I really like Yang. The only problem with him is that in this day in age in politics he doesn’t really stand out because he is normal. I hope he can make a run though.
Yang uses his relatively low air time to wisely avoid chiming in on all the other liberal value tests that the mainstream candidates are taking part in. And he actually focus on the economy, stupid.
Talks a strong game in privacy, data collection, etc in other areas. Not so much with lawful exercise of 2A.
Do you take issue with any of the "common sense" measures he's proposing, or is it specifically the tier 3 rules that bother you?
Tier 3 is unspecific, what are "advanced" weapons if not already covered under the NFA? Overall I just think he's full of shit on this privacy stuff, while then also making this area of civil rights exercise subject to federal inspection of personal property.
And this: Be grandfathered in with their current license, and for the 1-year requirement if they decide to apply for a Tier 2 license There are no federal licenses "basic hunting rifles & handguns," nor even the scary semiauto guns, thus no current licenses to honor. This also seems to leave open confiscation of existing, legally owned firearms.
Receive a one-time “Good Gun Owner” tax credit for adhering to the additional requirements implemented by the new system Fuck off, that's just insulting. The vast, vasty majority are, and we! don't need your gold sticker.
Be allowed to register any currently unregistered firearm without facing any penalties. Uh, thanks? Again, this doesn't seem to demonstrate an understanding of how things currently work at the federal level.
I don't think firearms rights and control are a major issue for his campaign, because there doesn't appear to be much understanding of the legal and constitutional realities as they currently exist, e.g., "think a CDL vs. a regular driver’s license."
I get the interest with Yang, particularly from the personality standpoint. Not prone to hysterics, measured, etc. The more I look at what he's proposing, beyond the UBI thing, it's a weird mix of technocratic management with an equal fear of technology.
Yang is the type of policy wonk the left needs. He should be a part of the conversation just to drive some decent ideas into the currently barren landscape of the Dems current platform of "Not Trump". I look forward to him being sacrificed and discarded on the monument to social justice value signalling instead.
Talks a strong game in privacy, data collection, etc in other areas. Not so much with lawful exercise of 2A.
Do you take issue with any of the "common sense" measures he's proposing, or is it specifically the tier 3 rules that bother you?
Tier 3 is unspecific, what are "advanced" weapons if not already covered under the NFA? Overall I just think he's full of shit on this privacy stuff, while then also making this area of civil rights exercise subject to federal inspection of personal property.
And this: Be grandfathered in with their current license, and for the 1-year requirement if they decide to apply for a Tier 2 license There are no federal licenses "basic hunting rifles & handguns," nor even the scary semiauto guns, thus no current licenses to honor. This also seems to leave open confiscation of existing, legally owned firearms.
Receive a one-time “Good Gun Owner” tax credit for adhering to the additional requirements implemented by the new system Fuck off, that's just insulting. The vast, vasty majority are, and we! don't need your gold sticker.
Be allowed to register any currently unregistered firearm without facing any penalties. Uh, thanks? Again, this doesn't seem to demonstrate an understanding of how things currently work at the federal level.
I don't think firearms rights and control are a major issue for his campaign, because there doesn't appear to be much understanding of the legal and constitutional realities as they currently exist, e.g., "think a CDL vs. a regular driver’s license."
I get the interest with Yang, particularly from the personality standpoint. Not prone to hysterics, measured, etc. The more I look at what he's proposing, beyond the UBI thing, it's a weird mix of technocratic management with an equal fear of technology.
Talks a strong game in privacy, data collection, etc in other areas. Not so much with lawful exercise of 2A.
Do you take issue with any of the "common sense" measures he's proposing, or is it specifically the tier 3 rules that bother you?
Tier 3 is unspecific, what are "advanced" weapons if not already covered under the NFA? Overall I just think he's full of shit on this privacy stuff, while then also making this area of civil rights exercise subject to federal inspection of personal property.
And this: Be grandfathered in with their current license, and for the 1-year requirement if they decide to apply for a Tier 2 license There are no federal licenses "basic hunting rifles & handguns," nor even the scary semiauto guns, thus no current licenses to honor. This also seems to leave open confiscation of existing, legally owned firearms.
Receive a one-time “Good Gun Owner” tax credit for adhering to the additional requirements implemented by the new system Fuck off, that's just insulting. The vast, vasty majority are, and we! don't need your gold sticker.
Be allowed to register any currently unregistered firearm without facing any penalties. Uh, thanks? Again, this doesn't seem to demonstrate an understanding of how things currently work at the federal level.
I don't think firearms rights and control are a major issue for his campaign, because there doesn't appear to be much understanding of the legal and constitutional realities as they currently exist, e.g., "think a CDL vs. a regular driver’s license."
I get the interest with Yang, particularly from the personality standpoint. Not prone to hysterics, measured, etc. The more I look at what he's proposing, beyond the UBI thing, it's a weird mix of technocratic management with an equal fear of technology.
Talks a strong game in privacy, data collection, etc in other areas. Not so much with lawful exercise of 2A.
Do you take issue with any of the "common sense" measures he's proposing, or is it specifically the tier 3 rules that bother you?
Tier 3 is unspecific, what are "advanced" weapons if not already covered under the NFA? Overall I just think he's full of shit on this privacy stuff, while then also making this area of civil rights exercise subject to federal inspection of personal property.
And this: Be grandfathered in with their current license, and for the 1-year requirement if they decide to apply for a Tier 2 license There are no federal licenses "basic hunting rifles & handguns," nor even the scary semiauto guns, thus no current licenses to honor. This also seems to leave open confiscation of existing, legally owned firearms.
Receive a one-time “Good Gun Owner” tax credit for adhering to the additional requirements implemented by the new system Fuck off, that's just insulting. The vast, vasty majority are, and we! don't need your gold sticker.
Be allowed to register any currently unregistered firearm without facing any penalties. Uh, thanks? Again, this doesn't seem to demonstrate an understanding of how things currently work at the federal level.
I don't think firearms rights and control are a major issue for his campaign, because there doesn't appear to be much understanding of the legal and constitutional realities as they currently exist, e.g., "think a CDL vs. a regular driver’s license."
I get the interest with Yang, particularly from the personality standpoint. Not prone to hysterics, measured, etc. The more I look at what he's proposing, beyond the UBI thing, it's a weird mix of technocratic management with an equal fear of technology.
Obama talked TUFF on guns to and literally did nothing. Gun control is not gonna happen. The amount of political capital it would take to fight that fight would be insane. And potentially end in total failure. 2A has bipartisan support.
Besides, his main issue is the economy. I doubt gun legislation is even in his top 25 policy wish list.
Talks a strong game in privacy, data collection, etc in other areas. Not so much with lawful exercise of 2A.
2A shouldn't be the primary issue to vote on. No one's coming for your guns and you can't find me 38 state legislatures ready to amend the Constitution. American's love their guns and they are here to stay.
Obama talked TUFF on guns to and literally did nothing. Gun control is not gonna happen. The amount of political capital it would take to fight that fight would be insane. And potentially end in total failure. 2A has bipartisan support.
Besides, his main issue is the economy. I doubt gun legislation is even in his top 25 policy wish list.
So what you're saying is, Yang's policy statements aren't to be trusted at face value.
Pretty sure this week's milk carton debates will be filled with Baltimore isn't a shit hole and defending the Squad which is just how Trump wants it
Talks a strong game in privacy, data collection, etc in other areas. Not so much with lawful exercise of 2A.
And this:
Be grandfathered in with their current license, and for the 1-year requirement if they decide to apply for a Tier 2 license
There are no federal licenses "basic hunting rifles & handguns," nor even the scary semiauto guns, thus no current licenses to honor. This also seems to leave open confiscation of existing, legally owned firearms.
Receive a one-time “Good Gun Owner” tax credit for adhering to the additional requirements implemented by the new system
Fuck off, that's just insulting. The vast, vasty majority are, and we! don't need your gold sticker.
Be allowed to register any currently unregistered firearm without facing any penalties.
Uh, thanks? Again, this doesn't seem to demonstrate an understanding of how things currently work at the federal level.
I don't think firearms rights and control are a major issue for his campaign, because there doesn't appear to be much understanding of the legal and constitutional realities as they currently exist, e.g., "think a CDL vs. a regular driver’s license."
I get the interest with Yang, particularly from the personality standpoint. Not prone to hysterics, measured, etc. The more I look at what he's proposing, beyond the UBI thing, it's a weird mix of technocratic management with an equal fear of technology.
Oh and this:
More state media, lovely.
He does have ideas - some good some not so much but it is a welcome change from the deranged idiots we have here
Besides, his main issue is the economy. I doubt gun legislation is even in his top 25 policy wish list.