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Nearly 50% of Millennials Reject Capitalism



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    PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,358
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    Mosster47 said:

    There is no more competition. Amazon, Google, eBay, and Netflix won. Seriously, what business are you going to start that some titan doesn't already have a complete monopoly on

    The people that started those businesses weren't fucking stupid enough to think everything had been invented


    Right, because the fucking internet is going to be invented again.

    How many new major car and oil companies have popped up in the last 50 years that have put a dent in the big boy's wallets?

    Ford, Chevy, Chrysler.

    Exxon, Shell, BP.

    Anymore sound Boomer logic?
    Tesla is chuckling.

    And the oil industry doesn't work like that. There are countless junior E&P companies that eventually get gobbled up by the big boys - or the big boys come in and lease up all the acreage surrounding productive fields. Any kid with a dream and the ability to hustle could start up an oil company, either buy some stripper wells or take a flyer and drill some shallow wells and be on their way. In the process, they may lose their shirt - but it happens all the time.

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    creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,753
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    There is no more competition. Amazon, Google, eBay, and Netflix won. Seriously, what business are you going to start that some titan doesn't already have a complete monopoly on

    The people that started those businesses weren't fucking stupid enough to think everything had been invented


    DEREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're quote thingy is broken again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,753
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    salemcoog said:

    salemcoog said:

    No other Economic system has pulled people out of poverty.


    The broken clock tells the right time. Nice job dipshit. Your next opportunity comes in exactly 12 hours. Be ready.
    You haven't read many books by Carnegie, have ya?
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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    WilburHooksHandsWilburHooksHands Member Posts: 6,742
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    salemcoog said:

    No other Economic system has pulled people out of poverty.


    Yes our current iteration of capitalism is excellent at this. The middle class is thriving.
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    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,630
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    Mosster47 said:

    Millennials know:

    20 years of pointless war that was costing over $1B a day at it's peak.

    The housing bubble where rich people robbed the American public and the government paid them back 100 cents on the dollar for any short term loss.

    Crippling student loan debt to get a job that previous generations never needed a formal education to do, yet still did the job equally well.

    There is no more competition. Amazon, Google, eBay, and Netflix won. Seriously, what business are you going to start that some titan doesn't already have a complete monopoly on? A good capitalistic environment is supposed to motivate people to create a job instead of finding one, which went away 40 years ago.

    We are generally viewed negatively by most of the established world.

    We completely destroyed an entire continent in their lifetime and stirred up a hornets nest that brings terror to everyone's door step.

    We can't spare $4M for Meals on Wheels but we need $65B more annually for defense. You know, cause the......fuck we're out of enemies.

    The quality of life between working your ass off and not working at all is pretty similar.

    Trying to save money with a meager salary to enjoy life when it's already over instead of using it while you can enjoy it is fucking stupid. All you are doing it making someone else rich.

    If you work really hard you can be rich one day! 99.9% false.

    I can keep going. Millennials are a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. They're the best bullshit detectors this nation has ever produced.

    Most things on your list were previously satisfied by having common sense, a strong work ethic and life experience. All traits millennials have little of and try to replace it with shitty education in stupid fields.
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    WilburHooksHandsWilburHooksHands Member Posts: 6,742
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    Sledog said:

    Mosster47 said:

    Millennials know:

    20 years of pointless war that was costing over $1B a day at it's peak.

    The housing bubble where rich people robbed the American public and the government paid them back 100 cents on the dollar for any short term loss.

    Crippling student loan debt to get a job that previous generations never needed a formal education to do, yet still did the job equally well.

    There is no more competition. Amazon, Google, eBay, and Netflix won. Seriously, what business are you going to start that some titan doesn't already have a complete monopoly on? A good capitalistic environment is supposed to motivate people to create a job instead of finding one, which went away 40 years ago.

    We are generally viewed negatively by most of the established world.

    We completely destroyed an entire continent in their lifetime and stirred up a hornets nest that brings terror to everyone's door step.

    We can't spare $4M for Meals on Wheels but we need $65B more annually for defense. You know, cause the......fuck we're out of enemies.

    The quality of life between working your ass off and not working at all is pretty similar.

    Trying to save money with a meager salary to enjoy life when it's already over instead of using it while you can enjoy it is fucking stupid. All you are doing it making someone else rich.

    If you work really hard you can be rich one day! 99.9% false.

    I can keep going. Millennials are a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. They're the best bullshit detectors this nation has ever produced.

    Most things on your list were previously satisfied by having common sense, a strong work ethic and life experience. All traits millennials have little of and try to replace it with shitty education in stupid fields.
    Previously. You said it yourself. Things change.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,563
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    Swaye's Wigwam
    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.
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    WilburHooksHandsWilburHooksHands Member Posts: 6,742
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes
    edited January 2018

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
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    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    You and your partner can buy one together. I'm sure he'll help you clean the house.
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    WilburHooksHandsWilburHooksHands Member Posts: 6,742
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes
    2001400ex said:

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    You and your partner can buy one together. I'm sure he'll help you clean the house.
    My point was that we can't dream about it even with our combined salaries.
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    KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,757
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    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    Sounds like Norman Rockwell's America has foresaken you.

    But even more it sounds as if you don't like to save Money and probably have too high of a car payment.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,563
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    Swaye's Wigwam

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    You can buy a McMansion in Houston for 400K

    Even in Cali you can get a nice house at your income levels.

    When we bought our house the interest rate was double digits

    What has changed is the banking laws after the crash. 20% down as a hard number is hard to come up with unless you bank most of your income for a year or two
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    Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,711
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    The key is get a high salary somewhere then take a promotion somewhere cheaper.

    Then your actual spending and saving money doubles or triples
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,563
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes
    Swaye's Wigwam

    2001400ex said:

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    You and your partner can buy one together. I'm sure he'll help you clean the house.
    My point was that we can't dream about it even with our combined salaries.
    If both of you make 6 figures send me a plane ticket and I'll have you in a house
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    PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,358
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    That's a supply/demand and zoning issue, not an inherent problem with capitalism.

    You see, you have the liberty to CHOOSE to live in a place where you can rake two six figure salaries. You also have the liberty to LEAVE and live somewhere else -but, it seems you like your dual six figure incomes.

    Plenty of four bedroom houses for sale in the mid 200's in Spokane, Moses Lake, Lewiston, ID, Tri-Cities, along with dozens of others.

    But you don't want to live there because....those places are considered.....wait for it.....


    And, honestly, you'd be fairly surprised at the number of millenials flocking to those kind of places simply because the American Dream of owning their own home is still achievable. And that, in turn, will cause the shitholes to no longer be shitholes.

    Whereas, Venezuela is still a shithole.

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    oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
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    2001400ex said:

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    You and your partner can buy one together. I'm sure he'll help you clean the house.
    My point was that we can't dream about it even with our combined salaries.
    Learn how to trade the stawk market you idiot! HAHAHAHAAHAHA
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    dfleadflea Member Posts: 7,221
    First Anniversary 5 Awesomes First Comment 5 Up Votes
    edited January 2018

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    I commute over 40 miles one direction daily because I like a small town atmosphere but a bigger town's paycheck.

    It looked impossible to buy a house when I was younger too, but it wasn't. It just wasn't easy. It never has been. The 50 cent beer was bought with a 3 dollar hourly wage.

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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
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    dflea said:

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    I commute over 40 miles one direction daily because I like a small town atmosphere but a bigger town's paycheck.

    It looked impossible to buy a house when I was younger too, but it wasn't. It just wasn't easy. It never has been. The 50 cent beer was bought with a 3 dollar hourly wage.

    That's where Spokane rocks. Sure there aren't as many $100k tech jobs. But if you are worth half a shit, $100k is easy to find and homes are cheap. Of course I bought in August of 09 so there's that.
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    oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    First Anniversary 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes First Comment
    dflea said:

    I don't agree with @Sledog . The millennials I have worked with lived n the film room and are more than willing to do what it takes to win. Nothing has changed

    I graduated high school in 1974 as America was descending in to hell. Guess what? Hard work still worked. Always has, always will

    its idiots like mooster running around saying all is lost that need to get a fucking clue

    Best thing I ever did was walking away from a career and starting over and working with millennials. We both benefited from it

    That's why I defend them here.

    I have a 6 figure salary and work in arguably the highest demand industry (tech). My partner (who has a higher 6 figure salary than me) and I can't even dream about buying a home within 30 miles of our workplace. Granted, I don't consider myself a millennial (I'm 36), but if we can't buy a house, things have just changed.
    I commute over 40 miles one direction daily because I like a small town atmosphere but a bigger town's paycheck.

    It looked impossible to buy a house when I was younger too, but it wasn't. It just wasn't easy. It never has been. The 50 cent beer was bought with a 3 dollar hourly wage.

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    Mosster47Mosster47 Member Posts: 6,246
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    BearsWiin said:

    Mosster47 said:

    There is no more competition. Amazon, Google, eBay, and Netflix won. Seriously, what business are you going to start that some titan doesn't already have a complete monopoly on

    The people that started those businesses weren't fucking stupid enough to think everything had been invented


    Right, because the fucking internet is going to be invented again.

    How many new major car and oil companies have popped up in the last 50 years that have put a dent in the big boy's wallets?

    Ford, Chevy, Chrysler.

    Exxon, Shell, BP.

    Anymore sound Boomer logic?
    I think the poont is that new industries will be created, not that new companies will challenge established industry leaders. Weed, renewable energy, and hoverboards are still up for grabs.
    Weed has already been monopolized by everyone knowing how to grow it. The government fucked up that cash grab.

    Renewable energy is a joke. My holdings in WNDW hit two weeks ago. Thanks for the 212%, but it's a joke. Our president is balls deep in cole.

    Hoverboards that catch on fire after three hours?

    The internet is already monopolized and the FCC just locked them in.

    Millennials will be the generation that brings it all down by waiting for Baby Boomers to die and swooping their retirement dream homes for pennies on the dollar, shopping at thrift stores and outlets, and buying used cars and driving them until they die. The generation after them are even cheaper.
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