I like to trivialize a new virus for which we have no known treatment or vaccine, unlike the flu, and which is both more contagious and many orders of magnitude more deadly than the flu, because we still see the flu every year. That’s what I like to do.
How many deaths in the US of A due to coronavirus?
How bad would it have to get before you’d say let’s not let it get worse? Public officials who didn’t want people to “freak out” about the Spanish flu caused a lot more harm than doctors who wanted it taken seriously.
We? Tried to take it seriously but CNN said the task force wasn’t diverse enough.
I’ll never vote CNN for public office again. Any other excuses?
What is it that we should be doing that we aren’t already?
I like to trivialize a new virus for which we have no known treatment or vaccine, unlike the flu, and which is both more contagious and many orders of magnitude more deadly than the flu, because we still see the flu every year. That’s what I like to do.
How many deaths in the US of A due to coronavirus?
How bad would it have to get before you’d say let’s not let it get worse? Public officials who didn’t want people to “freak out” about the Spanish flu caused a lot more harm than doctors who wanted it taken seriously.
We? Tried to take it seriously but CNN said the task force wasn’t diverse enough.
I’ll never vote CNN for public office again. Any other excuses?
What is it that we should be doing that we aren’t already?
Planning for some disruptions to our lives. Possible business, school and nonessential government office closures. Gathering protective gear for healthcare workers. Being more vigilant about basic hygiene practices.
If China goes full blown it'll cause huge problems here.
They make way to much of our stuff. Especially prescription drugs and binders etc to manufacture them. Combined with lean inventory and just in time supply practices it might be ugly.
I like to trivialize a new virus for which we have no known treatment or vaccine, unlike the flu, and which is both more contagious and many orders of magnitude more deadly than the flu, because we still see the flu every year. That’s what I like to do.
How many deaths in the US of A due to coronavirus?
How bad would it have to get before you’d say let’s not let it get worse? Public officials who didn’t want people to “freak out” about the Spanish flu caused a lot more harm than doctors who wanted it taken seriously.
We? Tried to take it seriously but CNN said the task force wasn’t diverse enough.
I’ll never vote CNN for public office again. Any other excuses?
What is it that we should be doing that we aren’t already?
Planning for some disruptions to our lives. Possible business, school and nonessential government office closures. Gathering protective gear for healthcare workers. Being more vigilant about basic hygiene practices.
Maybe you should check the cdc.gov website. There’s a wealth of info at your fingertips. And all of the things you are clamoring for have been addressed except closing schools, businesses.
We have about 60 cases in our country now. As much as you are rooting for this disease be an epidemic here, It’s not anywhere close to that yet.
I like to trivialize a new virus for which we have no known treatment or vaccine, unlike the flu, and which is both more contagious and many orders of magnitude more deadly than the flu, because we still see the flu every year. That’s what I like to do.
How many deaths in the US of A due to coronavirus?
How bad would it have to get before you’d say let’s not let it get worse? Public officials who didn’t want people to “freak out” about the Spanish flu caused a lot more harm than doctors who wanted it taken seriously.
We? Tried to take it seriously but CNN said the task force wasn’t diverse enough.
I’ll never vote CNN for public office again. Any other excuses?
What is it that we should be doing that we aren’t already?
Planning for some disruptions to our lives. Possible business, school and nonessential government office closures. Gathering protective gear for healthcare workers. Being more vigilant about basic hygiene practices.
Maybe you should check the cdc.gov website. There’s a wealth of info at your fingertips. And all of the things you are clamoring for have been addressed except closing schools, businesses.
We have about 60 cases in our country now. As much as you are rooting for this disease be an epidemic here, It’s not anywhere close to that yet.
But keep praying for the worst.
If it takes a economic downturn caused by a virus to stop the Trump economic momentum and beat him in November it will all be worth it.
The fact that opinions over a public health issue are breaking down on political lines is fucking retarded.
Only because leftists are emotion based fags
This gal will always mock the public health response that saves her sorry ass. Because coercion!
You're full of shit and will use any excuse for more government power and control.
This will end up as a big zero.
That’s the objective, dumbshit. Sorry you’ve been disappointed so often by the containment of deadly diseases.
Why aren't you worried about a disease that kills thousands and affects millions? Because you're an emotional stooge and buy into the bullshit you're fed.
I like to trivialize a new virus for which we have no known treatment or vaccine, unlike the flu, and which is both more contagious and many orders of magnitude more deadly than the flu, because we still see the flu every year. That’s what I like to do.
How many deaths in the US of A due to coronavirus?
How bad would it have to get before you’d say let’s not let it get worse? Public officials who didn’t want people to “freak out” about the Spanish flu caused a lot more harm than doctors who wanted it taken seriously.
We? Tried to take it seriously but CNN said the task force wasn’t diverse enough.
I’ll never vote CNN for public office again. Any other excuses?
What is it that we should be doing that we aren’t already?
Planning for some disruptions to our lives. Possible business, school and nonessential government office closures. Gathering protective gear for healthcare workers. Being more vigilant about basic hygiene practices.
Don’t forget turning this into a political football and blaming Trump O’Keefed
The fact that opinions over a public health issue are breaking down on political lines is fucking retarded.
Only because leftists are emotion based fags
This gal will always mock the public health response that saves her sorry ass. Because coercion!
You're full of shit and will use any excuse for more government power and control.
This will end up as a big zero.
That’s the objective, dumbshit. Sorry you’ve been disappointed so often by the containment of deadly diseases.
Btw, let the record show that the very same Kunt who is criticizing Trump over the containment of deadly diseases was fully in favor of allowing infected Ebola patients into this country and vehemently opposed imposing a travel ban on Ebola hot spot countries.
As Americans' fears grow of a possible coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., President Trump was addressing the nation in a Wednesday evening news conference at the White House to discuss how his administration was handling the virus threat -- saying that a vaccine is being developed "rapidly" and "coming along very well."
However, Anthony Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said later at the press conference that a vaccine would not be applicable to the epidemic for a "year to a year-and-a-half," due to delays from testing, development, production, and distribution.
The president also announced he was putting Vice President Mike Pence "in charge" of coronavirus prevention efforts, effective immediately. The White House had reportedly considered naming a virus czar to be the point person on the disease.
"Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low," Trump said. "We're ready to adapt, and we're ready to do whatever we have to."
The president revealed that of the "15" Americans confirmed to have the virus, eight have "returned to their homes to stay in their homes until fully recovered, one is in the hospital, and five have fully recovered; and one is, uh, we think in pretty good shape, and is in between hospital and going home." Trump later said the person was "pretty sick and hopefully will recover."
So far, there have been 60 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the U.S. in total.
Separately, Trump said the stock market was foundering "because of this," but also in part because the public is worried one of the Democrats running for president might win and impose socialist policies.
Earlier in the day, after two days of the stock market tumbling, Trump blamed the media and Democrats for causing undue alarm and harming American financial markets. On Twitter, he singled out MSNBC and CNN for “doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible." HRYN
If China goes full blown it'll cause huge problems here.
They make way to much of our stuff. Especially prescription drugs and binders etc to manufacture them. Combined with lean inventory and just in time supply practices it might be ugly.
Difference is the standard flu gets a new vaccine every year so all of your numbers could essentially go to zero if everybody was vaccinated. There is nothing for this corona thing, yet. 1 in 50 chance you die, slightly worse than rolling snake eyes.
How many deaths have there been in the US due to corona virus?
There's been more deaths due to typhus (RIP, CD) than the corona virus in the US.
Typhus deaths are due to leftist failed policies so those don't count.
I like to trivialize a new virus for which we have no known treatment or vaccine, unlike the flu, and which is both more contagious and many orders of magnitude more deadly than the flu, because we still see the flu every year. That’s what I like to do.
How many deaths in the US of A due to coronavirus?
How bad would it have to get before you’d say let’s not let it get worse? Public officials who didn’t want people to “freak out” about the Spanish flu caused a lot more harm than doctors who wanted it taken seriously.
If China goes full blown it'll cause huge problems here.
They make way to much of our stuff. Especially prescription drugs and binders etc to manufacture them. Combined with lean inventory and just in time supply practices it might be ugly.
I like to trivialize a new virus for which we have no known treatment or vaccine, unlike the flu, and which is both more contagious and many orders of magnitude more deadly than the flu, because we still see the flu every year. That’s what I like to do.
How many deaths in the US of A due to coronavirus?
How bad would it have to get before you’d say let’s not let it get worse? Public officials who didn’t want people to “freak out” about the Spanish flu caused a lot more harm than doctors who wanted it taken seriously.
Use your numbers not your words.
"How many" indicates the answer is an integer.
I don’t know how many. It’s not over. How many is okay with you?
The fact that opinions over a public health issue are breaking down on political lines is fucking retarded.
Only because leftists are emotion based fags
This gal will always mock the public health response that saves her sorry ass. Because coercion!
You're full of shit and will use any excuse for more government power and control.
This will end up as a big zero.
That’s the objective, dumbshit. Sorry you’ve been disappointed so often by the containment of deadly diseases.
Why aren't you worried about a disease that kills thousands and affects millions? Because you're an emotional stooge and buy into the bullshit you're fed.
I got a flu shot, ma’am. I don’t know if that means I was “worried” or whether it was just common sense. I also support mandatory vaccinations. Cuz fascism!
The fact that opinions over a public health issue are breaking down on political lines is fucking retarded.
Only because leftists are emotion based fags
This gal will always mock the public health response that saves her sorry ass. Because coercion!
You're full of shit and will use any excuse for more government power and control.
This will end up as a big zero.
That’s the objective, dumbshit. Sorry you’ve been disappointed so often by the containment of deadly diseases.
Why aren't you worried about a disease that kills thousands and affects millions? Because you're an emotional stooge and buy into the bullshit you're fed.
I got a flu shot, ma’am. I don’t know if that means I was “worried” or whether it was just common sense. I also support mandatory vaccinations. Cuz fascism!
You're constantly denigrating those you debate with as females. Do you view the female species as weak and or ineffective? What is their flaw you like to exploit?
They make way to much of our stuff. Especially prescription drugs and binders etc to manufacture them. Combined with lean inventory and just in time supply practices it might be ugly.
Economy will take a hit.
Hope it's not too bad.
Muslim errr coronavirus travel ban?
These are federal responsibilities that the left would freak out about
Your list is local
This will end up as a big zero. Like all the other shit we were lied to about and told to panic.
Only 20 million cases and 10,000 deaths to go before this surpasses a virus that's already here that no one gives a shit about.
We have about 60 cases in our country now. As much as you are rooting for this disease be an epidemic here, It’s not anywhere close to that yet.
But keep praying for the worst.
As Americans' fears grow of a possible coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., President Trump was addressing the nation in a Wednesday evening news conference at the White House to discuss how his administration was handling the virus threat -- saying that a vaccine is being developed "rapidly" and "coming along very well."
However, Anthony Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said later at the press conference that a vaccine would not be applicable to the epidemic for a "year to a year-and-a-half," due to delays from testing, development, production, and distribution.
The president also announced he was putting Vice President Mike Pence "in charge" of coronavirus prevention efforts, effective immediately. The White House had reportedly considered naming a virus czar to be the point person on the disease.
"Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low," Trump said. "We're ready to adapt, and we're ready to do whatever we have to."
The president revealed that of the "15" Americans confirmed to have the virus, eight have "returned to their homes to stay in their homes until fully recovered, one is in the hospital, and five have fully recovered; and one is, uh, we think in pretty good shape, and is in between hospital and going home." Trump later said the person was "pretty sick and hopefully will recover."
So far, there have been 60 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the U.S. in total.
Separately, Trump said the stock market was foundering "because of this," but also in part because the public is worried one of the Democrats running for president might win and impose socialist policies.
Earlier in the day, after two days of the stock market tumbling, Trump blamed the media and Democrats for causing undue alarm and harming American financial markets. On Twitter, he singled out MSNBC and CNN for “doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible." HRYN
"How many" indicates the answer is an integer.