud that you can’t provide a single shred of evidence for outside of a handful of cases.
Fuck off on Texas...while they closed some polling sites (mainly for budget...instead of cheap paper ballots they now have those stupid expensive electronic machines) they added/extended the time one has to vote with early voting. We can vote anytime for 2 weeks before the election...because of that no lines and no issues. Anyone who wants to vote can easily vote...and because of that voter turnout has actually bumped up slightly here.
I'm all for voter suppression. You play to win the game
this should be the position of libs. California should absolutely be shutting down polling places in rural white precincts and gerrymandering the shit out of the state. But nope, gotta be the nice guy losers that Dems are.
Or are you for centralized elections now?
Beyond this time constraint, I’ve yet to hear any other rationale for opposing the switch to mail in ballots across the country.
I wonder why that's a non-starter in mail-in California.
I'm sure you have multiple links for your conspiracy theory
The voter registration database, though, does not include official citizenship documents, according to Padilla’s office.
Instead, it indicates whether applicants affirmed their eligibility status because they had to “declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California” they are a U.S. citizen and resident of California and at least 16 years old, not currently in a state or federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony and not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court.
The applicant must also verify he or she understands it’s is a crime to intentionally provide incorrect information and that the information on the registration form is true and correct.
Fuck that strawman's ass HH. FFS man, at the very least try to be in the moment and engaged in the topic.
Keep lying.
The dncs biggest loss was race. Never gonna get that vote
As Tommy said, voter fraud is a thing. But it's nowhere near as widespread as it would need to be to justify the red state voter suppression scheme.