Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
“Wants to destroy this country”
An auspicious start to our REAL debate.
She is an admitted socialist. Why don't you tell us how forcing our country into socialism is anything but destroying it.
Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
“Wants to destroy this country”
An auspicious start to our REAL debate.
She definitely wants to destroy the current economic system. You deny this?
It's moral and ethical for Bezos to turn Amazon into a workers Co-op. If he doesn't do it voluntarily AOC would love to do it for him. Because it's moral and ethical.
Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
“Wants to destroy this country”
An auspicious start to our REAL debate.
She is an admitted socialist. Why don't you tell us how forcing our country into socialism is anything but destroying it.
If I tell you that I want to completely restructure our energy, transportation and healthcare systems while raising taxes massively and imposing a wealth tax, allowing for open borders and getting rid of ICE how have I not "destroyed" our country as it currently exists?
Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
“Wants to destroy this country”
An auspicious start to our REAL debate.
She is an admitted socialist. Why don't you tell us how forcing our country into socialism is anything but destroying it.
A freshman congresswomen from the minority party is forcing the country into socialism.
Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
“Wants to destroy this country”
An auspicious start to our REAL debate.
She is an admitted socialist. Why don't you tell us how forcing our country into socialism is anything but destroying it.
A freshman congresswomen from the minority party is forcing the country into socialism.
Why don't you tell us why you're such a fucking Kunt Tommy? If you made her Queen she would force the country into socialism. Yes, she doesn't have the power to do that on her own but she certainly wants to.
Try to pretend that she is an old white guy talking about abortion. Because those guys didn't have the power to get rid of abortion but that didn't stop you from being triggered and making up some bullshit story about them holding a "hearing" to get rid of abortion.
Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
“Wants to destroy this country”
An auspicious start to our REAL debate.
She is an admitted socialist. Why don't you tell us how forcing our country into socialism is anything but destroying it.
A freshman congresswomen from the minority party is forcing the country into socialism.
She would if she could and she is the face and the voice of the party.
Why do you vote for a party that continues to put forth such damaging ideas only to fall back on the law won't pass. That's intellectually lazy
You posted yesterday on the death of @dnc. Now ask yourself why
Can someone, anyone, describe a positive that is spewed by the rat candidates for President? One positive comment about our country, the people in it or the opportunity for all. Half of them are multi millionaires and the other half aren't and are still on that stage running for President yet none of them have any hint of a positive message.
In my lifetime, after researching and ghosting speeches for some politicians, working in DC, working on some campaigns, I have never, ever, seen politicians who actually believe that this country is so evil that they can't be seen saying anything positive about it. There is no pride on that stage, only victim-hood and financial envy. I get it, they are dividing the races, convincing people they are victims, and creating economic envy so that they can polarize and get that sides votes. But the damage the are doing is a lasting one and it seems that they sincerely want to fundamentally change the entire history of this country and what has made it great.
There is nothing more difficult to watch than a minority bar tender, who isn't that bright, lecturing all of us about how there is no opportunity when she is a member of congress. Or watching a rebuttal after the State of the Union by a Governor, who is clearly out of touch, talk about minority children filling in pot holes to help the government of all things. But worst of all, it is those running for President and their clear lack of appreciation for what our country has done and can offer.
Can anyone detail some positives or is this just me?
I agree with much of what you're saying. But out of curiosity, why did you feel the need to say "minority bartender" instead of just saying "bartender"? It seems to imply her rhetoric would be more palatable had she been a white bartender.
Agree with Derek.
She would not have risen to the position she #Occupies within the party if she was a white bartender.
You are absolutely correct. Neither would BO had he not been black. I know hard core Reps who voted only for him because he was black. They wanted to say they voted for the first black President. His racism was ignored, his total lack of experience. Like many predicted of a Chicago rat being President he was also the most corrupt ever.
I can name 20 other minorities and some whitey's that are in congress that are only there because of their skin color. It is actually a good thing for the country. As much as a pain in the ass some idiots are that are in Congress, they have the opportunity to be there representing their constituents. You can't say that anywhere else in the world.
Fair enough. And there a lot of them who are there for other reasons that similarly have little or nothing to do with merit. Rubio and others like him are there because of their ethnic and racial background insofar as that is relevant to their constituency. Rubio would likely not be a senator if he hailed from Spokane. But he doesn't; he's from a place with a lot of Cubans.
Then again, as I write that, I'm reminded that my former law school classmate and friend, Raul Labrador, was a Congressman representing his district in Idaho. I don't think the fact that he's Puerto Rican had shit to do with his election ... Raul is a very conservative Mormon married to a white Mormon woman and meets the criteria for election in Idaho.
In a perverse way, AOC won election to the House on the Trump ticket - the outsider's outsider. She was just supported by a different base with a different agenda.
I suppose all that is to say that the country is working in the way it was intended.
As to BO's lack of experience, he's hardly the first, so it shouldn't be held against him any more than it has against others.
Depends on what things you want. And what problems you recognize. AOC wants bad things and her recognized problems are my opportunities which makes her a bad person and anti-American. Now here is how a real debate occurs. You now talk about her nude green eel and how patriotic that is. Then you talk about about how my free speech and 2A rights are a problem and how wanting to take them away is patriotic. AOC isn't existing in some theoretical background. She is an elected member of Congress and wants to destroy this country.
“Wants to destroy this country”
An auspicious start to our REAL debate.
I've always been on team Tommy Freemont, but I have to agree with the others here. AOC represents a variety of radical that I find dangerous to the American way, which I believe has been defined in large measure by free market principles and philosophy. Private property, capital investment, the fruits thereof and all that.
She represents a school of thought that truly believes we all deserve an equal result, which flies in the face of how we got here. I'll go down swinging on that point. My family knows all too well how things work when someone swoops in and starts pointing the finger at people who have "more than they need." AOC is clearly a socialist, and likely a full blown communist if you got her drunk enough to admit it. One party rule, re-distribute the wealth.
I can't abide by that. The Creep family has been to that movie. We? know how it ends.
Can someone, anyone, describe a positive that is spewed by the rat candidates for President? One positive comment about our country, the people in it or the opportunity for all. Half of them are multi millionaires and the other half aren't and are still on that stage running for President yet none of them have any hint of a positive message.
In my lifetime, after researching and ghosting speeches for some politicians, working in DC, working on some campaigns, I have never, ever, seen politicians who actually believe that this country is so evil that they can't be seen saying anything positive about it. There is no pride on that stage, only victim-hood and financial envy. I get it, they are dividing the races, convincing people they are victims, and creating economic envy so that they can polarize and get that sides votes. But the damage the are doing is a lasting one and it seems that they sincerely want to fundamentally change the entire history of this country and what has made it great.
There is nothing more difficult to watch than a minority bar tender, who isn't that bright, lecturing all of us about how there is no opportunity when she is a member of congress. Or watching a rebuttal after the State of the Union by a Governor, who is clearly out of touch, talk about minority children filling in pot holes to help the government of all things. But worst of all, it is those running for President and their clear lack of appreciation for what our country has done and can offer.
Can anyone detail some positives or is this just me?
I agree with much of what you're saying. But out of curiosity, why did you feel the need to say "minority bartender" instead of just saying "bartender"? It seems to imply her rhetoric would be more palatable had she been a white bartender.
Agree with Derek.
She would not have risen to the position she #Occupies within the party if she was a white bartender.
You are absolutely correct. Neither would BO had he not been black. I know hard core Reps who voted only for him because he was black. They wanted to say they voted for the first black President. His racism was ignored, his total lack of experience. Like many predicted of a Chicago rat being President he was also the most corrupt ever.
I can name 20 other minorities and some whitey's that are in congress that are only there because of their skin color. It is actually a good thing for the country. As much as a pain in the ass some idiots are that are in Congress, they have the opportunity to be there representing their constituents. You can't say that anywhere else in the world.
Fair enough. And there a lot of them who are there for other reasons that similarly have little or nothing to do with merit. Rubio and others like him are there because of their ethnic and racial background insofar as that is relevant to their constituency. Rubio would likely not be a senator if he hailed from Spokane. But he doesn't; he's from a place with a lot of Cubans.
Then again, as I write that, I'm reminded that my former law school classmate and friend, Raul Labrador, was a Congressman representing his district in Idaho. I don't think the fact that he's Puerto Rican had shit to do with his election ... Raul is a very conservative Mormon married to a white Mormon woman and meets the criteria for election in Idaho.
In a perverse way, AOC won election to the House on the Trump ticket - the outsider's outsider. She was just supported by a different base with a different agenda.
I suppose all that is to say that the country is working in the way it was intended.
As to BO's lack of experience, he's hardly the first, so it shouldn't be held against him any more than it has against others.
Obama was the first president who truly hated America and all it stands for
Can someone, anyone, describe a positive that is spewed by the rat candidates for President? One positive comment about our country, the people in it or the opportunity for all. Half of them are multi millionaires and the other half aren't and are still on that stage running for President yet none of them have any hint of a positive message.
In my lifetime, after researching and ghosting speeches for some politicians, working in DC, working on some campaigns, I have never, ever, seen politicians who actually believe that this country is so evil that they can't be seen saying anything positive about it. There is no pride on that stage, only victim-hood and financial envy. I get it, they are dividing the races, convincing people they are victims, and creating economic envy so that they can polarize and get that sides votes. But the damage the are doing is a lasting one and it seems that they sincerely want to fundamentally change the entire history of this country and what has made it great.
There is nothing more difficult to watch than a minority bar tender, who isn't that bright, lecturing all of us about how there is no opportunity when she is a member of congress. Or watching a rebuttal after the State of the Union by a Governor, who is clearly out of touch, talk about minority children filling in pot holes to help the government of all things. But worst of all, it is those running for President and their clear lack of appreciation for what our country has done and can offer.
Can anyone detail some positives or is this just me?
I agree with much of what you're saying. But out of curiosity, why did you feel the need to say "minority bartender" instead of just saying "bartender"? It seems to imply her rhetoric would be more palatable had she been a white bartender.
Agree with Derek.
She would not have risen to the position she #Occupies within the party if she was a white bartender.
You are absolutely correct. Neither would BO had he not been black. I know hard core Reps who voted only for him because he was black. They wanted to say they voted for the first black President. His racism was ignored, his total lack of experience. Like many predicted of a Chicago rat being President he was also the most corrupt ever.
I can name 20 other minorities and some whitey's that are in congress that are only there because of their skin color. It is actually a good thing for the country. As much as a pain in the ass some idiots are that are in Congress, they have the opportunity to be there representing their constituents. You can't say that anywhere else in the world.
Fair enough. And there a lot of them who are there for other reasons that similarly have little or nothing to do with merit. Rubio and others like him are there because of their ethnic and racial background insofar as that is relevant to their constituency. Rubio would likely not be a senator if he hailed from Spokane. But he doesn't; he's from a place with a lot of Cubans.
Then again, as I write that, I'm reminded that my former law school classmate and friend, Raul Labrador, was a Congressman representing his district in Idaho. I don't think the fact that he's Puerto Rican had shit to do with his election ... Raul is a very conservative Mormon married to a white Mormon woman and meets the criteria for election in Idaho.
In a perverse way, AOC won election to the House on the Trump ticket - the outsider's outsider. She was just supported by a different base with a different agenda.
I suppose all that is to say that the country is working in the way it was intended.
As to BO's lack of experience, he's hardly the first, so it shouldn't be held against him any more than it has against others.
Damn, bruh. T&Ps.
SLC/Utah Moes are radical progressives compared to the S. Idaho Mormons.
There's a boatload of hispanics (some who are even here legally) in Ada/Canyon County too - Raul checks many boxes.
Try to pretend that she is an old white guy talking about abortion. Because those guys didn't have the power to get rid of abortion but that didn't stop you from being triggered and making up some bullshit story about them holding a "hearing" to get rid of abortion.
Why do you vote for a party that continues to put forth such damaging ideas only to fall back on the law won't pass. That's intellectually lazy
You posted yesterday on the death of @dnc. Now ask yourself why
Hypothetical BS is the name of the game today I see.
We don’t do that, fellas.
Then again, as I write that, I'm reminded that my former law school classmate and friend, Raul Labrador, was a Congressman representing his district in Idaho. I don't think the fact that he's Puerto Rican had shit to do with his election ... Raul is a very conservative Mormon married to a white Mormon woman and meets the criteria for election in Idaho.
In a perverse way, AOC won election to the House on the Trump ticket - the outsider's outsider. She was just supported by a different base with a different agenda.
I suppose all that is to say that the country is working in the way it was intended.
As to BO's lack of experience, he's hardly the first, so it shouldn't be held against him any more than it has against others.
She represents a school of thought that truly believes we all deserve an equal result, which flies in the face of how we got here. I'll go down swinging on that point. My family knows all too well how things work when someone swoops in and starts pointing the finger at people who have "more than they need." AOC is clearly a socialist, and likely a full blown communist if you got her drunk enough to admit it. One party rule, re-distribute the wealth.
I can't abide by that. The Creep family has been to that movie. We? know how it ends.
Their solutions will do nothing to help.
My solutions will do nothing to help.
SLC/Utah Moes are radical progressives compared to the S. Idaho Mormons.
There's a boatload of hispanics (some who are even here legally) in Ada/Canyon County too - Raul checks many boxes.
Obviously he's embarrassed by the Squad but won't admit they have infected the host @dnc