Cal has a legit secondary. It will be a solid indicator of where the rest of the season is going for Eason. He showed off all the reasons we are excited for him this weekend but this was a scrimmage.
Dooging over ewu is embarrassing. Cal would be a step in a step in the right direction. Get past Oregon undefeated and we can talk about chubby measurements.
Dooging over scrimmage *is* embarrassing, and a few here are doing that. But our offense has BEEN embarrassing for the last 2+ years. Being excited that we might not totally suck at that part of the game, and being happy that the team appeared to actually have fun for once instead of having all life and personality sucked out of them, is *not* dooging.
I wish a few here would learn the fucking difference, and remember you can demand excellence from your favorite team without being a miserable cunt about it.
So you’re dooging over a scrimmage. Same as it ever was.
The kids are working harder then ever.
Dooging over a scrimmage is embarrassing, but this time it’s different.
Dude you were the one to rush here after the scrimmage and question if Eason looked off any receivers.
Either scrimmages mean something or they don't. You obviously thought this one did until you found out you were wrong.
Make Reminds me of when I refused to crown sarks ass and got banned for life from doogman.
Fuck off.
Damoan has went past Boobs territory, through the guard rail and careened to the bottom of the Canyon.
Can’t wait for Eason’s first turnover so Damone can declare himself vindicated.
Vindicated from what? You fucking idiots think I’m saying he sucks? No, I don’t think he sucks. I’m saying we saw uw play a patsy and players looked great doing it. There is a pattern of dooging it up over shit like this. That’s how and why the halfbrains started. I was banned from doogman for mocking the “kick ass presser”. You assholes are forgetting your roots. Maybe I’m the only one here who remembers where we have been and why this place exists. Fuck off. I’ll be the first in line on my knees if he is who I hope he is.
Nobody has ever dooged when the QB and program looked like this.
Because it hasn't looked like this. In thirty fucking years.
You're comparing an apple and a grapefruit.
I'll take the "told ya so" if it comes. By my eyes tell me it ain't coming this time. We got a big dick gun slinger and team around him. You might as well get on board now, man.
Whatever, Eeyore.
You’ve been here for a long time. Surprised your being a doogtard
I have been here a long time. Long enough to know that things look pretty fucking good at this point. Beating the crap out of Eastern is exactly what we should have done. It's also something we've been failing to do over the last 3 miserable fucking decades.
Doog is defending shit football and finding ways to say good things about a shit effort. There was no shit football or shit effort on Saturday. Besides, I don't give a fuck if you piss and moan. Be my guest.
Doog is getting giddy about beating eastern while “looking pretty fucking good”. That’s the definition of doog. See Syracuse 2007 and the 2009 vs #3 usc for reference. But this is different. Glad you don’t give a fuck what I say. But it sounds like you care. Fucking doog. This place is coogfarm west.
You're so much cooler than everyone else is. You should start a couple more threads to let everyone know.
But first, you should go fuck yourself. Shouldn't take long, ya little prick. What a whiny little cunt you are today.
FTR we did "take care of business" against shit competition before.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
We struggles in the first half
Meh, I'm dooging over having a QB that can target more than 1/3rd of the field in it's own right. I'm on that wagon.
I'm just not dooging over how good this WARSHINGTON team is yet. We've already agreed that Cal is going to tell us a lot about that. I've reserved a seat on that wagon but have yet to board.
FTR we did "take care of business" against shit competition before.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
We struggles in the first half
Meh, I'm dooging over having a QB that can target more than 1/3rd of the field in it's own right. I'm on that wagon.
I'm just not dooging over how good this WARSHINGTON team is yet. We've already agreed that Cal is going to tell us a lot about that. I've reserved a seat on that wagon but have yet to board.
Cal fucking sucks. The plunger is coming out on saturday night
FTR we did "take care of business" against shit competition before.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
We struggles in the first half
Meh, I'm dooging over having a QB that can target more than 1/3rd of the field in it's own right. I'm on that wagon.
I'm just not dooging over how good this WARSHINGTON team is yet. We've already agreed that Cal is going to tell us a lot about that. I've reserved a seat on that wagon but have yet to board.
Cal fucking sucks. The plunger is coming out on saturday night
If Cal sucks that bad then we still won't get to see how this team looks against a good defense. IDGAF if we can beat shitty teams(though we've fucked that up before).
I want to see this team have an offense that can put up points against a good and talented defense.
FTR we did "take care of business" against shit competition before.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
We struggles in the first half
Meh, I'm dooging over having a QB that can target more than 1/3rd of the field in it's own right. I'm on that wagon.
I'm just not dooging over how good this WARSHINGTON team is yet. We've already agreed that Cal is going to tell us a lot about that. I've reserved a seat on that wagon but have yet to board.
Cal fucking sucks. The plunger is coming out on saturday night
If Cal sucks that bad then we still won't get to see how this team looks against a good defense. IDGAF if we can beat shitty teams(though we've fucked that up before).
I want to see this team have an offense that can put up points against a good and talented defense.
FTR we did "take care of business" against shit competition before.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
This would be relevant if we were dooging over the win. We're not, we're dooging over Eason. And sure, Haener looked good last year against ND. But he didn't look like Eason did.
I'm not sure I trust the running game or spine of the defense enough to start dooging over this team and predict a CFP appearance quite yet. But I do know that we have a special talent at QB, and I'm sure as fuck going to doog over that.
FTR we did "take care of business" against shit competition before.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
This would be relevant if we were dooging over the win. We're not, we're dooging over Eason. And sure, Haener looked good last year against ND. But he didn't look like Eason did.
I'm not sure I trust the running game or spine of the defense enough to start dooging over this team and predict a CFP appearance quite yet. But I do know that we have a special talent at QB, and I'm sure as fuck going to doog over that.
Haener was lights out. I still think he sucks, but he was making good throws in that scrimmage.
FTR we did "take care of business" against shit competition before.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
This would be relevant if we were dooging over the win. We're not, we're dooging over Eason. And sure, Haener looked good last year against ND. But he didn't look like Eason did.
I'm not sure I trust the running game or spine of the defense enough to start dooging over this team and predict a CFP appearance quite yet. But I do know that we have a special talent at QB, and I'm sure as fuck going to doog over that.
Haener was lights out. I still think he sucks, but he was making good throws in that scrimmage.
Sure, but he simply wasn't making the kind of throws Eason did.
I'm not convinced on the running game. It's really a shame we couldn't have seen Gaskin and Eason paired for 1 season.
Dick Newt looks legit imo
Right now, if you had to choose one back for a drive to score I pick him over Ahmed. You really can't teach vision or feel. It's a have it or not thing.
I'm not convinced on the running game. It's really a shame we couldn't have seen Gaskin and Eason paired for 1 season.
Dick Newt looks legit imo
Right now, if you had to choose one back for a drive to score I pick him over Ahmed. You really can't teach vision or feel. It's a have it or not thing.
You can watch a guy run in a scrimmage and still see he can just run. He stands out compared to the other backs who are at least functional as every down guys at the pac12 level. Same thing goes with Skinny. Grandpa Sankey can see he offers so much more to the offense than Browning. Is it good enough to be effective against a good defense, we dont know for sure yet, but its a fuckload better than what we came from. If Damone wants to be a sandy vag its fine but for right now my barometer is have we improved at the position relative to the last guy and the answer is fuck yes.
Defer your dooging all you want. Eason showed rare arm talent. You can draw parallels to Jake, but he never showed an elite arm. Strong sure, but never elite, and his accuracy was always dogshit. Rare arm talent is just that, it's fucking rare. Sit back and appreciate it while you can.
Lindquist had an elite arm? That's honestly one of the stupidest takes I've seen here.
And like I said, feel free to refrain from dooging. But nobody is dooging because Eason put up gaudy stats. Any limp dick can do that. We're dooging because he made throws that only few college quarterbacks are physically capable of making. LIPO obviously. But nobody who's watched more than a quarter's worth of football would think Haener and Eason displayed similar physical abilities in their respective debuts. Or so I would think, but then I just saw some fucking idiot say Lindquist had elite arm talent. The eye test might just not work for some people.
Fucking exactly.
This whole "we don't want a strong arm QB" shit is like saying you don't want your PW to go 170 and your 7 iron to go 215 or to drive 330. Sure, there's a chance you're a little more accurate at shorter distances. Maybe the floor is a little lower because you sacrifice a little accuracy, but your ceiling is unstoppable if you have that accuracy (see: Prime Tiger Woods, the GOAT).
The difference is Eason does not sacrifice accuracy the way most in that comparison do, and Haener was probably a similar level of accuracy at best. Eason is able to throw the ball 80 yards AND make it accurate. The offense is used to having a QB who is less accurate at 35. Eason's arm adds a whole fucking new dimension to the offense.
It's like when Bill Walsh had to scheme for Virgil Carter, came up with the West Coast offense, kicked ass with Jake Browning at QB, then ended up with Ken Anderson, and realized that a better QB completely transformed everything. The difference from Eason to Browning is HUGE. It transforms the entire team.
170? FM. These days I'm just hoping it goes 125, 165 and 250.
Ahmed is terrific on well designed sweeps where you had a lot of space to run, as good as advertised in that area. He just has a magnet on his body that goes towards tacklers and the he doesn’t have any fight he just falls down.
There's some legitimacy to say LIPO. Haener looked like he could air it out against ND and then we played Cal and well...
Should be chinteresting.
I'm just not dooging over how good this WARSHINGTON team is yet. We've already agreed that Cal is going to tell us a lot about that. I've reserved a seat on that wagon but have yet to board.
I want to see this team have an offense that can put up points against a good and talented defense.
I'm not sure I trust the running game or spine of the defense enough to start dooging over this team and predict a CFP appearance quite yet. But I do know that we have a special talent at QB, and I'm sure as fuck going to doog over that.
Particularly excited about the Wild Dick package.