GOP comes out of the gate swinging with the number 1 President of all time, and it is undisputed...Honest Abe Lincoln. They back this strong play up with Teddy Roosevelt (4), best known for charging hills, killing mother fuckers who wanted to fuck with us, and carrying a big ass stick. Eisenhower (8) checks in bigly, by winning the war in Europe, and The Gipper (16 but is coming on strong the further we get away from his time in office)! GOP is really cooking with steam at the top.
When Republicans go bad though, they go fucking terrible: Harding (42), Grant (36), Hoover (34) and Nixon (33) - a murderers row of imbeciles and crooks.
DNC throws their heavyweights in first, FDR, widely regarded as the number 2 man of all time, behind Abe. They follow that up with a guy who rates well historically, Harry Truman (6), but is best known for barbequeing a couple hundred thousand Japs with nukes. Next is Woodrow Wilson (07), whose signature accomplishment is giving us the precursor to the UN, the most ineffectual organization in the history of mankind, besides the UW Football AD circa 1994-2012. Andrew Jackson (9) rates favorably, but was actually a huge piece of shit who murdered thousands of Indians. The DNC rounds out the top 10 with JFK, who was a much better fucker of women who were not his wife, than a President, but I respect anyone who banged out Norma Jean.
DNC counters Nixon with Bill Clinton (18), who rates much higher than Nixon but only because society values corruption now. They also feature their own murders row of total losers: Buchanon (43), Pierce (40) and Andrew Johnson (41).
All in all a pretty even list. Piles of low rent losers on both sides, but at the top the DNC features 5 of the top 10, and the GOP only has 3. That said, Lincoln is in a class by himself, and really all the DNC top dogs except FDR are most know for doing horrific shit or fucking hot movie stars.
Edge: GOP.
Yes, Wikipedia was my source. Suck it bitches.
Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama
Nixon, Ford (shouldn't count) Reagan, Bush, Bush. Trump broke the tie
the years were even going into the last election too
I don't even know who you are anymore.
GOP has Nixon (33), Ford (something low and terrible), Reagan (16), and both Bushes who are low rated. Trump is currently 44, dead last, but they always say you can't view a Presidency in their own time.
Bigly point: DNC will "rate" much higher in the aggregate, but then again, academic elites and such are doing the ratings. So, what do you expect? I'll just use NRA politician rankings from here on out.
Think it's fake news though since political scientists, historians, and other leftist academic types do the rankings. Still interesting. I always love these lists because then I remember nobody even know who half the Presidents were or what they did.
Otherwise, I don't hate it.
1) Lincoln
2) Worshtington
3) Teddy
4) FDR
5) Jefferson
6) Adams
7) Jackson
8) Reagan
9) Truman
10) LBJ