I'm a child of divorce so I have anger and abandonment issues that cause me to lash out at any perceived disloyalty. When
@HeretoBeatmyChest did his swan song I took it as a sign of disrespect

And I reacted accordingly

It got ugly for awhile but eventually things settled down and we all went about our business,
Now The TSIO crew has asked for a sit down and a territory of their own.

This was tough news to take

My initial thought was to lash out in anger and violence

I suspected foul play but then I thought about who we were dealing with here

So I decided to sit down and listen to the offer coming my way and then respond with one of my own

I told Derek that whoever approached him first about the meet was the traitor and would have to be dealt with

But enough with the bloodshed. The world wide web has room for both of us. I give you my permission to operate in our territory. But I won't give you my judges or congressmen. They won't go for this teen boy stuff. They just won't. Lets end this before more people lose their sons

Just one last warning to
@Dennis_DeYoung and
@CokeGreaterThanPepsi . Don't go against the family

Good luck the rest of the way
Butt, why would you donating to Poopsi's site and joining his caravan please me?
These places can coexist comfortably with totally different end goals. This will forever be the shit throwing romper room where you can talk shit on the AD and tell @beelzebub to kill himself. The new place will be a little more suit and tie. I'll probably play on both. Nobody has to pick one or the other. We're all still friends here. Or frenemies. Or whatever we are.
Of course I plan to be both an us and a them, that way I can eventually pick the side that's winning.
Now, if we never see these guys again and they bad mouth HH, I will kill them myself. But I don;t see that happening.
Anyway, I am going to check out their new place, but I will NEVER abandon HH. If I couldn't tell people to kill themselves and talk about napalming Husky Stadium and getting crabs from a male hooker in Cambodia then life isn't worth living. You can do both. There is actually the ability to bookmark more than one internet website on pretty much every browser, for those that didn't know.
I'm done here.
What HH is cannot be replicated anywhere else, because all the funny fucking hardcore posters who demand a place to say FUCK are here already.
So again, hang out at both places. Or don't. I will. If Coker takes EBT cards.
But to think it wouldn't diminish this board is naive and borderline racist.
Now tell us more about this bookmark thing. How do I get a bookmark into the internet? A scanner or something? Can I use one of my old SI swimsuit clippings of Kathy Ireland as my bookmark?
Now you want to monetize the information you showed us how to get for free. Maybe drill down and do a deep dive on what you can offer and circle back to a consensus on a smart way to get money from dumb people.
The witty repartee, inside info (even if you have to make it up) and ratings do have value beyond the trip was great and I really like the coaches and could see myself fucking coeds there.
My post was a way of giving well wishes to the endeavor