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"Punching Up" in California and New Mexico



  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    I was just in Nogales a few hundred feet from the wall. It sucks. Trump needs to hurry up. Nothing is going to stop everyone. Saying a good wall won't deter anyone is dumb though.

    The wall is part of it. NAFTA also needs to go or be renegotiated (hi Cirrhosis). Employers who knowingly hire illegals need to pay. That's everyone from Walmart to construction to Wendy's to the upper middle class professionals who hire Jorge to clean the pool or do roofing for less than companies would charge. People like Obama, the Clintons, and Sanders used to ascribe to this. They knew it hurt American labor. Then over the past 5-10 years, it became suddenly racist and to offensive to Latinxxxs to just state the fucking obvious.

    I’m sorry you and your fellow troomps (including the ones that voted for obama or Clinton) can’t compete against third world labor.

    I am also sorry to tell you that there won’t be a wall. And while there is demand, the flow of labor from south of the border will continue unabated. It could be managed, controlled and directed but that doesn’t fit your scapegoating trumpian ways.

    Good luck the rest of the way!
    You know a great way to direct it?

    Make sure they have to go around.
    I'm hearing that when Hungary and other Eastern European nations built a border fence to keep out the Muslim invaders, it didn't work. Wait nevermind, it did...
  • Fire_Marshall_BillFire_Marshall_Bill Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 23,519 Founders Club
    edited August 2018

    I was just in Nogales a few hundred feet from the wall. It sucks. Trump needs to hurry up. Nothing is going to stop everyone. Saying a good wall won't deter anyone is dumb though.

    The wall is part of it. NAFTA also needs to go or be renegotiated (hi Cirrhosis). Employers who knowingly hire illegals need to pay. That's everyone from Walmart to construction to Wendy's to the upper middle class professionals who hire Jorge to clean the pool or do roofing for less than companies would charge. People like Obama, the Clintons, and Sanders used to ascribe to this. They knew it hurt American labor. Then over the past 5-10 years, it became suddenly racist and to offensive to Latinxxxs to just state the fucking obvious.

    I’m sorry you and your fellow troomps (including the ones that voted for obama or Clinton) can’t compete against third world labor.

    I am also sorry to tell you that there won’t be a wall. And while there is demand, the flow of labor from south of the border will continue unabated. It could be managed, controlled and directed but that doesn’t fit your scapegoating trumpian ways.

    Good luck the rest of the way!
    I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not some fat, white trash meth head. Unlike globslists like you, I put my country first.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852

    I was just in Nogales a few hundred feet from the wall. It sucks. Trump needs to hurry up. Nothing is going to stop everyone. Saying a good wall won't deter anyone is dumb though.

    The wall is part of it. NAFTA also needs to go or be renegotiated (hi Cirrhosis). Employers who knowingly hire illegals need to pay. That's everyone from Walmart to construction to Wendy's to the upper middle class professionals who hire Jorge to clean the pool or do roofing for less than companies would charge. People like Obama, the Clintons, and Sanders used to ascribe to this. They knew it hurt American labor. Then over the past 5-10 years, it became suddenly racist and to offensive to Latinxxxs to just state the fucking obvious.

    I’m sorry you and your fellow troomps (including the ones that voted for obama or Clinton) can’t compete against third world labor.

    I am also sorry to tell you that there won’t be a wall. And while there is demand, the flow of labor from south of the border will continue unabated. It could be managed, controlled and directed but that doesn’t fit your scapegoating trumpian ways.

    Good luck the rest of the way!
    I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not some fat, white trash meth head. Unlike globslists like you, I put my country first.

    Prove it bitch prove it!
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    So it makes it more difficult huh


    Look be against it all you want for a myriad of reasons. But to say it doesn't make it more difficult is retarded.

    You could make a million arguments that for a similar or lower cost there are better solutions.
    But to act like it makes zero impact is absurd.
    I’m glad you’ve moved the goalposts from it will stop 40% to it will make it “more” difficult. Nobody thinks scaling a wall is less difficult than hopping a fence. But it’s not gonna stop them. It’s a wall, not the Korean DMZ.
    I said the 40% (an arbitrary number I picked) of the overall might be actual border hoppers.

    Any percentage of those that are deterred or routed through much more easily defendable routes is worth it.

    But lets be real. If even 1 person is deterred its worth it to see you cry.
    Now it’s any percentage. The AuburnDoog is strong with you.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852
    edited August 2018

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    So it makes it more difficult huh


    Look be against it all you want for a myriad of reasons. But to say it doesn't make it more difficult is retarded.

    You could make a million arguments that for a similar or lower cost there are better solutions.
    But to act like it makes zero impact is absurd.
    I’m glad you’ve moved the goalposts from it will stop 40% to it will make it “more” difficult. Nobody thinks scaling a wall is less difficult than hopping a fence. But it’s not gonna stop them. It’s a wall, not the Korean DMZ.
    I said the 40% (an arbitrary number I picked) of the overall might be actual border hoppers.

    Any percentage of those that are deterred or routed through much more easily defendable routes is worth it.

    But lets be real. If even 1 person is deterred its worth it to see you cry.
    Now it’s any percentage. The AuburnDoog is strong with you.
    Holy fuck. Go jump off something

    Nothing lamer than being a twister
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    Tommy is a necessary evil. We need cucks like him to get insight into how the mush brained far left thinks and operates. TYFYS.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    Tommy is a necessary evil. We need cucks like him to get insight into how the mush brained far left thinks and operates. TYFYS.

    The next time you get an insight will be your first.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,873 Standard Supporter
    edited August 2018

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,873 Standard Supporter
    edited August 2018

    I was just in Nogales a few hundred feet from the wall. It sucks. Trump needs to hurry up. Nothing is going to stop everyone. Saying a good wall won't deter anyone is dumb though.

    The wall is part of it. NAFTA also needs to go or be renegotiated (hi Cirrhosis). Employers who knowingly hire illegals need to pay. That's everyone from Walmart to construction to Wendy's to the upper middle class professionals who hire Jorge to clean the pool or do roofing for less than companies would charge. People like Obama, the Clintons, and Sanders used to ascribe to this. They knew it hurt American labor. Then over the past 5-10 years, it became suddenly racist and to offensive to Latinxxxs to just state the fucking obvious.

    I’m sorry you and your fellow troomps (including the ones that voted for obama or Clinton) can’t compete against third world labor.

    I am also sorry to tell you that there won’t be a wall. And while there is demand, the flow of labor from south of the border will continue unabated. It could be managed, controlled and directed but that doesn’t fit your scapegoating trumpian ways.

    Good luck the rest of the way!
    I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not some fat, white trash meth head. Unlike globslists like you, I put my country first.
    Globalism exists in direct opposition to sovereignty. Remember that thing we want all people to have, and what Woodrow Wilson's initial League of Nations was all about? "Self-Determination."

    Fuck all the Commie Globalists who don't get it, at all. The more you talk the more ignorant you sound.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,527 Standard Supporter

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.

    You bet your ass you do!

  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.

    You bet your ass you do!

    Michelle Kwan 4 life!
  • dncdnc Member Posts: 56,614

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.

    You bet your ass you do!

    Michelle Kwan 4 life!
    Kristi Yamaguchi >>>>>>>>>>> Michelle Kwan
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325
    dnc said:

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.

    You bet your ass you do!

    Michelle Kwan 4 life!
    Kristi Yamaguchi >>>>>>>>>>> Michelle Kwan
    @Meek TRUE???
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,485 Standard Supporter

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.
    Communists are far more concerned with emigration then immigration. HTH.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852

    Meh, plain and simple, the wall isn't a cost effective management of immigration. Will it deter some people? Sure, it'll just cost billions to build and then maintain. Just one more government boondoggle. Creating better, simpler, and more enforceable immigration laws (and then actually enforcing them) would be more cost efficient and effective.

    Well right there is your problem. Enforcing the law is racist.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.

    Do you think more people would have crossed if there was no wall, or the exact same amount?

    Think hard. It's a really difficult question.
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,087 Standard Supporter

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.
    Not very many got through. HTH
  • dfleadflea Member Posts: 7,228

    2001400ex said:

    "Most come in legally" might be the dumbest of all the lefts arguments.

    Okay if 60 percent come in and overstay their visas, but we stop majority of the other 40 percent.....

    Then that makes a huge fucking difference!!

    "Most come in legally! What's the point of even trying to stop anyone at all!"

    If you think building a wall will stop the other 40%, you are FS. You clearly have never been down by the border.
    It makes it far far more difficult. Therefore allowing us to focus on the narrower scope of ways they can actually get in

    Honestly if this weren't a bizarre political thing no one would disagree with it.

    It's fucking absurd the lengths the left are going to with this.

    I can't believe I even have to explain it.

    Tunnels, ladders, ropes, boats, airplanes, explosives...these are just a few easy ways to deal with a wall. Throwing a shit ton of money at the wall to have it maybe stop less than 40% (and that’s a very generous estimate) is FS. They will just come another way.
    okay so a bunch of poor miserable people traipsing through the desert carrying ladders and ropes and explosives.

    Do you not see that the degree of difficulty is about a million times more?

    And if they start blowing shit up it wont be hard to find and stop them.

    Many will not attempt it. The ones that do now only have limited routes which can be monitored much more easily.

    You can't be this fucking dense.

    Just come out and say it. It's mean and a symbol of racism and you'll lose points with your friends if you admit that it will do somehting.
    No. It’s outdated and ineffective. You think some immigrant family is gonna risk everything, but then give up simply because there is a bigger wall?

    No. I think they are going to not go in the first place or go through a much more difficult, expensive, and less likely to be successful route.

    They sure as fuck aren't gonna climb over it or blow it up.
    I’m glad we agree that the wall does nothing to address the underlying issues.
    Holy fuck.

    Many would not attempt at all because of the difficulty/cost and then many others would not make it because of the difficulty.

    The whole point of a wall is you cant just stroll through it!

    Not to mention all these poor miserable fuckers in South/Central America that only hear about stuff second hand and get duped by the coyotes would definitely hear about a big ass wall and the extra difficulty.

    So not only is it effective in general, it is a major deterrent too.
    Now you care about the coyotes preying on the innocent?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    not at all. dont give a fuck about the people

    I'm saying that most of what they hear comes from shady people who are trying to get their money and probably tell them how easy it is and how great it'll be.

    So when they hear from legit sources that the US said fuck you latin american cunts it'll be a deterrent.
    No it won’t. And you’re dumb if you think it will.
    So if something is really difficult, and expensive, and they hear from credible sources that their chances of succeeding are much won't deter anyone?

    You have to be kidding
    Your assumption that a wall makes their chances of success “much lower” is the root problem here. It won’t. It will change their approach. Nothing more. It’s an illusion and a waste of you think a wall solves anything
    Yes. They will change their approach because the ways are more limited.

    You know whats easier to monitor? Fewer routes.
    The wall eliminates nothing. You just have to go over or under it. It’s not a magical barrier. Yeah they won’t be able to just stroll across, but so what. They will climb over or tunnel under like they already do. What resource does the wall free up for patrolling those other ways? None. It drains resources. I hope this helps but I know it won’t.
    Berlin from 1962 to 1990 says "Hi."
    Are we putting armed guards with shoot to kill orders everywhere? No. And people still got through.

    But hey, any time you can take a page out of the East German/USSR playbook, you gotta do it.

    Do you think more people would have crossed if there was no wall, or the exact same amount?

    Think hard. It's a really difficult question.
    Fewer. Now do the cost/benefit analysis like anyone should do before taking action.

    Doesn't have quite the same shine after that IMO.

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